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Posts posted by rhythmworx

  1. "Ecstasy" drug in the UK in the 1990's was also laced with heroin sometimes. The phenomenon became known as "smacky pills" among users, and was short-lived because club-goers wanted to dance and not to lay slumped in a corner. But at the time the theory was the same as the OP, heroin was added to make the user return to the same dealer after becoming hooked. This backfired and dealers were forced to change back to normal ingredients - which were often dangerous in themselves. At the time I was volunteered into the drug counselling and basic medical service provided by some of these nightclubs/festivals, and I saw some very confused and upset people who were playing this tablet-roulette, popping pills that could contain literally anything. If you value your future life, you should never take any product that you don't know the ingredients of.


    The main culprits were called speckled doves a derivative from the usual white dove e's, named because they had speckles of brown in them, not just limited to them 2 colours though.

    Anyone with any sense who took or still takes E's buys a testing kit and tests before purchase.

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  2. My XP fresh install today is fine. Updates are available until the end of April.

    I use win 7 but the XP system is a server protected by my win 7 computer.

    Hitman Pro is the strongest of all you ran and its worth buying if you are going to continue to run XP.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    if he is getting a pension why is he broke and sleeping in the street, a pension would more than support him in Thailand. I think there is a lot more to this somehow, what is he doing with the money anyway if not using it to support himself and if he doesnt have a passport why is he not being arrested by the police for not having a passport/visa.

    Arrest him? Why don't you rat him out to the police?

    Some of the awful people on TV are appalling. Failed human beings. Homeless people deserve our compassion, not getting locked up in a prison cage.

    can you understand english at all, I said if he has no passport WHY hasnt he been arrested as it is illegal to be here with a passport and visa. There is a chance he still has it but finds it easier to get people to feel sorry for him when he says it was stolen. Try thinking rationally, there are farangs that do this for a living, if he has been to his emabassy there is a good chance that they would help him, again why havent they. Has he reported this to them at all, the story just doesnt make sense and sounds wrong, you need to put your brain into gear first so that you understand what is being said instead of simply jumping to conclussions and putting your foot in your mouth.

    "it is illegal to be here with a passport and visa" ... Your English makes no sense. Anyway, whose business is it to harass and prosecute homeless people? Not ours. Let the authorities choose how to deal with this poor Norwegian.

    "there are farangs that do this for a living" ... Fine with me. No homeless person has ever caused me any harm and I'm not going to rat this guy out to the cops. Living a homeless life, baked by the hot sun, eaten alive by mosquitos and bullied by farangs who won't mind their own business is not an attractive way to live. Homeless people have enough problems to deal with already and deserve our compassion.

    Wish someone would have told me that years ago and saved me the money and hassle for applying for a triple entry non imm 'o' visa and extensions once there etc...

    Always knew I was being ripped off somewhere along the line having to turn up at immigration pay to get 2 photos took and take the raffle ticket, border runs etc...

    All that pissing about and I was actually unknowingly breaking the law while others that had no visa were totally legal, I could of got locked up from the ill advice I got from that guy from that forum telling me I must get a visa.

    Can't trust any mofo in Thailand it seems especially the non Thai people.

  4. I wouldn't expect CA like than on a 1K lens, and at that speed v focal length handshake is not really an issue unless you was in the middle of a sneeze.

    I had a quick peek at this thread on another forum (am I allowed to post other forums even if non thai related?) the lens looks decent in most shots but there's only 1 crop shot.

    Also I guess a lot of them are post processed.


  5. Having lived and worked in Asia for 13 years, I now realise I have led a sheltered life.

    I have never heard the "slope" expression used before and if some sensationalists hadn't written this drivel, I would still have been happily ignorant of it's meaning.

    +1, a shitstorm about buggerall by the PC brigade as usual!

    No not really had a black guy been walking over the bridge with a racoon in the shot, he could of said oh there's a coon on the bridge.

    That would be racist and would cause a shit storm here in the UK, but if someone from Asia with sloped eyes, as the term originally comes from (mainly speaking of the Chinese) it makes it alright?

    Did it occur to you that he might be talking about the slope that is actually the angle of the bridge? Or are you one of these people that enjoy jumping to conclusions and stirring sh*t? I remember the use of the word slope from the Vietnam war but have not heard the expression in decades, why do people like you revel in thinking the worst? Get a life.

    Yeah whatever, stroll on.

  6. Yesterday I was looking into upgrading to a D7100, so I did a bit of research and people are claiming they have the same problem, although not as bad as the D600.

    Looking at some example shots at f22 on white paper and it didn't look as bad as it sounds, plus I will never be shooting past f11 anyway so I can't see it being bothersome.

    Then I found users complaining of grinding shutters and have noticed scratches on them, maybe they got some sand in there or whatever who knows.

    I might just go ahead and buy it anyway, there are many other users who are totally happy with theirs.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Having lived and worked in Asia for 13 years, I now realise I have led a sheltered life.

    I have never heard the "slope" expression used before and if some sensationalists hadn't written this drivel, I would still have been happily ignorant of it's meaning.

    +1, a shitstorm about buggerall by the PC brigade as usual!

    No not really had a black guy been walking over the bridge with a racoon in the shot, he could of said oh there's a coon on the bridge.

    That would be racist and would cause a shit storm here in the UK, but if someone from Asia with sloped eyes, as the term originally comes from (mainly speaking of the Chinese) it makes it alright?

    never heard them refered to as sloped eyes , only as slanty , ..''.sloped" suggests to me they protrude outward from the socket ,...........i think you should join the PC brigade and make sure our schools only use whiteboards and bannish the blackboards ,.....looking for a fight ..... PATHETIC !

    No not at all.

    If you care to read the post I made a few minutes after the one you chose to quote, you may realize I don't give a toss what he said.

    I was just speaking of it as how the PC brigade will see it.

  8. Having lived and worked in Asia for 13 years, I now realise I have led a sheltered life.

    I have never heard the "slope" expression used before and if some sensationalists hadn't written this drivel, I would still have been happily ignorant of it's meaning.

    +1, a shitstorm about buggerall by the PC brigade as usual!

    No not really had a black guy been walking over the bridge with a racoon in the shot, he could of said oh there's a coon on the bridge.

    That would be racist and would cause a shit storm here in the UK, but if someone from Asia with sloped eyes, as the term originally comes from (mainly speaking of the Chinese) it makes it alright?

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