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Posts posted by dunrudin

  1. I'm sure I saw a thread on this a long time ago, but can't find it. Can anyone help me find a high pressure water gurney to blast the mould off my concrete? Thanks in antici................................pation.

  2. I must say I was disappointed by the content after the lurid topic. I was expecting ("shock, horror, gasp") you to say you bought one in Changklan Rd and it turned out to be real.

  3. I find there is entirely too much flippancy on this thread, and, disregarding the fact that mbcm wouldn't recognise a tank if it was rolling him flat, I believe he or she deserves the respect of an honest answer.

    Yes. Mai pen rai.

  4. The Baht is moving right now, that's for sure. Every time I refresh the page on xe.com I get a new price. Currently trending stronger went from 33.11 per USD to 33.0846 in the last fifteen or so minutes.

    It never moves this fast. Gonna be a wild ride today, I don't know where it is headed but I'd love to see us at 34:1 by tomorrow morning, entirely possible I think.

    Yes, it seems to be doing similar things with other currencys inc AUD.

    Where is the info coming from re: the AUD? Looks pretty much the same to me apart from a small spike on Tuesday.

  5. Coming from the UK originally I find it hilarious that road legal diesel will be died red!

    And in any case (particularly in Thailand) how is a fuel die going to give me any confidence that fuel is not just some bogus fuel with some colouring in it?!?!?

    Disclosure : I don't think I've ever been ripped of for fuel in Thailand anyway. What is this all about!???!

    As long as you don't die before you dye, you should be OK,OK?

  6. Likewise with a brace of B&H left. I used to collect my mandatory couple of cartons in Tachiliek every month, but I don't do visa runs these days. However, the Burmese ones are put out by a different consortium than the Thai ones. Googling the names, I came up with some nasty associations re ownership. It's a different issue to the customs case, but it looks horribly like our choice has had the flick.

  7. Interesting conclusion! I smoke Dunhill red and have been having to search wider and wider to find them (only sold at 711).

    Marlboro Reds seem still in good supply from the 711s in Ban Chang. Made in the Philippines, but I believe those are still Virginia flavour tobacco, isn't it?

    Should I stock up? :)

    I think you're safe with toasted tobacco like L&M or Marlboro. I have always thought of Virginia as cured but not toasted.

  8. I have not been able to buy London, of late, have switched to Benson and have heard that these are running out together with 555 and Dunhill i.e all the virginia brands. Any tobacco japies able to shed light. (Tub thumping anti-smokers need not bother with this thread).

    Thanks in anticipation

  9. <br />croc power! Alright.<br /><br />Maybe someone will release some of the species that used to reside up here in northernmost Thailand. Currently, there aren't any wild mammals at all - other than a rare little squirrel.<br /><br />Used to be a plethora. Too bad, I wouldn't mind seeing monkeys, leopards and the rest return some day. Strangely, there are birds which sound just like howler monkeys. Not surprisingly really, as some birds are excellent mimics, and that species (don't know which one) probably lived side by side with howlers for centuries.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Brahmburger; your bird is a pheasant coucal. Great theory about mimicking howler monkeys, but they make the same sound in northern Australia. Maybe they're imitating the local polititians.

  10. degreediscussion dot com has an interesting forum that discusses unaccredited universities and degree mills.

    I had a young yank come in once with his resume/CV and a CDRom with a scanned copy of his 'degree' from the University of Queensland! He didn't know anything about the university and he had even written on his Resume that he was working in Starbucks or somewhere in the States while he was supposed to be studying in Australia! He didn't get a job from me but he is still in Chiang Mai and is doing quite well.

    How dare he. I myself graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from UQ (University of Queensland), Australia. One of the best Academic Institutions in Australia. A great Sandstone and Research University. I say, if we can, we should expose all those with Dogie Degrees who attempt to pass themselves off as "University Qualified Teachers". Surely, heads of English Dept's at Thai Schools have a responsibility and indeed an obligation to check whether Degrees are false or not.

    Its up to all of us as Professional Teachers I believe, to ensure that the Farang Teaching profession as it currently stands stems the tide of tainted qualifications by fraudsters.

    All comments re: this post welcomed.

    Would a "Dogie" degree have anything to do with livestock (in particular, cattle), management?

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