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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. I prefer to shop at "mom and pop" stores, and the local market.
    However, there were a few of them, that charged me different prices than Thais. (charged me more)

    Same with some of the stands at the market.

    I don't like to see (at least I didn't when I first moved here), western chains like Tesco Lotus, Big C, Mc'Donalds, etc. kind of stores moving in.
    I feel that they (western franchises) take away from the culture here and also take money out of the local economy.
    However, they do charge the same to everyone, so, I started going there. mostly for that reason.
    Now, most all the "mom and pop" stores are gone.
    More and more convenient chains are everywhere, where the small family run places used to be.
    The Thais can blame it on themselves IMO>
    Of course they wont' and won't blame the dual pricing system,
    But, that's the reason I moved on.
    So, IMO things will sort themselves out.
    But, it's not a good thing.
    The culture will eventually die out and you will all get what you wish for: All the same rules that you have where you came from.

  2. How about this for an idea?
    Have the "hop on, hop off" tuk tuks in each town: Patong, Kata, Karon, Kamala, Phuket town, etc.

    Then have metered tuk tuks for journeys between the towns or longer distance: Big Buddha, Laem Prom Thep, or from Patong to Nai Harn for example.
    That way, the drivers/owners can choose which job to take on, and which fits their personality or drive.

    Maybe paint them different colors so tourists easily know the difference?

    The problem probably would be that more would probably prefer the metered taxi game, as it allows them to sit around, sleep, gamble, and do what they like to do best.

  3. I remember my Mom told me, her old refrigerator (now used only for beer and soda on the back porch) was 45 years old!

    Still works fine.

    But, you won't find this quality anymore.

    Once when I was hiking (trekking) in America, I met a retired Ford Motor company executive.
    We got to talking about engines and I told him about my old 290 straight six Ford econoline engine.
    He said that was the best engine Ford ever made.
    But it was discontinued.
    It was too good.

    No money in something that lasts forever.

    It's a shame but that's the way things go anymore.

  4. I brought a 1,000 watt inverter back with me from the states.

    I know it will run a big refrigerator and a light or two. (fan possibly?) by running my truck on idle.

    But, it is also going to have to be converted from 110 to 220V.

    I brought one of those also.

    I guess I'll get to find out.

    I agree that power cuts are much less frequent than a few years ago.
    Roads being built, dams, new power lines installed, incinerator, some of us see the glass half full. (and growing)

  5. OK, how about the new damn that's being built?

    Been going on about 4 years now and they seem like about 2-3 years away from completion.

    Seems to me, it's going to be close to the same size as Bang Wad. (which by the way, they are redoing the damn breast this year also)

    What damn and where?

    Sorry, it's a new dam, not damn.

    Been building it for about 4 years now, digging out a few mountains in the process.

    Once it's complete, it appears that it will be about the same size as Bang Wad Dam.

    The dam breast will be just west of Phunaka golf course and the dam will stretch to within about 2 miles of Patong, up that valley.

    Don't know if they are planning on piping the water to Patong but, it's possible.

    The infrastructure on this island is being improved upon all the time.

    New bridges, roads (have you seen the new road between the big Makro and the new Mazda salesroom, (near the Honda car salesroom)??? Cuts out about 4 traffic lights and is a pleasure to know we can now get to the International hospital much quicker.

    They are building something big along that road also, I've heard another hospital, and also heard a school. We shall see.

    Of course, NKM probably will argue that tourists don't need hospitals. (or dams)

  6. but what have they done for the tourists and the tourism industry here? smile.png

    Thanks for the smiley face.

    Now I know you are not very serious about this.

    Because, all it takes is an open mind and some open eyes.

    But, I did think of some more:

    New bus station (now Phuket has 2, which eases traffic)

    New airport terminal (and building a high-rise parking lot I believe)

    Just spotted a new jogging path a few days ago that heads east, along the bay from Palai seafood. IT goes about a 1-2 kms all the way to the mangroves. (not so new, but the first time I've seen it)

    Construction has started on the new park they are putting in at Karon beach. I heard they are going to make it something like the one at the north end of Patong beach.

    I forget the name, but there's a bunch of new football fields (one even covered) across the road from the TOT office (the big one on Choafa west)

    Not new, but the mining museum shows some of the islands unique history.|

    Total renovation of the island's oldest hotel in "Old town, Phuket" the On On hotel.


  7. OK, how about the new damn that's being built?
    Been going on about 4 years now and they seem like about 2-3 years away from completion.
    Seems to me, it's going to be close to the same size as Bang Wad. (which by the way, they are redoing the damn breast this year also)
    OK, that's probably being paid for by the water dept. and they'll probably make a profit someday.
    But, it's still a positive change for this island.

    I believe the football field, up by the windmill was built with government money.
    They put in a sprinkler system and lights a year or two ago.

    No profit there.

    I love the tennis courts at Sapin Hin.
    They are more than 5 years old, but they resurfaced them last year.
    Lots of other recreational facilities there too.
    All govt. funded I believe. No money charged, so, no profit.

    There's a public swimming pool up by the Laguna complex.
    They do charge 20 baht I believe, but I think it's to pay a lifeguard.

    Can I stop now?
    Just get out of Patong, and see some of the changes on the island for yourself.
    It's not so hard.

  8. You can sum up Phuket with the question I have asked many times and only ever received one answer to: "Name one positive thing that has been implemented on Phuket for the benefit of tourists, expats and locals in recent years?" The only answer has been so far: "Free vacinations for dogs." That sums up the Governance here.

    Phuket is doing nothing to improve, therefore, is slipping backwards.

    I guess you don't get out much.

    How about: Botanical Garden (I was quite impressed with this place right from the beginning)

    There' a new frisbee golf, flying hanuman trapese thing as well as one of those ropes courses above Kamala that is quite impressive.

    The new Tiger Kingdom show is said to be good, although I haven't seen it.

    Some kind of stadium is being built, as we speak, over by the zoo.

    They've turned Talang road in Phuket town into a quite artsy place as well as Soi Romanee, no telephone poles or wires showing anymore which was quite a project, I must say.

    Maybe getting out of Patong a day or two and discover what's going on in the rest of Phuket sometime would help.

    • Like 2
  9. Of course, Rawai is so much better, right? cheesy.gif

    Actually, the roads in Rawai and Nai Harn are pretty good.

    Kudos to whoever is in charge of them.

    I agree Patong is battered. But, I imagine, give it a few more years and they might even get that new road completed.

    They probably should have kept it closed until finished.

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  10. Well, my (THai) wife tells me it's over, but:

    Apparently a bar was open in Nai Harn 2 nights ago at 1 AM and the police came in and reminded everyone about the curfew and told them it was time to go home.
    They later told the owner that it may be lifted in a few days.

    I'd believe the police before my wife (sometimes)

  11. I hiked up there about a month ago.
    It's easy to get lost as there are many trails that Gibbon Rehabilitation people create to get up to check on and feed some they've released.

    If you don't know the right path, you will most likely choose the wrong one from time to time.
    I'm sure the poster (above) who thinks it would be hard to get lost in the jungle around here is probably a guide, carries a machete to chop through to create a straight line to the nearest road, has his GPS with him, and can maneuver down cliffs in the dark.

    Good job Ken and Simon.
    I saw some people up there who didn't know if they were on the trail or not.

    But, how to mark it best? Probably paint.

  12. I don't know who you should blame, but you might try the weather.
    Bang Wad dam is the lowest I've seen it in about 9 or 10 years.
    It had a higher level about a month ago, BEFORE we had a few rains.

    We need a big rain.

    The new dam being built doesn't look like it will be finished for a few years.
    But give the water co. some credit for at least looking ahead and building one. (or whoever made the decision)

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