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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. Let's see how well Dissolution has worked in Thailand recent history Thai Rak Thai Party - Dissolved in 2007 after 6 years in power, 111 MP banned from politics for 5 years: Result TRT reformed and joined People Power Party and won the election in 2007. PPP dissolved in 2008 . PPP was reformed and won by a landslide as PTP with Yingluck in charge in 2011. PTP was removed by a coup in 2014. Last election results; PTP currently leading the government - what can we learn - TRT/PPP/ PTP despite various dissolutions still exist and are running the government, just like in 2001. 2018 Future Forward Party - dissolved due a technicality of receiving a loan after a very creditable election results of 80 seats was dissolved in 2020. Refomed at Move Forward and became the largest single party in parliament in the last election with 141 seats - what can we learn - dissolution led to them coming back bigger and better - just like TRT / PPP / PTP. So dissolution does not work at all. Why? Because politics is about ideologies, not parties. So please go ahead with your petition, it will have the opposite outcome of your intention Mr. Theerayut and will only highlight the insecurities of the elite in Thailand. Because ultimately party dissolution is just a form of political censorship - and censorship only reflects a country's lack of confidence in itself.
  2. Oddly though when exiting the UK (for UK nationals or foreigners) there is no immigration to go through - Airline counter Check-in, self scan boarding pass, security, done.
  3. What about the millions who agreed with him at the ballot? The problem is, as is universally true, if they get rid of him and silence him, another will take his place, and another, and another. The only solution is a compromise where both sides give something, otherwise, history will repeat itself ad infinitum and no one wins, but the nation loses.
  4. I know - but wouldnt it be funny if they joined the opposition camp out of spite - Oops a minority government.
  5. I guess the elephant in the room now will be if the retirement / married extension of 800'000 is going to be a gross or net figure in the future?
  6. Oh, this is an absolute cracker: " However, opposing someone’s politics does not justify using the legal system as a tool for political retribution." If the Thai Enquirer believes that to be true, let's now apply that to all of those currently in prison under 112. You have after all made the statement. Go ahead Thai Enquirer get a new editorial done using that as your lead to discuss those hundreds of people jailed under 112. I mean if its a good enough argument for one convict, its good enough for others, or is that tapestry just too complex for such a grotty newspaper to handle???
  7. Suggest those outraged by these tourists behavior at Sanam Luang get down there at night. Full of homelessness, drug use and prostitution.
  8. To be fair - excessive use of anything can cause damage of one sort or another. That's not a reason to ban it is it - Sugar, Salt, Fat - all if used excessively can cause a range of chronic, acute and potentially fatal damages to the body's organs - Would you consider banning those, even when supported by a vast library of medical studies that show how destructive excessive use can be of those substances? If people want to smoke weed and kill themselves, let them get on with it. Let society profit from the taxes imposed on the sale of weed and move on.
  9. FFS. Rather than focusing on the tourist dollar to expand the economy, focus on developing the skills, opportunities and education of the people. A skilled and motivated population will be better positioned to leverage and create better business opportunities than a poorly motivated and rewarded population who are dependent on foreigner visitor numbers to provide work opportunities in the travel and tourism sector. The economy here is clearly on life support and desperation is starting to take hold. "Domestic tourism will reach 292 million visits"...really. Household debt at 80% of GDP and people have the money to go on holiday..lol. The only way that number will be reached is if the daily school run is classes a 'visit'.
  10. 26 years years my dear friend. And no Thai families do not compete to sell their daughters virginity to the highest bidder. But I bet you wish they would You are right about one thing though I do need to find someone on my level as you are very much a low level bottom feeder. Far lower down the food chain than I.
  11. I am fairly sure as he is detained at the taxpayers expense, MPs are allowed to view his accommodation to ensure value for money for the taxpayers. Can prisoners pay for private accommodation?
  12. Only Taksin can decide who will visit him. I am frankly rather surprised by that statement. One would think as a convict, a prisoner detained behind bars in a secure location, you would forfeit many of the rights and freedoms that law abiding citizens have but apparently not. The prisoner stills decides his fate. Laughable.
  13. Good. Hopefully less drunk drivers around.
  14. A clearly confused confuscious. Stop trying to defend pedophilia. A group of Chinese investors have invested in taking young Thai girls virginity below the age of legal consent. It is wrong and must be condemned. End of story.
  15. Luckily we have moved on since biblical times eh and have the knowledge and understanding that many of the practices from 2000 years ago were wrong which is why we have developed laws to put an end to such actions. Using the ancient Israelites and Islam to deflect from illegal and frankly amoral actions in the 21st century is absurd. I hope that your knowledge of the carnal lust that drives people to prey on young girls does not come from personal practice.
  16. I am sure the "luxurious hotels" where these crimes occurred at, have all the details of the Chinese 'investors.' After all the hotels by law need to collect the complete details of foreigners who stay at their premises as required by the immigration dept. Should not be too difficult to find these Chinese Pedos. Alledgedly and incidentally, Chairman Mao used to like young virgins as he believed having sex with them would keep him young.
  17. Taxpayers money used to payoff illegal loans. Sounds like a winner for the loan sharks.
  18. Third world means non aligned to either the western /NATO worldview or communist/ Russian worldview during the cold War. It is not a term used to indicate level of development rather political (non) alignment. And correctly Thailand is a Third world country..like Switzerland for example as well as a significant number of Asian, African and Central and South American countries. It has negative connections now as people and mainstream media have been using the term incorrectly. Which ironically says more about their own level of knowledge, development and understanding of their own language than the countries they are attempting to look down by labeling them as third world. But back to the OP. IMO Taksin in hospital is just one massive F U and slap in the face to the people of Thailand and its justice system by the Shinawatra clan.
  19. That depends, I would if the alternative was no money. And sadly that is the reality for many people here who are unskilled, unqualified and uneducated.
  20. Ralf001/Steve100 you ate welcome. If you need anymore answers about the political situation in Thailand please feel free to consult me. It will save you from making continued erroneous statements in the future regarding Taksin and his popularity. Thank you for acknowledging my correctness on all things political.
  21. I do hope that you are not that nieve that you actually think he was not involved, or was his daughter running as a high profile candidate with his explict backing just a coincidence... and no I have no links
  22. Debate the context till the cows come home..it does not detract from the truth of the situation. That the application of the law must be equal irrespective of perceived popularity of the offender or otherwise.
  23. Yes ....any thai news paper. Look at the results of the last election.
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