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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Regardless, Abbas’ comments are disgraceful and only serve to play into the hand of the extremists in Israel.


    Yes, we can all be critical of his comments but as Abbas is a man of 87 I cannot help but wonder how many Palastinians he has watched over being buried in his lifetime after being killed at the hands of Israel.  Maybe their blood has tainted his words? 


    Love beats hate everytime, but hate only fuels more hate - Jim Jefferies. 

  2. The issue here is the lack of due diligence that was made at the time of the order by the Thai government - It is the buyers responsibility to check that (especially in arms and munitions) what they order can be delivered.  Mind you Thailand has a good track record on this - remember the GT200 bomb detectors that cost the country over 1 billion baht and were a complete con. 


    Good on the Chinese they have managed to get the Thais to cough up the cash for something they cannot deliver. ....And now the farangs are being asked nicely to fix the issue for Thailand. Lol 

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Joe Mama said:

    Unfortunately there are financial  scams all over the internet, not just on Facebook!  How about passing some tough legislation to make companies like Facebook financially responsible for covering the financial loses caused to it's membership due to the criminal activity of the companies that Facebook supports and profits from!

    Wouldn't that be like making beer and wine producers responsible for drink driving and the financial loss the use of alcohol causes? 

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  4. 8 hours ago, impulse said:

    Fine the beejeezus out of Facebook (or Line, or..., or...) if they fail to clean up the scams.  Use the money to compensate victims.


    And while they are at it fine the hell out of AIS DTAC and True as the number of fraudulent sms and phone calls coming via their network is astonishing at the moment. Or better still shut them down....lol

  5. 2 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    What choice did PTP, or MFP for that matter have?


    Both were out-maneuvered by the powers-that-be.


    And with the giant ask for repatriating Thaksin, PTP had no choice. That was a huge debt.


    IMO, PTP would be better served by being honest about the deal they made, why they made it and who they made it with.


    Trying to keep that secret, when almost everyone knows what happened, may be their death knell?


    I think PTP was banking on a landslide victory, when that failed, they knew their options were limited. 

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  6. 5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Wait for the next election, hopefully no senate to rig the system.

    Really? You think? I'd bet my last dollar both UTN and PPR will demand the senates ternure is extended for another XX number of years, or they may remove their support of PT in this coalition- Without the senate there is no back stop from preventing MFP having there own PM and amending 112 in any future elections. I suspect the sentators are here to stay. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    When you're getting punched in the head, that time to de-escalate passed a long time ago.  Now it's self defense, and best defense is a good offense.


    They were totally justified in kickin' his butt, and lucky for him, they stopped.  If I was there, I'd buy them a round ????


    Play your hooligan antics at home ...  ????

    But the bouncers were playing their hooligan antics at home right? The only hooligans were the Thai bouncers. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, Sigmund said:

    Have those drunk brits been jailed and deported with a 5 yr entry ban ?


    Thailand does not need such farangs. Such people tarnish the image of all farangs.

    Mate.... let's be honest here beating up a drunk elderly tourist hardly promotes Thailand global image as a family destination. 


    A bouncers job is to deal with drunk people. That's why they are employed by bars and clubs which serve the alcohol and profit from the alcohol they sell. Bars and clubs want their customers to get drunk it's the basis of their business  but drunk people make poor choices (Thailand road deaths are testement to that). Your bouncers must be trained in dealing with drunk idiots who due to a drink too many, (and more money in the till) may have become rude and difficult.  A verbal de-escalation is a far better out come than a video that is shown globally of your bars bouncers kicking the crap out of an old man. 

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  9. On 8/9/2023 at 9:14 AM, KhunLA said:

    Som naa na


    Another quality tourist ... fine, deport & ban for life.


    Another silly headline.  Should read "Brit tourist attacks bouncer - gets instant Karma"

    I am sure the bouncers actions, now widely shared in the UK media,  will help TAT promote Pattaya as a wonderful and welcoming family resort, wouldn't you agree.  A bouncers job is to de-escalte the situation, even if provoked.  Hope those assulted press criminal charges against the bouncers and the bouncers are fined, (and ideally deported and banned for life even though they are Thai) 

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  10. 24 minutes ago, mrfill said:

    A lot of criticism for Thai borrowing practices and their 90.6% household debt to GDP and I wonder how many are from the UK (100.1%) or Australia (117%). Clearly experts in the topic...

    If the criticism can possibly stop Thailand  from achieving the same heights as the UK and Australia, then that criticism is well spoken. Is it not? 

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