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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. OP, what is 'clicky'?

    patklang, what's a 'stitch up'? How did the ladies rip you off? Are you new here? Are you not hansum man?

    I am not a regular but drop by there maybe once a month on my way home, never had any problems with staff, drinks or prices.


    (Oh! And after a couple of belts at the Buffalo, you can sidle over to the Fetish Bar next door- 900 baht to get through the door!

    Yes, and you will receive a 'couple of belts more' at the 'Castle'.

  2. if he's euro or american - why is he flying the brittish flag?

    On the TV slot, when he was interviewed outside of Xzyte disc, he said he was from England. When pressed to explain why he was doing it, he just said it was his idea and he enjoyed it and could not say more. Then he was on his way again.

  3. What is this guy's story? I saw him interviewed on Thai Channel 3 but all he gave away was that he was British. The Channel 3 interviewer asked him why he did it, he actually said that he did not want to talk about it.

    I think I am right in saying that he has been doing this for years. The only difference is a few years back his costume and bike were decorated, but fairly basic, now he seems to have taken the 'no expenses spared approach'.

    Any more info on this local celebrity? is he a Thai Visa member? I could make a few good guesses!


  4. PS. Has anyone tried the new Japanese curry restaurant? I can't think of the name right now....It's opposite Fuji and looks really interesting, with a formula ordering system for size and heat of curries. I'm thinking of giving it ago soon but would love to hear a report if anyone has tried it.

    I'll be trying out that place last.

    The problem with Japanese curries is that they are totally unlike traditional Indian fatty curries. They taste O.K. but lack something, bigtime.

    I was surprised that they employ a Japanese man to stand outside explaining the curries to passers by. How on earth did he get a work permit to do that?

  5. The only advantage that I see with an ED visa is that you don't have to leave the Kingdom every 90 days, but you still have to pay the 1900 baht. I expect that those people not on a non-O multiple from their home country, who rely on double entry tourist visas every six months will eventually go over to ED visas when the rules change concerning living in Thailand on continuous tourist visas.

    We have seen the end of 30 day stamps at land borders: ie. Now 15 days. There was a scare over stamps in the passport such as 'No more tourist visas from this embassy' or ' Maybe refused tourist visas in the future'.

    It is finely balanced now, and it would not surprise me if a limit will be placed on tourist-visa-runs at some stage.

    That leaves just non O from home country and the ED visa for those under 50 years of age unmarried to a Thai.

    The fee for the 'education' is around 30,000 baht and offers 15 months in Thailand. This might be a similar cost to returning back to the home country and getting a non O.

    Maybe someday, these language schools will have waiting lists.

  6. The plain buns at Friendship and Best make the best burgers--they're dusted with flour outside and cost 10 baht each--20 baht for double buns. I think they come from a German bakery. A great burger *can* be had here, you just have to make it yourself.

    I agree those flour-dusted buns at Friendship make a great burger. A quality burger with tomato and lettuce etc.

  7. It depends on which country you are in.

    I have found certain African and Middle Eastern British embassies to be a great help in times of serious crisis.

    I am not surprised that the Thailand British Embassy doesn't want to know. All the drug smugglers, drug abusers, ex-cons on the run, the ex football hooligans, the psychopathic nutcases, the hopeless drunks, the sex tourists, the con men etc. etc.

    Unfortunately, all the above types of scum have spoiled things for the genuine, law abiding models of calm and sense like myself.

    A few years back the British consulate in Ibiza resigned after suffering a nervous breakdown following years of abuse by the San Antonio mob. He said that British tourists abroad are a disgrace. I agree 95% are.

  8. Its good food at that place, shame about some of the loud mouth old guys inside.

    Re: Rich Man Poor Man Soi 9 Jomtien:

    Yes, the food is good here especially the 99 baht pizza offer on Tuesdays.

    But I have waited for food for 1 hour + when you order something and they have to go shopping to get the ingredients, instead of saying it's not available.

  9. The Thai lottery is a rip-off. Pure and simple. Even if you manage to hit the jackpot you only win 4 million baht. A ticket costs 2 quid!

    The underground lottery is slightly better. The odds for choosing the two numbers is 59-1 instead of 99-1 (true odds).

    Best way is to buy one ticket maximum, just for the fun. Anyone who buys lots is throwing money into the fire.

  10. Actually it is really difficult to get insurance on a rolex in the UK. When I bought one two years ago the jewellers I bought it from (who offered watch insurance) said they would not insure rolexes because they were too high profile with thieves).

    Over here wearing a real rolex is not really a problem as everyone seems to assume it is a knock off and I don't ever correct that assumption!!!

    Be careful. I wear a genuine expensive watch in Pattaya, (NOT a Rolex) but a street fake-watch vendor spotted my watch and whispered in my ear, how much did THAT watch cost?

    He knew it was original. I got paranoid and did not wear it outdoors for weeks.

  11. Forget all this Vodafone/Orange crap, main networks are just out to fleece us.

    As I said Vodaphone is 5p a minute to call a Thailand landline, (and excellent quality line) many people in the U.K. don't know that, so it is not worth buying a new SIM and changing your telephone number.

    If people are starting from scratch, then this Lebara SIM sounds like the way to go.

    VOIP in my experience are disappointing, with drop-outs and other problems and who would trust a 'Communications' company (many go bust every week) with your precious credit/debit card details?

  12. A good offer is available from Pizza Hut this month (until 24th Feb):

    Medium Spicy Seafood Pizza

    Spaghetti with mixed seafood in spicy sauce

    6 New Orleans chicken wings

    Breadsticks & dipping sauce

    1.25 litres Pepsi

    A steal at 399 baht: Delivery free, I've tried it and it was very good.

  13. There was White Castle near me as a kid and once an old lady slipped on one that was dropped on the ground - she cracked her skull open and died on the spot.

    From that point on we always referred to them as Murder Burgers

    I'll admit the MOS burgers are a bit better :o

    I like Mos Burgers. The stuff inside, a kind of red sauce relish tastes great with the burger. I hope Mos Burger opens soon in Pattaya. Any ideas when and where it is going to open?

    In the new Central - Soiu 9 Beach Road.

    It will be on one of ther upper floors among all the other franchised esting joints - the name is on the boarding that shuts off the site while the shopfitters finish their work.

    So the where is clear - the when is dependent on Thai workers.

    I'm looking forward to this place opening.

    It will be on the fifth floor opposite the escalators on the right 2nd Road end of the mall.

    Walking past today I put my ear against the chipboard, but heard no work activity. Maybe we will have to wait some time.

  14. the Tikka centre on Soi Bukhao which was the worst Tikka Masala I have ever been served


    It is a pity about the Tikka Centre (Opposite Soi Honey on Soi Bukhow). When it first opened its doors I used to get a take-away quite regularly, and the food was pretty good. Then all of a sudden it went downhill fast.

    Maybe the ownership changed and it all went pear-shaped. I won't return until I read a good report.

  15. Syd, let us all know how you get on, cheers.

    I tried those at the new Central Supermarket: O.K. pretty good. But I also discovered some good ones at Villa Market; the ones that say 'Poach' before browning. I followed the instructions and they turned out great: NO gristle!

  16. Have you managed to eat the whole mega breakfast there yet.. its a real challenge. but great when I am in need of some good Farrang food.

    Oh yes, when I've started, I always finish, even if it means forcing a full breakfast down on top of a Chang hangover.

    I was back at 'Little Wonder' today: A very good breakfast to be had at the place at the end of the shopping arcade next to Kiss restarant on the corner of Soi Diana.

  17. Just ignore 'Meter' taxi drivers in Pattaya. They are just waiting for mugs like Koreans or Russians.

    A baht bus direct to the bus station like you said is 100 Baht maximum, a Thai would bargain down to 60-80 Baht.

    But you could have taken a baht bus to dolphin for 10 baht, then another baht bus to the bus station 10 baht. Total cost for two people 40 baht.

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