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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. Any new twists or turn in the Retirement situation?

    I have a one-year extension which I intend/hope to renew in early August.

    My extension is based on income - for which I will provide the standard letter from the embassy.

    Will bring bank book, verification that funds transferred were from overseas, letter from bank (assuming that is needed)

    What else do I need to provide?

    Do I need to bring the letter about my lease again?

    Or . . . I understand I do NOT need a physical/medical exam again.

    I am not completely sure what I need to do this second time around.

    Also, not sure if anything has changed since last year.

    Any help appreciated. Thank you!


    Let us know how it turns out. I have to go in Oct.

    Last time i was in for 90 day reporting, I asked what i needed and they said: "just proof of the 800k baht in the bank for at least 90 days"

    I assume that means a letter from the bank 90 days before AND your bank book showing the money still there???

    Good luck. (They don't seem to be concerned about anything else, but then, i haven't done it yet, only asked questions)

  2. Speaking of printing companies for business cards. I have designed my own card and want it printed up.

    Can someone guide me to a decent bus. card printer (with good price) in the Chalong/Phuket town area (or in between)

    I don't really want to go all the way to Patong for business. Thanks.

  3. Good evening :D

    With the fuel cost raising like this. What do you guys think to be the best solution for those who really need to have a car?

    Diesel engine?

    Benzene engine?


    LPG, NGV, CGT, NGT...?

    and soon Diesel Hybrid or Hydrogen.

    I like diesel (it's almost 80% of the market share in my country) because now we have powerful diesel engines and low gazole consumption.

    Cheers :o

    Not sure which one but, I would bet that either electric cars or hydrogen cars will replace gas and diesel cars 10 years from now.

    Personally I would like to see either a wind turbine on every roof and solar panels wherever practical to power either one as hydrogen has to be made with electricity also.

    I would not like to see the oil producing countries simply getting richer and richer just because we are not smart enough to find an alternative.

    The only problem that i see is which one? electric or hydrogen?

  4. I think it's pretty amazing and commendable that these people would know what to do and could get it done.

    Loading them on trucks and everything and I don't know who that scientist is but how'd she get out there so quick?

    I mean can you imagine being at the beach and all of a sudden a dozen or so whales wash up on shore? Alive?

    Would you know what to do?

    Good job folks. and Thanks.

  5. The one i've been using for years is on Choafa road, near Chalong circle, across the street from the police station, next to the 7/11 on it's left and a clinic, space and then big tire shop on it's right.

    It's a Kodak shop with a huge Kodak sign. (not to be confused with the Kodak shop just next to Chalong circle on the same side as the police station)

    Excellent pics, friendly staff, English no problem. I've been going there for years. Just take in your flash drive or memory stick or CD or whatever (camera?) and they'll take it from there.

    Price off the top of my head? 6 baht per photo??? 4X6"? They have many sizes and many prices. good luck.

  6. Ahh, just came home from the show tonight. Wow, i thought it was great. It lasted about 1 1/2 hours with a 20 minute intermission.

    I would recommend this show for anyone. Both tourists and expats. It's new, exciting, entertaining, clean, lots of smiles and excellent athletes.

    On the down side. I was told that i was free for locals until the 25th. After the show, i saw the woman who told me that and she now said that tonight was the last free night and tomorrow starts 50% off for Thais.

  7. The show is supposedly free for locals until June 25 if you make a reservation.

    Try calling a Thai woman named Pattaya at 076 281 297

    I believe they have a show every night around 7:30 PM

  8. You fail to mention when you plan to leave Thailand - if only a little more than the normal 30 days before expiration they will normally extend early for you if you bring tickets to show. If you are leaving much earlier then it would be best to obtain a single entry non immigrant O visa for your return travel and after being here 60 days make a normal one year extension of stay for retirement.

    I plan to leave around Oct 15 which is aprox.2 months plus a week or two before my present year "permission of stay" expires.

    Another question: Must I have a letter from my Thai bank stating i have the 800k 90 days before i apply for extension PLUS proof of the 800k when i apply? (prove 800k was there all that time?) if so, how do i do this? 2 letters from the bank? or one letter and my passbook?

    Thanks much guys. You have been so helpful to many and i'm sure you do it for free. You save a lot of grief and worry to us. Thanks.

  9. My present visa has already expired (Dec 22, 2007) i arrived again on Dec 21, 2007 and got another year. So, my present: "permission to stay until" date is Dec 20, 2008 at which time I will be in the states. I will return around New Years and be too late to apply for a one year extension while still valid (or within the "permission to stay until date" )

    Now "Lite Beer's" post #4 is what i want to hear. Do the rest of you agree with his statement? The immigrations officials seemed to but my friends here say: No way! don't trust them! So, that is why i am asking Thai Visa for the expert help.

  10. I was in the PHuket Immigration office last week to do my 90 day reporting.

    I have a non-immigrant O-A visa that i got in NY city.

    My present 364 days will expire on Dec 20/ 2008.

    At this time, I will be out of the country (I'll be in the USA)

    So, I asked the officer there if it would be best for me to get another visa in NY City or, wait until i come back and apply for an extension here.

    He said, no problem to do it here, it's easy. (as long as i have 800k in the bank for 90 days)

    I then went back to the back where the visa extensions take place and asked the same thing to an officer there (because i didn't believe it could be easy)

    He looked at my passport and said: "no problem, as long as you have 800 k in the bank for 90 days

    Now, my question to you Thai Visa Visa Experts: What do you think? Have you heard of this happening before? Successfully?

    I tried searching the forums but didn't find anything too close to this situation.

    I'm hoping it would be as easy as they let on but think maybe not!

    Thanks in advance.

  11. I know i wouldn't buy a $400-500 phone for fear of losing it. Although it would be great to have all of those features with you all the time: excellent camera, that does video too, gps, internet connection 24/7, etc.

    I like GPS's and although mine was stolen last year (in the states, not here) I bought another one on ebay for $71.00. I don't have the Thailand interactive map installed in it yet. I use it more to hike and find my way back to a known point, etc.

    You could probably save some money by buying an etrex or similar and hopefully installing your interactive map on it. I know the maps are tiny on the etrex (i have a "Legend") and i need my glasses on to look at it. Perhaps a slightly newer model would be better.

    Just my 2 cents on your problem.

  12. I see a new gym at Rawai that opened recently. It is on Vichit Road across from the Sea Shell Museum (near Evason, on the East side)

    The one that Huggy Bear mentioned seems pretty dead compared to this new one.

    You might want to try the "Green Man" as there is a theatrical club that meets there once a week and puts on some plays. Some of them go to some of the writers guild get togethers too (not sure where)

    If you don't want the girlie bars, try Yoonique over at Nai Harn lake. Tuesday nights are jam nights and can be interesting although lately it's been pretty slow there too. (everywhere is fairly slow now) Some of the Thai artists in the area hang out there and also play some traditional Thai music from time to time.

    Also, check out the Batik school near the Phuket Riding club. The Thai man who owns it is an excellent musician as well as artist and has travelled extensively. I'd go give him a chat if i were you.

    Next door to him is one of our favorite restaurants called Bahn Suan. Excellent Thai food in a nice setting. I agree that the restaurants along Rawai beach can be very good weather permitting. If you want to travel to the northern tip of the island, the restaurant at the new "Sala Phuket" (near the JW Marriott) has the very best food I've seen on Phuket.

    There is a waterfall on the northern part of the island that i take my kid to that is near the Gibbon rehabilitation center. Turn east at the Heroine monument and follow signs to the Gibbon Rehab center. It is near there (walking distance)

    Enjoy PHuket. It has a lot to offer. Personally I stay away from Patong except when friends come to visit. To each his own.

  13. Talk is cheap.

    This will be construed as foreign criticism and we all know how Thais respond to criticism.

    There might be an increased police presence for a week, but, nothing will change.

    Not sure how you can say this after apparantly the UK Amabassador has listened and is doing something.

    Looks to me like this email campaign is getting something done. Doing nothing except belittling those that do is very sad.

    My eyes have been opened. I just emailed my embassy. Thanks Bagsida

  14. I noticed the other week that the lights that they installed coming down the hill from the back road to Kata are all out. NOt working!

    Maybe it costs too much money to keep them on? Maybe it takes a murder or violent mugging to get them turned back on.

    Anyway, I went to BAngkok Phuket hospital once when i first arrived here. Very beautiful place with pretty girls working there. But yes, you get charged for all of that.

    Hospitals are in the business of making money (most of them) If people stop going there, maybe they'll change their ways, aye?

  15. I jog a lot and get calve cramps too. More so after drinking the night before.

    I do drink a lot of water. Then people told me bananas (potassium) I tried them and that didn't work.

    Then someone told me Magnesium. i bought some supplements in a vitamin type store and they work for me.

    Each person is different and i think you have to find what works for you. Water, gator-aid, potassium, magnesium, electrolytes, salt. everyone has a solution. but which one works for you?

  16. I live in Rawai and there are places around. Best for you just to come and look around as they come and go.

    A house two doors up from mine was up for rent last week for 7,000 baht. It sat vacant about 2-3 days.

    It's low season, i see lots of signs out but of course, they don't mention prices. Just gotta ask.

  17. Yeah right! Buses going 80 kmh. That'll be the day!

    Actually i was wondering when Thailand would start using this money maker. But I really doubt they're going to bust anyone and everyone over the speed limit. It would save a lot of fuel of folks slowed down though. aye?

  18. There is a place in Rawai that calls itself a school. A Thai man owns and runs it.

    If you go to Nakita's Restaurant and turn right at the soi just opposite, it is about the 4th building down on the right.

    Don't know the name but they are open most days that i see.

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