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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. But of a strange article in my opinion. 7600 children dying in average from illness and non illness related causes equating to the question. 'Is Thailand safe....?' Children like adults, in every country of the world die each and every day from illness and non related illness such as car accidents, misadventure, etc. If we chose to use that metric 'loss of life' as a indicator of safety. The question logically becomes; what is the numerical threshold between safe and unsafe? Zero childhood deaths through illness and non Illness related causes?
  2. Let's just stop now so you can get back to your Champagne filled bong.
  3. I am talking about the topic here. That 'most Thais cannot make ends meet'. It's in big letters at the top of the page.
  4. A guaranteed win for them yes? Or might they lose their 300 baht?
  5. What a lot alot of expats often forget is that many, many people here not only have to support themselves with daily expenses, but also have aging parents at home, who with the absence of any sort of welfare or pension are entirely dependent on their kids to support them. So a 300 baht daily wage is split many ways. Maybe if we walked a mile in their shoes we would have a better understanding of their lives.
  6. All this from a man who believes shooting people in his first post of the day is a solution to the problem. Maybe you should reflect on yourself as a person before casting judgement in very broad and inaccurate strokes on other people. Any person who thinks shooting people is a solution is probably a criminal of the highest order. Wouldn't you agree?
  7. I don't accept killing people, but you seem to promote it as a solution. Speaks volumes about your moral compass. Drug addicts are not criminals. Treating drugs addicts as criminals is what causes the societal problems we see today. Drugs addiction is a medical condition and needs to be treated as such. Where society accepts that or not is irrelevant as it is the only solution that will work. Societies are very good at sticking their collective heads in the sand and complaining when the problem persists.
  8. So killing people is your solution. Brilliant. And before you jump off the deep end refering to the tragic deaths at the nursery as your justification for such a myopic and futile final solution. Stop. You are just being opportunistic and using the deaths at the nursery to fuel your emotive nonsense.
  9. If the war on drugs was such a resounding success the first time around...why are they still so prevalent in society. They will have more success trying to stop the sun setting every evening than winning a war on drugs. Just a knee jerk reaction to play on and exploit the fears of a country in mourning. Opportunistic politics at its finest.
  10. Irrespective of whether there were or were not house numbers at the front of the house, the contractor has made a monumental cock up and must be kicking himself (herself). A renovation contract with a bank must be a juicy one and no doubt the bank is going to be looking to the contractor to both complete the renovation on the correct house and cover the renovation costs on the wrong house.
  11. Not intentional... Maybe this couple should go to the local branch, rob it, and when caught claim it was unintentional as they have an account at that branch and just thought they were making an ordinary withdrawal.
  12. Exactly, that is the correct way to do things. We live in a pluralistic society where thankfully we can all express our views with a relative degree of openness. That doesn't mean our views are correct. If you are courteous when others are uncomfortable, then that courtesy will no doubt be repaid at some point when you are faced with an uncomfortable situation. And thus we coexist peacefully and with consideration for others. Seems to be a much more harmonious way of living that some of the polerising rants and attacks that seem to occur with ever increasing frequency on this site. Be it mask wearing, marijuana, politics etc. .
  13. In my experience I have stopped wearing a mask for the past few months. Not had a single issue so far. If a person was (irrationally) fearful I would wear a mask as a courtesy to them. But is a store asked me to wear a mask to shop and spend my money in their store or mall. I'd go elsewhere. As adults we are in control of where we go and where we spend our money.
  14. More than welcome. Rather patronising post, but you are more than welcome. I am glad to have assisted with your understanding. Btw. Nothing medical about my opinion, just an observation, but I am flattered that you consider it a medical opinion.
  15. "They have increased from only 122 cases in all of 2021 to 103 cases within eight months of January – August 2022." Right - so in 2021 according to the hospitals figures it was an approximate 10 a month admission rate (122/12). So far in 2022 it is a 13 per month admission rate. A rise of three all attributed to cannabis use and cannabis wasn't even decimalized for 6 of those 8 months as it was only decimalized in June. What was the admission rate for 2018, 2019 and 2020 - that might provide further context? I am surprised that this has been pinned on cannabis rather than the god awful economic situation, debt and stress caused by the past two year - obviously that had no impact whatsoever. If this is evidence then its basically nonsense.
  16. Whilst I sympathize with your grandson, I would like to ask that if your grandson had developed diabetes from drinking Fanta or obesity from eating too much junk food would you likewise be calling for greater regulation of those products. Obesity, cardiovascular and diabetes are far greater threats to the health of the young and their development and longevity, than having a few joints. Obviously teenagers are curious and will try drugs or alcohol or smoking. It's part of being a teenager. Cannabis will be the same. Young kids will want to mimic their elders. So obviously clear, enforced guidance and legislation is required to form some protection whilst also going hand in glove with improved education in Thai schools so teenagers can make informed choices and decisions. Even in liberal societies the majority of teenagers choose to not take drugs. For me personally as someone who doesn't smoke or drink I just don't buy into the arguements that decriminalisation of cannabis will led to significant social or health issues. It's a weak arguement when you consider the range of synthetic chemicals, air and water pollutants and sugars and fats which we consume everyday. The latter pair are actively advertised and endorsed to get people to consume more. Likewise the politicians who play on people's fears and predict the end of Thai society are just opportunistic and scaremongering. In the 80s it was video games and video nasties that would corrupt the youth and lead to social decay. It didn't. In the 90s it was rave culture and ecstasy, got through that okay. I respect your points and sympathize with your grandson.
  17. No it's does not have permanent effects. Stop peddling misinformation. The degree of impact has to do with the frequency and volume consumed. Just like tobbacco, alcohol, sugar, fat, etc. Consume any of those to a high degree and you will observe a negative impact of sorts. Cannabis is not intrinsically or inherently harmful. No one has died of a cannabis overdose. But alcohol, tobbacco, sugar ( the surging type 2 diabetes epidemic) and fat (chronic obesity, heart disease, and vascular degeneration) have all been proven without any doubt to kill. Yet we are all happy to take our kids to KFC for a bucket while stocking up on beer and Fanta at the supermarket week in week out. If you smoke a couple of joints a day it will do you less harm probably than walking from Asoke to Emporium and inhaling the fetid and toxic air pollution that Sukhumvit and our car spew out daily. The nonsense being peddled that cannabis is a gateway drug that will lead to rampant drug use amongst the youth, creating future drug addicts, health issues the collapse of civilization etc etc is just utter nonsense. It would be more healthy to not smoke. In the same way it would be more healthy to not suffer from air pollution, diabetes, and obesity. But smoking weed is not a threat to your life. Period. Just complete misinformation to even suggest it is. If people do not wish to smoke cannabis fair enough, but let those who do get on with it. Enough of this fake news. And FYI I do not smoke weed. (And I am not having a pop at you either)
  18. Oh i see, so when you say financial penalty you meant to say the car is being used for the business. Do you think it worth me telling Mr. & Mrs Somchai about Kerry, J&T and Lazada delivery services. That's how my coffee gets delivered each month? They would then be free to enjoy their holiday in their vehicle. (and save on staff time and petrol cost delivering it themselves)
  19. Hmm a disputed motion. I had one of them a few years ago. A quick colonoscopy and a course of laxatives should fix that! No one in the house disputed my motions after that.
  20. What do you mean when you say "the family car is out of action without incurring major financial penalties"? Do you mean like a fine or something? Can you elaborate please?
  21. Sadly though for most people the hand doesn't give them enough to feed them. I think before they raise the minimum wage they should sort out the state pension. about 600 baht per month...for a huge number of elderly rural people that is their sole income as they were so poor without any opportunity to save for later life. So now they rely their sate pension and any money their family can send from their minimum wage jobs. Given the vast amounts of money companies make in profits I do not buy the arguement that they can't afford it. More like they don't want to afford it.
  22. Sorry?....coach trips why wouldn't a local person just take their car if they wanted to go to another province. Both cheaper if you have a family and more convenient. Obviously coaches and buses are a vital public transport.,.but for tours in the 21st century for domestic tourism. Nope.
  23. Thai culture is rooted deeply in superstition and the occult, The idea of having your tarot cards read at a Buddhist temple, highlights this mish-mash of cultures and superstition and its ones of the things I love about Thailand. And if it makes people happy and gives them a sense of hope, well good luck to them.. I'd rather read about these cultural oddities than the corruption, nepotism and criminality that seems to dominated the political news recently.
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