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Posts posted by Regyai

  1. Why not use the full name


    “Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Yuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit!"


    the new signage might give tourist numbers a boost


    It works wonders for that place in Wales



    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    It depends entirely on what you use PayPal for. I've only ever used it to pay for things online (which was its original purpose as far as I'm aware) and after taking all of about 60 seconds to register as requested, I can apparently continue to use it just as I did before.


    So for me at least, it's not a pared down account, it's an account that works exactly the same as it always did. And no "backflips" were required.

    Not so

    Read above posts re the 'collapse' in March when it will be far from the same as it always was - and you will be reduced to being a guest at any checkout devoid of this hitherto last remaining facility of your account.

  3. 25 minutes ago, 72BKK said:

    so everyone who has completed the update is ok just for making payments right? Or you can also hold a balance and receive payments? Sorry but i don't get what that "You are all set" means

    Its akin to phrases like "quarantine free" the intention probably doesn't coalesce with the understood meaning.

    Unless you have a PayPal verified Business account then its a 'payments only, no monies in or balance held' account.


    Although they do trumpet on about how rollout of services will evolve. On raising the question with them by phone as to how long this 'limbo' with a neutered account is likely to be before 'normal service is resumed' I was brusquely told that "it will not happen".

  4. Wise words from many years ago in Thailand:

    " pay not the slightest attention to zebra crossings, they are merely there to give a little international cosmopolitan flair and have nothing at all to do with crossing roads"



    Always remember that no rider/driver wants to stop at one either, as the likelihood of them being rear-ended increases exponentially if they do.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Ohyesuare said:

    Got an email today and a notification on my Thai PayPal account asking me to confirm my identity, uploading my passport, confirming my address and to upload a bank statement.

    Have you already done the "Review and accept PayPal Thailand Relaunch Agreements" ?


    Is yours a Business or a Personal PayPal Account?


    I ask as mine's a personal one and TBH I intend using it until the relaunch deadline then closing it. I've deliberately not done the 'accept the agreements' and all that I've had so far is the email inviting me to do so (11.11.21) and a repeat of the same email received today.

  6. Rather you need to grasp the context of what I said


    Insurance of course can well be useful and fit for purpose and in general terms it is.

    Whereas the packaged nonsense peddled at 'shop front' franchise type bank branches offers little in actual value, and is in real terms little more than a joke.

    If it wasn't then it wouldn't need the metaphorical headlock (we'll do that only if you buy this p.o.s.) as the only means to extort a sale.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    What is "puerile" [sic] about insurance policies?   They're not trivial, or childish, some people find them specifically useful.

    For example the policies foisted on the unwitting myopics opening accounts (to fulfil branch sales targets) fully deserve the epithet

  8. 5 hours ago, oMega69 said:

    Nice will check them out.

    Yes I've had several accounts here over the years -always straight forward to deal with and have the aura of a 'head office'


    It's important to note that you have to view many small branches as 'franchises' often very parochial in their outlook and often focused on hawking puerile insurances and chasing other customer alienating targets - whereas the big branches like this one are more 'straight from the horses mouth' and do 'exactly what it says on the tin' :smile:


    The drive in internal car parking is a big plus too


    And all the extended opening 'mall' branches are available for use as an account holder anyhoo



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