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Everything posted by Delight

  1. According to my dictionary they are both 'High' tones. These are Thai words for 'seed' and 'beef' respectively. Not had similar experience.
  2. The seller must provide. 1) Letter from the Juristic Person manager( JPM) specifying that the apartment in question is within the 49% allowance for foreign ownership 2) Letter from the JPM specifying that the apartment in question is free of debt. The seller needs to bring with him/her the Condominium Title Deed. The buyer must provide. 1) A FET -Foreign Exchange Transfer certificate. This is a letter from the buyer's bank verifying that money (to the correct value)has been brought in to Thailand from abroad Between seller and buyer enough money must be taken to the L.O. to facilitate the transfer. The transfer of money from buyer to seller with respect of the actual sale has nothing to do with the L.O.
  3. The building where I live did not provide individual apartment insurance for years 1 to 3 of the buildings life. Now it does. The motive to change was the classic 'water from the apartment above-who pays?' So it may be possible that the building can provide all the insurance that you need -for zero cost to you.
  4. Can you define the duties for your maid? How many hours per day? How many days per week? Paid leave or un paid leave How much do you expect to pay?
  5. One possible way out: 1) Allow Evergrande to collapse. They will bring many Chinese banks with them. The shares in these banks will dramatically fall. When the Chinese authorities think that they are at rock bottom -then the Chinese will buy them. After some time -when the markets realize this -then the prices will rise The Chinese authorities will sell at peak price. 2) Assure those who have paid deposits-that their money is safe. As a gesture they could reset the permit such that the 70 years starts when the buildings are formally opened 3 ) The Chinese government to purchase some or all of the unfinished projects. Maybe at 80% discount. 4) Using the profit from the bank shares transaction plus more-finish the projects Who wins The Chinese government. Those who submitted deposits. Most of the 200,000 employees. Who loses The external contractors The overseas investors Evergrande dies!
  6. Delight


    You have to distinguish between natural Carbon Dioxide and Food grade carbon dioxide. Methane is required to produce the latter. The current high price of methane is proving troublesome.
  7. No! It is a house that stands on it's own land and not attached to any other property
  8. Yes -for certain I also know how they fixed it. Drain the pool. It worked
  9. The weight of water represents load. The strength of the concrete represents resistance to cracking The resistance of the concrete has nothing to do with its weight. A combination of building sway and load has the possibility to cause the concrete to crack. This is typically an extreme case. It has -however-happened
  10. Your current fees cannot be raised -unless the current JPM knows a work around . One option: You just need 20% of the co -owners (by voting allocation) to demand a EGM. The agenda and the minutes must be in Thai language. Typically also in English for convenience. 25% of the total votes (that's attendance and proxies) is required to replace the Condominium Juristic Manager)JPM)-at this EGM. Of course you will require a suitable replacement JPM and no doubt you will need to hire a management company -to run the place. So the fees will probably need to go up. Right now I suspect that you do not have a co -owners bank account. This is possible if the fore mentioned procedure is followed. However in general terms the co -owners will need to pay out more.
  11. Ingress of water is the enemy of concrete structures. It is essential that a condo is repainted . Every 10 years. With good quality paint. The basic construction of a condo is 'Column and Slab'. Bricks are used to 'fill in the spaces' That brickwork is prone to damp-on the inside. These areas need to be inspected -I would suggest on an annual basis. If damp is visible -then the more than a paint job is required. The source of the ingress needs to be identified and dealt with. I would never purchase a condo with a high level pool. The building will move. Just a little bit. Water is heavy. The concrete base could crack.
  12. I think that it refers to Charoen Pokphand. Wiki will explain more.
  13. Can I assume that the house will be in a Thai persons name?
  14. Suspect the landlord simply wishes that you clear off. That way he keeps the deposit and gains the business
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