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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 3 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    disagree, any pain makes you think twice regardless of its  source whether right or  wrong self  inflcited or not.

    There  is a  clear difference between the fire and the  punishment but the fact remains you remember due to the pain.

    Changing peoples' behavior through the administration of corporal punishment does not work. 


    If you arrive late for work should you manager  / boss take you outside and give you a dam good thrashing? After all you will then think twice about turning up late for work - or would that be unacceptable and only reserved for students at school?  


    Learning and remembering are two very different outcomes. 

  2. 2 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    Believe me I don't like physical punishment and always looing for alternatives. As I did in a school I wanted to let students clean the toilets or wash the schoolbusses, but the head of the English department said that I could not punish them this way and she went upwith the stick and solved the problem( she thought but of course it did notl help) and students in several schools said it is n o problems as it hurts a bit and is quick gone. In international schools I don't know how they punish but rural school I am sure noting else is accepted 

    You maybe need to advise your Head of English that the Ministry of Education has outlaw all forms of corporal punishment in schools. So this punishment is not accepted by Thai society and your HoD is acting in a criminal manner. 


    Its one of those odd situations - If i took a stick to a child and hit them with it in the street, no doubt people would be outraged, yet if it was done in a school building it would be accepted? 


    I know it goes on - the recent case of the kindergarten teacher at one of the Sarases schools being a case in point earlier in the year- glad to see the parents managed to get a few kicks in at the press conference / school meeting afterwards. But that doesn't mean accepted - Teachers accept it as it rudimentary and requires minimal effort and really is a negative reflection on their poor teaching practice. But I do not believe for a second parents or Thai society in general accepts it. The parent in this case (and the Sarass case) do not accept it. 


    Would you accept your child being physically punished by a teacher? 

  3. 6 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    physical punishment is only accepted in Thailand as I wrote before. Other things not... no sweeping schoolyards, no keep student in the class and not coming back or even write rules...believe me. I was 20 years a teacher here

    Likewise a teacher here for over 20 years and I disagree with everything you have written about what is accepted or not. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    and ignore this? They can walk and chew gum at the same time.


    There's a long record of foreigners trashing Thai reefs and disregarding the laws in nature parks.

    And an even longer and more illustrious record of Thais trashing reefs in NP and beyond either directly through illegal fishing, or by dropping anchors on reefs, or poor waste disposal methods or indirectly by non point source pollution such as  releasing sewage directly into oceans or, farm run off causing eutrophication  or from poorly though out development leading to massive sediment run off which blankets the reef in filth killing the corals at the base of the reef food chain. 


    None of this actually matters though when you consider the vast ongoing damage caused to reefs and the reef community by climate change and ocean acidification for which each and every one of us (including the outraged netizins) is responsible for.  Fairly sure not a single outraged netizins has changed their lifestyle or reduce their carbon footprint to help mitigate the impact of climate change on the reefs. Easier to complain about foreigners fishing rather than do something meaningful isn't it? 


    Just don't get me started on the local shrimp industry and the impact that has had on mangroves here. 


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  5. 8 minutes ago, SatEng said:

    I don't agree.

    This is a Thai problem, therefore any Thai buying land in a foreign country should lose their Thai citizenship ands all rights to land in Thailand.

    That would make it reciprocal

    No this is the worst thing that could be done. I am delighted that in Thailand the rich elite through various practices steal from the middle and lower classes and then go overseas and give all that money to foreigners when they buy land. Thank you for the money Thailand. 

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  6. 10 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    If it fails just when you need it is it not money wasted? 

    Still have the 40 million though. Honestly in the many years I have been on this forum people always get themselves tied up over land ownership, but nothing changes. For what it's worth  many Thai husband's and wives have a single name on the home ownership papers. For both of my married neighbours the house and land is in the wifes name only and the car is in the husband's. This is not an uncommon occurrence. 


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