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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. I don't believe there are any people who remember how to operate the plant, records of maintenance and spare parts!

    To bad because there is so much talent available in the form of retired Farang Engineers and other experts that could fix the "thing", evaluate the problem, provide a "PLAN" to see if the system can be resurrected to its former glory.


    But alas this vast cornucopia of experience and talent is going to waste due to stupid restrictions. (I won't go there).

    There are many who would work free, "but need free lunch" and provide their expertise set up a TEAM to come up with a PLAN.

    But impossible here, to bad such a waste of available talent going to waste.


    If anyone can find old articles on the plant it would be appreciated if you could send them to me, also who built it.

  2. the temperature in the incinerator reaches over 1,400 and the second chamber even higher, nothing survives at the output end. everything is gone. It was just a few ashes, nuggets of metal and some water.

    The plant was a thing of beauty not a barrel with a stove pipe stuck in the top.


    if the plant was working you could build a conveyor to the inlet pit and slowly you could get rid of it, not an easy job , but the alternative (ground water contamination) is much farther reaching and it can't be cleaned up

  3. the plant had no garbage to burn, the capacity of the plant was well over 1000 tons a day, don't remember specs, but no garbage to keep it running, and not that much garbage back than. The plant stopped operation due to lack of product and no one wanted to pay. Garbage  collection is not a money maker if done by the government, private operations make money and get paid! that is the key, it cost money to get rid of garbage and no one wants to pay.

  4. It was solved 15 years ago, when I first came to Samui I was invited to plant with the "inference" if doing operation and maintenance.

    The plant was in excellent shape, courser inspection was good everything was working, operators seemed competent. The plant was very impressive, but there was a problem "Not Enough Garbage" the plant is designed to operate 24/7.

    Access to the main dump pit was crazy because the trucks that delivered the garbage were the wrong type and could not seal to the "Dump Door' so most went on the ramp and needed to be pushed/swept in to the pit, this also resulted in the pit doors being open for extended periods of time and the smell was a big problem at times depending on the wind.


    If i remember correctly the yearly maintenance on the plant,"the whole plant' scales, offices etc was around 8,000,000 USD, (i was told???) The plant was of Japanese design and construction and was highly efficient with less than 1 % waste left over in the form of water and ash.

    Now the problem seems to be no one wanted to pay for garbage disposal so there were no funds of operate and maintain the plant.

    The weight scale stayed open for a while after the plant ceased operation as the "Official Samui Scale".


    If anyone remember any further details please let me know, I may be mistaken in many details as it was a long time ago, but when it was in operation it was an impressive piece of engineering design and efficiency.


    I will try and find some of the old documents I had, and photos, but the technology available back than it was difficult to make and keep records.


    Does anyone else remember, Some one built the plant are there any surviving records, drawings, photos and specifications, who owns the land, Chinot?

    very interesting! Who was the contractor just seems to be no information avaliable.






  5. Most farmers don't have Facebook, or the internet, many can not read or understand the Big Words. They only have rumors, and false information designed to keep them "in line" following the wims of the people who take advantage of their inability to either get reliable information or assistance from honest and reliable sources.  If they ever did get organized through whatever means the shit would really hit the fan. So keep them barefoot and pregnant and only tell them what they want to hear!


    I have seen this over the years here in Thailand. Giving them money won't solve their problems, education and recognition as one of the most important sectors of Thai Society will.


    The government (not the politicians) need to organize a "Road Show" go all over Thailand, every village and tam-boon, advertise and announce your intention,  well in advance by signs, trucks with speakers, representatives visiting their farms or villages.


    Most farmers don't know their rights  or what free resources are available to them and what to do if they think they are getting screwed, who to call and have some one answer the phone 24/7.

    Do not involve politicians, companies, out side people to interfere or attend these meetings, just the farmers so they will open up to a non-bias person. A lawyer would even be advisable to answer questions.


    It's time you got "The Farmers" on Their Countries side and brought them the recognition and respect they deserve.


    The above is just my opinion after over 40 years here in Thailand



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