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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. There was White Castle near me as a kid and once an old lady slipped on one that was dropped on the ground - she cracked her skull open and died on the spot.

    From that point on we always referred to them as Murder Burgers

    I'll admit the MOS burgers are a bit better :o

    I like Mos Burgers. The stuff inside, a kind of red sauce relish tastes great with the burger. I hope Mos Burger opens soon in Pattaya. Any ideas when and where it is going to open?

    In the new Central - Soiu 9 Beach Road.

    It will be on one of ther upper floors among all the other franchised esting joints - the name is on the boarding that shuts off the site while the shopfitters finish their work.

    So the where is clear - the when is dependent on Thai workers.

    Thanks for the heads-up HB. Let's hope that they are as tasty as the MOS burgers served up in downtown Nagasaki!

  2. This weeks Pattaya Mail (Issue February 6th 2009) has a weekly dining report on Pattaya's 'Ali Baba' restaurant. I have only been there once and that was a very long time ago.

    Reading this updated, positive and promising review in the Pattaya Mail has inspired me to visit once again very soon.

    Has anyone visited recently? What are your opinions? I have one small reservation, do they still have massive tour buses crammed with Indians visiting, who are then crammed inside of the restaurant in the early evening?

  3. I got food poisoning from a sea food pizza 2 weeks ago in Patts.All beware.I wont mention the establishment.


    Please name the establishment.

    It won't matter now because it is impossible to prove whether the pizza poisoned you or the ice in your drinks poisoned you. What were the symptoms and how long were you unwell?

  4. There was White Castle near me as a kid and once an old lady slipped on one that was dropped on the ground - she cracked her skull open and died on the spot.

    From that point on we always referred to them as Murder Burgers

    I'll admit the MOS burgers are a bit better :o

    I like Mos Burgers. The stuff inside, a kind of red sauce relish tastes great with the burger. I hope Mos Burger opens soon in Pattaya. Any ideas when and where it is going to open?

  5. I have eaten out many places around Pattaya and breakfast is good, the bacon is reasonable but the sausage is just like home UK, where are they getting them, I like to go out for breakfast now and again but I also like to cook my own, so where are these sauages coming from, I have tried many many supermarkets around pattaya and have failed to find anything as good, is there a butchers somewhere that make these, is there a supermarket I have missed.

    Can anyone tell me where I can buy a good English/Irish sausage and good quality bacon

    Have you try Pat's Pies on Third Road ? Many peoples buy the sausages from her .and they are under 300 baht per Kg.

    I've seen Pats Pies on Third Road, but forgotton where it is. Directions please papatsorn?

    About 80-100 yards North from South Pattaya Road, on the left (going North from SPR)

    Thanks for the directions, have you bought any produce there and was it any good?

  6. I used to understand that it was only the taxis with the white band along the top of the windscreen and the bottom of the door that were entitled to use the route to Jomtien. Now, however, I notice that many without those white markings ply that route. However, it would seem that most taxis that line up in the Jomtien baht bus stand at Second Road/ South Pattaya Road have the white markings. Are "plain" ones normally prohibited there?

    Can anyone enlighten me on the official position in regard to the different markings?

    (Maybe that's something Syd Barrett encountered the time he was thinking about setting the missus up in the bus business! :o )

    I have looked into this long and hard.

    A Baht bus can go anywhere, but should not be seen picking up fares from where the mafia line up at Pattaya South Road.

    If you want to avoid the sardine situation and crazy driving of the mafia buses: Stand outside of Tuk Com and motion with your finger Left (towards Jomtien). Beware however, strength is in numbers, the driver might try to dump you off half-way.

  7. I have spoken before about the non-dim sum Chinese food items on offer at the Canton House on a high floor of the new Central Mall. Being a major chain, they aren't in much danger of going out of business though.

    Yes, highly recommended. There seems to be a lot of Japanese places there as well.

  8. Rich Man Poor Man Jomtien Soi 9 do a Tuesday special 1200-2100

    A superb oven made fresh pizza for 99 baht.

    Enough for one hungry person. See you all there next Tuesday! Quality is 9/10.

  9. I have eaten out many places around Pattaya and breakfast is good, the bacon is reasonable but the sausage is just like home UK, where are they getting them, I like to go out for breakfast now and again but I also like to cook my own, so where are these sauages coming from, I have tried many many supermarkets around pattaya and have failed to find anything as good, is there a butchers somewhere that make these, is there a supermarket I have missed.

    Can anyone tell me where I can buy a good English/Irish sausage and good quality bacon

    Have you try Pat's Pies on Third Road ? Many peoples buy the sausages from her .and they are under 300 baht per Kg.

    I've seen Pats Pies on Third Road, but forgotton where it is. Directions please papatsorn?

  10. Apex's  buffet

    What's on it?

    I had a great breakfast there yesterday. Eggs and bacon and all the usual extras. No baked beans though. Why? For the price it must be the best buffet breakfast in Thailand.

    No Baked Beans at the Apex, because the apex buffet is American and Thai. Very good with French toast, pancakes, cresont rolls all the orange juice, milk etc to drink all for a price of 110 Baht. When in Pattaya I always visit the Apex for a breakfast Buffet.


    Don't Americans like Baked beans?

  11. Agreed. Travel in economy class does vary greatly between carriers.

    Legroom is important to me, so sometimes I ditch excellent service eg. ANA because legroom is poor.

    It is also worth checking the aircraft you will be flying on. For example BKK to London on Emirates can include travel on the new A380 from Dubai-London for the same price as the cramped 777. I would rather wait an extra hour in Dubai and enjoy the extra comfort of the A380 more width and 33 inch legroom. The crew on the new A380 are so proud to be flying in it they provide excellent service.

    Unless travelling in Business class, I find flights more than 8 hours too much.

  12. I don't venture out to Pattaya very often, but every now and then I do get the urge for a proper full English breakfast. This was the case on Sunday and I decided on going to Shenanigans for an Irish breakfast for the grand sum of Baht 150. Value wise I can't complain, two fried eggs, two rashers of bacon, two Irish herb sausages, toms and baked beans, two slices of toast with butter/jam and a coffee. (HP sauce too!)

    Got me thinking, is there anywhere else that serves up a better Breakfast around the Beach Road area?


    the ritz soi yamato,13/1

    I'll give it a try. 'The Ritz' sounds expensive and exclusive. Is it?

  13. This week's "best pizza" thread.

    Dao Cafe on the Farside is great...quality cheese and meat...medium crust...B 190...brothel in the back...what's not to like!

    What soi is Dao Cafe on? I want to give this place a try........?

  14. Any burger suggestions at the new Central Festival shopping mall?

    Which begs the question, when does the Mos Burgers open there? I haven't tried a Mos burger yet but people in Bangkok seem to like them.


    The burger in your picture looks good, where was this burger purchased?

  15. I have noticed that the availability of quality English sausage has diminished somewhat in Pattaya. in the old days I used to get good fresh quality sausage in Friendship Supermarket actually labelled 'English pork sausage'.

    Any recommendations of where I might purchase some quality sausage in Pattaya/Jomtien?

    Yorkies on Jomtien beach road just past Chaiyapruek junction or Western Wholesale Food Group on Chaiyapruek 2 - he has excellent burgers and sausages and bacon mmmmm! :o

    I know where Yorkies is, but does he actually sell his fresh sausages direct from his restaurant?

  16. I had an embarrassing experience during a foot massage. The woman was massaging an area of my foot linked to my sphincter muscles and I had an accident in my pants. Luckily I was wearing jeans at the time so managed to salvage some solids into the nearest toilet.

    I have not had a foot massage since.

    Actually I don't believe all this 'reflexology' stuff. There is no way doing something to your foot can result in having an accident in your pants. You may have irritable bowel syndrome which can be triggered by something you recently ate.

    I don't have IBS and I did not have an upset stomach at the time.

    Manipulation of a certain area of the sole of the foot triggers a direct relaxation of the parasympathetic nerves, causing loss of control of the sphincter muscles.

    If you look at the large colour sign of a human foot they use as display and arrowed indicating different organs of the body. There is an arrow pointing to the upper left side of the sole indicating 'anus' it is my opinion that the masseure was concentrating on this area by mistake.

  17. I have noticed that the availability of quality English sausage has diminished somewhat in Pattaya. in the old days I used to get good fresh quality sausage in Friendship Supermarket actually labelled 'English pork sausage'.

    Any recommendations of where I might purchase some quality sausage in Pattaya/Jomtien?

  18. I had a good breakfast in Jomtien on the bend just before the archway. It was called Papa Docs or Papa Davids or something like that anyway.

    Papa Davids, Lots of choice, good service, no problem asking for specials, available all day, David is usually there every morning. If you are in the area, its a perfect choice to relax and start the day

    Overpriced mediocre breakfast. Turgid mediocre quality Sunday roast dinner.

    As with most places in Jomtien area

    I have not tried Papa's Sunday dinner but the breakfast is acceptable. However the sausage was (as you described) mediocre.

    A question mark still hangs in the air above eating establishments in Jomtien regarding the quality of sausages offered.

    While not a full English Breakfast, Seafood Emporium - on that road that is 1/10th completed behind and running parallel to Jomtien beach road has a decent and reasonably priced bacon and eggs.

    The bacon is quite good and when I asked, the owner said it was imported....

    Is that Soi Revenue? I will give this place a try. The bacon sounds good. Were they offering any quality sausage?

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