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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. "Chalerm declined to be specify whether Thaksin would return to Thailand this year. "I insist I will do it [push for the law]. If the reconciliation act succeeds, all sides will have no problems. I'm confident I will be able to do it," he said."

    This kinds of begs the question what will happen if reconciliation act fails!!! Sinister undertones.

    This whole article shows this government is functioning as a many headed hydra with the left arm not knowing what the right is doing. Chalerm doing his own thing, not talking to the PM or FM about "his' plans. He needs to remember that Yingluck is his boss and his actions might make her look bad or put her in a bad position.

    If he wants to be independent and do his own thing then he should set up his own party and get the hell out of PTP and stop riding on the coat tails of the shinawatra name. Then he'll see how popular and in tune with voters he really is!!

  2. Indebt them all again? Unbelievable.......

    How to keep an uneducated majority of voters under control and fear!

    Spot on! The previous administration had a program to buy back (at low interest) the high debt farmers incurred under PM Thaksin, AND had a program that would reimburse farmers if they lost money on their season's crop. Those abolished by PM Shinawatra, following in Thaksin's footsteps, getting all the farmers back deep in debt with this scheme.


    Debt ebbs and flows with Farmers, and that is a fact.

    Economically the country thrived under Thaksin, and they were better off than ever.

    When the coup occurred, everything went to ratshit.

    The coupists were not renowned for governing and economic management marvels

    Rice prices diminshed amongst other factors.

    Then when Mr. Abhisit was hoisted into place, he did introduce a debt repayment scheme...........not focussed on the farmers, but on the money lenders. The rich people in other words.

    Farmers without sufficient colateral were also brushed aside, and received nothing.

    This CC program is focussed on the farmers, not the lenders and merchants.

    This speaks volumes.

    Glad to see you acknowledge the failing of the PPP - taksins proxies (who were in power after the coup, but prior to abhisit), in your sweeping statement.

  3. Indebt them all again? Unbelievable.......

    How to keep an uneducated majority of voters under control and fear!

    As opposed to knee-jerk negativity about a Government program from those who are agenized to do so, I inquired what is the "one" good thing about this particular program.

    Obviously a program such as this was not created in a vacuum, and there was some solid rationale, beyond bald politics as this Poster suggests.

    Several advantages were mentioned, the primary one being the issue of were credit originates.

    For the many farmers who don't have the money in a pre-emptive manner, they buy on credit now, provided by the merchants. Credit that is provided at unfavorable rates and unfavorable terms.

    This program releases the Farmer from such arrangements. It gives them farmer-friendly credit access, with heavy emphasis and controls on the CC being used for their singular agriculture defined and intended purpose, as referenced in this article.

    Bottom line, this does not affect farmer indebtedness up or down, just its' source.

    I guess the question should be why are farmers in such debt? It would seem on the surface that Thailand values it rural heritage (which is understandable) but these small hold farms are simply not viable economically as the costs (rent, fertilizers, equipment etc) compared to what it takes to grow rice on a 5 rai plot compared to the wholesale price of rice paddy gives a very small profit margin (if any) for a lot of hard work. Simply propping up the rice farmers with state subsidies (which is what this credit card basically is) results in debt and unproductive farming practices.

    Clearly Thailand sells a lot of rice,(and someone makes a lot of money) but the farming structure (thousands of small family managed plots) means it is from the farmers point of view very difficult to survive financially. Ultimately this form of farming will disappear. Credit cards, state subsidies just prolong the agony of the farmer

  4. Try for a credit card. Most will give a balance of double your income (but the limit will depend on other things like time in Thailand, regularity of pay checks. WP etc.) and each company will have its own set of rules etc. So speak to them first. See what their criteria are. Credit cards aren't ideal as the interest is usually higher than a loan especially for cash advances You could try for a personal loan if you can get a Thai to act as a guarantor otherwise see if any good friends are willing to lend you the cash.

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  5. in fact, i may be putting myself out on a limb here to suggest that we will probably see at some stage a headline along the lines of

    "PTP backs down from their earlier plans to abolish the constitutional court and administrative court due to...dem/pad/academics/whoever... pressure"

    I agree - It would be nuts to abolish these courts - but i wouldn't be surprised to see moves to their power curtailed in some way. So they have less influence or the punishments they hand down have less far reaching political consequences. Leave the bark, but remove the teeth so to speak.

  6. Just think it would be a waste of money 10 billion baht range for an F1 stadium, surely hosting an F1 race is a 'luxury'. With essential services such as hospitals facing budgets deficits the money needs to go else where first. I'd love to see F1 cars racing in Bkk, but i'd rather have a good public health and education system.

    Ahh well next week some bright spark will come up with the idea of hosting the winter Olympics in Chiang Mai

  7. This is the last thing that Thailand needs. If Pheu Thai dictatorises the Constitution then it will be all on if PAD get traction. If will be only a matter of time before the Army has to step in to keep either both mobs apart or use the opportunity to deal a harder and swifter blow to those who which to pillage and plunder Thailand at a level not yet seen and with politicial impunity.

    I hope PAD go away or don't get going. I think the Army has to play a waiting game for the opportune time to deal to Populism, and clean the whole lot once and for all.

    I juts hope the army don't get involved. They have no place in politics. It's up to the people, for better or worse to rid the country of the politicians of all colours and affiliations who constantly and continiously drag it down. If the people are unwilling to take a stand against them, then neither should the army. In fact i'd encourage the army to be as corrupt as the politicians, if only to prevoke a response from the electorate.

  8. Spot on! More and more low quality rice bought at inflated prices, and which cannot be sold at a profit - so what's the bloody point? Politics. Votes bought with taxpayer's money, propping up an uneconomic, labour-intensive low-yield industry because it employs a vast army (use intended) of low-income voters easily bought.

    Billions of baht that could be used to educate, and to better the life of the country's people, wasted because it would be unpopular to point out that if your income is too low, you should think about changing jobs.

    And meanwhile Vietnam (especially Vietnam), India and Burma have there eyes on the ball and gaining ground in the export of top quality rice at good prices, and with good returns to their farmers.

    What's also being ignored is that Vietnam is gaining ground in terms of all round professionalism, and in terms of 'supplier of choice'.

    To true,

    But the government is more concerned with gaining and holding political ground on the domestic front and handouts are a perfect, effective and simple way of ensuring success. The intelligence of such a policy, well, I think we all agree that a different story.

  9. Isn't Thai people too poor already?

    Is the 5Baht needed to provide FREE wifi for the rich underage kids to skype (to Dubai) while on the move?

    "there are usualy more than 1 in a car/van.

    That will keep my children and driver happy.

    Facebook, upload, simsimi, skype, even download movie on the move etc"

    So sparebox2 - Does that me your children are rich and underage and skype (to dubai)??? Clearly you ain't one of the poor you lucky man (or woman)

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