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Posts posted by Nirvana

  1. They were all at Sea Tran pier this morning going to Angthong Marine Park.

    Sadly, i didnt have my camera with me :o

    If they were going to the Ang Thong Marine park then they wont be at fisherman's village this afternoon then ? :D

    I don't know if they went to the Marine Park but they were definately in the Village last night, i've seen the Pics... :D


    Are you willing to share these pics to brighten our day ?

  2. Hi All

    Slightly off topic , I am looking for a builder to do a renovation job in Udon Thani on a terrace house.

    Strip out ceilings,new gypsum ceilings,painting ,install new bathrooms,tiling, repair work etc. Nothing too fancy.

    Can any members recommend anyone for decent workmanship at reasonable rates ?

    Thanks for help/ suggestions


  3. When I lived in Lamai I always got fresher fish in the market than I ever got at Tesco.

    Tesco is ok for package and canned food, but fresh food ? Never.

    lite beer

    interested to knw how long ago that was. in last years, market prices for fishes and vegetables have gone through the roof in samui.

    agree it is fresher to some extent if your timing is right, but jeez there can be alot of difference if you are feeding a large tribe.

    my view

    imho If they build the tesco then great as at least then the choice is there for all and markets might improve costs and standards as a consequence, progress in my view.. no stopping it


  4. The polished concrete finish is as the name suggested - finished surface of ready mix concrete of a structure. Can be found on structural floors, shear walls and columns. It cannot be achieved with wall plaster.

    Such a finish should not be use in wet or humid areas due to porosity of this surface promoting growth of mould or algae.

    Hi Trogers and all

    believe best to compromise, will do interior walls of bar and under bar top outside with this polished concrete effect and the rest (all exterior walls) will render and paint as usual, (thickness 10 mm ok?)

    Just another question, I have seen construction using the smaller red bricks for walls exterior and enterior but am wondering what the rule of thumb is here ? To use red bricks or the breeze block types in between coloumns for exterior walls and what thickness.??

    Is there really a great difference in tropics, cost wise it is not a huge amount. Coming from colder climates we tend always to go for thicker walls.

    thks and appreciate your comments

  5. Re the materials side of things, between 18 months and 6 months ago the price of steel, transport and many materials skyrocketed as commodities and oil went through the roof. If retail prices are not going back down now, then someone in the trade is making a huge pile are they not? Also I guess in Thailand there is not much room for labour costs to drop much.

    That's right Marvo, the builders merchants did not drop their prices back down, if they did at all it was a negligable token gesture that was not noticeable.

    At the same times as the oil increase the building contractors wanted increases, partly for materials, partly for fuel as their labour maybe be coming and going from, say Buriram. Much of the labour may be 'camped' here but are not from the immediate area and still have to travel back and forth to see family etc.

    As we all know Thais will not drop their prices back down. Also land prices are still rising in some areas, not even standing still.


    Recession has not even started in full effect in Thailand yet, it will and when it comes alot of people are going to get a wake up call big time. They might not be really dropping prices yet but they will once it starts to tumble, it takes really mnths for these things to pass down the line. Agree right now its clear profiteering, but it will not last as this recession looks to be long and deep. The bite will be deep also in the pockets of thais.

  6. Hi Forum Members

    I am considering to build a bar in back garden with a second floor additional bedroom. Roughly about 5.5 metres long by 6 metres wide.

    I quite like the way this polished concrete looks or I have called it marble finish, but have really only seen it used on floors.

    My intention was to do the exterior of bar walls like this but I have conflicting opinions from a few builders. One is saying it only lasts a short time and then cracks terribly and if you paint it over you get a basketball type finish which sounds lousy.

    Others have said it is ok and will last the test of time. The building would be in south of Thailand and for sure alot of sun plus usual rainy seasons.

    Does anyone have any ideas/ suggestions.? I wanted to somehow go for a modern effect, but with a nice roof to blend nicely into trees which are a plenty. It would be very open with large bar top area / bi fold doors etc.

    help appreciated

  7. Dear Forum Members

    I have a friend that requires some legal assiatance for a case in Udon Thani.

    Would prefer a "heavy hitter" lawyer that is well respected and can get the job done with minimum of fuss.

    If they can communicate in English would be fine but not necessary at all.

    Thanks for any assitance


    Joe Calzaghe only just hung up his gloves... I aint sure if he's started studying law yet.

    Mods feel free to close/ delete post. Obviously not having much luck here

  8. Nirvana,

    Can I give you some advice...if you are asking for recommendations for a "good...lawyer" who is a "heavy hitter" then you need to tell people the area of law that is relevant. For example, a lawyer who is a "heavy hitter" will usually specialise in a certain area, while they may be great in that area, they are usually average in other area's. If you go for an "all-rounder", then they can be usually deal with most matters that are less complicated. I hope your friend who wants a "heavy hitter" is prepared to take a heavy hit to his wallet. Lawyers are like doctors....you have your GP's and then you have your specialists.

    I cant help with any recommendations though.


    Thanks for your post. I thought I was clear but maybe not. It is a case that requires a lawyer with trial experience and one that needs a skilled lawyer to negotiate rapidly as possible through Thai law in order to bring it to a fast conclusion.It is generally so that this kind of lawyer will knw the fastest possible way to bring a case to conclusion, without jerking around to long in a prolonged letter exchange. Indeed you have Gp's and Specialists as you put it, but in my experience you can waste alot of time with Lawyers of lower calibre , costing you time and money in the end where ever you are. This is a case my friend is plaintiff not defendent.

    Any recommnendations by members and experiences would be deeply appreciated

  9. Dear Forum Members

    I have a friend that requires some legal assiatance for a case in Udon Thani.

    Would prefer a "heavy hitter" lawyer that is well respected and can get the job done with minimum of fuss.

    If they can communicate in English would be fine but not necessary at all.

    Thanks for any assitance


  10. One of the luxury homes in Bang Sare area had 2 roofs made with the roofing. After they got done(not really) they could not tie the ends together. The pitch was built at 30 degrees. I think the owner came to inspect the site (from England) To find the team bumbling & stumbling on finishing the job.The house was leaking like a sieve. The owner had the contractor take off the complete roof & redo the pitch to an aggressive 45 degree pitch. I am not sure if it was his architect or the contractor that screwed the pooch on this plan. They were able to use I guess most of the tile. As another poster put down it is possible to have problems with this tile (unlike conventional c-pac monier tile) The cost is every bit of 300% more & actually requires more steel than less to install Or the same amount . I had a very hard time getting a straight answer from 2 companies that install. One said less steel & the other said more.

    I decided with the lack of knowledgeable people in this type of roofing + cost That I will be using the status quo C-Pac monier. Everyone has it & most tile workers can tell you exactly the figures of how much of every ingredient is needed to build a roof.

    That way if there is ever a problem when Somai or Somchai comes out to repair the roof in time ... it will be easier than with Ayara roofing. I also designed the roof to only have one valley trough on the whole roof(usually the area that a blockup would occur & leaks will start. Jo Jo Thai has helped me on how to install the valley trough as well. Making sure the trough is not screw gunned into the battens to hold them in place , but held in by clips (reversed to hold the trough in place & then THE CLIP is screws into the batten to insure the roof will not leak due to holes in the valley trough. From what I understand it is a very common practice by home mart & most other companies to install this way. Probably due to the fact you have to take the clip & reverse the way it holds the tile down- if they made the clip the right direction it would probably force the installers to not put holes in a critical area & not leak. And I will be on the roof installing the trough to make sure it is done properly- along with the foil to get it put on right- so when the workers trample the foil area it does not get torn to shreds rendering the foil useless in the torn spots.

    I am pretty sure the way the roofing tiles look with Ayara roofing tiles - they contain some amount of asbestos.


    Hi Barry

    Thanks for the info, I may be asking as they say after the horse has bolted the stable as just had one put on a new house.

    Can send some pics if interested.

    As for the Asbestos i guess i am stuck with it ..

  11. Beardog,

    I sent you a PM regarding this -the roof is expensive, but doesn't blow off in a wind and yes it looks nice too! Just make sure you get someone with an ounce of skill to fit it otherwise you will be in tears!

    They have a factory in Lampang, you can get all you need there!

    I think I mentioned in a previous thread about buying the "touch up paint" ...make sure you buy the reccomended acrylic, not the TOA shit, otherwise you will be touching up those areas every year!

    Hi BearDog

    Can you let me knw if this tile contains asbestos , Maybe a stupid question but just to check


  12. was looking through the local paper and it says that the prime minister will promise new roads to samui. i really hope we get the new roads that we deserve. probably cut the amount of accidents down.

    Any more new of when this operation will start


    yes it will be next blue moon

  13. villasamui

    But this is NOT a Nightclub... GET IT INTO YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!

    If there's a time when you here noise polution coming from there, then you have the right to have a grievance but until that time

    which i can say won't be coming.. why don't you do something more constructive with you're time like having a meeting to get everyone

    together to get the road done or something constructive instead of stirring up problems!

    Now if you have anything else to say why not go and speak to the owners.. because whoever you spoke to was NOT the owner!!

    any further comments ??

  14. if i were you i would stay out of the ocean here. you go in with a small cut and it will get infected, eye infections are common. work it out there is no sewage system here.

    uh yeah ? - you are saying the millions of tourists, who come to the island to have a good time at the beach are risking their health in the sea? What a superficial and untrue statement!!

    I live next to a beach on Samui since 20 years. In that time I swam not only in front of my home, but also everywhere around Samui endless times and I NEVER had any kind of health problem - to the contrary!

    The water is very fine, because there is no industry on Samui, big hotels have their own sewage systems and Lamai, Chaweng and Nathon have their sewage treatment plants. The only danger are the jet skies.

    It is paradise for tourists.

    well the op and his partner had a problem after going into the ocean, and i will never beleive they have a proper water treatment plant. Even the UK dumps a lot in the ocean. if there is no problem why is the op asking the question? as a matter of interest why does paradise need so many pharmacies and hospitals.

    yes but there are alot of turds in the UK

  15. mangostays don't listen to such rubbish -------- 60/70% complete is the easy part ---------- you should be looking at the finish ----- etc etc.

    I have been in Samui for 10 years and a builder in the UK for 30. The first 60/70% is the only bit you should be REALLY concerned about. If this is not right then the rest could be all covered in real gold but it is just a big mess like the rest of Samui's properties.

    Ever pool and roof leaks, all the elec and plumbing is terrible and almost none of the builders come back to fix anything, trust me, I know.

    I don't know this company Palm personally but I here the work is good.

    Wow !!

    Nice first Post, that's one way to adhere yourself to Forum Members i suppose.. :D

    So anyway, enlighten me, we should trust you, because you know, that ALL Electric & Plumbing on the Island is terrible & almost ( nice get out ) none of the Builders come back to fix anything, how exactly ???

    Are you insinuating you have used " almost " every Building Firm on the Island & are aware of ever Electrictiy & Plumbing System on the Island, because that's what your saying & that's why your saying the Guy who's asking the question should trust you ?? :D

    Sounds like to me that you haven't even built a Sandcastle on the Island, let alone a House.. :o

    In my limted experience here at any time if something will go wrong it will with most builders. If your back is turned the boss of the company may be all well and good but his workers will not be. They do not care. If your eyes are not on site or represented on site fully then problems will come, whether in structure of on finishing. Bad finishing is clearly an issue here and is the first thing that meets your eye, but if your wall collapses or roof etc, then finishing is the last thing to worry about. Again at every stage to have someone there works wonders at avoiding corners being cut. Not all are able to do that , but with the money you spend and problems potentially saved its worth the investment, only by being there can you say do it over again until right and not at end. On the subject of payments, 100% agree, these huge sums up front leads to issues as half the time the money goes imemdiately to use in another site etc. If monetary control is not in your hands, you have nothing, nada. In saying that the prices the western run companies charge are just crazy for what they put up.

    In my Humble Opinion


  16. I find it very interesting that you have been riding a 'two wheeler' for 20 years & that you consider yourself 'skilled'. I have absolutely no doubt with 20 years in the saddle you have developed certain skills, some of which are good practice, some of which are not so good. Please don't take this the wrong way, but maybe oneday somewhere you will have the opportunity to attend some formal training, either just in defensive riding/driving or perhaps some form of advanced driver training....if you do, part with the cash and attend, you will surprise yourself with what you actually learn. You may then look back on yourself, in 2008 and think, "Geeze, I wasnt as skilled as I thought I was".


    any idea where such training could be sought on island like Samui ? Costs ?

  17. from a tourist point of view samui is a great destination.

    since most of the tourist arrive from other countries mainly west and specially western Europe.

    When you need to relate or market samui to to tourists you need to examine.....how they see the holiday in Samui.

    a tourist coming here has a choice of taking his vacation in Europe or in any other holiday destination. samui is cheaper even with flight costs and the "extras" cost even if you are "riped off" by local standards, a tourist who lives in western currency terms still finds Samui a bargain and they do make the calculations.

    the tourists don't use the local infrastructure as the locals so they don't see may of the problems that posters who ,live here see. and if they see them. i think, they don't really care because they are on vacation and they want to enjoy not complain.

    I think you may find that not so many of them (tourists) and the ones that are in samui , do not find it so cheap anymore considering multiple factors, ex rates etc

    Also to be considered is that if they are sitting in Europe for example they can also compare Samui to going to Phuket or other Thai destinations or Malaysia etc and again i fear that Samui does not win hands down on that cost effective front either any longer.

    I may be wrong of course but IMHO time will tell clearly. I can see some adjustments coming.

  18. I don't think this thread is about the way the hospital conducts its business (or a forum for the bandwagonists against Samui hospitals in general); I think this is about the cavalier attitude of someone who feels confident in second-guessing professional medical staff.

    Speak for yourself, maybe people just merely mention their experiences. I am not a "bandwagonista" and just post an experience which others have also done and shared. Yes the OP may have a reckless attitude to healthcare, but this was not the case for other posters imho

  19. I would have thought that Bangkok Hospital would always have a doctor on emergancy call in case of an emergancy . If they don't I'd be very surprised - They have an intensive care unit and many patients so they must have qualified dorctors to hand if needs be .

    Or would the costings of having to stay the night & see the Doctor the next morning, have anyuthing to do with it ??

    Indeed Msingh.I have full cover insurance so it was not an issue of money, but my thoughts exactly. Who wants to wait till morning anyhow. I am seldom surprised these days.

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