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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 'If consumers do not pay higher prices for Thai rice farmers would be helped to grow new cash crops.'

    The guy is obviously seriously deluded.

    Deluded is the correct word as rice is a staple for the worlds poorest people in Africa and Asia and these poor folk don't have extra cash, although no doubt he feels Thai rice is superior and these commoners aren't worthy of eating it.

    No doubt other governments are looking to step in and boost their production of rice to compensate for the increased prices of Thai rice.

    Wonder how Thai farmers feel about being ;told' to grow something else - is their land suitable and would the yields make it profitable?

    I thought the last government was full of crap, but this one is overflowing with the stuff.

  2. I think it is a good idea. Chalerm should be commended for offering a clean slate to Abhisit and Suthep and I'd imagine the PAD as they are part of the political conflict. The best bit is with the slate wiped clean they can all start again from scratch - Yipeeee!

    Chalerm, wiping the slate clean does not rid the country of its underlying problems, that is a very simplistic view and one only a buffoon would subscribe to.

    My own view is the real power brokers in PTP are sensing their popularity on the wane and are scrambling to shore up its power base by any means necessary.

  3. I didn't realize he was still a Police lieutenant col.

    Given the amount of disinformation that has been circulating recently I'll wager that by 5 o'clock tonight he'll have telephoned all the major newsrooms telling them that that is not his handwriting or his letter, he knows nothing about it, its a set up, he never wrote the letter, it was written by an invisible hand.

    If he is so concerned about reconciliation he should stop stirring the pot and start live his chosen life in exile quietly as a humble citizen of HM the king.

  4. Just out of interest (and I hope some of the more politically astute TV members maybe able to chip in with a reply). How many other state / government officials convicted of corruption who are over 60 would be eligible for this proposed royal pardon?

    It can't only be Taksin in this category, can it?

    What about Vattana and Kamnan Poh? Loads of we love Kamnan Poh car stickers around Chonburi right now. There werent until recently.

    Most state and government officials etc convicted of anything get two years or less as up to two years can be suspended and usually is. A little off topic but that is another thing that has undercut court reputation as how Thaksin was treated was never the same as other PMs and he used it very very skillfully to wrap his myth into the reality of what the poor experience at the hands of state institutions

    Right so they have added a highly controversial clause to the royal pardon request to seek clemency for 3 people (who we know of). Hmmm

  5. Just out of interest (and I hope some of the more politically astute TV members maybe able to chip in with a reply). How many other state / government officials convicted of corruption who are over 60 would be eligible for this proposed royal pardon?

    It can't only be Taksin in this category, can it?

    Further to that point, irrespective of the politics around this singular individual, in the longer term this decree might set a precedent that any government or state official who is convicted of corruption need never fear long term imprisonment as those convicted of corruption maybe rewarded with a pardon a few months down the line, especially if they have the money to 'grease the wheels of justice'.

    This is hardly a deterrent to those elected to the highest offices in the land.

    Consider MPs X, Y and Z- 1 billion baht skimmed of a government mega-project and stashed overseas, 3 months in jail followed by a royal pardon, leave the country, share out the money, buy a villa in the Maldives. Sorted - count me in.

  6. This is Thailand and the present government won a fair election. What is being done is being decided by Thais and those of you who do not like it and/or the decisions being made should go back and put your own country to right. Obviously the Thai system is no good for you so why live in a country that you do not like when your country is obviously a paradise which was so good you had to get out and move elsewhere. As for me I accept that I am a guest here and happy with the system because it is the Thai way. When I become uncomfortable for whatever reason I will move on, maybe back to my own country. I respectfully suggest many of the posters have now reached this stage and should leave!

    Boring & ridiculously stupid comment. I live here because I choose to live here, and I would have a view to express wherever I lived. I suggest that it is you that needs move back to your own country because clearly you do not feel comfortable with the right of any person to express an opinion.

    Agreed, billmont clearly is using the old "it's the Thai way" to whitewash crimes and wrongs. I wonder if he'll post a similar comment if the Thai army stages another coup. Coups - its the Thai way!!! After all they've had more coups than we have fingers.

  7. RT @tulsathit: Yingluck: "What amnesty? Ask Chalerm." Chalerm: "Don't ask me." Govt spokesperson Titima: "Nobody told me anything".

    It's a cross between Abbott and Costello's routine (Who's on first?) and Hogan's Heroes Sgt. Schultz (I know nothing).


    Maybe GW Bush should have tried this strategy when starting the last Iraqi war

    GW: "What War? Ask Dick"

    Dick C: Saddam who, Iraqi What?"

    White house Spokesperson: " I know nothing"

    And all the time the bombs fell

  8. If Thaksin is really that bad (as you people say he is), why is God still kept him alive?

    Maybe god in his infinite wisdom is letting Taksin live his life to provide taksin with the opportunity to repent and admit his guilt before otherwise spending an eternity in hell. Taksin seems hell bent on ignoring this opportunity and uses the devils machinations to retain his hold on the country. - Amen

  9. The problem is not so much the army, but the poor caliber of politicians that Thailand produces. The people accept the role of the army because deep down they know the people they elect to office (Chalerm, Suthep, Jatuporn being prime examples) are utter fools. Until the quality of MPs improves their will be no hope for Thai democracy.

    Todays news of the secretive cabinet meeting to grant the boss amnesty is a case in point of the manipulation of politics and the poor judgement of Thai MPs. Should the army sit back and let the civilian population go for each others jugular or intervene? Because we all know the situation which is on the horizon and fast approaching.

  10. "As for the relief bags, Yingluck admitted there were problems with political feud in some areas."

    What she means is that red shirt areas are getting preference with relief bag distribution - so much for reconciliation and democracy and no double standards.

    You do understand that the provincial governments have the responsibility for the local aid distribution. There is a problem in some provinces with entrenched power groups behaving badly. Justas the PM had to deal with the insubordination of the Bangkok governor, she also has to deal with the inappropriate acts of a few provincial officials.

    GK - Can you honestly put your hand on your heart and say in good faith the your expect or believe that the PM will go after insubordinate PTP supporting provincial governors who have shown political prejudice in the distribution of relief supplies with the same zeal that her and her MPs go after the perceived insubordination of the Bangkok governor? No double standards - Give me a break - The PTP / UDD rallying call returns to bite them in the backside.

  11. Abhisit smart man - keep your mouth shut, stay out of it and let the government take all the credit for the successes and failures it is already enduring. With the latter far outweighing the former at the present moment.

    If the opposition is silent and nods in agreement with the government and its decisions who will PTP blame it on when it all goes wrong!!!

  12. Another crackpot plan from an obscure university professor to whom no one paid any attention for all these years. He says he finished his plan in 1999. So he has had 12 years to get it in front of someone who would help him sell it. Thanawat states "there is no need to enlist foreign help." He adds further " the plan was finished in 1999, we can adjust the study results for the current context." What a ridiculous outlook.

    This is exactly the kind of preposterous thinking that created decades of Rube Goldberg/Heath Robinson approaches to Thailand's flawed thinking and solutions. Don't bring in foreign help, we know all the answers. We are Thai, they are not, they don't understand "Thainess." When they are here with us , we don't see them. What they think makes no difference to us. I gain no face or lose none by listening to them. I will just be Thai and ignore them. If they say up, I will say down. Just to prove that I am Thai and I am in control. I will resist them. I know all. My plan is perfect. If only my own people would have seen that twelve years ago. But alas, my plan can only be completed in 50 years, but it will line the pockets of many bureaucrats and elite privileged business class. They should listen to me. I am Thai.

    He computes, he analyzes, he states, he calculates, he blusters, he calls a press conference, he pounds the table, he does it all. Why didn't they listen to him 12 years ago? Why would anyone listen to this obscure university professor who was never visible before, but probably took in lots of public taxpayer funding to "take care" of his team? He states further that "handing out temporary relief" now won't solve the problem. In other words, Thanawat is saying ignore the medical and health emergency and disaster. Forget about "handing out" restoration money and tents" ..etc. Let them fend for their own food, water, medicine, supplies, and necessities. No more handouts. Work on my plan. What a self absorbed view of the world and preposterous ideas and statements. A totally over inflated sense of self importance, typically Thai.

    Great second paragraph - I'm sure it hits home with many peoples experiences of living in Thailand with the Thais.

  13. It's a good idea in principle, but I see a flaw. It relies on pushing or speeding up the movement/drainage of water into the sea as the main flood prevention strategy. So what happens to this system during high tides when sea levels increase? (nobody mention boats please). Or do they intend to have a huge water retention area set aside until sea levels drop. If so what do the landowners of this land earmarked think of the plan?

  14. I think the article makes a valid point that many of the Pro-Yingluck poster should consider.

    The Japanese PM resigned after the Tsunami (clearly the PM didn't cause or was directly responsible for the actual creation of the tsunami), but his show of responsibility; in terms of the problems, the relief effort and fukoshima etc. that occurred post tsunami allowed the Japanese people to politically 'learn from the mistakes move on' Symbolic perhaps but the show of responsibility (i.e. his resignation) stopped the post tsunami Japanese politics from being mired in acrimony and finger pointing and with the 'villain' identified the politics moved on.

    Without Yinglucks symbolic resignation, PTP has created a club for the Dems to repeatedly use to beat the government up with. If Yingluck is concerned about PTP she should resign - She is to blame for the post flood cock up, she should resign, and PTP will continue to govern with a new PM.

  15. The procedure to go through to allocate much needed funtds takes bureacracy to a new level i am in ayutthaya and desperate families are trying to get the 5000bht per household so they can buy food and try restore their homes but gov offices are closed .Government officials should be out there with the cash to give but no the thai people are let down by a so called poor peoples government,its scandalous

    Agreed - But worst still and the missus when nuts over this last night - On Thai news it was reported that only households which have been fully flooded for 7 days or more in districts declared as flooded will be eligible for the full 5'000.

    Nice little caveat which the PM and her government failed to promote to the general public.

  16. I have lost all faith in this government, her words are meaningless and her actions feeble. If she uses the 'be patient' comment again I'll puke. Its been her mantra since day 1 of office.

    The Chinese would have been able to build a second 'great wall' in the same time it takes Thailand to sort this flood out.

    Don't mean to be negative, but so frustrated with the inaction and the ineffectiveness of current actions. <deleted> Ask for international help, get this problem sorted in the shortest possible time, don't try to show the international community how resilient we are by needlessly enduring this disaster any longer than possible due to stubbornness in seeking assistance.

    Actually having patience with the flood is all people can do. When the decision to avoid all risk to central BKK was made it was always going to delay the waters going down and guarantee others were hit far harder. One analyst put it: those who cant afford to pay for the damage are suffering so those that can afford to dont have to suffer. The wider political ramifications of this (beyond organised party politics as they exist right now) are going to resonate.

    How the aftermath is dealt with will be critical to whether Thailand sees stability or not. Personally I dont think the masses will abandon PTP, but if they do has anyone thought where they will go? It certainly isnt back to the establishment or the democrat party

    I don't think the dems needs the masses to go back to them, only a proportion of them (15%) or so

  17. I have lost all faith in this government, her words are meaningless and her actions feeble. If she uses the 'be patient' comment again I'll puke. Its been her mantra since day 1 of office.

    The Chinese would have been able to build a second 'great wall' in the same time it takes Thailand to sort this flood out.

    Don't mean to be negative, but so frustrated with the inaction and the ineffectiveness of current actions. <deleted> Ask for international help, get this problem sorted in the shortest possible time, don't try to show the international community how resilient we are by needlessly enduring this disaster any longer than possible due to stubbornness in seeking assistance.

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