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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. Just wondering why the Criminals always get to hide their faces , wear disguises, hide their heads.

    They don't give a S*%t because nothing will happen to them, just deported. What about charging and prosecuting them under the laws we have here in Thailand?

    If nothing is done why would they stop this type of activity, again Thailand a great Criminal Operation Base

    Just get a tourist visa, bring my note book and rent a small room. In business and no one is the wiser, if not greedy, don't push it and move on to a new location and start over. Digital Nomads my Ass.

  2. I have 2 Thai Electricians who have worked for me over 10 years.

    we hold regular weekly discussions on new electrical changes  and problems with our customers.

    They are familiar with The "Thai Electric Code" (yes there is one).

    I consider these men engineers by most standards here in Asia.

    When i first came to Thailand, I could certify training of my staff and get them recognition and educational credits.


    So my question who, when, where do they take this "TEST" would love to see a copy of that!

  3. Example,

    Sunny beach, warm ocean, surfing, .San-Diego-California .

    After lunch drive 1 hour and you can be skying in the mountains. Snow Valley  about 100 miles
    Big Bear Mountain
    Snow Summit  
    Mt Baldy
    Bear Mountain  


    Not much wonder lust or exposure to the outside world.

    I know people, families who have never gone more than 35km, 20 miles from their home in their lives.

    The biggest exception is U.S. military personnel, but most never  leave the Continental U.S. during their tour of duty.


    "We have everything we need right here"

    I can't argue with that!

  4. Hawaii would not like this.

    Perfect export for the U.S. (the big ones) not the  ones grown to fit the can.

    Bananas are also in big demand, but watch out for United Fruit Co. which has had that monopoly for almost 100 years.

    Competition could make these affordable to all Americans. When I was a kid it was a special treat,  to expensive for our family to have very often.

  5. I purchased a Samsung Hard Drive in June , 2011

    model 1 TB SATA-b from JIB this drive has a 5 year warranty

    The drive failed just after January 2016

    I filed a warranty claim with JIB in April, 2016

    I am told there is no warranty, he distributor is out of business!!

    I have a claim receipt from JIB, but they did not return my drive despite many requests

    My question is how do I resolve my warranty issue, i paid for the product and now they refuse to honor the warranty.

    How do I get my warranty claim honored? The product ID is 0452081106 serial number S246J1BB502198

    I can not get anyone here in Thailand to even acknowledge my claim.

    does anyone know where I can get my warranty honored as agreed when I purchased the drive.

    Help appreciated, I have all relevant receipts and registered the drive when I purchased it.


  6. More stories like this is what we need, but with out the negative comments by uninformed "Non Thai's"

    What we don't need is "farangs" negative comments on how Thai society works and has worked for a long time.

    In a perfect world things might be different, but it is NOT a perfect world and it will never be!

    Congratulations to this enterprising Thai lad, keep up the good work.

  7. It goes on in every country. If the media was controlled and given a set of rules the incident like the murder / suicide could have turned out differently, ever notice they only cover the bad stories, there are 70,000,000 people here in Thailand. Why not report the good things they do?

    There is no code of ethics, no, no ethics. I personally can not be bothered with all this negativity.

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