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Posts posted by Nirvana

  1. H2oDunc:
    I have got some herbal snake repellent for the house...

    This I gotta hear about...

    I was told sprinkling lime around the house works, tried it anyhow and nothing to report so maybe that is a good thing. Also lemon grass (duly planted) according to a Thai lady who swore by it. But I am not sure if this is all old wifes tales of course. Herbal have never heard of, so i wait to hear..

  2. I am not sure who came up with the figure of 90 baht. What new math was used to make this the magic "make-up" amount?

    As usual, everything comes down to money. What would stop a foreigner, instead of pissing his money away on a bar or massage parlor, starting a taxi company? Even if a local had to partner up and the foreigner was the silent partner, what would happen if suddenly there were 20 taxis around the island that had drivers who were polite, well dressed, could speak a smidgen of English and charged by the meter (Bangkok fares plus 90 baht)? Make a big promotion deal out of it; get serious media attention. Taxis would be a different color (I know someone who, if possible, will only take taxis in Bangkok that are bright pink...).

    I know that some are thinking that the thugs in the taxi business would retaliate with violence, but I think that threat is exaggerated and worth the small risk.

    You'd have to have some competent advance planning -- getting as many hotels and resorts behind you in terms of exclusive recommendations as possible (this would be easy, I think), as well as a few "classes" for the drivers instructing them in what is expected of them.

    I think if the drivers "got it," they would have a sense of pride in their work and that would translate to better service and happier drivers and customers.

    Of course, the government (local or central) could sponsor this as well, if foreigners are barred from this sort of activity.

    and then the first rays of sunlight hit your face and you stirred and awoke from this wonderful dream..

    Sad but true, if only..


  3. Same as with the PhiPhi deaths, is it not possible for authorities of other countries to request an independent autopsy? It has been proven many times that the result of Thai autopsies cannot be trusted (except Dr. Pornthip's maybe). Cover up and hush hush burn the victims, sweep the ashes under the carpet. :)

    Its all farcical from beginning to end imho.

  4. now for some facts.

    on the contrary to popular belief the aiport is not owned by Bangkok airways it is owned by a separate company named SCI assets .. it is also traded o the set and is a public company..the connection is that the same owner Dr prasert control both companies.

    since they are doing well you should conside investing in this company because in the foreseeable future they will remain the only airport in Samui ..

    the samui airport was funded using the Samui Airport fund which is an investment fund where the people who invested money expect to make a profit and they expect to make a really good profit :)

    the landing fees are controlled and capped buy the department of civil aviation...

    more info here : http://www.samuiairportpropertyfund.com/en/index.asp

    now if any of the members who feel that they can do better then the ones who are controlling the airport at this moment then buy all the stocks of the company and then you can control the airport and its services....

    then you can decide o your own to loose profits or even give airlines free landing... :D

    Same old.

    Own the airport , own the carrier more or less.

    Means same to me no interest in allowing others in to open market up (i mean other carriers than the obligatory TG) and bring more people into Samui (not that i am personally for that), but I am sure members with businesses might well welcome it. Why because the competition would bring the fares for PG down, as it has done in Phuket.I am not sure how much more money they would make from increased throughput of people in the airport or landing fees. I can understand clearly about profits, but for the country's broader interests to have lower fares might well encourage more tourism, at a time when one thought that might be of interest to the economy of the country. Maybe wishful thinking, but thats mho.

    All this rubbish about why dont you do it yourself or buy shares is just baiting considering we are non thais.. buying or owning a strategic asset in Thailand...get real.


  5. Dear Fellow Forum members

    I am looking for the above preferably in a hexagon shape (but round will do) table and 4 chairs and in hardwood such as teak. The type with the gaps inbetween the wood. Along with a parasol. I have had a quick look around but no luck so far. Can anyone point me in the right direction and any idea of prices. Better to go to Surat Thani ?



  6. Why not put to a vote ?


    Why? A vote on this forum means not a jot.

    Highdiver is right, this is a private business, a private airline , a private airport. If you think you can do better try it on.

    Opportunity knocks! :)

    Oh sure, thats a smart reply. As a westerner I should try to open an airport in Thailand or Samui should I ?

    Given the same conditions and slippery ways of getting things done I think it would not have been so hard.TiT

    You know maybe sometimes national interests should be considered and maybe a broader picture , but then again "oops" I forgot its your private airport argument again raising its head..

    I merely suggested a vote as I have seen this discussed many a time and would be interested in outcome, but you shot that down didnt you.


  7. Gator... you could not let it be ..... :)

    macaroni man thanks for sharing a story that sheds a positive light that is sometimes so absent in this forum..

    What is your love affair with Bangkok Airways???

    They have the island by the short and curlies. Plain and simple. This is never smart in any industry.

    Today they are operating seven flights with only one full. Yet the still charge ridiculous landing charges essentially denying low cost airlines from operating routes to Samui within their business model. Samui needs tourists of all levels. Not just the perceived high end tourists. I see there are a lot of cheaper flights currently offered on PG, albiet 1000 B or so more expensive than any other route in the country (even at the lowest fare).

    They are, like many other misguided individuals under the impression that Samui has somthing extrordinary to offer. I does not! Other than being expensive, dirty and isolated. You can not charge a premium rate for these atributes.

    In this current economic climate people are looking for better deals. The combination of expensive airfares with low quality destination does not bode well for the island and it's inhabitants.

    i dont have a love affair with BKK air.. i do have a respect for someone else private business.

    BKK air has made Samui that is plain and simple..(we can debate if it was good or bad but that not he point here )

    they took a very big risk in developing a private airport they invested money and they are now cashing on it.. despite of very bad economic conditions.

    they are charging landing fees that enable them to sustain the airport and make a profit.. i know that some people tend to forget that as a private business the aim is to make a profit :D

    nce in evry few months this debate comes up and then all the anti bangkok airways flames go up..

    i really don't understand why?? why is a private business man investing his money and taking all the risks not allowed to run his business the way he thinks is right??

    why is it that people instead of complimenting his success and learning from his venture find it necessary to complain about it??

    Why not put to a vote ?


  8. I cannot really disagree with anything you have said. Hotel prices here are in general so far out of line with reality that I have advised a client not to buy here unless he can do so at a very heavy discount. We will find much better deals elsewhere in Thailand and probably throughout SE Asia over the next few months.

    I think there are many places you can go now in SEA where you can get real good value and mid to high end hotels. Rates are falling. You can get alot more "bang for your buck". When all things are maybe considered i dont think this is quite understood yet in Samui. The reasoning that "yes but this is Koh Samui " just is not going to work in times like these. People are looking at value, Flights, Transport, Hotels the whole lot. I would admit I am wrong if these higher end hotels in Samui are full of tourists who "dont Care" about these incidental costs as they are rich enough. I believe they are not and nor are they going to be. I can see it being tough for some time ahead.


  9. Samui Buri is already gone to Mercure - wonder why.

    The article states that after the tsunami Samui hotels mushroomed - a fact - but dind't the builders think about years after the tsunami? No they didn't! Now we have hotel buildings with 3 storeys close to the beach (not totally legal...) with almost no guests. Samui can blame everything - the yellow shirts, the red shirts, the financial crisis, the swine flu... but Samui should start blaming herself.

    That sounds like some sense..

    Along with all the other usual things to mention such as infrastructure. Its all fine and dandy to build hotels and then link them to what exactly. In Phuket they announce every few months a huge project that never comes off, but at least basics are there. In Samui maybe majority would settle for a bit of order and a decent road or two. Of course a concrete monstrosity built where once was green (a bit of planning) would be decent. It becomes not so easy to access a beach year by year. TiT unfortunately, money talks.

    Its tongue in cheek when you read " More than rooms on sale in Thai Hotels" anyhow..


  10. More than rooms on sale at Thai hotels

    PHUKET: More than 100 hotels and resorts in Thailand are now for sale, as operators succumb to the impacts of the economic crisis and political unrest, industry insiders say.

    The number is expected to rise if the situation does not improve within two years, said Chanin Donavanik, chief executive officer of one of Thailand's largest hotel chain operators, Dusit International.

    "This year is the worst for our hotel industry in 20 years," he said.

    Full article, see link below.


    -- Phuket Gazette 2009-05-11

  11. For Samui:

    Bangkok Samui Hospital for anything that is a serious head injury or Cardiac related as they offer Helicopter to Bangkok once stable and needed.

    Some of the Pediatricians in BSH are the best in Asia.

    Endocrinologist Thai International Hospital.

    Immediate serious trauma assistance Thai international or BSH .

    Diving accident TIH

    Dentist Chumporn private clinic.

    ENT Surathanni clinic.

    In Bangkok the choice widens but all the best are still private and costly ,many here would still accuse them of over charging or subscribing meds.

    My accident did leave me unable to make decisions at the time, however previous employment had my wife and I working with all these hospitals and many more in Phuket Bangkok and the surrounding region. It astounds me that expats do not have relevant coverage out here (although Insurance co are far from perfect)

    Simply put the private health care in Thailand is Business and legally minded, but also by far the best in The region.

    "Some of the Pediatricians in BSH are the best in Asia."

    "Simply put the private health care in Thailand is Business and legally minded, but also by far the best in The region."

    May I ask from where do you draw that information and that conclusion and when you say region , pls do define ?

    I say this as I potentially disagree but would need to confirm the above first on what "region" you refer to exactly..


  12. My condolences as well.
    If you must/want to live in Thailand, then as a westener, you must take extra precautions to protect yourself from the many envious Thais. Whilst a secure condominium is not fool proof, it does offer greater levels of security.

    Along with all the sadness brought by this pointless tragedy, please remember that Thailand is no longer a carefree paradise where we can ignore the same preventions we would take in our home countries. Real security measures are needed in every home, and not just an alarm system or a couple of soi dogs.

    agree , its definately changing and very sad to see.Difficult where to see where to start and stop these measures and then way up if its worth it, if we then have to live in prisons of our own making.

  13. Welcome to Koh Scamui... :o

    This Island is famous about how to rip off the Farang... They think we are walking ATM's with unlimited credit :D

    Mr Zsolt, tell these people what happened with your Friend ( the Hungarian ) who was aTrainee Doctor there & what he got told by a Senior Doctor...

    perked my interest , do tell pls

  14. Songkran alcohol ban canned, crackdown on alcohol postponed to April 16

    BANGKOK: -- The Thai government has postponed the proposed alcohol ban during the Songkran festivals. The National Committee for Alcohol Consumption Control yesterday canned the no alcohol ban during the traditional Thai new year from April 13 to 15.

    The committee, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Sanan Kachornprasart, found that a alcohol sales ban during Songkran would further harm the tourism industry.

    "The meeting decided the ban would have a bad impact on tourism, particularly on Songkran day, which draws over 150,000 foreign tourists," Maj Gen Sanan said.

    Alcohol crackdown to start April 16

    The Committee has become alarmed at the deterioration of family values and family unity. One of the main evils of this problem is alcoholic beverages. The new proposal will require bars, convenience stores and entertainment centers that serve alcohol to adjust their closing times as follows:

    All bars, shops and entertainment centers will closed based on a sliding window. Mondays close at 1:00AM, Tuesday 12:00 Midnight, Wednesday 11:00PM, Thursday 10:00 PM and Fridays at 9:00PM. Saturdays, Sundays and all official holidays, alcoholic beverages will not be allowed to be sold.

    "The sliding window will reduce the problems with sudden alcohol withdrawal and allow family members to be able to spend more time with each other. Saturdays and holiday closures will improve Thai tourism and family outings", says Boonlert Sukaparpraeng, consumption controller at the Department of Culture.

    The sliding window could be different in various provinces allowing the creation of many jobs for coach and minibus companies to ferry foreigners around to the correct province to fit in with the well established pattern of Immigration decentralized offices, recently enforced by the Immigration Bureau.

    Foreigners holding a valid work permit or residency will still be able to purchase alcohol in so called Mom'n'Pop shops during the prohibited hours.

    "This is typical for the Democrat Party", says Somchai Duemlaukaeng, Deputy chairman at the Consumer Protection board. "Thai people has one of the highest alcohol consumption pattern in the world per capita". This will only increase the sales of Lao Khao in the provinces."

    Massage parlour minimum age

    On April 16, another controversial law is being enforced. After that date, massage parlors can no longer employ anyone under the age of 40, and are required to register all employees as such. This will minimize the request by customers for "extra services" which can cause problems with marriages and minor wives.

    -- thaivisa.com 2009-04-01

    APRIL FOOLS Obviously !!!

  15. regarding the noise level in this area.

    was at the tasaban yesterday and had a look at the zoneing map .

    the area of the old monkey theater is purple color ... heavy industry area. so i think the last thing that would bother people is the music from the club.


    We are talking up on the mountain,not on old soi monkey road.If you drive down soi monkey hevy business consists of one woodwork shop,2 water supply businesses & a smattering of various shops eg: hair salons,convenience stores & laundries.

    We are talking about a music venue on the mountain in the midst of a residential area, even they are talking about building villas.So maybe you should take a drive around & have a look. Since when did zoning matter on Samui? Please get real.

    Dear Roo

    i know where it is and have been there at the last party 2 nights ago.

    i total agree with you that this "sound " is a problem for the neighbors but i think that they will also suffer form the zoning plan of having an industry zone under them.

    I am not aware of any really loud factories or heavy industry operating 24 hours a day in samui ... regfardless of the zoning?

    One would guess that factories normally operate in day times or until late evenings, not at 3- 6 am and especially not on an island like Samui, which is hardly pushing itself to become the industrial mecca of South East Asia...is it


  16. Here's the latest plan (and a couple of 3D views), made with Chief Architect X1: not as pictorial, but very good to use, and very precise!

    The top of the plan view faces due West, as on the previous design. This one is much more open plan, should have good airflow, and you can see the TV from everywhere except the bedrooms! Total internal living space of 117 square metres, and with decent sized bedrooms for everyone. Hoorah! ...but not the final design yet, i'm sure. :o

    Looks great and I am sure I could have some real fun with that program. Is it hard to learn from scratch ?

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