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Posts posted by jjrbus

  1. My friends email me about the terrible things going on in Thailand, and are concerned about my safety. May 7th I go back to where my friends are in NEW YORK! , isnt that where the worst terrorist attach ever took place? The only time in Thailand that I'm concerned about my safety is when I try to cross the street :o

  2. I like her a lot, Love I think that takes some time. In my absance for a small amount of money, I can make her life much eaiser. When I come back I can pursue the relationship further. I'm not going to rush into anything,it would not be fair to her or me.

  3. If you think you may have a problelm with alcohol, itis a lot worse than you think!

    People that do not have a problem do not go around asking if they have a problem. I went to the dr for a physical, and asked him if I was drinking too much, he asked me what I drank and how much, I told him and he said that beer would not hurt me. 2 years later I ended up in a rehab! :o

  4. Wori Buri on Soi 4 same soi as Nana, 900 and 1100 baht includs breakfast, pool,cable,A/C and fridge. no internet in room, internet available in lobby, a ways down Soi, but has free Tuk Tuk to corner. 1st Street Lodge on Soi 1, 600 baht a nite, fridge,cable A/C, no internet but internet Cafe just step's away, pretty good valu for the price, both are girl friendly and quiet.

  5. I find myself amazed at the amount of english the average thai speaks. I feel for those trying to learn what we call the english language. I'm an American and I have trouble trying to understand some British people, then when I get in a conversation with an Austrailian, it's like two different languages, Then try to talk to someone whose english is thier second language, it's amazing we can communicate at all.

    I was impressed when I went to Cambodia, that country is really into learning english!

  6. Very good Basher;

    Best chuckle I've had in a while :D

    Now think about it Admiril Kumoto, tells this young jap guy, to get in an airplane and go commit suicide by flying it into an american ship. But befor you go I want you to put on this nice leather helmet so your ears don't get cold. I dont get it :o

  7. I hate self serving poll's where they never have the ans you want to give. I also hate multiple choice tests. |I hate people that start poll's, come to think of it I hate everybody :o So I would check F. for none of the above or G for all of the above. J

  8. Double dipping here, Congradulations to Sandy for trying to quit smoking, it can be done. |My hat is off to you and my heart is with you.

    I stopped smoking 13 years ago, and I thank God every day! Now that ciggaretts cost about $4 a pack in the US, I'll be sending this lady less than I would be spending on ciggaretts if I still smoked.

  9. |I don't know that she was not a freelancer, she did not try to sell me any. On the other hand, whats wrong with being in the holesale buisness? There are a lot worse jobs I can think of. I did request the usual STD test's befor I went bare back, I'm not very bright, not totaly stupid.

    Many of the things I hear here about Thai women, could be said of any women in the world.

    As long as this girl does not cost me any more than my 2 ex wives, I'll be OK. Thanks again, this was a fun post.

    Now if you could just tell me why did Kamma Kazzi pilot's wear helment's ?

  10. I had no idea my simple little question would bring so many varied responses. I find myself in a bit of confusion. My GF is not a bar girl, she works in brothers noodle shop. She is smart, has a high school education, speaks fair english. She is Issan and her family is poor, but from the weeks (2) I have spent with them, they seem to be good people. She is 33 pretty and sexy. I am 56 and just another Hansom man. I do not wish to make a commitment after knowing her only 4 months., but do not like the prospect of losing her. but I do have to go to America for 5 to 6months. My thought is that for a small investment, I can keep her happy, give me some time to make a decision. Seems like a win win situation.

    By the way I don't consider myself overly smart, but 6 years ago I retired at the age of 50. I can only wish I was as smart as some of you guy's I might have retired at the age of 40 :o

  11. Thanks guy's, I really appreciate the info. I also appreciate the honest imput on being dumber than shit ect. I alrready knew that, but its nice to have a second, third , 4th opinion. Ive got lot's of money, I lent a falang a bunch of cash, and he gave me a big bag of emeralds to hold, and he does not seem to be coming back. I can't get ahold of him, so I guess they are all mine. I feel bad taking advantage of the situation, but at some point I have to cash in :o

  12. Good post, Ive been courious about this, if 6000 baht is a monthly salery that people live on, why give 10/15000 baht over that? would'nt another 6k be sufficent? Thats double the average income.

    Isn't 18k baht income in Bangkok on the high end of things? From what I have heard a clerk in Robinson's is makeing more like 6000 baht for a lot of hours. I could be wrong or have misunderstood.

  13. If you go back to the catholic church and confess for whatever, they will give you pennance (spelling?) I have found among healthy minded spiritual people, that sincerly trying to not commit the same offence again, is the true path to enlightenment.

    You could go back to the catholic church with an attorney, and help them make a financial amends to you, that would help them to become a better church :D

    On this journey I have also achived wisdom, and wisdom to me is the knowledge that I really don't know anything. :o

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