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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. But of a strange article in my opinion. 7600 children dying in average from illness and non illness related causes equating to the question. 'Is Thailand safe....?'


    Children like adults, in every country of the world die each and every day from illness and non related illness such as car accidents, misadventure, etc. 


    If we chose to use that metric 'loss of life' as a indicator of safety. The question logically becomes; what is the numerical threshold between safe and unsafe? Zero childhood deaths through illness and non Illness related causes?



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  2. Irrespective of whether there were or were not house numbers at the front of the house, the contractor has made a monumental cock up and must be kicking himself (herself). A renovation contract with a bank must be a juicy one and no doubt the bank is going to be looking to the contractor to both complete the renovation on the correct house and cover the renovation costs on the wrong house. 

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  3. 12 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Agree with you 100%, an example would be tonight, I entered Big C, I had my mask in my hand, when entering the store, there was a security guard there wearing a mask, I walked straight by him, not a word.


    When in the store, everyone was wearing masks, I didn't, I had mine in my hand, when at the check out, I saw people queued up wearing masks, out of a courtesy, I put mine on as I know how uneducated most here are, I could have left it off, but why make them feel uncomfortable, however my point was made, i.e. I entered the store without a mask on, no one said boo to me, however it was me who chose to cover up when exiting so as not to allow those wearing masks to be Anutin's followers, another dirty farang spreading the disease.

    Exactly, that is the correct way to do things. We live in a pluralistic society where thankfully we can all express our views with a relative degree of openness. That doesn't mean our views are correct.  


    If you are courteous when others are uncomfortable, then that courtesy will no doubt be repaid at some point when you are faced with an uncomfortable situation. And thus we coexist peacefully and with consideration for others.


    Seems to be a much more harmonious way of living that some of the polerising rants and attacks that seem to occur with ever increasing frequency on this site. Be it mask wearing, marijuana, politics etc. . 

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  4. 10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    This is somewhat confusing, one minute it says, masks are still being recommended, and some venues and services based on "business" may still require them, BUT....the mandate has been dropped for months, AND it's a personal decision, NOW if someone wishes to wear a mask.


    So, if I rock up to Makro or Lotus or Central is some dipstick going to try and tell me that they are above the law and ask me to wear a mask  to go in ?

    In my experience I have stopped wearing a mask for the past few months. Not had a single issue so far. If a person was (irrationally) fearful I would wear a mask as a courtesy to them. But is a store asked me to wear a mask to shop and spend my money in their store or mall. I'd go elsewhere. As adults we are in control of where we go and where we spend our money.



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  5. 3 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Thank you for your valuable medical opinion Professor/Doctor of Psychiatry Jon Clark.


    A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (an M.D. or D.O.) who specialises in mental health, including substance use disorders. 



    More than welcome. 


    Rather patronising post, but you are more than welcome. I am glad to have assisted with your understanding. 


    Btw. Nothing medical about my opinion, just an observation, but I am flattered that you consider it a medical opinion. 

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  6. 5 hours ago, JayClay said:

    When you questioned my comment the first time, I kind of got the impression that you didn't t have much idea how many people in this country live on a day to day basis. With this new comment I am now 100% sure.


    So, just to help out one last time, the reason people with a small local coffee-delivery business (and I hope you understand that this particular business was just an example) can't use Kerry to make thier deliveries around town is that is costs money! Thus they have to increase the amount they charge and lose a significant competitive advantage.

    Oh dear.

  7. 3 hours ago, JayClay said:

    Yes I'll elaborate, if it's that difficult to comprehend....


    Mr Somchai has access to the family vehicle for taking the kids to school and running errands when needed. Most of the time, however, the vehicle is used by the family business to deliver coffee bags to customers.


    If Mr and Mrs Somchai would love to take this kids away for a long weekend, however if they take the care, the rest of the family will no longer be able to deliver coffee bags to customers. Therefore the financial penalty for taking the car on holiday is too big to justify.


    I honestly didn't think it was that difficult a concept to grasp...

    Oh i see, so when you say financial penalty you meant to say the car is being used for the business. 

    Do you think it worth me telling Mr. & Mrs Somchai about Kerry, J&T and Lazada delivery services. That's how my coffee gets delivered each month? They would then be free to enjoy their holiday in their vehicle.  (and save on staff time and petrol cost delivering it themselves)

  8. 3 hours ago, JayClay said:

    The family/village car may be required for other purposes and cannot be out of action for the period of travel without incurring major financial penalties.


    It also makes sense to take a coach and depend on public transport upon arrival if you expect a large percentage of your holiday to involve consuming alcohol. Although I doubt many people on these coaches will go through this particular thought process.

    What do you mean when you say "the family car is out of action without incurring major financial penalties"?  Do you mean like a fine or something? Can you elaborate please?

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