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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. It's easy to guess why they got lost if you've been up there lately.
    There is a trail between Ton Sai and Bang Pae waterfalls.
    It is about a 2-3 hour trail one way.
    BUT, it is not maintained.
    And trees fall down, side trails around the trees go in many different directions.
    I've hiked this trail at least 6 or 7 times and still usually get slightly lost trying to find the right trail.

    The rangers in these two parks, need to get together and send a crew out there once a month or so and cut down the blowdowns and re-establish trails.
    But will they do it?
    Yeah right.

    This happens all over Thailand.
    A trail gets advertised, and built, but rarey maintained.

    The jungle grows back quickly.

    Only the rubber tree workers keep trails open around here it seems.

    Anyway, glad to hear they got rescued before the next light.

  2. Hadn't heard about this school before.
    Sounds interesting.
    Class size of 6 has good points and bad points IMO.
    Good for one on one with the teacher.
    Lacking in social skills.

    Anyway, some more info would help.
    Where do you live?
    How far do you want your daughter to have to travel each day for schooling?

    Is she Thai (can speak Thai)
    As I'm thinking Darasamuth's English program MAY be an option for you, although class size is quite big and even though it's taught in English, the kids mostly speak Thai in between classes and things like swimming, art, music, I believe.

    There are a few other small international schools that I've heard are looking for students (so might give you a break on the initiation fee), since so many have left in the past year.
    But the ones I know of are in the south of Phuket.

  3. Is it the sink basin itself, or the drain pipe underneath that's leaking?

    If the sink basin has a hole in it, you probably should get a new one. You could patch the old one but it may be wearing thin (from rust) so you'd just be prolonging the problem
    If it's the trap and drain pipe underneath, these things tend to leak whenever you touch them.
    Best is to adjust it until it doesn't leak and then don't touch it.

    If you need a real plumber, there is a shop near Wat Chalong on the main road.
    It is between Wat Chalong and the traffic light to the north, (same side of the hi-way as the Wat)

    DIY plumbing is fairly simple here.
    No freezing to contend with.
    No hot water line.
    Just one supply (cold) and a drain pipe.

    Drains are a little more tricky as things have to be lined up correctly.

    I tired of hiring the locals as twice they forgot the glue and a week later, I had major leaks.
    How can a plumber forget to glue the plastic piping?
    Can't imagine what they were thinking.

  4. I think there is, but not sure where.
    I remember going to the Kathu street fair 2 years ago and seeing a fairly large group of kids (10-16 year olds?), playing together.
    Most of them on the xylophone looking Thai instrument, and the rest on percussion.

    I remember they had a teacher (Thai ) directing them and seeing a sign for a school.
    But where is the school? Or the name?
    Sorry my memory isn't good enough.

  5. Yes, the seem to do a number of things, that cost them money, and help promote the arts.
    My son went to a puppet learning seminar that lasted many weeks (each Saturday was the class).
    Free food and water was provided as well as the learning sessions were free. (very good Thai teacher who was paid by the hospital)

    Apparently they have a fund for these kind of affairs.

    And yes, I too welcome the violinist. (and all the pretty girls who work there)

  6. Why? Because I live here half the year and in the states the other half.
    I have Thai health insurance that covers me here.

    I pay taxes in America. Always have.

    And I soon turn 65, so, I have choices to make and trying to find out all I can before I head back.
    I don't think it's fraudulent at all.

    Why do you say it is?

  7. Had a big snowstorm on that Gokyo trek way back in early 90's.
    This is probably 10 times worse.

    Good luck to them.
    I imagine the small burg of Lukla is indeed very crowded and out of food by now.

    Don't remember a hospital there.
    Sounds like the wife is quite sick. I imagine there are a lot of dead and nearly dead people around those towns they've been going through.
    I hope they make it OK.

    • Like 2
  8. I've read through most all the posts here, and think I have a pretty good understanding of it all.
    But one thing that surprises me, and maybe I'm wrong here, but it seems to me that if you go for the Medigap or the Medicare Advantage thing, through a private insurance co. or hospital, that (I think) you can get the payment for Plan B down to zero!!!
    By using some deductibles and different options they can give you.

    Now, I'm not sure if this is true but I think you HAVE to set up an appointment in the US with one or a few of these people (my USA PO box is supposedly stuffed full of offers every week, from what I hear).

    Has anyone done this? And got their payment for Plan B (and drugs maybe) down to zero with some deductibles?

  9. 8 or 9 years ago, there was a Thai movie named "The Tin Mine" shown in the local cinema (Central)

    It was a really good film, about Phuket and even had some local actors.

    I'd love to see this movie again if anyone knows a way to buy it.
    I tried google, but no luck.
    Everyone is either out of stock or no seeders.

    Help! (and thanks in advance )

  10. 1/ Sweatband. Try Sportworld in the tennis area for a headband made from cotton terrycloth. Or make your own out of a good quality towel.
    2/ Jock Rash. Try Body glide. Or KY gel. (more readily found here I'm sure)

    3/ RainX is the stuff you are talking about. Haven't seen it here but that stuff works pretty amazingly.

    Do you have helmet with a plastic face guard? They only cost 50 baht I believe. Might want to try one.

  11. Almost right across the road from him (and up towards the lights at the school) is a Swiss guy who is good.
    He's next to that plumbing shop.

    Good luck.

  12. Just want to say the tunnel is pretty nice.
    Efficient now getting through going straight.
    Only problem now that I see is if you do want to turn into town from that intersection, the lights are very long, and must be adjusted to account for the decrease in traffic.

    Each way had about 30 seconds of non-activity at the end of each green light cycle.

    That's a lot of people waiting for nothing.

    There was an accident about 100 meters to the south today and that backed up traffic into the tunnel.
    I wouldn't want to be down there on a bike if that was to happen, and be behind one of those black smoke belching buses.

    Possibly THAT is the reason for the no-bike rule???

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