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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. A good host takes care of a paying guest. Especially if the paying guest contributes a huge amount to the hosts GDP.
  2. "Dance around poles"...I would sincerely hope that each every single school child aspires to something more than that.
  3. At what point of the manual labour process was ' the value' taught to the students. The only value here as far as I can see is to the director.
  4. If they want to play football they can play at another school. He later added that if they wish for an education they could go to that school as well as the 7th tee was particularly tricky and all the teachers need extra practice and couldn't teach.
  5. In fairness, he is criticizing Prayut and Prawit, two individuals....not the entire country.
  6. Most teachers remain in school long after classes finish. It is an expectation. They don't leave after the final class's finishes. Teachers are not paid by the hour.
  7. Changing peoples' behavior through the administration of corporal punishment does not work. If you arrive late for work should you manager / boss take you outside and give you a dam good thrashing? After all you will then think twice about turning up late for work - or would that be unacceptable and only reserved for students at school? Learning and remembering are two very different outcomes.
  8. You maybe need to advise your Head of English that the Ministry of Education has outlaw all forms of corporal punishment in schools. So this punishment is not accepted by Thai society and your HoD is acting in a criminal manner. Its one of those odd situations - If i took a stick to a child and hit them with it in the street, no doubt people would be outraged, yet if it was done in a school building it would be accepted? I know it goes on - the recent case of the kindergarten teacher at one of the Sarases schools being a case in point earlier in the year- glad to see the parents managed to get a few kicks in at the press conference / school meeting afterwards. But that doesn't mean accepted - Teachers accept it as it rudimentary and requires minimal effort and really is a negative reflection on their poor teaching practice. But I do not believe for a second parents or Thai society in general accepts it. The parent in this case (and the Sarass case) do not accept it. Would you accept your child being physically punished by a teacher?
  9. Likewise a teacher here for over 20 years and I disagree with everything you have written about what is accepted or not.
  10. It seems like every doctor now wants their 5 minutes of fame and limelight after covid and are making up increasingly dramatic statements to garner any form of attention.
  11. A child will learn fire hurts. But I think there is a clear difference between a self directed action such as you have described. And a physical punishment imposed on a child by an adult.
  12. The teacher gave him this punishment for being late to class. It is a proven fact that physical punishment does not improve learning outcomes and that should be a teachers main concern. Punishing a student for attending a class late is the worst thing any teacher can do as the punishment, especiallu in this case probably distracted the whole class from learning and wasted many teaching and learning minutes as the teacher oversaw and focused on the delivery of the punishment. A better response would have been for the student to return at the end of the day and complete or catch up on any missed learning and thereby improve learning outcomes - which is a teachers job.
  13. If you want a piece of land marry wisely. My wife and I of many, many years have a few plots of land dotted around Thailand and we consider ourselves the land owners (note the use of a plural pronoun please), my wife's name maybe on the title deed, but is still our land. If we divorce well tbh I would be more worried about the failure of my marriage than a few plots of land which eventually (divorce aside), will be handed down to our children when we pass. All this anger about foreigners not being able to own land. Marry wisely and for the right reasons and you can own your own plot of land.
  14. If possible it is always good just to wait for the person to start speaking...and then just give them a full blast of the stereo down the telephone line. Didn't call back ...must be my taste in music.
  15. The PM is completely correct. The price rise is only a few satang for a single unit. Sadly though most business and home use more than a single unit of electricity in a month. This few satang will translate into about a 15% rise your electricity bills. So if for a medium sized business, your electricity bill is 500'000 baht a month you are now paying an extra 75'000 baht in electricity per month. Which is considerably more than a few satang. I shudder to think how much the rise in electricity bills will be for the super cooled shopping malls that litter the capital and country- I am sure that this few satang increase will be clawed back from their customers in some form or another Clearly his understanding of the economics of the situation is as coherent as his leadership.
  16. I know. It is a national discrace that people are trying to make 10 baht profit from a lottery ticket sale. Absolutely criminal. Personally I would rather see poor lottery vendors driven into dispair and poverty than support them. (Note to TVF warriors... sarcasm alert) When the wife won a very small sum from our local village vendor she gave her 500 baht...The vendor now keeps my wife's lucky numbers aside which has since yielded a couple of other minor wins.
  17. Absolutely, however people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones either
  18. And an even longer and more illustrious record of Thais trashing reefs in NP and beyond either directly through illegal fishing, or by dropping anchors on reefs, or poor waste disposal methods or indirectly by non point source pollution such as releasing sewage directly into oceans or, farm run off causing eutrophication or from poorly though out development leading to massive sediment run off which blankets the reef in filth killing the corals at the base of the reef food chain. None of this actually matters though when you consider the vast ongoing damage caused to reefs and the reef community by climate change and ocean acidification for which each and every one of us (including the outraged netizins) is responsible for. Fairly sure not a single outraged netizins has changed their lifestyle or reduce their carbon footprint to help mitigate the impact of climate change on the reefs. Easier to complain about foreigners fishing rather than do something meaningful isn't it? Just don't get me started on the local shrimp industry and the impact that has had on mangroves here.
  19. Man goes fishing and catches fish.....why is this news???? I assume these netizins in "uproar" are fully aware and literate about the role the Thai fishing industry has played in IUU (Illegal, Unregulated Unreported) fishing over the past years in Thailand waters which has decimated local fish stocks. I applaud their uproar and concern for Marine life. Maybe they could direct their rage at the local fishing industry which is cause significantly more damage than a single person fishing with presumably a rod and line.
  20. Wonder how much those people borrowed for a visa and plane ticket bought on the he promise of a now, never to see, well paying job in Korea. Still on the bright side the loan sharks and money lenders won't lose out.
  21. No there is not. Which is why I suspect the scum has not been arrested by UK police if he is there as suspected and stated in the OP.
  22. No this is the worst thing that could be done. I am delighted that in Thailand the rich elite through various practices steal from the middle and lower classes and then go overseas and give all that money to foreigners when they buy land. Thank you for the money Thailand.
  23. Must have been the same guy I spoke to in the car park having a cigarette. I mentioned that his cigarette smoke could kill me as he was taking a drag He just shrugged his shoulders. I also respectfully suggest that you are a little less thinned skinned and do not worry about who may or may not respect you. People who disrespect me simply get no respect in return.
  24. Still have the 40 million though. Honestly in the many years I have been on this forum people always get themselves tied up over land ownership, but nothing changes. For what it's worth many Thai husband's and wives have a single name on the home ownership papers. For both of my married neighbours the house and land is in the wifes name only and the car is in the husband's. This is not an uncommon occurrence.
  25. Absolutely, but still cheaper than parting with 40 million, plus land purchase/ house.
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