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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. Reading stories like this you feel such pity for the people being forced to live like this in the search for a better life, but even more pity for the Thai people that find this sort of treatment of their fellow man is acceptable and their arrogance that they are in some way superior.

    Unfortunately the government, like all the past governments will respond will do <deleted> all.

    Khon Thai Jai Dee .....not

    The situation is deplorable, but once again the ThaiVisa Thai bashers seem to take the view that Thailand is somehow unique in the world when it comes to such news. If you watch the nightly news or run any kind of Google search you'll find the exploitation of economic and political refugees worldwide is a growing problem only made worse with the current economic uncertainty but it's been going through good times and bad in the so-called developed world.

    19 Asian cockle pickers die on UK beach

    LONDON: Nineteen Asian shellfish gatherers died on Thursday night after being caught by a fast-rising tide on an English beach, prompting charges of exploited migrant labour.

    The local member of parliament said the deaths in Morecambe Bay in Lancashire, northwest England, were a tragedy waiting to happen. "Those people that lost their lives last night were not just victims to Morecambe Bay, they were victims of exploitation," Geraldine Smith said.

    "They were working probably for very, very little money, working in very dangerous and difficult conditions." The group of around 34 cockle gatherers were cut off from the shore late on Thursday. Police said 16 people, of oriental appearance and with little command of English, had been rescued and were being cared for.


    So where are the Thai MP decrying the evil bast*rds* who bring these people into Thailand and exploit them, what is the Thai police doing to prevent this. Immigrants who try to make a better life for themselves are always the victims here, even when the authorities - who should help them get involved

    Yes, illegal immigration happens in all countries, the difference between western and Asian countries (and this is a general not specific statement) is that at a national level governments set out national strategies to combat this type of trafficking and police are actively trying to prevention this type of exploitation.

    If you read one of the follow ups to the above (morecomb bay ) story (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/lancashire/3827623.stm) you'll see that the British police now have solid leads as to who were the people behind the trafficking operation and that the police actually traveled to China to a) confirm the victims identity and B) to assist with the repatriation of the deceased. The actions of the British police in the Morecombe bay incident, when compare with the action or lack thereof of the Thai police are worlds apart. I'm fairly sure had the victims been Burmese and they died in Thailand, the response of the Thai police would have been entirely different.

    The OP continues and states:

    " Every time he tried to escape, the Thai police would catch him and return him to the boat" So the Thai police return an illegal immigrant, working illegally to continue working. Bit odd that, why do you think the police did that?

    Probably because many influential people and police rather than seeking to prevent this type of exploitation they are actually complicit in it and see it as a nice little earner. Somehow i don't think the British police would return illegal immigrants to the gang bosses if the immigrants escaped - do you?

    No country is going to have a 100% success rate preventing illegal immigration. But being an illegal doesn't decrease your worth as a human being and you should be guaranteed protection from exploitation and slavery. It is that lack of respect for human life and dignity which really pisses me off.

  2. why don"t these people try and change their own country,instead of looking for a pot of gold elsewhere.All people who come to another ilegal should just be locked up then kicked out.

    I assume your reference to 'these people' is directed at the people in the OP. If you have any suggestions as to how the Burmese could change their own country (as I'm fairly sure they would much rather live in Burma than in Thailand) without being lined up against the wall with the rest of their family and shot I'm sure the global community would be very interested in your ideas. As pretty much every international and local effort has fallen on the deaf ears of the Burmese Junta.

    So - How do the Burmese change their own country - Over to you 007!

  3. Reading stories like this you feel such pity for the people being forced to live like this in the search for a better life, but even more pity for the Thai people that find this sort of treatment of their fellow man is acceptable and their arrogance that they are in some way superior.

    Unfortunately the government, like all the past governments will respond will do <deleted> all.

    Khon Thai Jai Dee .....not

  4. He is obviously prepare to sacrifice his sister to save himself. What a guy!

    Sadly this was always going to happen.

    I'll be honest I don't think she really cares as judging from her performances in front of the press this week she doesn't have a handle on anything the various ministries say or do and its fairly clear they don't listen to her either. She gives me the impression of a man whose handed in his resignation and is just working out the week

  5. "Some foreign diplomats have mentioned that such an offence is hardly a criminal act in other countries. That may be true.

    Yeah, but in all fairness as each country has its own set of laws, and its judicial interpretation of their own laws, so when a diplomat says such an offense isn't a criminal act in their country, that is probably true as their country has different laws and interpretations thereof to Thailand.

    Most of the comments which result in lese ma jest charges in Thailand wouldn't result in charges in the UK. Should all lese ma jest charges be dropped just because they don't fit with UK law? You live in Thailand, you follow Thai Law

  6. Just want to make it clear for everybody.

    A couple of abstracts from this editorial :

    "Some foreign diplomats have mentioned that such an offence is hardly a criminal act in other countries. That may be true.

    Was the coup bad? Yes.

    With democracy being respected by all, evident in the Pheu Thai Party's smooth ascension to power.

    Amnesty can be good for reconciliation."

    On the one hand, we have a controversial land deal.

    On the other hand we have a military coup, 5 years of political and economical troubles, democracy betrayed by the people who call themselves "the oldest political party in Thailand.

    Yes, amnesty will be good for reconciliation.

    And I think it will be more than a fair deal for everybody.

    An amnesty would only set a precedent for more troubles ahead. After all if there's been a coup and five years of trouble and that was all swept under the carpet, whats to stop the whole thing happening again ten years down the road? We got away with it once, why not again??

  7. What that editorial says ?

    That we had a military coup, 5 years of almost incessant riots, half of the nation ready to kill the other half for what ?

    A controversial land deal ?

    Because at the end, if you remove all the obviously politically motivated court actions, at the end without real legal basis, that's all what is left.

    A controversial land deal !

    JurgenG - Don't you find it odd that whenever a politician has an outstanding court action he or she decries it as being politically motivated. Almost like a get out of jail free card. Strangely this only applies to politicians - not the rest of the population - Why is that??

    Perhaps next time i get a traffic ticket - I'll go to court and claim the ticket was politically motivated - What do you think JurgenG ? Do you think I'll get away with it?

    No - you're right the judge would laugh me out the court. Why? Ahhh - It's because i'm not a politician, involved in politics, with enemies who are also politicians involved in politics.

    If politicians don't like political motivation - GET A NEW JOB JACKASS!!

    Taksin needs to grow so balls and fess up. He was convicted under laws which were in place when he was PM.

  8. "She also added that although a number of villagers still accept vote-buying money from politicians to vote for certain candidates or party, the increasing reality is that they do not always vote for the party which gave them money."

    Not sure in what light she is trying to paint villagers here?

    They a bunch of dishonest crooks who will take your money and not do what they told you they would when they accepted the money. Or perhaps its a message to politicians that villagers are just taking them for a ride?

  9. "For example, the plan to increase the daily minimum wage to Bt300 is limited to civil servants and employees of state enterprises, not the general workforce, he said."

    And one would assume the vast majority of civil servants and state employees are already on more than THB 300/day....therefore implementing a policy which benefits just about no one.

    I susepct the general voting public were under the impression it applied across the board...

    It was advertised as such. Infact on the way back from my holidays at an intersection about 150km outside of Bangkok there is still a PTP election placard which promises the 300baht a day minimum. I suggest the dems go and collect it and take it into parliament for the debate. Just as a reminder as to what the government actually promised

  10. Brain the size of a thimble this one.

    I wish there were Thai political satire shows in on the TV (along the lines of HIGNFY) . She would be absolute gold. (but then again most Thai politicians would be as well).

    "We can explain everything" - Please do ! cause so far you've explained nothing.

    One of the Red shirt leaders commented that Abhisit was only good at talking. Well if that's true Abhisits already got one up on the current incumbent cause she doesn't even talk.

  11. It's really interesting to read many of the comments on here.

    My nephew is a student at Bangkok Institute of Technology, and he is proudly part of the Red 22 gang, which graffiti parts of Suk 71, Ramkamheng and the area (Yes, red 22 is a school gang and noting to do with the red shirts) .

    Some of the posters are quick to slate the teachers - well the teachers at BiTs having spoken with them are aware of the problems and know that studenst will fight on the buses and outside of school. All of the teachers are assigned and area or bus to patrol every night (for about 2 hours a night) and do their best to try to prevent fights. But the problem is there are more buses than teachers so the students slip away to pre arranged places Teachers regularly search the school and find knieves, drugs, etc stashed around the campus but as they are stashed finding the perpetrators is a lot harder as no one will squeal on their mates.

    The studenst themselves really don't give a shit about school sanctions or police punishments as it is so small - (50 baht fine for carrying a knife), many ex students return to the outside of the school once school finishes everyday to rejoin the gang as their bonds are very strong - by ex student i'm talking people that are 25 years old +. Clearly expelling or suspending students wouldn't sever the gang ties. As for moving to other schools - just won't happen as schools are reluctant to take older students from certain institutions as they know (like the student) that the entering student will be a target, as he is still a member of his old schools gang, (you can't swap gangs) and if he's a target - his gang will come and make trouble at that school.

    These gangs also give students independence. Their gang is like an extended family and like a family it will support those who are having a hard time getting out to be a part of the gang. The older students will let younger students stay in their apartments or live there. Thus taking the parents out of the equation.

    Thank you for some insight into the matter. This is so far the only post that makes sense, actually.

    I was wondering what this is all about, Why are there gangs, and why do they fight? It's just something I have never experienced; growing up in austria a little teasing was about the worst that could happen to you in school. There were certainly groups but never gangs. But by and large it was all harmless.

    I've heard about school gangs, including a first hand report from a friend of mine who, in his uni days, was part of a school gang. A long time ago. They had all manner of weapons, weapon caches with chains, knives, and guns, pre-arranged fights... crazy. It's not that far from fraternity out of control to organized crime.

    For all those proposing solutions without understanding the problems: You need to understand what's going on first.

    Spout all you like--It's UPBRINGING. if you have a nasty in your home YOU made it that way, and if you didn't you have fourteen or more years to correct it.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Laugh what a laugh. to think when I was at senior school and a member of a GANG it was like a playful gang----this is different, out of control irresponsibility =in fact nutters.

    Hello son ,anything interesting happen today( not really we smashed a bus up and knifed a kid -tomorrow will take a gun) thats fine boy as long as your enjoying yourself thats what counts.

    :clap2: :clap2: exactly. i never had an inclination to fight with other students never mind from other schools. i knew if i mis-behaved my parents would kick my ass. the police are also at fault here, this is a law enforcement issue here and these lazy, good for nothing basterds wont do anything about it. there is no tea money so why bother. what are the reprecussions if you have a knife ) a 50 baht fine) and if you kill someone, like as happened in bangkok some months back. anyone heard about those students that fired a gun into a bus and killed a young student. any case pending? any jail time ?

    god bless then, the little thai darlings. :violin:

    Not defending the parents - but gangs actually target the parents of students when parents try to discipline their children and keep them out of the gangs - By target I mean a group of 30 (usually senior members 20 years +) turn up with guns and knives at the parents homes and physically assault the parents. Actually makes the disciplining much harder when someone has just stuck a gun to your wife's head and told you not to.

    The problem is more complex than giving your kids a clip round the ear. The only way this problem will be solved is by changing elements of the education system. Most of the students in these gangs do not have high enough attainment grades to progress in normal government school beyond M3 and are rejected by the schooling system, so they are clumped together at 14/15 years old, and sent to these vocational colleges friendless (most of their mates are still in mainstream schooling)

    Remember what it was like when you were the new face in a new school all you want to do is fit in and do what everyone else is doing.

    So the schools take in young, unmotivated, friendless, adolescent males,unwanted by the mainstream schooling system, some with parental / economic problems from the lower tiers of society. Against that background the gangs are welcoming extended family which gives them a new identity.

    My own view is that these vocational colleges need closing, but at the same time government schools need to be able to offer a vocational program of study within the mainstream so that those less academically able students are kept in the mainstream with their friends and not clumped together and rejected.

    BTW at school not joining the gang is not an option, so even if you had been an model, supportive parent at these school your child would be part of the gang and forced / coerced into joining in.

  12. It's really interesting to read many of the comments on here.

    My nephew is a student at Bangkok Institute of Technology, and he is proudly part of the Red 22 gang, which graffiti parts of Suk 71, Ramkamheng and the area (Yes, red 22 is a school gang and noting to do with the red shirts) .

    Some of the posters are quick to slate the teachers - well the teachers at BiTs having spoken with them are aware of the problems and know that studenst will fight on the buses and outside of school. All of the teachers are assigned and area or bus to patrol every night (for about 2 hours a night) and do their best to try to prevent fights. But the problem is there are more buses than teachers so the students slip away to pre arranged places Teachers regularly search the school and find knieves, drugs, etc stashed around the campus but as they are stashed finding the perpetrators is a lot harder as no one will squeal on their mates.

    The studenst themselves really don't give a shit about school sanctions or police punishments as it is so small - (50 baht fine for carrying a knife), many ex students return to the outside of the school once school finishes everyday to rejoin the gang as their bonds are very strong - by ex student i'm talking people that are 25 years old +. Clearly expelling or suspending students wouldn't sever the gang ties. As for moving to other schools - just won't happen as schools are reluctant to take older students from certain institutions as they know (like the student) that the entering student will be a target, as he is still a member of his old schools gang, (you can't swap gangs) and if he's a target - his gang will come and make trouble at that school.

    These gangs also give students independence. Their gang is like an extended family and like a family it will support those who are having a hard time getting out to be a part of the gang. The older students will let younger students stay in their apartments or live there. Thus taking the parents out of the equation.

  13. Woravat said school executives should first try to improve their institutions and if they refuse to do so, or are unable to solve the problem, then the schools should be closed down and the students moved to other vocational colleges.
    He also said the Sriwattana Institute of International Business and Technology and Bangkok Institute of Technology whose, students were involved in the brawl on Wednesday, have been ordered closed for one week to prevent the situation from escalating.

    The proposed solution is ridiculous. It's pretty obvious that the problems lie with the student. We are not talking about 7 or 8 years old kids fighting and causing trouble. It's a pack of teenagers who chose to let their emotions take over the situations.

    Okay, let's suppose the school couldn't solved the problem. Thus, it was shut down. Then the students who caused the school to shut down moved to other vocational college. If the same thing happen again, I don't think there will be alot of schools left in Bangkok.

    A better solution would be sent them for counseling and get their parents involved. If it doesn't work, I don't think anyone can help the situation. Suspending them might be a short term solution for the school but it doesn't solve the discplinary problem of the teenagers.

    Come to think it again, It seems things are hopeless for them. They might as well be thrown into the cell and have some discipline instilled in them.

    Personally i think boot camp for a couple of months wouldn't be a bad idea.

  14. The Thai Criminal Code Section 192 (which is what the dems are filing charges under) states:

    Section 192 Whoever, harboring, hiding or assisting with any means the person escaped from the lawful custody under the power of the Court, inquiry official or official empowered to investigate the criminal cases so as to such person may not be arrested, shall be imprisoned not out of three years or fined not out of six thousand Baht, or both.

    It will be interesting to see the interpretations of this section,

    Did the FM help him escape arrest by assisting taksin with a visa? Probably not as he wouldn't have returned to Thailand had the visa not been issued.

    Is the FM setting a good example and keeping with the spirit of the Criminal Code - No.

    Negligent - Very much so

  15. I'm sure that the Dems are doing what they think is best for the country - throwing it into political turmoil, destabilising the Govt, preventing them from doing anything that might be good for the country. After all, first and foremost, the LAW must be upheld, regardless of the consequences for the country as a whole. I'm sure many posters here would agree.

    "I'm sure that the Dems are doing what they think is best for the country - throwing it into political turmoil, destabilising the Govt, preventing them from doing anything that might be good for the country."

    Could you please explain how this is any different to the actions of Thaksin/PTP/red shirts over the last 3 years? At least we haven't seen any armed insurrection or border crossings by neighbouring countries as of yet.

    " After all, first and foremost, the LAW must be upheld, regardless of the consequences for the country as a whole." OTOH this is definitely NOT Thaksin/PTP/red shirts, the antithesis even. Some people might even think that adhering strictly to the law of the land is an admirable thing, one of the pillars of Democracy - western thinking, eh?

    Bkkorupcountry - Perhaps you'd be so good as to explain the consequences for the country if the LAW isn't upheld?

  16. This whole saga just smacks of inexperience. Surely PTP isn't that stupid that it would assume that a) this can of worms would remain closed or b )once the can is opened the dems would let this opportunity slide by. A spectacular gaff in anyone's book, total inexperience - the wrong man for the wrong job sack him now before he puts a tick in the wrong box and signs over half of issan to Cambodia.

    You cannot blame the dems for the impeachment proceedings- a classic own goal by PTP at this rate they'll be disbanded by Halloween

  17. To mention Thaivisaforum was a joke. Here you can here the voices that the UK has "officially banned" Thaksin because he is a criminal and terrorist.

    Is that the case? Does the UK officially consider Thaksin as a criminal and a terrorist? Not to my knowledge.

    Here. Gain some knowledge.

    Former Manchester City FC owner Thaksin Shinawatra banned from Britain


    I can quote it correctly, but we have good data bank specialists. When Mr. T. sold Manchester City he forgot to pay the tax for his sale. The new owners of the Club had problems with the sale and answered diplomatically:



    That article is about what the new owners of a football club think about the previous owner of the football club.

    None of them are UK government officials or even British.

    They question is not about what football club owners or football fans think about Thaksin, but official government statements.

    Why would the UK government issue an official statement? He's a nobody.

  18. Ms Karolina, who wrote a book about her ordeal, was sentenced to serve 45 years in a Thai prison in 1994 before being transferred to Sweden after serving four years in Thailand "under an agreement she would serve the full sentence," the report said.

    She was released from Swedish prison in 2006 after serving a total of 12 years behind bars as the maximum Swedish sentence for heroin smuggling is 14 years, which is usually reduced, the newspaper reported.

    So why should the Thai side honor the agreement and transfer anyone if the agreed term of incarceration is not followed?

    Given the number of times Thailand fails to honor agreements (Such as the current fiasco involving, Germany Thailand and the Princes Jet as well as The Thai Cambodia Temple dispute) the honoring of agreements would appear to be the exception as opposed to the rule.

  19. Shit like this just makes you sick.

    But I do believe that karma will come back to bite jatuporn in the butt. Hopefully the Ratchaprasong business and their insurers will demand several billions from the UDD for the damage it did to their lively hoods.

    My own view is that Yingluck won't consider this - Shes says "yes" to everything when first asked, then follows it up with a "be patient" a few days later,

  20. I still find it incredible that the red apologists on TV assume that anyone who criticises PT/ reds/ Thaksin must be a staunch yellow.

    Prove me wrong !

    Most of the "democrats" approved the action of the yellows in 2005-06.

    They approved the coup.

    I'm still waiting for a democrat to step forward and say "Supporting the PAD, supporting the coup was wrong. Thaksin is evil but we should have fight him the democratic way"

    Furthermore, I find really ironic that you call anybody who oppose the democrats a "red apologist".

    Learn what democracy means then we can talk..

    Jurgen has a fair point, one which lies at the heart of reconciliation. Both sides need to acknowledge and apologies for their mistakes. The problem is neither will (in the current political climate) admit their parties mistakes as there is no guarantee that the apology would be reciprocated and critics would say its too little too late and most likely their opponents would seek to gain politically from this public admission of wrongdoing and cultural loss of face. Taksin will never admit his mistakes, just as the army / dems / PAD / Yellows / UDD (take your pick) will admit theirs.

    The term reconciliation is rapidly degenerating into a cover term for "do as I say not as I do."

    As for the OPI would love Taksin to be trade ambassador - Thai trade ambassador with a Montenegrin passport - A very bespoke microcosm of the risks of investing in Thailand if ever I've seen one.

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