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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Are they serious. What is the point of a referendum for amendments you don't know about.

    I suppose it's because they want a referendum to support the principle of amendments without having to explain the detail, giving the government free reign to then make the changes leaving their opponents without a hope of challenging them. Although the government line is probably somewhere along the lines of it being a money saving excercise.

    Completely ridiculous

    What is ridiculous is that you have made a conclusion that is not supported by the PTP statements;

    Pheu Thai MP Natthawut Saikua yesterday ruled out a referendum before amending the charter, saying the people should be consulted only after draft amendments are completed.

    If there are draft amendments and these are brought to the people for their vote, it means that there would be discussion and analysis. The PTP position is logical in that it says there is no point in having a referendum unless the proposed changes are made public an discussed first.

    Unlike the past groupthat brought forward amendments, the PTP has a mandate to do so as it was part of its election platform.

    Apologies was reading the same article in a different paper where the EC commissioner wants the referendum before the changes - I stand corrected.

  2. Are they serious. What is the point of a referendum for amendments you don't know about.

    I suppose it's because they want a referendum to support the principle of amendments without having to explain the detail, giving the government free reign to then make the changes leaving their opponents without a hope of challenging them. Although the government line is probably somewhere along the lines of it being a money saving excercise.

    Completely ridiculous

  3. Does anyone know of a company offering mold testing services in Bangkok/ Have some really strange black mold growing in the house and daughter has been suffering from severe headaches, just want to know if the mold is mycotoxic. Did a search of the house and found the mold is through the entire attic space, guess its grown there during the wet season. Anyone any ideas on mold testing services?

  4. 700-800 baht a day is better than a lot of unskilled locals get. 800 Baht a day ain't too bad for sitting on your backside in a taxi, while construction workers have to sweat it out for 300 per day.

    I remember a conversation I had a few years ago with a taxi driver who explained to me, that apart from the minority of drivers who own their own taxis, most taxi drivers rent a taxi for about 500 baht a day (8 hour shift) from a central organization and must pay fuel on top. On an average shift he made about 200 baht an hour, (1'600 a shift), he'd lose 500 to the rental + fuel and normally walk away with about 8-700 baht a shift. Which if you think about it. 700 baht for 8 hours of Bangkok traffic is a <deleted>'in nightmare.

    Of course he was probably exaggerating parts to get a tip

    On the whole Bangkok taxis are as good or bad as taxis anywhere in the world. If you don't like the taxi you're in best bet is to get out and wait for another to come along in 1 minute.

    Not too bad - hmm - Not exactly good though and using the lowest paid as a basis for comparison is hardly a fair test. Bar girls get two, three, fours times that just for 30 minutes on their back.

  5. I remember a conversation I had a few years ago with a taxi driver who explained to me, that apart from the minority of drivers who own their own taxis, most taxi drivers rent a taxi for about 500 baht a day (8 hour shift) from a central organization and must pay fuel on top. On an average shift he made about 200 baht an hour, (1'600 a shift), he'd lose 500 to the rental + fuel and normally walk away with about 8-700 baht a shift. Which if you think about it. 700 baht for 8 hours of Bangkok traffic is a <deleted>'in nightmare.

    Of course he was probably exaggerating parts to get a tip

    On the whole Bangkok taxis are as good or bad as taxis anywhere in the world. If you don't like the taxi you're in best bet is to get out and wait for another to come along in 1 minute.

  6. One thing I'd like to add. When Chalerm produced this man on Thai TV news, he was very friendly with him. arm around the shoulder, encouraging him and generally very 'matey' and supportive. Just seemed weird a deputy PM being this friendly with a bomber. Instead of bringing the wrath of god for wanting to kill and main Thai citizens on this man, he was sort of saying 'aww don't worry it'll be alright'.

    Bit like GW Bush shaking Bin Ladens and ans saying "He's okay" Just weird to watch on TV

  7. Weng, however, said a group's political colour association should not be an issue, but the Pheu Thai slogan, "Returning happiness to the Thai people and returning democracy to the people" Taksin Thinks PT Does, should be kept in mind.

    Glad to see the insanity clause as a criteria was included. I mean you'd have to be insane just for thinking this would lead to reconciliation wouldn't you.

    I reckon if PTP does amend the constitution, next time the dems win they should re amend it by reinstating the constitution PTP got rid of, just to piss them off

  8. Maybe the police should be questioning themselves as to why they were shown to be a completely impotent and flaccid force when it came to dealing with the demonstrators. If they had shown more professionalism and were better at policing these types of situations the need for the army and the subsequent army related deaths would never have arisen.

    Police in most other countries follow orders irrespective of personal politics; why not so here?

  9. I don't understand why the government from that time is being indicted...they were merely quelling a group of terrorist protesters who openly were threatening to fire bomb Bangkok, derail the skytrain, destroy all manner of properties, and who invaded a hospital with intent to harm! and no, I don't have all the evidence from back then to back up this post, but I certainly did see it in the news, heard it from Arisman and his lot, and saw it played out on the TV.

    A couple of things

    1 When they get Thaksin back are they going to grill him?

    2 Are they saying that the actions of the red shirts were OK?

    3 That the government should have ignored them and let them continue to hold down town Bangkok as a hostage burn it down or what ever they felt like doing it was OK to invade hospitals?

    My guess is

    1) No

    2) Yes

    3) Yes

  10. I hope the police send the bill for this mans hospital treatment and his damaged motorbike to these kids parents (as opposed to the victim or his insurance company). I'm sure that the parents when faced with a bill for a foreigner in ICU at Bangkok hospital and a foreigner motorbike rental repair bill. (even split four ways) will be more than a little annoyed and teach the kids the error of their ways.

    Do you really think these kids know who their real parents are......Get a life....!

    Do you know they don't?

  11. I hope the police send the bill for this mans hospital treatment and his damaged motorbike to these kids parents (as opposed to the victim or his insurance company). I'm sure that the parents when faced with a bill for a foreigner in ICU at Bangkok hospital and a foreigner motorbike rental repair bill. (even split four ways) will be more than a little annoyed and teach the kids the error of their ways.

  12. let this Dr Tul idiot put himself up for election if he wants to interfere so much in political matters!

    Sorry I'm finding it hard to see why you are defending the proposal to issue a passport to Taksin he is a convicted (rightly or wrongly) and on the run. If you imply your support the principle of a re-issuance of a passport to absconding criminals/convicts. Would your support extend to say the UK government re-issuing a passport to a convicted on the run sex offender whose used it to journey around the world? Perhaps he would stop off in Thailand? Who knows? Or would you slam the UK government for being bang out of order and not using all means necessary to return said offender to serve their time? The principle involved here is clear. One rule of law for all, no exceptions, no privilege [even shock horror if you were elected]. Taksin should return to Thailand, fight his case or serve his time end of story.

    The simple answer to this is that taking Thaksins passport away was a political decision not a legal decision. Getting it back should work the same way!

    He is a convict on the run. How is revoking the passport of an on the run convict NOT a legal decision. The decision to revoke the passport was made AFTER the court found him guilty and he was busily visiting various destinations on a Thai passport. How is that a political decision? I sure there was as much political interference a in the legal system in this instance as there was when Taksin was running the show. So he can hardly claim it as unfair when he was guilty of the same manipulations against his opponents - Live by the sword, die by the sword.

  13. let this Dr Tul idiot put himself up for election if he wants to interfere so much in political matters!

    Sorry I'm finding it hard to see why you are defending the proposal to issue a passport to Taksin he is a convicted (rightly or wrongly) and on the run. If you imply your support the principle of a re-issuance of a passport to absconding criminals/convicts. Would your support extend to say the UK government re-issuing a passport to a convicted on the run sex offender whose used it to journey around the world? Perhaps he would stop off in Thailand? Who knows? Or would you slam the UK government for being bang out of order and not using all means necessary to return said offender to serve their time? The principle involved here is clear. One rule of law for all, no exceptions, no privilege [even shock horror if you were elected]. Taksin should return to Thailand, fight his case or serve his time end of story.

  14. Maybe here in Thailand is like you say, but in my country , a passport is not a privilege, its a right of every single citizen, and is not property of the government is property of the holder and revoking your passport obviously is a form of hurting or limiting your citizenship, cuz is the same that if you are a citizen and the government deprive you from your ID

    I think you may find if you go and read the "notes" pages in your own passport you will find your countries passport is exactly the same...:whistling:

    This is certainly the case with a British passport.

    Further you are confusing having/loosing a passport and its impact on citizenship, getting your passport revokes has no bearing on your citizenship at all, a passport is a travel document thats all.

    Yes in the British passport it states that the passport is the property of HM Government, which infers that it is not the property or right thereof the individual whose name is inside it. If the mood took the UK government they could cancel and revoke my passport whenever they so felt inclined to do so and there would be very little other than going to court that i could do to get it back.

  15. They should have done this long ago, no country should deprive their citizens from their nationality , ID or passport cuz governments easily could use this as a political weapon , that's why i don't understand how so many countries call themselves democracies and still they have this kind of laws. :jap:

    I agree with you but how many of the hill tribe / ethnic groups in the border regions, who are born and bred on Thai soil and whsoe families have lived here for generations still find themselves with very little in terms of paper work proving they are Thai. This has been ongoing for years and still their children are refused education, basic health care etc.

  16. Thais have been conditioned to accept the social programming of 'the national interest' as it states in the national anthem , "every inch of Thailand is for Thais' Including in this instance the inches in the air. The national interest card is used whenever and where-ever it is felt the Thais might be upstaged on their own turf.

    True, truly fear foreigners as they would be forced to lower their outragouesly expensive packages (50 dollars a month for gold package is a joke) considering the volume of repeats and the poor quality of the programming - Panda TV <deleted>!! and as for the true visionsThai channels (not Thai bashing) but they are cut price, intellectually deficient nonsense.

  17. If I remember correctly, is this the guy that was put in jail awaiting for charges to be laid against him?

    Didn't he apply for bail in order to vote, but was denied?

    If so, would he have a case that his bail was denied by the powers that be in order to prevent him from voting?

    Yes you are right, but lets be honest, bail is a privilage not a right. If it's given to him, shouldn't it be given to all prisoners awaiting trial every time there is an election? If so we end up with a curious situation of bail becoming a right for all detainees awaiting trial at election time???

  18. Ahhhhhhhhwwww....will they not be making 10 Gazillion Dollars profit next year but only 9,5 due to the massive raise in wages?

    It's really time to relocate!

    Is there a place, where minimum wages are below 150 THB?

    Where we can trample on the environment a little more, for less bribe money, so the "inspectors" look the other way?

    Are there swampy wetlands elsewhere, where a flood normally runs out and just vanishes into the ground, that we could build a massive concrete structure on...and complain, if we get flooded again...although we bought the place for a handful of cash, got taxes lowered and...and...and...

    If there is a parallel universe, these greedy b@stards would be hanging from a tree by their b@lls.

    Must be looking at slave driving the Khmers or the Burmese. Laos?


    Nah can't do that, The Thais have got that market sown up already !!

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