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Posts posted by rhythmworx

  1. Maybe join the red cross I looked into it after the Japan tsunami but unfortunately you can't can choose assignments you get sent where you get sent. Maybe you could join and when they say you are going to Nigeria just unjoin and go on holiday somewhere.

    • Like 1
  2. At night? Is there something you turn on in the dark such as a fluorescent light on your desk? What else electrical that's near any of the cable, modem, router or computer might you be turning on in the dark that might be causing interference?

    Just a hunch you might check out.

    Yeah it may sound unbelievable but electrical appliances can interfere with wireless signals....could be a lamp you switch on at night your misses in the back room with the Hitachi, you mobile there are a lot of factors.

    Download in[caps]SSID[non caps]er you can monitor all wireless signals in the vicinity in decibels, it could be your neighbour has a more powerful router signal on the same channel which is interfering with yours.

    There will be an address you can type into your browser to log in to your router to change channel if that is the case. I've never used a cisco router but for most netgear routers is default username is: admin and default password is: password or 1234 both of which you should change for your own security.

    You should be able to find the default user and pass for the cisco on a google search entering your model number.

    P.S. You didn't get ADSL because you're on fibre...that's a bonus.

  3. A camera is just a tool, some people could carve out a statue with their bare hand and a screwdriver better than others who have the best chisel and hammer available (I'm not implying you here).

    I am not implying he is better than you I have not seen any photos, one thing I do know for sure by research and reading photography forums and reviews on lenses and camera models is, photographers and also reviewers can be real bitchy....so many people rush out and buy the new Nikon/Sony/Canon expecting to be the next Ansel Adams, Manny Librodo or Matthew Jordan Smith etc...

    I have seen photos took from a pro level Nikon D3X that were far far worse than a lot of shots I have seen taken from 5-6MP point and shoot cameras of 8 years ago.

    Fancy out of the box effects/plugins rarely make a good photo, subject, composition, colour and light is king.

    You can't polish a turd, post processing is useful but what comes out of the camera is more important.

    Don't worry about this guy he sounds like the typical.......erm <deleted> you encounter from time to time.

    Photography is a total different ball game than being a graphic designer IMO. Keep up what your doing and enjoy it and push forward, there is no place for negativity unless your in a darkroom with some film.

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  4. Download this free program 'CPUID CPU-Z' it will show you info about the processor, memory etc... that you won't see in windows... post the screen shots of the CPU, mainboard, memory and graphics tabs and I am pretty sure I can tell you if it's real or not.

  5. You panned left as it crossed the horizon and whilst doing so took 4-5 footsteps (why would you pan into complete darkness when making a video?...theres nothing to show, unless you did it for a reason).

    That is very easily enough to render it out of frame at that lenses viewing angle once you panned back to the light.

    It was a rock I am guessing and also your girl/wife has just opened up a drinking and food area near the temple prior to shooting this video.

    Excellent effort in getting people worldwide to visit I will give you that.

    I have seen real apparitions with my eyes...hallucinations or not I will never know.

    The 1st one (I was the only person in the house awake) was 50-75% transparent wearing some rag like robe holding a baby in her arms...that was in my house.

    The 2nd one I actually thought was some drug addict girl staring into my mates car (she looked like she was half dead) for around 30-40 seconds as we are outside a burger joint...I said "what's up with her I think she wants some of your spliff" he replied "what you talking about" I said "her there who's just walked off, she was staring in to the car" he replied "there was nobody there" he wasn't looking though he was busy rolling up. She walked off to the corner of the road roughly 20 metres away and stood for a few seconds looking back....I jumped out of the car and legged it after her...she was nowhere to be seen.

    I am a BIG sceptic of videos like this because there are so many fakes, but I like to keep my mind open.

    EDIT: The 2nd one was not transparent...she just looked like a dead smack head staring into the car.

  6. I was thinking of this one:- Section 269/3 Whoever brings into or sends out of anything from Kingdom in accordance with Section 269/1 or Section 269/2, such person shall be punished imprisonment from three years to ten years and fined from six ten thousands Baht to hundred thousands Baht.

    I guess that means whoever brings in or sends out dodgy cards?

    I was busy eating, must have missed something when the sauce dribbled down my leg.

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