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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. "... seek bail... using salary slips of all Udon Thani MPs as the collateral."

    You cheap bast**ds put your hands in your pockets and use money like the rest of the population. What will they think of next; Christmas cards or I.O.Us on the back of a napkin from KFC.

    Just out of interest - and i'm happy to be corrected - have any TV members every used their salary slips for this purpose or similar. Perhaps you've been stopped by the police on the way home and the wallets is empty apart from your salary slip, so you slipped the policeman that instead of 200 baht and the police man skipped happily up the road with a piece of paper saying Mr. (insert name here) had just been paid 100'000 Baht.

    If the court does accept their salary slips I hope the Thai legal and justice system will extend that courtesy, nationwide, to the rest of the population

  2. "Mr.Thanik said Pheu Thai was ready to return justice to Mr.Thaksin and detained red shirt members..... the party simply wanted to disclose the truth and to do away with unjust treatments which have brought difficulties to Thaksin..."

    Seems like the truth has already been establish in Mr. Thanik eyes.

    I'm sure there are a number of individuals (the typical grassroots PTP supporter) who are in the Thai jail system due to police fabricating or planting evidence or confessions extracted under physical violence.

    Will PTP government return justice to these people and disclose the truth behind the incarceration of these innocents. Or course not don't want to upset the apple cart. Besides both political parties may need the police to shut up their opponents in the future.

    The system is rotten to the core and both PTP and the Dems like it that way as it allows either of them to reverse court rulings, protect their own and whitewash their crimes. How PTP or the Dems can accuse each other of corruption, being undemocratic etc. when both of them are equally revengeful, vindictive and self serving.

  3. At last, the truth is starting to emerge, many of us already knew this but the blinkered few on here still believed otherwise, and no doubt will go on believing otherwise.

    Did you read the article?

    Some charges probably were inflated as were some other aspects of the claims made by witnesses. Other charges were not inflated. Some things, such as the claims of deaths caused by security forces may have also been inflated (see the last couple of sentences.)

    The questions that need to be asked are many, including "Are some of these new revelations coming about because of pressure from different outside sources than those which may have been bringing pressure to bear before?"

    I distinctly remember "Random" as having no problem with the death of an innocent recently in a drug operation .............

    I seem to remember "jdinasia" having no problem with the deaths of over 90 innocent people at the hands of the military and the military appointed government, as abhisit said himself a deal was done to put them in power, his tongue slipped a little too far haha.

    Now back on topic, do you think the charges were exaggerated? are you naive enough to believe these people were not pressured to file these unwarranted charges?

    The truth is slowly and surely starting to come out, don't make yourself look silly by continuing with your propaganda :rolleyes:

    Random - There is no truth in Thailand. Whilst he who shouts loudest, longest and is heard by the most is most times declared the winner. And what we have here is a shouting contest.

  4. "...the prime minister said the opposition should allow her government to work for six months before airing critical views."

    I suppose complimentary views from the opposition are unwelcome as well?

    Part of an oppositions job is to be critical of government policy in the hope it will stir debate, participation and if needed amendments to national government policy. If the opposition see something wrong they are duty bound to say so, whether the opposition does so in the first week or last week of a governments tenure is irrelevant.

  5. Lets hope there's not a coup soon or the TRC will do another political U turn to save tits own backsides. Truth and Reconciliation has nothing to do with this. It's just having the view of those in power forced on you as the truth.

    Wait for it.TRC announces..Army ordered to shoot own soldiers and bomb sky train stations, Army ordered to burn down Center One, Central World and Bangkok Bank on Rama 4 by an invisible hand.

    Shift the blame, avoid the truth, close the book and get the noses back in the trough. That is and always has been the remit of the TRC under the Abhisit and now the Yingluck Governments.

    Yingluck cannot afford having members of PTP being implicated in the arson and looting of Bangkok no matter how minor (remember the boss wants a clean government) so the notion that PTP will allow the TRC to find the reds responsible is laughable, just as laughable as if the Dems would allow the TRC to find the army at fault.

    Today we see the softening up of the public, incremental releases of information that gently 're-educates' the populace until a complete 180o turn has been achieved. At which point the TRC no longer becomes relevant.

  6. "He argued that Maplecroft's ranking is measured by the frequency and intensity of terrorist violence in each country, but Thailand's high-risk area is almost exclusive to the southern border provinces, and does not affect the entire country"

    But the high risk area is still in Thailand is it not ?, therefore Maplecrofts criteria applies....so can't understand the esteemed director-generals logic...:rolleyes:

    Because its so far away from the capital and important parts of the country, Bangkok bigwigs don't regard it as of equal status. All places being equal, some more than others.

  7. Already making excuses! After 6 months...wait another 6 months to understand...and on it goes.

    Basically, the equivalent of: wait as long as it takes for somebody like Obama to decide what the hell his "change" means and is going to be, when in fact, he doesn't have a clue.

    Doesn't take a fortune teller nor a rocket scientist to realize that this bird doesn't have a clue, and that she's just part of an oligarchy.

    Usually it's best man for the job, hire the experienced person with the knowledge and know how. Maybe after this PM, Thailand will realize that.

    I agree - She isn't the sharpest politicla tool in the box. It's taken an age to form this government and strangely unlike most PMs she hasn't hit the ground running. It's starting to look like lack of leadership, something the country needs. When ever i see her on the Thai news she rarely says anything of substance and deflects journalists questions with wait and see or please be patient. The new PM should be all about showing direction, leadership and vision. I like the lady and think she should be given a chance, she won the election two months ago and there is very little happening. Don't wanna sound bad on the lady but she should be in TV (not the forum) with a strong presence, outlining policies and the countries direction. Not wait and see!

  8. I would like to say to all of the PTP supporters who cried for democracy and believed that Thaskin and his party were wrongly accused. Well now you see what is and has been the agenda of Khun Yingluck and her brother. Much more of the hidden agenda will surface.

    This is democracy?

    If you look at the changes you are ridicule, they all seem to be a positive step. The corruption associated with Newin will be dealt with and everyone's source of scorn in TVF, King Power is going to get a wake up call.. The suggested new appointees all seem to be as qualified if not more so than the people they might replace. Why shouldn't the new government appoint personnel that can be counted up to do their jobs?

    I guess it depends on the job they are assigned to do.

    Will the jobs of the new positions holders be:

    a) Do your job efficiently and transparently without fear or favour.

    B ) Do your job efficiently and transparently without fear or favour, but make sure we (government and supporters) don't look bad, so do what your told and remember you owe us for giving you the job in the first place!

    Any guesses which one we will see? Which one will lead to reconciliation and which one will be seen as revenge?

  9. If Abhisit wants the Dems to do better in the next election he should stop obsessing with Thaksin. Every time he says the name in a negative manner he reminds those he needs to vote for the party not to while at the same time turning off those sick of hearing everything always brought back to Thaksin as more serious things happen such as the price of pork spiralling up.

    If PTP want to bring Thaksin back they have to deal with the legal issues otherwise he gets arrested meaning he likely wont come back. There is no need for the opposition to fixate on what is a technical headache for PTP even if they decide to do it. And even an amnesty will have to go through the lower and upper house and the upper house is half stuffed with establishment picks.

    Price of Pork going up - I blame Abhisit.

    As for the legal issues, there won't be any and it will take one brave police chief to order and co ordinate that arrest when he steps off the plane. The amnesty will be steamrollered through parliment, after all this is all about revenge and reconcilation

  10. Just more Thaksin paranoia by the usual lot . They must really have a wonderful life . I heard Thaksin is responsible for the 1st & 2nd world war . Also for the USA loss of vietnam , Loas & Cambodia . Now who would of thought that ? CRANKS maybe hahahahaha

    You mean he's not! Those Thai History book are gonna have to be rewritten

  11. Flooding has persists in many provinces while, a search is ongoing to find a missing person in flood and landslide in Mae Hong Son.

    Please tell me whoever wrote this didn't go to an English language journalism school.

    I don't think they did - Rehabitation seems a better fit.

    For rehabilitation, local people are moving their belongings from a temporary shelter at a temple back to their home

  12. i don't think the figures for other western Nationalities would be that much different. In an age of mass travel, there are still some people that really shouldn't!

    I guess Mr Asif Ahmad is going to come in for grief every time his name is mentioned for the foreseeable future, but for the record and having met him, he is a a former businessman who was a late entrant to the diplomatic service and was based at the FCO in London advising embassies throughout SEA. He earned his spurs in the field during the monk riots in Burma last year when Britain ended up without an ambassador when we really needed one and Mr. Ahmad was sent to fulfil the role.

    He is a typical diplomat - says nice things without ever promising anything. He is intelligent and articulate. As a Moslem Briton of I believe, Bangladeshi origin, he doesn't drink, though he seems to have no problem being in the company of those of us that do! He is a decent representative of modern Briton. Unlike our former ambassador, the hugely likeable, Mr Quentin Quayle, I would guess he is unlikely to quit and join Beer Chang!!!

    He's got a difficult job to do representing Britain - and especially Britons in Thailand and the sooner we can quit the 'Paki Bashing' stage and get on with supporting him the better for all of us!

    I have been informed that ""Mr. Ahmad and his wife have imposed a strict Muslim regime within the Embassy compound in Bangkok and British Breakfasts are served to guests with no pork products. When I challenged him about this, saying it was hardly British and why should he impose his strict Muslim minority values on us Brits he simply said "you better get used to it, nothing will change whilst I'm here" He's simply a career diplomat. Spent 14 years as a banker then joined the FCO, hopping up the career ladder at every available opportunity. He also knows how to ride the extreme political correctness wave to his every advantage"". That simply is not cricket old boy!

    Rubbish post, full of typical xenophobic stereotyping.

  13. i don't think the figures for other western Nationalities would be that much different. In an age of mass travel, there are still some people that really shouldn't!

    I guess Mr Asif Ahmad is going to come in for grief every time his name is mentioned for the foreseeable future, but for the record and having met him, he is a a former businessman who was a late entrant to the diplomatic service and was based at the FCO in London advising embassies throughout SEA. He earned his spurs in the field during the monk riots in Burma last year when Britain ended up without an ambassador when we really needed one and Mr. Ahmad was sent to fulfil the role.

    He is a typical diplomat - says nice things without ever promising anything. He is intelligent and articulate. As a Moslem Briton of I believe, Bangladeshi origin, he doesn't drink, though he seems to have no problem being in the company of those of us that do! He is a decent representative of modern Briton. Unlike our former ambassador, the hugely likeable, Mr Quentin Quayle, I would guess he is unlikely to quit and join Beer Chang!!!

    He's got a difficult job to do representing Britain - and especially Britons in Thailand and the sooner we can quit the 'Paki Bashing' stage and get on with supporting him the better for all of us!

    Very well said.

    Thank You !!!


    Yeah well said.

    Amazing that so many people complain on TV post incessantly about the Thais being xenophobic in their treatment of westerners (visa runs, double pricing etc.). but when the opportunity arises to show their own racist tendencies they hop on the band wagon quite merrily.

  14. My own view is that Yingluck in't too bothered about her credibility being questioned, as I doubt she expects to be around for more than a year or soon, (hence the reason for most politicians visiting Taksin). Think about it Taksin wants to be back for December (which means) that in the intrim his crimes have to be absolved as has already be intimated using the term 'reconciliation' . So he 'the good man' returns, and they [PTP / Yingluck / Taksin ]spend the next six month warming up the public to the possibility of him becoming PM, with 'press releases, and visit to parliment etc.' using his PR machine and the state media to put a positive spin on the whole think, Yingluck steps down as PM (stating for example she wants to spend more time with her son), taksin steps up and tours issan to show his popularity.

    If i was Taksin - That's how i'd play it. - The only wildcard is the army, but if they were to have a coup, Thailand would be slated internationally and on the back of another election victory it would be hugely unpopular and likely bloody. I think they'd not intervene.

    The only thing that would upset this apple cart is a huge and prolonged anti PTP / Taksin demonstration from a broad cross section of society.

  15. This is brilliant - Now with immunity while parliament is in session Japtuporn and co can as MPs make the laws for us mere mortals to follow, yet these laws don't apply to them. Now there is a classic double standard.

    The old adage, 'do as I say, not as I do', springs to mind.

    The first motion of Parliament should be to revoke the immunity part of being an MP - otherwise how can we, the people be expected to respect the law if our MPs don't and have a free hand to do what they want with impunity.

    No wonder so many alleged criminals are turning up as MPs . Maybe it's possible to convince one of them to ahem, remove, Jatuporn permanently. After all they have immunity and needn't fear jail time.

    If I anot mistaken he was arrested for an LM charge. So have many others under the exiting government. Abuse of the law to me. I for one am happy he has been released, he reminds me of those great politicians ranting from the hustings, like Tony Benn and Michael Heseltine. When you had the dems complaining about being heckled whilst campaigning the real politicitions would have taken them on in there own den. To do that you have to believe in whatyour saying, unfortunately most politicans here dont have belief. Jatuporn could take on many if not all other politicians in a debate and beat them hands down. Good luck mate they love you on Thaivisa

    You are mistaken he was arrested for violating bail conditions related to the charge of unrest and violence during last years riots. I agree it would be nice to have more politicians who felt as passionate as Tony Benn in Thai politics, rather than continuing the family dynasty. But, I have to say I don't think Jatuporns passion is based on a political ideology, given the 10Million baht allegedly transferred into his bank account during last years riots. He's more of an opportunist.

  16. This is brilliant - Now with immunity while parliament is in session Japtuporn and co can as MPs make the laws for us mere mortals to follow, yet these laws don't apply to them. Now there is a classic double standard.

    The old adage, 'do as I say, not as I do', springs to mind.

    The first motion of Parliament should be to revoke the immunity part of being an MP - otherwise how can we, the people be expected to respect the law if our MPs don't and have a free hand to do what they want with impunity.

    This is why, although unfortunate and unsavoury, the military needs to be in overall control.

    Like hell it does!!!

  17. This is brilliant - Now with immunity while parliament is in session Japtuporn and co can as MPs make the laws for us mere mortals to follow, yet these laws don't apply to them. Now there is a classic double standard.

    The old adage, 'do as I say, not as I do', springs to mind.

    The first motion of Parliament should be to revoke the immunity part of being an MP - otherwise how can we, the people be expected to respect the law if our MPs don't and have a free hand to do what they want with impunity.

    No wonder so many alleged criminals are turning up as MPs . Maybe it's possible to convince one of them to ahem, remove, Jatuporn permanently. After all they have immunity and needn't fear jail time.

  18. This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

    how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

    and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

    why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

    next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

    Maybe because 12 Thai cowards tied this young man and slit his throat. Usually an overkill of Thai staff at these accommodations as well but don't act as the poor innocent Thais are being rained on. Happens all the time here. Just had my guests stay way clear of Phukette and gave them strong warnings about the hotel in Chiang Mai. Not a safe place!

    How many people do get killed in the States or in Europe, while sitting here and writing two sentences? Guess crime is everywhere. Sorry, but that.:jap:

    You make a very fair point.

    But i'm fairly sure that if (hypothetically) a 25 year old black man had his hands bound and his throat slit by a gang of 12 white males in the US it would draw a hell of a lot more publicity and social soul searching than this poor chaps death has. And the police /FBI would be falling over themseleves to find the 12 and incarcerate them. Crime is everwhere, but how it is dealt with is sadly lacking in some parts.

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