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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Why on earth don't they admit that they dropped a <deleted> in the first place, election gimmick that was not thought through properly, Yingluck--holding up Samsung-all kids to have- impossible promise on cost, now not knowing what to download, who can have internet access, home use--what on the farm,wi/fi. Schools that do not have electricity never mind internet. This idea should be scrapped NOW

    no let them continue but if as seems 99.99% likely its a complete fiasco do you think the mass will at last see this bunch of clowns for what they are or just accept next promise and 500 baht without learning anytihng. Ill lay my money on masses will never learn and so deserve IMO exactly what they get and also IMO deserve to stay totally poor and slaves to elite Taksin and his gang being first amongst them. Having lived here for well over 16 years ive totally stopped having any care or sympathy with most of poor here. Ive seen how they treat each other, how sister has stolen from sister, mother from child neighbour from neighbour and I guarantee its far worse than scams and cons against forang. Their are a few decent Thais but in my experience rich poor educated ignorant without exception have no care or compassion for those less lucky than them. I despise the lot of them and most of them deserve exactly what they get. And before someone says well leave I find confort in the few Thais around me and our family who are genuine honest and caring but despair about most of rest. Ive found it most surprising since while a large number of people in west are same ive found generally amongst the poor in west their is a caring for each other and a sharing which is almost totally absent here.

    More than an ounce of truth in those words for sure

  2. On the surface they might appear to care, but in reality, unless there is something financial in it for them, they won't bother would be my guess lol

    Yes, either something Financial or something to save face... The Devil is hard at work in Thailand...Money is God , and saving face is important to all Thais.... But do they care...? only about themselves.. and in the real world, they all hate Farangs... to a point where it hurts... and to all the guys who think their wife (especially Isarn girls) loves them...Haha... stop giving them moneys or buying them things and see how long she will hang around... Som nam naa...

    What a lovely post

  3. More than 2,000 schools don't have electricity?

    Isn't that where the immediate priority lies?

    I wonder how many don't have either a LAN or WiFi?

    This project is unreal.

    My thoughts exactly - Supplying all schools with electricity should be the over riding priority - wonder of any schools are with out hygenic toliets or how many are without runing water. I pity the number of lost kids in this eductaion system.

  4. 1) I have been here for just over 11 years and speak Thai fluent (hence the reason I challenged the "Midas-muffler-man's Thai)

    2) I haven't lived just in tourist areas and have been in places like Sakon Nakhon, saw a Thai pay 25 baht for an item then was told 30 baht for the same item. Even when I spoke Lao/Esaan back at them and told them I just saw a Thai pay 25 they didn't blink an eye and still waited for the extra 5 baht. It's not the money that is the issue.

    3) To the posters who make statements like "How much did the Kathoye take you for," I'm sorry if that is the life you live here however I do not. Sure the first year I was out all the time getting girls and going to bars now it's maybe 2 or 3 times per year when people visit so NO I wasn't burned by a bar girl etc.

    4) I have had a Thai drivers license since the first year I was here so yeah 11 years and I have NEVER got any discounts with it. hahah That is a myth that you people seem to get from these posts. Ever tried that at the big palace in Bkk? Water-falls, Parks & Temples Thai's get in for free but we have to pay 200 baht in many places. In Canada if they charged tourists $20.00 to see a river or a Beaver dam_n and NOT the locals you think the Japanese, Thai's etc. would like that too?

    5) NO we are NOT welcome here. We are "put up with." and thats it. When you can get off an airplane in a third world country, walk to the counter and give them $25.00 for a 1 years Business visa THAT is being welcomed. Farangs have not been welcomed here since after the Americans set foot here. Only your wallet is welcomed.

    I am not "bitter" towards Thai's and do not mix with "Bar People" and I have GREAT respect for "The Big Guy" however these were just my 10 reasons why I'm ready for a change.

    I agree with a number of your points - especially the expense with the cost of cars being a great point in case - second hand car prices are <deleted> stupid; daily livingcosts, not so much. But then again living in the UK for example isn't that expensive when the cost of housing is removed from the equation. I think (as with me) that the majority of your concerns come from you having a differents set of values and principles - namely equality which is not an Asian social value and the Thai concept of 'greng jai and defference to the wishes of your 'social' superiors. Being British equality is something (like other western societies) we value and this conflict of values still irks me, even after all these years.

    Me I'm here for the job and the financial perks that job gives me for being posted here. Once the job or the posting finishes, i'll move on, after 13 years here my love for the country sadly diminshes with each passing year.

    Good luck with your nex life, where ever it takes you

    Cost of cars? Trucks are just about half price here compared to Oz.

    Jeez you must get screwed in OZ

    Prius new on the road taxed and insured VAT etc in UK - Shade over 1 million baht - Thailand 1'200'000 before tax basic both basic models. (based on 49 bhat to the pound)

    Second hand Prius will start from about 250'000 baht or 5'000 Uk - Thailand about 1 million - That's my main grip - cost of cars - way too expensive here - and as for imports - well i ain't gonna go there 300% import duty - talk about protectionist!!!

    Merc in UK 1'500'000 baht for your basic - Thailand lucky to see anything under 3'500'000 million new - why?? Protectionist / lack of a level playing field and lack of equality. What are Thais so scarred of?

  5. 1) I have been here for just over 11 years and speak Thai fluent (hence the reason I challenged the "Midas-muffler-man's Thai)

    2) I haven't lived just in tourist areas and have been in places like Sakon Nakhon, saw a Thai pay 25 baht for an item then was told 30 baht for the same item. Even when I spoke Lao/Esaan back at them and told them I just saw a Thai pay 25 they didn't blink an eye and still waited for the extra 5 baht. It's not the money that is the issue.

    3) To the posters who make statements like "How much did the Kathoye take you for," I'm sorry if that is the life you live here however I do not. Sure the first year I was out all the time getting girls and going to bars now it's maybe 2 or 3 times per year when people visit so NO I wasn't burned by a bar girl etc.

    4) I have had a Thai drivers license since the first year I was here so yeah 11 years and I have NEVER got any discounts with it. hahah That is a myth that you people seem to get from these posts. Ever tried that at the big palace in Bkk? Water-falls, Parks & Temples Thai's get in for free but we have to pay 200 baht in many places. In Canada if they charged tourists $20.00 to see a river or a Beaver dam_n and NOT the locals you think the Japanese, Thai's etc. would like that too?

    5) NO we are NOT welcome here. We are "put up with." and thats it. When you can get off an airplane in a third world country, walk to the counter and give them $25.00 for a 1 years Business visa THAT is being welcomed. Farangs have not been welcomed here since after the Americans set foot here. Only your wallet is welcomed.

    I am not "bitter" towards Thai's and do not mix with "Bar People" and I have GREAT respect for "The Big Guy" however these were just my 10 reasons why I'm ready for a change.

    I agree with a number of your points - especially the expense with the cost of cars being a great point in case - second hand car prices are <deleted> stupid; daily livingcosts, not so much. But then again living in the UK for example isn't that expensive when the cost of housing is removed from the equation. I think (as with me) that the majority of your concerns come from you having a differents set of values and principles - namely equality which is not an Asian social value and the Thai concept of 'greng jai and defference to the wishes of your 'social' superiors. Being British equality is something (like other western societies) we value and this conflict of values still irks me, even after all these years.

    Me I'm here for the job and the financial perks that job gives me for being posted here. Once the job or the posting finishes, i'll move on, after 13 years here my love for the country sadly diminshes with each passing year.

    Good luck with your nex life, where ever it takes you

  6. Drug use has definatly increased, but at the same time so has the soical disparite between the have and have nots. I wonder which side of the social divide the majority of drug addicts fall. The link between poverty, lack of opportunity, dysfunctional families and drug use has been clearly established. Until these social issues which underpin drug use are effectively address, the government is fighting a losing battle. Other strategies need to be purseued in conjunction with stricter anti drug laws to make any changes effective and long lasting and provide hope and real opportunity for a better life to those addicted to or at risk of drug addiction.

    Other wise the choice is simply - A shit life in a village with no future or a shit life in jail with no future - hardly a tempting choice for those stuck in a cycle of poverty.

  7. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra insisted yesterday that all decisions on the Cabinet reshuffle were entirely her own and that her brother, former PM Thaksin, had nothing to do with the matter...........Meanwhile, Sakda Kongpet said he knew he would be given the post of deputy education minister after he met with Thaksin in Hong Kong before New Year's Day.

    "I flew to meet Thaksin and subsequently learned about my appointment in advance," he said.555555555555

    I wish there was one reporter that had the intestinal fortitude to ask Yingluck's response to Sakda's statement.

    Yingluck told Taksin to tell Sakda she had give him (Sakda) the post as she was too busy shopping in the January sales to do so - Duh!!

  8. i take exception to this persons statement about nurses pay soaring. My wife was a nurse for 17 years and there has been no increase in salary for 10 years. And even now is only 15,000 bht a month! could you live on that?. They do the work but the Doctors get the big money. About 80,000 bht a month!

    our accounting gets 8000 bht per month and she can live on that. Motorbike guys get 6000 Baht and can live with that

    I think you should rephrase the statement to 'survive' on 8000bht per month. At that income level that's all your doing, surviving hand to mouth. I bet many of the motorbike guys, especially in central bangkok get more like 60'000 a month. In the provinces perhaps 6'000 is a good estimate.

    and why do they work for me for 6K?

    As well we frequently rent the motorbike guys from the soi and it costs usually 300-800 Baht for all the day driving, incl. the gasoline.

    So why would they work for me if they can make more than 2000 per day in central Bangkok.

    Recall the minimum salary in Thailand is approx. 200 Baht/day in Bangkok and it is a big issue that many companies pay less than the minimum.

    300 - 800 Baht a day gives two very different monthly salaries based on a 25 day working month (7'500 - 20'000)

  9. How many Thai terrorist arrested during Marks watch? Hundreds, and they were all wearing Red shirts.

    How many Farang terrorist arrested during Marks watch? NONE.

    I might be naive, but I say Mark is not qualified to advise Yingluck on Farang terrorist.

    Enlighten me as to "farang" terrorists??

    Lebanese and Arabs are certainy not considered "farang" by Thai people.

    Lebanese and Arabs are certainy not considered "farang" by Thai people........they have the oil and have money.

    Farangs in Thailand are going there because they cannot get a nice girl at home and the most have no money.

    Ahh sweeping bigotted statements based on fear and ignorance. Welcome to Thailand!!!

    P.S. Don't think the Lebanese have much oil!!

  10. i take exception to this persons statement about nurses pay soaring. My wife was a nurse for 17 years and there has been no increase in salary for 10 years. And even now is only 15,000 bht a month! could you live on that?. They do the work but the Doctors get the big money. About 80,000 bht a month!

    our accounting gets 8000 bht per month and she can live on that. Motorbike guys get 6000 Baht and can live with that

    I think you should rephrase the statement to 'survive' on 8000bht per month. At that income level that's all your doing, surviving hand to mouth. I bet many of the motorbike guys, especially in central bangkok get more like 60'000 a month. In the provinces perhaps 6'000 is a good estimate.

  11. When I read that reforestation was being initiated I thought what a good idea, my heart then sank when I read in the next sentence that the 'forest' would be planted with commercial or energy crops. So what they are really saying is we're going to plant trees and then chop them down, as the only reason you plants commercial crops is to harvest them. So more mono cultures and less biodiversity. Hardly the spirit of reforestation. In Thailand reforestation = farming.

  12. Could be interesting, but my concern would be standards. How would UK standards be maintained. Employing Thai lecturers (in general terms & without wanting to be accused of Thai bashing) t as they might bring poor teaching practicise with them.

    More details would be nice but definatly a positive for Thailand and the UK

  13. Sorry but on what planet does rehabilitation and reconciliation = money??

    A lazy policy.

    Reconciliation means both parties (reds and yellows) if you like, sitting down and settling their differences with both parties coming away with something positive and progressive. Not one riding rough sod over the other and vindicating this with the 'we won the election' mantra- 11 million still voted against PTP - do their views not count?

    As i said a lazy policy by a lazy government

  14. Charge him with assault.

    On the other hand, I have a feeling a lot of PAX wish they could do the same, especially at some North American airports.

    Spot on GK. I went back to the US two months ago. They found a zippo lighter in my checked luggage given to me by a comrad when I was in Afghanistan. I was treated like a criminal. I had to go through interrogation by some guy with an IQ equalling room temperature in C. Consequently I missed my connecting flight,

    Here's a question for you... If there's a rule (no lighters), then who is person with the low IQ?

    Is the screener supposed to say, "Oh... your comrade in Afghanistan gave this to you? Then no problem!"

    Or is he supposed to think to himself, the rules are what they are, and the travelers should follow them, and I get paid to make sure they follow them. (You know… just in case next time when your sister/daughter/wife are on the plane which has “an incident” and you scream bloody murder and blame the screening company for letting some guy get on with a small, sentimental lighter?)

    Or does the screener think to himself: Hey, this guy is carrying a lighter on him that clearly carries a priceless degree of sentimental value… and he KNOWS that lighters are prohibited. Poor guy… gonna lose his lighter (*sniffle*)


  15. In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

    I applaud your staunch and continued defense of the PM. But the budget is effectively our money and at the very least we the public deserve our elected PM to be there when the final decision is made as to what to do with our money. I'm sure keeping foreigners happy is important, but of more importance is keeping the public happy namely with a PM whose actually in parliament being seen to be doing her job.

    Having a PM who is continually absent from parliament makes governing the country even harder for PTP as their is no figure head for the public to relate to.

  16. And some of the nicknames given to the cadre of elitist snots masquerading as journalists are;

    - Pee Boys (Pissing all over the place)

    - 3M (Mserable Malicious Malcontents)

    -The Pits (Pricks in ties)

    - The BBK (Bangkok butt kissers)

    GK why do you care so much what Journos think or print. World over journos rip the piss out of politicians, it's part of the game.

    “We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.”

  17. Are they serious. What is the point of a referendum for amendments you don't know about.

    I suppose it's because they want a referendum to support the principle of amendments without having to explain the detail, giving the government free reign to then make the changes leaving their opponents without a hope of challenging them. Although the government line is probably somewhere along the lines of it being a money saving excercise.

    Completely ridiculous

    What is ridiculous is that you have made a conclusion that is not supported by the PTP statements;

    Pheu Thai MP Natthawut Saikua yesterday ruled out a referendum before amending the charter, saying the people should be consulted only after draft amendments are completed.

    If there are draft amendments and these are brought to the people for their vote, it means that there would be discussion and analysis. The PTP position is logical in that it says there is no point in having a referendum unless the proposed changes are made public an discussed first.

    Unlike the past groupthat brought forward amendments, the PTP has a mandate to do so as it was part of its election platform.

    Apologies was reading the same article in a different paper where the EC commissioner wants the referendum before the changes - I stand corrected.

  18. Are they serious. What is the point of a referendum for amendments you don't know about.

    I suppose it's because they want a referendum to support the principle of amendments without having to explain the detail, giving the government free reign to then make the changes leaving their opponents without a hope of challenging them. Although the government line is probably somewhere along the lines of it being a money saving excercise.

    Completely ridiculous

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