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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. I overheard a Thai person telling a farang today that they are going to start boycotting Tesco Lotus because it's British owned.

    But then i drove past Tesco and the parking lot was packed.

    Sounds like a lot of talk but that's all it seems to be so far.

  2. Yes, that was a very hard rain, aye?

    I had my 3 year old with me and kept telling him when you drive through water that is up to your knees, you have to go slow.

    Unfortunately some people have not learned this. They get stuck in it. I wish i had my camera today.

    Twas a lot like driving in a blinding snow storm (only warmer)

  3. but I wondered if it was real cheese, it had no taste whatsoever. Really the type of food that looks/tastes like it comes out of a factory instead of a kitchen.

    Well isn't that what fast food is? (tasteless food factory)

    I last ate a McDonald's burger in '95. After i threw it up, i said, never again.

    I remember travelling with a geologist once who told me that their shakes are really made from clay. (notice they never call them milk shakes)

    Last time i was in Patong, i noticed 3 McDonald's. I think they want the whole world to look like New Jersey!

    I must say that late night hunger has made me stop for one of those 20 baht chicken burgers at 7/11 though already. Shameful i know.

  4. Sorry, cannot answer your question.

    BUt i will say this: i had problems with Bangkok Bank and switched to Kasikorn bank and had smiles instead of frowns from their more positive answers.

  5. I too get a feeling that it's going to be a weekend thing for some reason.

    If it continues for a few weeks, i can't guess how many tourists will change their plans and go elsewhere.

    I doubt the protesters think of this now.

    When times get tough on Phuket, i wonder who they will blame? the govt? or the farangs? or themselves?

  6. IF they really wanted to do a cable car to the Big Buddha, they should do it from the top of Kata hill (the highest point between Chalong and Kata)

    I hiked up to Big Buddha from there last week. It didn't take more than an hour and was a great (although steep) hike.

    It would probably cost 20% of the price building one from Patong.

  7. Ok Donna, understood. But it started in the Phuket Forum, so maybe should have been moved to Phuket News Clippings ? Instead it was move to Thai News Clipping. What's the point in having Phuket News ?

    I always thought that the point in having a Phuket forum is to discuss things happening in Phuket.

    That's why i come here so often. I know the people posting (our at least through online reading)

    I know who's opinion i respect and who i think is foolish.

    I usually am concerned with what's happening here.

    I don't go to those Bangkok forums very much as I don't know those people.

    Hoping it stays in Phuket forum.

  8. Another option is to rent a car and drive.

    Now, if i have the time (and extra money) i love driving me and my family from PHuket to Bangkok. WE always take 2 full days to do it because we drive many smaller roads once we get up around Chumphon where you are not far from the east coast of the isthmus.

    We sometimes stay in Chaam at a beautiful old hotel that is only 400 baht a night.

    This is a great way to see real Thailand and not just the fairytale that is Phuket.

    Of course there is also the buses but you don't see much as they are usually night buses. They are nice but cold (bring a sweater)

    I'm afraid for the businesses in Phuket that many tourists will be changing their plans over this protest. Good luck to all!

  9. I certainly cannot understand why threads about the airport closure and PAD protests in Phuket would be moved OUT of the Phuket forum.

    The locals here often come to Thai Visa to find out what's going on without govt censorship in the media.

    Looks like they've now censored Thai Visa too.

    What's up with that? anyone know?

    Lots of news on "Trip Advisor Phuket" but i prefer this forum and know many of the posters.

  10. I wouldn't say "don't take this forum too seriously"

    It is one of the best places to get information and local happenings.

    There are more muggings and poisonings than the local newspaper (phuket gazette is the one i read) tells you about.

    Best not to drive a motorbike after midnight alone.

    Or leave your dog run around the neighborhood especially if it is in a Muslim area IMO

    I have friends who have had their homes robbed while they were sleeping and also when they weren't there.

    Take some precautions (and not only locks on your doors.)

    If you are going to ride Motorbikes, learn to ride slow and safe.

    All that being said, i've been here 8 years and haven't been mugged, robbed, or had a pet poisoned (or had a motorbike accident, knock on wood)

  11. I use Google Earth for a lot.

    I then transfer info to my GPS is necessary. (waypoints are easy to transfer of course, routes are more challenging but can be done)

    The latest version is pretty incredible. Especially if you hold the shift key and use your mouse scroll wheel. Then you see the hills and terrain also.

    You have to zoom to the correct level to see street names (and have them turned on)

    Perhaps someday google earth will make maps obsolete.

  12. So, i try to be positive in my life's everyday experiences and learning about culture differences and Thai people.

    But sometimes, i get mad.

    Especially when it comes to trash and where people decide would be a good place to dump it.

    Living near Nai Harn/Rawai area, i could never understand that they put all that money into the area around the lake in Nai Harn and made it so beautiful and then allowed a dump to grow and grow in that area. I was very thankful when it got cleaned up about 2-3 weeks ago.

    So, today I am out for a morning jog and go to another of my favorite places which is the football field up by the windmill.

    I've been noticing lately that people are dumping their trash there now. Not Cool! There's a place near where i live (near the Muslim cemetary across from Mangosteen) where the municipality has put a dumpster to discourage dumping (i guess) but people unload their trucks with styrofoam and crap just before the dumpster in a swamp area.

    But today, I saw somthing worse. Up at the football field, i was jogging nearby and smelled an overpowering smell of sh*t.

    I got closer and saw a yellow truck (assume it is a municipality truck) dumping raw sh*t out on the ground there, emptying his whole truck.

    This is some nasty, unhealthy dumping that is more than just an eyesore. Kids play up there. (last week i talked to a Thai man who had his family up there cutting the grass by hand (no weed whacker) so they could play some football.

    Anyway, i had to vent and so I am telling it to the forum to see if this is common practice by the municipalities in Thailand (to pump out septic tanks and then go spread it around their parks and playfields) Or is this just some odd coincidence that they had to dump once and figured no one would see them early on a saturday morning???

  13. Isn't marketing grand?

    So much BS in the world.

    I always get a kick out of the fact that "whitening cream" is the biggest seller in the cosmetic shops.

    My wife's sister buys the stuff all the time.

    I told her to put some on one arm everyday and not on the other, to prove that it is not all they claim.

    She answered: "What do you know? You don't even watch TV!"

  14. I would go to the day market in PHuket town. The one near the water fountain circle.

    As soon as you enter the street where the market is, on your right (from the circle) there are 2 shops that sell seeds in much bigger bulk than Big C.

    Also more variety. I don't know that Big C would sell cover crop seeds.

  15. I can imagine someone doing this on a bet or something.

    I see grammar isn't one of their strong suits either.

    So, did you tell them ok? (To find out who they are and where they are from?)

    And I'd ask if they are sure 1200 pounds is enough?

  16. I know a few here that might like to know that the "Groove Doctors" will be playing at the Islander bar (on the road between Nai Harn and Rawai Beach) on Saturday night starting around 7:30. Hope to see some of you there.

  17. We ARE guests and we have little or no RIGHTS. If you loose sight of that then it's time you either went back home or found another adoptive country. I never ever forget that I AM a GUEST here in Thailand, despite being a Thai taxpayer.

    I would heartily disagree to this (as I have on several occasions); a 'guest' is somebody who is invited by the host, a favored individual who gets special treatment. He has the responsibility to be polite, maybe bring a gift or two and be generally amicable, but a guest would have the same rights extended under the roof as the owner of the house itself.

    What LivinginKata describes is something entirely different than a guest:

    Because we are simply customers -- because this is all what the Thais wish to extend to us: a service instead of an invitation. We are wanted here to spend our money, can be sent back at any whim -- which gives us the right to complain about every lacking service and to merely follow the rules with as little effort as possible (because else we will have to pay more).

    I of course would happily hear examples that would make my first statement true(er) than the last.

    Well, this morning i was out for my morning jog and decided to follow some little used roads up by the Big Buddha. (i headed north) I went pretty far and ended up maybe 4 - 5 miles out there and came upon a small shack/house with a nice view. A man was leaving and was so nice to me. I thought he'd give me lip for trespassing. Instead, he offered me water and when i told him he had a nice property, he showed me around a bit.

    I just can't imagine that kind of hospitality in my country (US)to the foreign people there (Mexican's anyway)

    I think the Thai people are very nice most of the time. The ones that are not seem to be the ones that work in the tourist industry and get treated rudely by the tourists so, it rubs off and they get rude back. Go into the countryside/mountainside or even off the island. I think you will find the Thai people very hospitable and friendly.

    I always try to respect their ways and consider myself a guest in their country. I know a few farangs who don't look at it like that though.

    I'd rather see the glass half full same as HB.

  18. YOu have to get your cardio-vascular system pumping big time. The best way for me to do this is jogging or walking up steep hills as fast as i can.

    I regulate my speed by my breathing. The goal is to not stop, yet pump the heart/lungs/legs hard.

    I used to walk up the Big Buddha hill here every Sat. but haven't done it now for at least a month. Maybe i'll go out and do it today. Thanks for the reminder.

    Other ideas: swimming, bicycling, volleyball, football, etc. (although the last 2 are not as steady as the 1st two. I think steady/long/hard is important)

    Have you tried the Hash House Harriers? You don't have to be a fast jogger or even a jogger, some walk and still come in not far from the frontrunners. They meet every Sat. Google them if interested.

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