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Everything posted by moe666

  1. Most tourist coming to Thailand only need 5 to 10 days at most, 30 days is too much for the majority.
  2. I demand they do something about the bad air in Chiang Mai, 256 in my living room this morning
  3. Any bar on soi22 is not in soi cowboy different side of the road
  4. That is not what this thread is about. Start another thread if you what to talk about Thai crime.
  5. When you are preforming dangerous sporting activities things can go wrong that is why you sign a waiver absolving the company of responsibility. Get over it boys s--- happens
  6. Please tell us what the true state really is. it only got better as more people were vaccinated and yes as more people contacted the virus and became less prone to infection. Governments did what they thought best for the people of there country and with the info they had . Did you have a crystal ball with all the straight skinny.
  7. I will continue the safe activities in Thailand. drinking, bar crawling, chatting up pretty girls much safer than jumping off platforms, and zipping down cable wire.
  8. Hate to tell you this but the Chinese have there own places to hang out and here in CM have never seen one buying a beer let alone a girl in a bar.
  9. I have been in Chiang Mai 13 years and I have seen plenty of guys with problems but immigration has always to my knowledge bent over backward to help older farangs with their extensions. Of course they have met all of the requirements and could obtain a visa without under the table issues. As long as your wife can get to immigration they will work with you.
  10. Plenty of young studs running around Chiang Mai with no helmet chasing their dream hopefully they will not end up in the hospital.
  11. Bad luck happens to everyone maybe you should start a go fund me page for these people to help them out
  12. There is a shop in Bkk or was, I checked before covid and they were around 16,000b for a pair. cannot remember the name but there website indicated a professional shop
  13. You know this as a fact and howndo you know it, you interviewed his girl friend
  14. It is called a crime of oppertunity, he was wearing it look at me, so she did and figured it would look better on her than on him.
  15. If you have ever been to the end of Soi4 in Bangkok you will see the reason e-cigs are illigal it is called the Tobacco Exchange.
  16. It is like any investigation if your boss says find out whythere are so many murders in Chiang Mai thats what you investigate you do not veer off to investigate the murders in Bangkok.
  17. Tourist do not come, what rock have you had your head under. The hotel association in Chiang Mai has said 1.7 million tourist have visited Chiang Mai since the beginning of high season.
  18. You have to remember Thailand has a mind set about keeping people working, it is one way for people to have jobs
  19. I guess you guys missed the part where they had run ponzi scheme in China and had left ahead of the police and had gotten 2 passports along the way.
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