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Posts posted by PaulAllen

  1. I watched that storm go over KP while on a high hill here on Samui. It was cool looking from such a distance with the sun bouncing off of it.

    The other day, we came out of Tesco and there was the most amazingly bright and complete rainbow. It was a sight to behold!

  2. I'm the OP.

    I left the country using my old (canceled with holes punched through it) passport. It was a single entry non-B. ( I was 1 day overstay, bye bye 500 baht :-( my company was late in getting me my new paperwork.

    Anyway, he never asked to see new passport (and why should he really). I then went to Malaysia and gave them my brand new passport. Their entry stamp was the first stamp in my new passport. I then turned this same new passport into the Thai consulate and they put in a new non-B, single entry, 3 month visa. I then returned to Thailand and only showed the new passport with the new visa.

    So, all in all, and I think it just happened to coincidental that I got a new passport at the same time I needed to go on a visa run and that I had only a single entry non-B that I did not have to have the old visa transfered into my new visa and never had to show both passports at once. It was a very easy transition from old to new.

    I'll let you know in 10 years when this one expires what happens then. :o

  3. I have noticed they have a serious lack of geography knowledge. I have a large world map on my wall and I've brought girls over and asked them to show me where Thailand is. About 50% can and it takes some of them a little bit to find the word Thailand (the map is written in Thai and English) before pointing to it. Asking to point out South America, France or almost anywhere else and they just don't know. It's not their fault, it the Thai education's fault!

    I once showed a girl one of the local maps of Samui, she looked at it for a while and then said, "Where's Bangkok?" The girl was new here and from Issan so I guess we have to give her a small break on that one. But still.....

  4. Well, regardless of their quirky ways I love them and love Samui. All these things listed is what gives them their character and yes, some are bad but most are good.

    I read a book about an American woman who lived here as a missionary at the turn of the century (last century) and her description of Thais is quit a bit different that what I see today. Back then, before the farang invasion, they invited her in, no matter where she went in the country, with open arms. They would give her the shirt off their backs if she needed it. They really treated her and the other farangs with her with great courtesy. She never once mentioned scams, or backstabbing or stealing and she lived here for about 30 years (maybe longer, I'd have to double check).

    They just reprinted this book in Thai language. It is a fascinating read. If anyone would like the title, (I've loaned the book out), please PM me. It will give you a new appreciation for the Thais and their culture, and you will be able to see the effects (negative and good) that farangs have brought to this country.

  5. Anyone sure that no one was hurt????

    I found out late afternoon yesterday that there was in fact someone hurt quite badly.

    One of my customers has a Thai wife who had got up early to go to the temple and went to 7-11 on the way home. She had just opened the door of 7-11 when the vehicle hit the pole and her. She ended up under the pickup and caught fire when the gasoline etc ignited. She managed to crawl out by herself and with the help of a young lad from 7-11 roll in the dirt to get the flames out.

    She was till strong enough and conscious enough to give her motorbike keys to the boy and tell him to take her to hospital. So with most of her hair gone, 3rd degree burns over a significant part of her body, skin falling off, she clung to the back of the 7-11 boy as he took her down the ghost road to Bandon hospital.

    While this is not the best way to get to hospital it was probably the fastest and with significant burns, speed is of the essence. After taking the lady to hospital, the boy then took the motorbike to the husband and with little English managed to communicate to him where his wife was. It still amazes me the strength of Dang who must have been able to communicate where her house was to the boy while still in a state of shock etc from the accident and burns.

    I met with her husband last night and he states she is stable, is bandaged from head to toe with just her eyes nose and mouth showing. They had just wheeled in the portable x-ray machine to check for broken bones etc, but it appears that there was not too much of that.

    The family of the driver had been in visiting and the driver is currently with the police.

    It is an amazing story of personal courage on both Dang and the boys part, and because it happened so quickly and without any ambulances etc it got missed by most people.

    The husband has been in Samui a number of years, was previously partner in a bar in Bophut and had a serious accident a few years ago and spent months in Hospital with his caring wife by his side. It looks like he will unfortunately get to return the favour.

    If anyone wants more details, please PM me.

    Today there was the rumour that the poor woman passed away, is there anyone who can confirm this ? (hopefully not....)

    There was also another rumour : the victim is my wife.... I can understand the confusion, her name is also Daeng and we live very close to that 7/11, but before you all send flowers, my wife is still alive and kicking.

    This was posted late last night (Tuesday night). Has anyone heard the status of the lady since?

  6. There is going to be a fundraising event at Admiral Lord Nelson in Bangrak to raise money to help with the medical bills that are going to be coming in as her recovery will take months, if not years. It will begin at 4:00 on Friday, Aug. 15th.

    Hey Mattias37, maybe this is big enough news for the Samui Express? I'll check with you each time to make sure it's ok. OK? But I doubt you can stay sober long enough to even read the paper's first page.

  7. The "story" by the original poster is just that, an allegation. Until the incident is covered by the paper can the post be considered valid. This is just the way it is. There are people who might know or assume what bar is being targeted, if such a bar exists, and if it exists, that would open the door to defamation.

    This thread ought to be closed.

    This is like saying, "I don't believe that the Titanic sunk unless you go to the bottom of the ocean and show me pictures of it lying there."

  8. Just for everyone's information. I went to immigration here on Koh Samui last Thursday and they told me they don't have to transfer the visa over into the new passport. I'm to just use the old passport when leaving and the new passport when coming back. Simple as that and I sure hope they hel_l they are right. If I get the airport and the immigration offer doesn't see it that way I'll be in a bad way!

  9. I am buying into a new company that a few friends are starting. I am to receive 7.5% of the revenue. I'm not putting in a lot of money.

    My question is: What sort of documents, contracts, etc. should I get signed? Should they be notarized? Should a lawyer look them over? Should I get copies of all the partner's passports? Etc. Etc.

    Should it state in the contract that I can look at the books when I want or at the end of the month?

    I wont officially be on the company "list" of employees but I want as much paperwork covering my investment as possible and something that will stand up in court if it comes to that.

    Any ideas or suggestions please?



  10. 4:30 at the Pier????? On Samui it means no sleep at all.

    What time is the last ferry to Samui?

    With the cut in flights and the high ticket costs unfortunately I will have to avoid airplane if I will need a border run, but i'm not going to get up at 3 am....

    How much was the total cost of the trip?

    1 Car Donsak - border - donsak, 5400 (3 person x 1700) + 2 x 280 Raja Ferry

    Starting in Thongsala (Ko Phangan) 05:00 h Ferry, back 16:00 h Ferry to Ko Phangan

    So what is the exact total you paid for 1 person? 1700 + 280?

  11. I have just received my new and beautiful (and very patriotic) American passport. It is completely empty (obviously) of any stamps, visas, etc. I still have my old one but they put holes in it to void it. However, of course, my current Non-B visa is still in there.

    When they gave me the passport, they gave me a letter to give to immigration asking them to please transfer the visa stamp from the old to the new passport.

    My question is: Is this necessary? Or can I just wait till I go on a visa run and give the immigration officer at the airport both passports and he can then cancel the old visa just like I am leaving the country (which I am). And when I get to the visa run place, I can get the new visa put in the new passport and then use it to get back into Thailand. Thus saving me a trip to immigration. I go on a visa run in about 17 days anyway.

    I'm sure hundreds of you have had this experience so some advice is very welcomed!



  12. Does that come with guacamole and tortilla chips? :o

    Offtopic but - anyone found Guacamole in any markets in Samui?

    Don's Foods in Chaweng (next to post office, across from vet clinic) has excellent quac. They have tortillia chips and some very good salsa as well. You can make some fine nachos with all that!!! I can't wait for the new Mexican rest. to open!!!!!! Hola!

  13. I know Thaivisa has a classified section but I don't want to buy a motorbike from someone who's in Chang Mai or Bangkok so it seems more appropriate to post it here.

    I want a used Wave or Dream, doesn't matter if elec. start or not. I just need it to putter around a few places here and there. It must be in excellent running condition, not too concerned with the cosmetics of it.

    Please PM with info.



  14. I have a friend who is an honest man looking for an honest job.

    He is on the older side of life and would like a job such as security or something that it not too physically demanding.

    I have known him for quite some time and if I had a job for him I would of course hire him myself.

    It can be very hard to find responsible, trustworthy and, most of all, honest staff here, but this man lives up to these ideals.

    If anyone has or knows of a job for him to apply for, please PM me.


    PA :o

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