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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Go on. Bring evidence. Any *justice* happened yet?

    No, and if you expect justice once the next government is formed (PTP or Dem) you're only deluding yourself. If PTP form the next government do you really think the Dead red shorts will get justice. They were pawns to be sacrificed, the Army has swept away, cleared up and burnt any evidence linking it, other then circumstantial - No court in the Thailand is going to rule against the army. The army runs the country, governments come and go, but the army always remains. Look at your history books!! The UDD will be bitterly disappointed, then watch the factions split in PTP and the dance begins again.

    You are probably right with that.

    That is the answer to the question who is responsible and why we don't saw any *justice* happened yet.

    What the reds can expect is to get some status like the "Hok Tulaa" the October people, but no further question ask or anyone convicted or the full story told in the Thai history books.

    That is something what the UDD knows because they are, partly, the "Hok Tulaa" generation.

    Indeed, it is sad for all people involved, the reds, the businesses, the innocents, hospital patients and to a lesser degree most of the Bangkok residents as it is just a repetition of past injustices. UNfortunatly due to the past, present and future 'longevity' of the Armies involvement in politics. Thailand is slowly dying on a sharp double edged sword. All the PTP and Dems do is twist the sword through their political words, dis inform the public as they both scramble for power and money.

    The only solution is bringing the army tightly and permanently under civilian 'political' control, plenty of time for the memories to fade the hatred to dull, a new untainted leader and a bit of luck.

  2. Go on. Bring evidence. Any *justice* happened yet?

    No, and if you expect justice once the next government is formed (PTP or Dem) you're only deluding yourself. If PTP form the next government do you really think the Dead red shorts will get justice. They were pawns to be sacrificed, the Army has swept away, cleared up and burnt any evidence linking it, other then circumstantial - No court in the Thailand is going to rule against the army. The army runs the country, governments come and go, but the army always remains. Look at your history books!! The UDD will be bitterly disappointed, then watch the factions split in PTP and the dance begins again.

    Personally i don't give a s**t who runs the country. They are all equally inept.- Just to add, do you think PTP will want to drag the deaths through the court system - That will only intensify the scrutiny of the UDD / PTP unofficial partnership as both sides submit evidence and call into question the 'role' of some potential PTP MPs in the deaths of Thai citizens

  3. Naturally the post election outlook worries Abhisit.

    Not only will his political career be in tatters, he will be facing a number of court cases and most probably be Thailands next fugitive.

    He won't be facing court cases - He' will be an MP = Immunity - Just ask Jatuporn he'll fill you in!!

  4. Want to take a guess as to who Fugitive and Outlaw 2.0 will be ?

    I thought that was taken already by Arisman.

    Good come back - The real disappointment for the PTP and the UDD is going to be the fact that despite their howls of injustice they won't be able to touch Suthep or Abhisit should they form the next government. As they are MPs and will have immunity, just like Jatuporn et al. So will he be a fugitive. Highly unlikely!

  5. just how could a farang school in thailand claim educational quality equivalency with homeland schools.... is beyond me, really....

    Err, I think you mean "Western school, or schools with a Western curriculum" .......

    Anyway, simple; accreditation. I take it you have not heard of WASC, CIS, NEASC etc.?

    Then the question is; is the school accredited?

    I would have to agree with this - Is the school accredited and with which organizations? (as some have less rigorous standards than others.) There are some very good international schools in Thailand.

  6. <br />Random, you are such an entertainer. But where you during last year red shirts occupation of the city? What did you see of the slaughter you refer to? Unarmed people? Get your facts right , other than using the red propaganda that we are fed with for too long.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    i was in Bangkok, I have lived her 6 years, where were you?

    I guess all those dead bodies just upped and died out of boredom, I guess the army were not randomly shooting unarmed people (such as medics and photographers who were clearly no direct threat), I guess the images of the army shooting at people laying on the ground and unarmed are doctored, and the soldier that shot his colleague on Viphawadee Road was not just shooting randomly, I mean he must have had a grudge agaisnt his colleague to do that, right?? I guess the independent press reports about the temple murders were also not true???

    Open your eyes, open your mind, however much you want to deny this based on your hatred for Thaksin, the fact is your poster boy abhisit either:

    a. ordered this mass slaughter

    b. had no control over the country

    c. or had is ordered disobeyed by the army

    but whichever is true of the above he has still been complicit in the failure to investigate or in a cover up, do you deny this?


    d. the army were acting in self defense after the murder of their collegues at the intersection on 10th April. Or did Col Romklow also die of boredom?,

    e. all of the above is pure speculation and the truth of the matter is when people and guns mix, death is usually the outcome.

    Random FYI i spent two days at the Klong Toei intersection watching events unfold - the people present, and there were thousands,some of whom were armed, wanted to kill / injure / maime / capture soldiers and get their hands on their weapons.

    &lt;deleted&gt; do you expect soldiers / the government to do in that situation. The people didn't deserve to die, but they had made their point and were given every opportunity to negotiate, and walk away in peace. They knew what was coming, but called the governments bluff and unfortunately that bluff resulted in extreme actions and the deaths of innocents. If the UDD had disbanded the protest before the army action would these deaths and the scale of the deaths have happened?

    Random - open YOUR eyes and mind

  7. The red shirts mentioned 90,000 or their group monitoring the 90,000 polling venues. What do 60 observers from the "free elections" group hope to accomplish? Some rate Thailand as a Developing Nation, others a third world country, others refer to her as the hillbilly/bumpkin nation. When its comes to political behavior/governing bodies, etc this system is fast approaching the despot countries of the world, way of doing things.

    I think Thailand actually likes or enjoys having developing / 3rd world country status as it precludes resposnsibility for anything!

  8. Typical Nation biased piece. She hasn't had a debate yet, but is doing wonderfully well in the polls. Why change things? Certainly not for the sake of her critics, who are the ones vociferously calling for it. Go Yingluck, you're doing just fine.

    What's biased in pointing out a very poignant fact? Let's see a live debate, see what she's really made of, and whether she's truly cut out for the role or not.

    Agreed - She wants to be leader of the country - so lets she how she if she cuts the mustard, After all do we want a potentially weak leader?

  9. While Natthawut asked Chamni to promise that the Democrats would not compete in forming the government if Pheu Thai chalks up the most MP seats, Chamni said any other party had the right to form a coalition government unless a single party secures more than 250 House seats.

    "As long as no party wins the majority of House seats, it's for the House to decide," he said, referring to the MPs' voting to select the prime minister.

    On the other hand, when Chamni asked Natthawut to promise that all sides should accept the election result and the parliamentary process to select the prime minister and there should no longer be any protests, Natthawut answered that it depended on the situation.

    Sums up nicely Natthawut's ideas of equal rights and democracy.

    No. No. No - Its all about double standards - if they won't we won't either !

  10. When Thailand gets a chance to speak, will others listen?

    The short answer; hell no!

    The long answer; when Thailand ends corruption, the dual pricing stick it to the farang mentality, the racist and xenophobic mentality, gives and enforces equal rights to everyone including foreigners, the incomprehensible laws on land ownership and business investments, and changes the educational system, then it may be ready for the world stage.

    On a closing note. I remember recently someone in the political sphere saying that "they did not care about what the west had to say". (I'm paraphrasing) Which begs the question; Why would anyone care about what Thailand had too say?

    Given that the article is about the "2011 World Economic Forum on East Asia, hosted by Indonesia in Jakarta",

    corruption, the dual pricing stick it to the farang mentality, the racist and xenophobic mentality, gives and enforces equal rights to everyone including foreigners, the incomprehensible laws on land ownership and business investments, and changes the educational system
    refers to most of the countries attending.

    Unfortunately though those categories can be applied to a greater or lesser degree for different countries in SE Asia - Singapore / Thailand comparison anyone? But, yeah why should anyone listen to Thailand? Does it have anything useful or constructive to say??

  11. i want to see what all the people who like to defend the CBK abhist hast to say about this!!!this is the blood of inocent thai people who has been murdered by the army under abhisit orders!!!who is gonne bring abhisit to justice, who is gonne bring justice to the familly of the dead???but this has been posted since 8:22 and no one of the dinosaur of this forum has emited one single word, and then they go and write that they are worried by the future of this country,blablablabla :angry: thats why we need a revolution,it seems that the most of the people here don't understant that thailand right now is like a pressure pot, that its accumulating pressure till the day in which it will explote i hope that that day never arrive!!!

    You talk about justice as if was the right of every Thai person to receive it. Justice in Thailand has rarely been a right - Think of the number of people murdered by the police - who acted as judge, jury and executer, during the war on drugs (initiated by the Red Shirts main backer). This lack of justice is not something new to Thailand. Does that make it right - No, but make no mistake no matter which political party gets into power - justice will rarely be served to those that seek it. Indeed should PTP form a government seek to bring justice to the reds, one side would claim justice has been served, whilst the other would cry "revenge". Is revenge justice?

    Do you think farangs and immigrant workers in Thailand receive justice in Thailand when they are systematically wronged ?. Very, Very Rarely - If we complain is our voice heard? Or are we told to go home if we don't like it? - I hope when you speak of justice (or lack of) with such broad strokes you understand that in order for justice to be just it must be applied equally to all sections of society irresepctive of race, religion, colour of skin, or size of bank balance. Only then will Thai justice be a right of EVERY person on Thailand.

    What happened during the RED rally is mearely a symptom of the cancer spreading through Thailand (which i've witnessed for the last 15 years) .

  12. I think there is a lot of undeserved Thai bashing going on here. Why? Well having read the article i haven't found a single quote or reference to a Thai person saying anything blaming the west. It seems all the blame on foreigners is being directed from one of our own. So it seems we have a western woman, who probably knows sweet FA about thailand, its people and culture blaming globalisation (selectively i might add - fails to address the increase in living standards and medical care which globalisation has provided to some parts of the population) for the moral failings of Thailand.

    The OP is not Thailand or Thais having a go at the west and westerners, So lets calm down and not have a go at Thailand (we all know its imperfections) :jap:

    While I agree with your first statement I would not agree with what follows. What we have is an Indian woman (Central Asia) (who probably knows sweet FA about thailand) explaining why she thinks everything is going down the crapper. As most know India is a utopia with the experience to tell others how to properly organize society. So the way I see it - it is both Thailand and the West that is taking the thrashing here. B)

    Ahh she's Indian - (Sorry the name threw me into thinking she was western) I wonder why she chose to pick on Thailand is there any self interest activity going on here? i.e. opening a new branch of her organisation, or a conference with a name to be dropped into the media? All sounds like the media tactics of an organisation hoping to go regional or maybe global :blink:

  13. I think there is a lot of undeserved Thai bashing going on here. Why? Well having read the article i haven't found a single quote or reference to a Thai person saying anything blaming the west. It seems all the blame on foreigners is being directed from one of our own. So it seems we have a western woman, who probably knows sweet FA about thailand, its people and culture blaming globalisation (selectively i might add - fails to address the increase in living standards and medical care which globalisation has provided to some parts of the population) for the moral failings of Thailand.

    The OP is not Thailand or Thais having a go at the west and westerners, So lets calm down and not have a go at Thailand (we all know its imperfections) :jap:

  14. I was always taught, by both friends and family that if you ever get into debt and want to get out of it one of the first things you do is cut up your credit cards and never use them again. It seems very ironic that such a distinguished business man is encouraging debt amongst those he seeks to help. I think the idea of a taxi driver using his taxi (as capital assume) as a guarantee against another taxi drivers loan to buy a taxi is a good idea in principle, but I'm not sure the banks will go for it, which means in order to keep this promise, the government (or taxpayer) wold ultimately be underwriting this loan for the banks. How much tax does the average taxi driver contribute per month, anyone any ideas?

    One other quick thought, how will the PTP grantee that the credit card will only be used for fuel cost and not clothes, food and alcohol? Will the Credit card only be valid at petrol stations?

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