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Posts posted by thaipete

  1. I sent my renewal application off last October due to a stolen passport, I first heard from the consulate in January although they sent me an email in Deceimber but got my email address wrong, the did not even debit my account until early Dec, they told me in Jan my head was about 1mm too short.

    I eventually got a new Passport mid February.

    I wrote to the local Immigratuion office in October and told them my problem, I sent the usual 90 day forms.

    I did not anticipate waiting until after Jan for my document and I thought I could not send the 90 day forms then as I had no passport number or any other info.

    When I went to transfer my visa there was no problem with it but I ras considered 40 days overstayed therefore a fine of 20,000 Baht was due.

  2. I was hospitalised here in Thailand in December 2010, the doctors put a mask on my face, I felt fine although I had concussion, they assured me it was oxygen, I am a qualified chemist and know oxygen has no smell and also know the smell of anaesthetic, it was about a month later I came around, I had lost more than 20 Kilos, also many of my senses apart from my bank account was less 500,000 baht, I have also lost most of the feelings in my right hand, I have a lot of pain in that arme too, my right eye is now blind but happily found that is a cataract and easily mended.

    They operated on me I have no idea why but cut into my abdomen.

    I wonder if this was a scam by the medical authorities.

  3. It is now February 2012, I sent my passport application to Hong Kong last October, they debited me early December and sent me an email in December but got my email wrong even though it was printed on a covering letter, My photograph's, face hieght was less than a mm out so sent new photos last month, I got my birth certificate back yesterday but still no passport, I am so glad my immigration department has been so good, I have dealt with them more than 20 years

  4. I sent for a renewal passport to HK last October, they debitted my account in December, I heard from them on Ist Feb this year saying my face on my pic was 1mm short, they emailed me in Dec but got my email wrong. I have sent new pics and hope to receive my new document shortly, fingers very crossed.

    In Uk they recommend not to register a passport as more likely to be stolen

  5. Oregano and sage seem to do OK in big pots. The oregano takes full sun. The sage is coming to an end now but lasted a good year. Different basils do OK but do go to seed fairly quickly. No joy with all the types of parsley, chervil, dill and thyme. An Australian aunt told me the best way to grow parsley was in a pot in the kitchen so I may try that next. BTW the oregano went woody and died back a few months ago but returned with new shoots and is now as good as ever.

    My Dill does very well, if you want some acclimatized seeds let me know


  6. I have been Visiting Rayong Immigration, both in Rayong City and Mabtaphut for 20 years, I have never had anything but praise for their effeciency and service.

    I am disabled and several times they have sat me down taken my documents and processed them.

    Yesterday I went for my 90 day registration, one of the lady officials saw me coming and met me at the bottom of the steps, which atmitedly I hate negotiating, she took my passport and form and went and did all for me, but more than that when she returned she told me not to come again, only for visa renewal once a year.

    In future I just send the form, passport copies and a SAE by post and they will do all for me.

    I have been annoyed at the service in Pattaya, when I have had to use their services, It is probably the pressure of dealing with so many foreigner applications, it is just another pleasure of living 'up country' here.

    Has anyone else heard of similar courtesy from Thai Government services?

  7. Does anyone have any knowledge of the Indian type guavas in Thailand?

    I have bought some of what the Thais call sweet Guva trees (ton Farang Go Hok) but really they are just the Farang tree but not so siour, I loved the fruit I got in India and Nepal the small purple fruit.

    Any ideas where to get these trees here


  8. I have grown several lemon trees from seed, but many grow the root stock, usually the slower the growth the nearer to the fruit the new plant will be, also planting the seed fresh from the fruit is quicker than drying it.

    I have had imported trees flourish well and these are easy to air graft for new plants

    wouldn't know how rootstock would come from the seed but definitely can see bhow many seeds will not produce the original fruit. Reason is that they are super-hybrids that finally started producing fruit for the reason of the breeders that were hybridizing. that is why the all come grafed as it is true to the characteristics of the desired hybrid. that said I grew up on "Myers" lemons a beautiful sweet/sour flesh that was not acrid in the least and the finest lemon-ade under the sun; my wifee brought seeds back from California planted them and we are a few years into seeing what will happen but I don't think we'll end up with anything close to a Meyer but it's part of the fun and life on the farm. I'm going to bring in some stock to graft to some wild stuff she has growing at the house and hopefully in the future I'll be able to pass some onto others if it survives and proves to be a great producer here as it is in the states. yum yum and choke dee


    I would love some branches to graft or whatever as Imy lemon trees are now so small as I have changes house and farm, so no longer have anything decent in lemon trees

    Mark me down for a few trees once you, sorry, your wife has done all the hard "graft". Glad it appears to be normally aspirated FEF this morning, as it had appeared a very much supercharged FEF waiting for the world cup last night?


  9. I have been farming and gaedening in Thailand for more than 20 years, I have tried many Western plants with a very small percentage of success.

    I do like fresh herbs and I wondered what successes others have had.

    I have successfully grown mint but without it's rest period it tends to die off after 3-4 years however I now find by replanting fresh growth this period can be extended.

    Parsley, basil and dill tend to seed and therefore acclimatize and are ongoing.

    Oregano seems to growwell but for one season only.

    Sage I have grown but I only seem to get 1 or two plants from a packet of seeds.

    Rosemary seeds have never germinated.

    Which herbs have others had success/failure with?

  10. I have grown several lemon trees from seed, but many grow the root stock, usually the slower the growth the nearer to the fruit the new plant will be, also planting the seed fresh from the fruit is quicker than drying it.

    I have had imported trees flourish well and these are easy to air graft for new plants

  11. hi,

    i'm a TV member in thailand to for just a few months now,

    not a farmer yet but thinking off buying some land in the near future.

    i know about the laws that farang can't own land and sutch .

    but i just wonder howmuch for the land and what can you make off it money ways iff you let a farmer do everything.

    grtz dennis

    It is possible to own land as a farang, the price depends on tha area and hpw old the trees are, if you let the farmer do everything all you can expect is rent and fairly low at thay

  12. I have been farming trees here in Rayong for 20 years. first I tried fruit but now all rubber, the split is 60:40 but I get the 60% mind you I pay for all equipment and fertilizer. This is the norm in this area.

    My staff are good friends for 30 years and I know 100% trustworthy.

    One check on how good your workers are is to check the tree where it is cut, it should be relitively smooth if conscientiously cut

  13. I renewed my retirement visa last January and the immigration renewed my visa for a full year even though my passport runs out 9th August this year. But they stamped in my passport I must leave the Kingdom by 18th August 2009.

    Has anyone else had this?

    I hopefully will get my new passport soon and the visa transferred then if still necessary get an exit re-entry.

    I am just wondering if they will still insist on my leaving with a new passport.


  14. Sorry my mistake, It was Catmother

    He and Ole used to sit often on my balcony in the jungle and sing


    Tony, I will try to get music of his to you. If possible I can post MP3 files to this site, if not I will try to get them to you. He was a very special person and a great musician.

    I posted the following at : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Rip-Roy-Mich...83#entry2430483

    Thanks Lapsteeler, great work on Joe's by the way.

    I found three of Roy's CD s after moving in here.

    They all seem intact.

    1 Stories from Joe's

    2 Sketches

    3 Ridin' the Hound.

    5- Horse Badorties (Old band of his, cd is missing, was just great music))

    This album was great, tape to cd recording as all that was left of the original session tapes had burned in a fire and only cassettes remained. Still made it to CD with the help of Roy even if the quality was so so, . laugh.gif

    4??? I m missing this one still, my favorite one he had mixed in Thailand and can't remember that album's title for some stupid reason. It had been done at home, very raw, he said even with chickens outside in the background, that's what made this album great. He must have given you a copy at some time when redoing Talking Out-Streamline-You Were Right-Rachel Corrie- and it seems a few others on Joe's I can t remember by title on that early CD. I'd actually change these three here for that one if I had to chose, I was hooked by listening to it once. An album everyone should have.

    If anyone has any contact with his sons Thom and Paht, please contact me.

    I seriously hope Thom or anyone else has/will have had a chance to save Roy's work, be it written or recorded. Music was his life, it shouldn't die with him, that's not why we write music.

    Maybe you can get me in contact with Austin on Houston, or was it Houston in Austin where he lived and had set up a mobile studio.

    I m not online much these days but will have a look from time to time.

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