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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 8 minutes ago, SatEng said:

    I don't agree.

    This is a Thai problem, therefore any Thai buying land in a foreign country should lose their Thai citizenship ands all rights to land in Thailand.

    That would make it reciprocal

    No this is the worst thing that could be done. I am delighted that in Thailand the rich elite through various practices steal from the middle and lower classes and then go overseas and give all that money to foreigners when they buy land. Thank you for the money Thailand. 

    • Like 1
  2. 10 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    If it fails just when you need it is it not money wasted? 

    Still have the 40 million though. Honestly in the many years I have been on this forum people always get themselves tied up over land ownership, but nothing changes. For what it's worth  many Thai husband's and wives have a single name on the home ownership papers. For both of my married neighbours the house and land is in the wifes name only and the car is in the husband's. This is not an uncommon occurrence. 


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  3. 35 minutes ago, 2009 said:

    Come to Thailand:


    - Get ripped off on your hotel 


    - Get ripped off by airport taxis


    -Get ripped off by most other taxis in downtown areas


    - Get ripped off to get into everything tourism attraction


    - Get hassled in the streets and on the beach by lowlifes 


    - See how we have polluted our part of the Earth


    -Appreciate our casual racism


    - Be unable to swim in our water


    - Consume our overpriced low quality goods 


    - Enjoy the cheap oil, MSG, and sugar in everything


    -Risk life and limb on our roads


    - Be robbed blind by a pack of rabid monkeys on an island


    - Pay more for our pisswater beer than you do in your home country for a decent pint


    -Don't worry. To make it all better we have stinky foul-mouthed hookers lined up on the streets for you. That's what you are here for 


    - Don't forget to stroke our ego by telling us how good Thailand is


    Sadly there are elements of real truth in those words. 


    I do however hope that there have been some translation errors in the reporting of this story. Otherwise it makes no sense. My instinct tells me discounts under the 'We travel together' scheme (in whatever form it becomes) will continue to offer discounts to domestic tourists, but not foreign tourists. 


    Rather than domestic being offered normal prices and foreigners offered a more expensive premium price for hotel rooms. 


    I feel that this story has been badly and inaccurately reported, but then again very little surprises me in Thailand anymore. 



    • Like 2
  4. On 7/2/2022 at 4:04 AM, EVENKEEL said:

    How about we concentrate on their education, nurture their minds and leave relationships to their parents.

    Yes, you are right that parents should advise and guide relationship issues. But given the range and cross cultural minefield we live in today are parents the most knowledgeable to impart adequate levels of guidance, understanding and truth to their children or will they aim to have their children mirror their own insecurities, half truths and bigotries? 


    Teachers have years of training, qualification, experience and mentorships to become a teacher. There is no test required to be a parent. If we value understanding, diversity and tolerance as a society I would argue both teachers and parents have a role to play in developing relationships. In a shockingly high number of cases teachers spend more time with their pupils than there parents do each day and probably have a better understanding of the student as a person than some parents. 


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  5. 5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    According to the story - backed up by "Biomed Central" - the man was a frequent marijuana user who took a three months break before smoking two grams of the drug in a bong. His penis started swelling out of control and the top was wonky. After having a snip he removed his penis with scissors in the paranoid attack. Doctors couldn't reattach the Thai member due to dirt and ants and there was only a 2 cm stump left.


    Huh? What can one say? For once, I am nearly without words to express what I am thinking. OK, let me try. First of all, 2 grams is about 3 or 4 joints. With the level of THC in today's ganga, I would have simply passed out, after 5 hits! What on earth was this guy thinking? Who on earth engages in this kind of action? Why such compulsive and addictive behavior? What does that come from? I can think of many other far more productive things to relieve a swollen member. But, scissors? A paranoid attack?


    This serves to reinforce some of my prior posts about ganga's potential to create mental problems. Sure, if you are unstable, bent, really messed up in the head, or have some sort of major mental health issues, ganga can put you over the top, just like many powerful drugs can. But, what percent of folks who get high are this abnormal and twisted in the head? 

    I think we can conclude this type of event is definitely an exception rather than the rule and should not be presented as anything else. If he had done it whilst drunk would alcohol be banned no and for good reason.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On the whole government hospitals are okay - Most provinces have a larger provincial hospital which tends to be better funded, staffed, equipped. In local towns hospitals are usually busy and under funded and if you stay its a good idea to have someone to bring you in supplies as the food is pretty poor.  They may also not accept some insurances as the staff may not have the knowledge or understanding to deal with the paperwork involved so will just reject it out of hand. - I am guessing you DVA card would fall foul of this. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Whilst that may be correct, smoking anything is a major cause of COPD - chronic bronchitis.


    This can be found in most heath related websites. Just search 'causes of chronic bronchitis'

    Yes and no. Chronic bronchitis is caused by the inhalation of impurities into the respiratory tract.  And smoking (tabbaco by volume is king here by a very significant margin) is the leading cause of inhaling impurities. Air pollution and environmental agents are the second leading cause.


    If people are going to argue that weed should be banned as smoking it causes poor health, then by extension the same arguement must be applied to the two leading cause of respiratory illness as well. Otherwise the argument is simply a poorly thought out excuse and not a valid reason.

    • Thanks 1
  8. How will classifying flowers as a controlled herb help. They are currently giving out seedlings by the hundreds of thousand. And who follows the law in Thailand. I see multiple driving infractions on a daily basis often with policemen waving them through. Politicians building on national parks, endemic corruption...but oh lord .....make it a controlled herb and everyone will obey. Lol

  9. 7 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

    Generally speaking there's little point in smoking the leaves which grow along the stalks of the plant away form the flower buds of cannabis if you wanna get high. It's the flowers and their surrounding calyx that contain concentrations worth seeking when smoking 'Marry Jane'.

    Leaves immediately underneath the buds have slightly higher THC content than the larger 'sun leaves' but still not very potent at all unless you're talking a truly wicked strains of dope.

    All decriminalisation will do is encourage people to smoke and increase the risk of cancer.

    What about edibles... cookies a s the like do those give you cancer??


    As long as tobacco, alcohol and toxic air pollution are readily available and are by far the biggest  causes that precipitate early on set cancer, using the allegations that were should be banned as it causes cancer is a non starter. 


    Ban alcohol, ban tobacco and ban all the causes of air pollution. Once the big cancer causing agents are dealt with..th n we can look at weed. Let's have a level playing field. 

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    • Confused 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Bert got kinky said:


    Are they suggesting that if my wife posted a video showing me smoking a 20% joint inside my own house, I wont be arrested prosecuted for smoking the joint but she could end up in trouble for posting a video of the crime (without involving police)?

    That's some pretty effed up stuff.


    I started typing more, I would like to post some more on this subject but I'm not sure if any new censorship laws have been introduced while I am typing thiis.



    The answer to both your questions is No.


    1)  In your own home you can smoke away until you heart is content. Doesn't matter what THC % your joint is as long as its being smoked at home and you are not smoking an extract - and even then who the hell cares - really??? 

    2) As the Data Subject (ie the person being filmed) you decide if the 'criminal video' posted of you is worth prosecuting's your wife for.  Be a brave man who prosecutes his wife over a family video. However, in theory if someone (identifiable) posted a video if you in (for example) a drunken fight with a couple of lady boys and never sought your permission to post it (as the data subject) you could prosecute. 



  11. Those plants in the OP are  not 0/2% THC judging by the size of the buds. 


    We are all free to grow and smoke weed of any THC content at home - It is only if we extract oils etc that the 0.2% ruling comes into effect. If people think a flower / bud is an extract of a plant, rather than part of the plant. Then that is akin to classing your nose as an item of clothing rather than being part of your face. 


    Seedlings planted and off we go with perfect outdoor growing conditions. 

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