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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. Do you have any photos (a lot showing wiring at the metering pole, HV Fuses)

    How long did it take them to determine what the problem was?

    Did the HV fuses blow at the Metering pole?

    There are many components before the connections to the Underground cables that will cause the HV fuses to blow.

    there is also the "transition equipment and HV fuses that feed and protect your transformer.

    A lot to look at!

    We have a HV underground contractor we use, PM me and I will give you his contact information.

    We no longer do HV UG cables due to to many problems with PEA.

  2. Fish Sauce also provides a source of Iodine. Fake fish sauce caused a problems with Goiters a long time ago.

    I participated in on of the Princess Royal Projects to add Iodine to Salt.

    Fish Sauce provided an essential ingredient for the health of Thai's especially in Northern Thailand.

    And they did and do sell fake fish sauce. And the Iodized salt, if you could find it was very expensive.

  3. Electric meters never read high to mame them read high the mechanical gearing would need to be changed.

    If the meter seals are intact, with the proper Identification logo they should be OK.

    But, yes they can read low, usually from rough handling, the disk rotates on Ruby bearings.

    Increased friction at the bearing points slow the disk down, it is connected with a gear to the register (number read out).

    I have never come across a Watt Hour meter that read high (fast) unless it hsa been tampered with.

  4. Follow the time line, follow the suspect list, look at all the alleged countries supposedly involved, positive identification of suspects countries of origin (citizenship) seems lacking in many cases.

    I am afraid that if they keep digging they will find that this was home grown and executed. they should have let it lay, now getting to complicated / convoluted to keep their "facts" straight.

    Should be interesting to watch this develop!

  5. Electromagnetic radiation, solar flairs do indeed effect the internet indirectly, ever here in Thailand.

    These Solar Storms have been getting worse and more frequent lately. They also seem to correlate to my internet speed and access here in Asia.

    You can get a daily report on this from Space Weather site.


    E-mail [email protected]@noaa.gov

  6. The RTP needs to get out of the Immigration, Customs , CSI business.

    They need to be separate and independent agencies reporting to the P.M. only.

    The Spectacles, Reenactments, Questioning and Accusations on TV by RTP.

    Every time we see this it is a done deal the perpetrator is Guilty.

    The RTP are not the judge, jury and executioner, their sole job is to Enforce the laws of The Kingdom of Thailand.

    After they arrest the perpetrator and make a report to the prosecutors, their job is done.

    It is now up to the courts to take over.

    Criminal Prosecution Standards
    Criminal Procedure in Thailand
    Presumption of Innocence

    An accused is deemed to be innocent of the charges filed against him until he is proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

    The philosophy behind this standard is that the State, being the prosecuting party in a criminal proceeding, has available to her all resources of the country at her disposal. Such creates a clear disadvantage on the accused. To level the playing field, the burden of proving the accused's guilt is placed on the State owing to the advantage which she enjoys.

    Rights of an Accused

    Stemming from the Presumption of Innocence standard in criminal prosecution, the following are some of the rights afforded to an accused:

    • The right to a competent and independent lawyer;
    • The right to keep silent;
    • The right to be told that he may make a statement, but the statement may be used in evidence against him;
    • The right to communicate with counsel, family and friends whenever needed;
    • The right to be given a translator in case he does not speak or understand Thai;
    • The right to the attendance of a lawyer at all critical stages of the criminal proceedings.
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