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Posts posted by ignis

  1. Had a problem like this a while ago


    PC battery maybe the problem = the clock is running slow or stops intermittently =  Invalid token as you try signing out before you sign in or so it thinks.....  ??   [did have a problem of the year suddenly changing]


    After I replaced my battery never had the problem again............ 

  2. 19 hours ago, BigStar said:

    No, there are AM3+ boards there for as little as B1056. Read the reviews and vendor rep, same as with Lazada.


    It's disingenuous to ignore all the other expenses involved in changing over to a new socket.


    I love putting together a new computer myself w/ the latest stuff. I keep looking for an excuse to spend the money. I walk into JIB and drool sometimes. Problem is, I just don't need it. Friend of mine ran Windows 95 on a Compaq for 15 years until his death, replaced a part or two. Made me crazy (you can imagine if he'd posted here), but I can see how he stayed a millionaire.

    Notice Banana It are doing some very good priced M/B    www.bnn.in.th/

     B550 + the B450 and the A520  -- 1,500 - 1.800 baht Brand New with 3 year warranty


    Have in the last couple of years replaced the case now have Full Tower AZZA with 10 case fans

    THERMALTAKE 750W GOLD  PSU,  New SSD  only have the OS on it, + replaced 2 of my 2 TB HDDs... New Graphics Card


    Some laptops just run and run.. My Sony AMD Laptop gave up after 18 years, my partners Acer XP Laptop has come to end of life = painfully slow and has a mind of its own, is 15 years old....  now uses a Tablet...



  3. 19 hours ago, BigStar said:

    You can get a new (used) AM3+ motherboard from Aliexpress cheaply.  My spare computer runs an FX-8350; good 'nuff, so if the old Gigabyte M/B died, I'd just replace it.

    Appears you pay 2 - 3.000 baht for a ? {Good} used Gigabyte mainboard with a week warranty ......  the board is 10 years old would this be better than the board I already have ?  never feel it is a good idea to buy used computer parts...


    A Brand New AM4 GIGABYTE B550M = 3,390 baht with 3 year warranty.......    even a Brand New GIGABYTE A520 is 2,440 baht with 3 year warranty. both for JIB or Advice....  pay as much for a 10 year old used mainboard ??

  4. 17 hours ago, MJCM said:

    Had the same, took the ram out cleaned with a "eraser" and no more problems




    Yes done that, one of the sticks was a little hotter than the others, but cleaned them all anyway.

  5. 1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

    An obvious question here, is the mouse/keyboard wireless ? Also, when it freezes, what other devices are plugged into USB ports ?


    Who are you asking ?

    Me at present Keyboard wireless and mouse USB....  [same as when using the USB Keyboard]

    Unplugged all 4 USB WD My Passports. made no difference [some time ago to check]


    VGA card was also very old replaced last month to new RX 6500.  made no difference to the freezing every so often



    It's not a game changer, but I'm just hoping it isn't the prelude to something worse.  Anybody with any ideas what to look at?  Ta.

    mine has been doing the same for near on 2 years....  

    Is it getting to hot loading all start up items ? = 2 weeks ago cleaned CPU added new paste, is better so now maybe once in 3 start ups




    No response from keyboard or mouse.  I turn the power off, reboot and everything is fine for the rest of the session.

    yes used to do the same, but found if I went to kitchen and made a coffee on returning all was working again...  or sit there for up to 5 mins and suddenly it will make a beep noise and keyboard and mouse works again.....


    Think on my old PC answer post 2 from fdsa' is most likely a month ago one o my HDD s vanished, last week another Vanished, both time appears the problem is the Sata connection on the Motherboard.. so only 4 connection now work = had to unplug the DVD drive...


    Have been thinking for a long time of upgrading my M/B - CPU and Ram .......  so soon will rebuild Gigabyte AM4 B550 + Ryzen 5 5600X and 16 GB 3200 Ram..........................  Present Gigabyte AM 3 + FX 8300 + 16 GB 1330 Ram   11 years old, PC on around 15 hours a day 365 days a year, so lasted well.


  7. 15 minutes ago, MJCM said:

    You can add more then 1 phone number to the account, I have


    - My Thai Number

    - My Wife's Number

    - My EU Number

    Sort of, you make it sound easy...  years ago would buy a Thai Sim card when I arrived here on Holiday.....  Likewise going to UK on Holiday would buy a UK Sim card as soon as getting off the plane......  


    How would you enter a EU or UK number to a brand new UK Sim card to connect to your email account.? 


    I have tried looking this up, appears would loose ones email account as cannot verify.......  only other option would be to buy a Roaming package....  Why to use 1 time only crazy  


    So far as I know UK Sim cards are not sold here, so how to enter a UK number before leaving Thailand ??


    Everything to make it complicated and confusing for us oldies 

  8. Two items always buy online many times a year  Fish Food + Dog Food


    So 20 kg of Fish food in the Shop 550 baht + 33 km round trip

    Buy on Lavada same sack from same shop always delivered next day...  330 baht + 230 baht Delivery charge.     I cannot drive there and back for 10 baht !!.......  buy 2 sacks on the same order = still 230 baht delivery charge.

  9. Use 4 Browser's for years

    Chrome,  AVG,  Opéra  and Internet Explorer , now called Edge, maybe should be called Freeze Net ?   appears to open then freeze almost every time, mostly only for seconds...  


    Can never remember having problems with Netscape Navigator...when they 1st came out used Firefox  forever updating to new version some updates worked some did not.. Did use Bravo for a while

  10. 27 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    so how long on each med til you found the right one

    at lease 2 years  + sent  so many other Drs  test/scans etc, worst one was amlodipine, feet ankles legs hip so swollen  ended up in a wheelchair for months


    "found the right one"    back on the same one I had from 1970 so maybe these still trying to find a newer med for me

    • Thanks 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    Well that did not answer my question.

    YES Maybe the Dr will try different med's






    4 of many med's cannot take


    Myself have had all of these Blood Pressure Med's , had very bad side effects so taken off to try a different one by Doctors.  = why I am back on the  53 year old Atenolol

  12. 7 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    How does a Doctor determine which is the best medication for high BP, or any similar ailment

    Let's say Ace Inhibitor or Beta Blocker.

    Will he put you on one (A) for a certain length of time, monitoring BP daily.

    Then wean you off that one for some time, expecting a rise in BP.

    Then put you on the other (B) for the same length of time as A and similarly monitor BP.

    Then wean you off that one as well, in order to make a decision.

    What I found over past 20 years appear to happen here that make difference......   

    Seen many Drs in Hospitals + Clinics over the years, Many Dr work x amount of time in a Big Private Hospital the other hours in Government Hospitals or Clinics.....  = often totally different Med's available


    Another is the Dr and age group, the older Dr tends to give tried and tested med's. the younger ones are more likely give you new ones,,,  a 60 year old  Dr has maybe only read about some med's. the 20 something Dr was trained with the newer latest med's


    Eg:  had a problem was taken to the local Hospital 2018 for 4 nights, list of all my daily med's  4 type of med's they did not stock. so given some different ones.......  2015 went with kidney failure to Red Cross for 5 nights, they have all med's.......  


    2004 Diabetic Dr at a local small private Hospital said goal = 130 reading....... The male older Diabetic Dr at Red Cross, got me to keep my Blood Sugar between 95 - 120  and adjust my Insulin to the reading,,,,,,,,,,,  Because of Covid + the long trip to BKK, now use local Government  Hospital, the much younger female Dr want me to keep the same units of Insulin each time + set the goal at 150   !!!  Crazy every so often my BS will drop, no way with a reading of under 60 would I take take a full amount of Insulin  [she was not even born when I was controlling Diabetics] 

  13. 8 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    You are on 4 separate medications that each lower BP (though thd Doxazosin is being takenfor different reason) do not surprising that yoh ard having drops in BP.


    Your meds (and possibly the timd you rske them) need adjudtment snd this is best done in consultation with your doctor. 


    Of thee various meds you are on, thd hydralazine is the most potent and used only for severe  hypertension. It is also rapud acting do consistent withthe timingnof uour episodes. so I woild expect thd doctor to discontinue it 


    Many thanks


    Others have also said timing when taking Med's....  

    evening is easy  take Med's + Insulin + meal between 5:30 - 6 pm

    Morning come down toilet + Blood Sugar + Blood Pressure reading + Insulin + Med's + Breakfast......  what time ? when I wake up, yesterday + today was 4 am,  mostly around 6:30..


    Going back over my records find something never thought or connected  before,,  EVERY time I had a drop of BP in afternoons was when I woke up late...   The day that it was so low 93/41 [reason for my post]  I did not wake up to 9:45 = was after 10 am before Med's taken..


    So maybe now have the reason  ??

  14. 44 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    TEN years BP records are unnecessary, one is OK especially when you then quote the past 12 days. 137 for average  systolic seems a bit high. 


    What does BS 109 mean please? 


    Blood Sugar + Blood Pressure records plenty of room so why delete just fun sometime to look back over the years


    as said before 130/70 something has been average for a couple of years.  that is why a sudden drop to 90/40 something is alarming for days on end.

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