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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. As an Englishman recommending a German restaurant you must believe me this place is good:

    Bei Gerhard on Naklua Road next to Soi 33

    Gerhard's has recently moved to Soi 16/2. A second recommendation for an Englishman

    Thanks for the heads-up about the move.

    A re-visit from me & the Mrs. is well overdue......

  2. Is the price of milk also higher???


    There are two types of milk in Pattaya. One is 39 baht a bottle and made in a laboratory and then there is 100% milk which is from cows and tastes O.K. and costs 49 baht. Be careful to opt for CHOKCHAI FARM milk only available in big supermarkets not 7-11 or Family Mart.

    To answer your question: "NO" the price of milk is not higher. Thank you for your input.

  3. Sounds like you would be better off in your home country and you will get to roll your eyes at the foreigner on the cash register when he can't speak English to you either; and be justified.

    Are you suggesting that corner-shop shopkeepers in the U.K. are all Pakistani?

    Price rises (inflation) or (tax) on beer in Thailand is getting out of control.

    I'm not going home 'Sel' I'm here to stay until the day they put me on the bonfire in the wat.

  4. Anyone who has ever lived/worked in Nigeria knows that it is the worst country in the world. I don't just mean the random violence and bribery against white people, but the way injustice is so deep-seated in the ruling classes.

    But I am sure there are one or two good Nigerians in Thailand. But the sad facts are, that most Nigerians in Thailand are here for nefarious reasons. So as a rule of thumb it might be best to bid them good-day and move on quickly.

  5. Villa Market Supermarket is hidden away at the 'Avenue' shopping complex on Second Road. Towards the check-out desks on the right hand side of the liquor section is a bargain bin of cheap DVD movies.

    Priced at 199 Baht, there is a selection of very popular movies that you have probably seen but do not own yet. Typical titles: Once Upon a time in America, Goodfellas, Aliens, Porky's, Casablanca, Gigi, etc etc.

    Of course they are all originals, well packaged and many are double disc sets with extras etc.

    Enjoy, hepcats! :o

  6. On the 1st Feb the brewery's in the UK will raise the cost of beer to the pubs 7%, most probably meaning 20/25p on a pint at the pumps

    I hear you bartender100, but considering this is a third world country the price of beer at the supermarket is way overpriced due to punitive taxes. 38 Baht for 640 ml of 6.4% beer equals 74 English pence.

    In Britain, the most heavily taxed nation on earth, a 500ml can of electric soup * from Aldi can be had for under a quid.

    * Electric soup being street-slang for super-lager at 9%

  7. From the stroke of midnight on Sunday 18th 2009 both Family Mart and 7-11 raised the price of Chang beer by 2 baht. This is a total of 5.55% on a big bottle and 10% on a small bottle.

    I demanded to speak to the manager of 7-11 and she said the increase was due to present government taxation and nothing to do with 7-11 policy. The manager at Family Mart could not speak English or so she pretended, so I have no feedback from Family Mart yet.

  8. Does anyone else find it strange that there are a increasing group of mainly african men in bangkok and more paticularly gullivers on khao san and soi 5!

    Also when there engaged in connversation with myself arent quite able to say why they are actually here, and the reasons i have got are shady to say the least!

    Also the impact on the thai girl front is scary to say the least....if you understand my meaning!

    And the fact im have been offered a certain "party enhancer" from some of these young chaps, not that im tarring everyone with the same brush as some of my good friends here of african decent have the same veiw

    Nice bit of racist stereotyping for your first post. The impudence of those Africans, hanging around Khao San and Soi 5 and not telling you why they are there :o

    I can't believe no one's picked up on the " impact on the thai girl front is scary to say the least.....if you understand my meaning "

    That is of course if he/she's implying what i think he/she is..

    The facts are that people from sub-sahara Africa have a higher incidence of HIV positive infection than Europeans. It is just the truth.

  9. AS far as I know, the locals here, over 65 get 1000 Baht every 3 months. I don't know if that is a national scheme or not. Obviously they have paid nothing into a social fund.

    A village doctor I know retired on half salary, about 15000 Baht/month.

    Sorry, I have no idea what the norm is though

    In Isaan old folks over 65 receive 900 Baht every 3 months. That is about 10 baht per day.

  10. Grilled Lambs Liver.



    I agree the mushrooms with a full open cap with black gills sans-spores are delicious.

  11. Try Kim's Guest House on 3rd Road left hand side, just north of Central Pattaya Road - bacon, ham, eggs, fried potato, toast butter, jam, coffee or tea and oj. Priced from 65 to 80 baht.

    Sounds reasonable but you cant call that an english breakfast.

    1/ no sausage

    2/ no beans

    3/ no black pudding

    4/ no tomatoe\

    whats going on here lol.

    Exactly, and who wants cold ham?

    A proper English breakfast needs baked beans as these play an integral part of the egg-bacon-sausage olfactory-taste-bud dynamics. The black puddings (preferably imported from Bury, Lancashire) provide the iron-blood-fat essentials and the grilled tomato is an essential ingredient. I also like a grilled lambs liver as an extra.

  12. Hi there iam coming to pattaya in 2 weeks with my thai wife and son and this time we are bringing some friends and would like to know where the best english breakfast is??? ( so our friends will be ok )

    ive used the elephant bar and pig and whistle and a few others .

    pete and som

    yorkies down he bottom end of jomtien beach ... excellent quality and price

    I thought Yorkies was over-priced and over-rated. I expected better since the owners are Yorkshire men.

  13. Was that the Maggie Mays on Soi Chaiyapphoon? Was it draft and what was wrong with it?

    No ,the one at Soi Watboon , in Jomtien .It was draft and lost its head quickly as i drank ,and did not taste right .

    Sounds to me like disgruntled staff jizzed in the beer. I'll give that place a miss and stick with Maggie Mays on Soi Chayapoon. Thanks for the heads-up! :o

  14. Believe it or not, bad news (ie. crimes against farang etc.) must not be reported by the Pattaya news agencies excepting for two per day. Any negative letters in the Pattaya Mail fall under this ban.

    There have been hundreds of letters written about the airport crisis, street crime in Pattaya, suicide jumps? Druggings of farang and various rip-offs. Now bad news in censored.


  15. Here is a way I saved 20% on my electricity bill.

    1. Stopped using the ceiling fan and use a floor standing fan.

    2. Nothing on Standby, before TV and Hi Fi and Fax were all burning power.

    3. Only boil a kettle with as much water as you need (usually 1 mug full).

    4. Get all ironing of clothes done at laundry.

    Believe me I have seen a 20% drop in my bill.

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