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Everything posted by moe666

  1. How so to Euro. Oil is valued in US dollars. That will not change you seem to think they are buying this oil with suitcases of Bhat and dollars
  2. Maybe he was just a collector of guns and such. I have known many in america who were gun collectors with no other motive. Maybe this guy was a New Zealander with a collector motivation
  3. I had breakfast at the Landmark Hotel this morning and the room they have breakfast in was packed with hotel guest
  4. Get out of town cheaper and safer
  5. I am in the states now a meal that 4 years ago cost me and the wife 20 dollars is now 30 dollars. Back in CM in 2 weeks time looking forward to it
  6. More power to them there refusal says out loud the war is wrong. Yes they are covering themselve but who could blame them who wants to die in a poorly thought out and executed mass murder
  7. At check in tell them you need a wheel chair, they will furnish one from the check in desk to check out by-passing all of the lines at departure. On arrival you will have to wait until the plane is cleared then you will have a wheel chair he will help with luggage and deliver you anywhere in the airport. A good tip is approiate also you will board your flight early. Remember they work for the airport not the airline. good luck
  8. A friend here in Thailand died earlier this year. After being confirmed with lung cancer the Dr. asked if he wanted treatment he says no mate just keep the pain down. As the pain beame to much he says give me the shot he was dead later that day. Frank lived a good life and didn't want to suffer the treatment.
  9. Spot on, when he played there was no big salary. More thsn likely the DT walked around at the end of the game handing out the money depending on the how many people paid to get in.
  10. Is Swampy still doing test as you leave, A friend recieved a test before leaving on ANA another Japanese airline
  11. He has to serve a certain part of his sentence before becoming eligiable for a Royal Pardon
  12. It is called a bank , a safety deposit box and tel everyone that is were the money is located not in my house.
  13. For many it is paying the rent and then put food on the table, not much face in all that
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