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Posts posted by Nirvana

  1. Recently had to go to Bankok Samui Hospital with very bad kidney pains. the service was excellent etc etc and the doctor prescribed me 4 different pills and told me to come back the next day and if i was feeling ok they would just send me away and if i wasnt they would change the medication. went the next day, explained to the nurse and receptionist that i was ok but they ferried me into another room. explained again, also that i have no medical insurance and no money (the second one being a small white lie but i could understand what was happening) kept explaining no insurance no money but was asked to do a urine test, was then ushered into a specialists office who without even examining me said that they needed to do a prostrate exam and a CT scan. at this point i thought enough is enough and told them in no uncertain terms that i felt this was totally unecessary and i didnt have any money or insurance, bit of arm flapping on their behalf then it was ok no problem goodbye. so the warning is this, if it is a minor medical problem go to the happy pharmacy near the guest house on soi reggae. the girl there has always been great and very knowledgeable

    one other point i was charged 1700 baht for pills and my regular pharmacist has told me that two sets of pills are not required as they do the same thing as the other two and i could have bought them from her for 300 baht

    the only reason i went to the hospital was because i was in agony, perhaps i should have got someone to drop me off at the pharmacy instead, we live and learn.

    by the way this was my first ever experience of hospital in thailand and i have lived here for two years, whilst the service was excellent and the hospital very clean i feel that they cannot justify these extra diagnosies and exorbitant charges for medication

    Rather than moaning about Bangkok Hospital why don't you buy yourself decent medical insurance.

    Can understand your comment, but my point is rather for a hospital so well equiped and on two occasions had to go there , they said no doctor available until next morning. Insurance or not that does not really help you when you are real sick and then have to go to another hospital..

  2. A Freind of mine took his 2 year old Son to BH last night only ot be told there was no Doctors & no one could see to his Son until this morning, he then took him to Thai Inter where they diagnosed the Boy with Dengue Fever !!!!!!!!!

    Can say that same thing has happened. Delayed and the said you have to stay overnight to see a doctor.Not good

  3. The roads in Belgium are 100% different than Samui and the laws have changed. I think the 2 wheel rule was for bicycles.

    I really don't think that the average Thai or Farang when setting off on the Honda without a helmet thinks...."well if it's Ok for the Walloons and Flems then it's fine with me". :o

    this was good for motorcycle class "A" wich were supposed to go to 25km/H maximum but had an allowance until 40 kmp/h, the roads in thailand(main roads and at least on the mainland) are a lot better than in belgium, our roads do look more like gruyere(cheese) than something else.

    speaking for myself only, i don't wear a helmet exept when i feel a police crackdown like in maenam at lunch time, it's true this is stupid, unsafe but this is my choice and i don't represent a danger on the road for unlike people who drive like if they were on a formula one circuit.

    i let everyone bypass me and i don't hesitate to stop on the left side of the road to let the trucks and other "heavy wheight" of the roads follow their straight line.

    I think its more about other people hitting you than maybe the way you drive. One cannot account for what others are going to do at any time. More so if they are under the influence

  4. it is possible to surround a few thousand crowd, for example on the stretch of the elevated road - just block the road from the both sides and eventually disperse away from the airport and arrest some or supply them with drinking water and loos and let them stay there endlesly. All other roads can be operational, even only if one road was accessible for use, the airport can fully function.

    all easier done than halting travel for 250 000 travellers, arranging new airports, cancelling flights, stopping all cargo and international mail and crippling the countrie's image and the whole tourist industry

    That seems to make sense to me

  5. "up the road ( opposite outback bar ) "

    that's the strip my mates bar is in (and me too).

    if that example i gave will apply to all new leases then you may be right about many shutting shop and walking away.

    the landlord certainly has the typical attitude,

    also partly you have to blame the silly lessees,

    if i wanted to get seriously injured i would form a tenants association... haa haa haa

    the new tenant is paying 30,600 baht per month (including key money) for a single front 2 story shophouse/bar.

    a rule of thunb says you need to sell product worth 4 times the rent to break even on monthly expenses,

    (not including extras like bar girls).

    so they need to sell 120,000 worth of beer etc in a month.

    approx. 4000 takings per day,

    oh dear, they are in deep sh*t !!!

    Mark Lamai

    Which bar is yours ?

  6. I am planning on coming to Thailand in July and spending 3 weeks in Hua-Hin and Bangkok with my Family. Whether we come now or not after this debacle is seriously up in the air so to speak, it will be decided by My Thai Wife who is currently stuck in Bangkok, scheduled to return to Perth on Sunday. We may decide to go to Penang instead as I havn't paid for the Hotels yet.

    Does anyone think that their might be some cheap package holidays to Thailand after all of this. I would prefer to come to Thailand but you never know what might happen. I guess that's why Thai Tourism Department call it "AMAZING THAILAND"

    ermmmm , HUGE drop off in tourism and arrivals, do you think there might be some cheap packages ...?

    Ermm maybe a wise man would think so...

  7. Ah, you give yourself away as an American.

    Maybe you remember the day? maybe not.

    I do.

    it was the worst wind i ever experienced (below 5,000 meters.)

    It was one of those days where the wind is literally blowing sidewise and you didn't want to be outside.

    I couldn't imagine trying to land any plane on a day like that.

    I'm sure the pilot was scared. Who wouldn't be.

    But, let's just blame it on his religous holiday or lack of sleep instead and see how much we could sue him for.

    That oughta solve the problem, aye?

    Are you a trained arline pilot , Run an airline ? Have any common sense maybe

    I think negative on above all three.

    I would merely speculate

    Pilots should be trained = Not scared of what they operate or should turn back or abort

    Airlines should assess where and when they operate

    The rest of the comments are not worth the bother as I am sure any one with family who died would be pleased to inform you , although maybe not so politely.

  8. Bangkok Air is a good airline. They prize themselves as a boutique airline. Expect good service. Don't expect cheap price.

    I particulary enjoy the long walks they provide you with. In swampi, flying with bka you get to walk about 3 km. Then you get another good 1,5 km walk arriving in samui, AFTER you picked up your bag. Now this is what i call "boutique airline".

    Everybody who´s not yet been in Europe, try to go there before using words like "boutique".

    You are joking!

    Yes but do you think they make enough money to cover the 2 cans of LEO or sometimes even Chang beer they offer on longer haul flights.. Whoops I just done it an gave another personal gripe I have with BKA.. the recent discounts are truly amazing....

  9. i got a promotion email from bangkok airways today.

    samui one-way is down to 2750 (all inclusive, frm dec. 1).

    still 850 more than Chiang mai.

    look around lamai bars, in 40 bars there are 15 customers.

    Bauhaus is closed and others.

    sure its still low season, but his is not low, this is reverse gear.

    as some said above, the samui 'economy' has all the elements of a balloon scenario for years.

    maybe the crunch will have to come.

    If the ROI isn't there (and is sure isn't if you buy property), then the investor is relying on capital growth in the future to take a loss in the short term.

    then if tourism stagnates or dies, investors can't pay mortgages, staff lose jobs, shops close,

    classic ballon burst.

    simple greed has caused the balloon, and a simplistic belief that samui can keep going up forever.

    short term greed has caused all the problems others mention.

    asking thai authorities to think ahead and plan? haa haa.......

    it may not happen, but it certainly could.

    Thai's largest industrial park dveloper has cut projects 50%

    Local builder tells me 2 million out of work in bkk and maybe 4 million next year, many are coming south looking for work.

    A global recession.

    A closed international airport.

    Foreign governments warning against travel to Thailand

    A government in hiding.

    You couldn't ask for more.


    If it implodes, thai's will scratch their heads and mumble "what happened".

    A mate recently (luckily) sold his bar,

    the 12000 rent and 300,000 key money will be 14,000 and 600,000 next year on new lease,

    yes the fools still bought it, I don't think they will last a year frankly.

    landlords won't understand long term happy lessees until half their properties are empty.

    until now there has always been another gullible/foolish farang come along and rent/buy,

    A polyester beach towel, how much? "480 baht" , haaaa put it down with disgust...

    she replies in defence "This is Koh Samui"

    Nice post , BUT personally glad about the Bauhaus bar being closed. Is it closed on permanent basis ?

    This is just the beginning of a very deep rut. Its only just begun....

  10. Posting "who said what" is redicoulus. It is all there to read. Most of the statements in your first post in this thread, is proven wrong and false already in the article the op in the tourism down thread provide. If you dont see that, you can go on thinking of yourself as a man with much knowledge and insight and credabillity. Fact remains that tourist numbers are going terribly down on Samui. You have some reason to claim otherwise but i doubt anybody beleive you. At least i don´t.

    Reason for edit: mixed up the threads.

    I think BKA airways are a pretentious bunch of ...ts

    They have played a large role in tourism being increased and will play a large role in its decrease , if they do not wake up. Sos hould others...

    They are a monopoly in my view. I have my own problems with them, delays , smashed baggage in samui so many times etc etc, but thats my problem.

    The government should have seen it coming did not and thats why they now have an airport which is a strategic asset as well as a money making machine...

    Personally they are a necessary evil but I will not smile while they screw me and my family members over and over..

  11. The big problem with maintaining or increasing tourist numbers ( let's ignore the economic situation for a moment ) IMO, is quite simple. CUSTOMER CARE. The local govt caring about providing infrastructure to support development. Hotel owners offering reasonable accommodation at a fair price. Taxi drivers who don't view potential customers as potential victims to be fleeced. Etc etc....

    Too many people take the short term view of a quick profit which eventually leads to the demise of the local tourism industry. Once a destination has a reputation as a "rip off" joint it'll take many many years to recover, if ever. So the choice is simple, provide a quality product with customer care and reap the rewards or watch the ship sink.

    Merely my opinion.

    i read a stat once that said: for every complaint recieved there were 70 others who felt the same way but did not take the time to complain. If numbers like that are applied to samui it is no wonder that tourisim is on the decline. The Tsunami was a window of opportunity to show a huge influx of new tourist the best side of samui and it was waisted due to many of the reasons in previous post i.e. short sighted view towards long term business. SAD


    that is a very good point

  12. Thai news said that the PAD still will not leave the airport.

    I understand that not all the duty free liquor has been drunk and the VIP lounges are not quite in a mess yet.

    So to cut it short i doubt they will be leaving soon as a whale of a time is being had by some.

  13. What I don't understand is why the Prime Minister doesn't go in front of the cameras and explain clearly to the Thai population what's going on. Today the PAD has realized the unity of the Thai people … against them. They clearly went too far. Even people that have always first opposed Thaksin and later the PPP now agree that Somchai's government, even with Thaksin in the background, is better that the current chaos. People who oppose Thaksin don't like the social changes he will bring; they revere peace and social stability. You can easily imagine what is their feeling now.

    Somchai should show some leadership, something really missing in Thai politic since Thaksin is gone, and go in front of the camera, explain what's going on, why he can't move, why he can't clear this mess. And name names, put everybody, from the police, the army and the administration, in front of their responsibilities.

    It won't provoke a coup or prevent it if it should happen. It won't change anything, just make things faster. And the faster we are out of this mess, the better it is.

    YES but that would be common sense would'nt it....

  14. Could any one provide me with an indication as to the benefit this has been to the environment not having all those planes entering Thai airspace and landing in BKK these last few days ?

    Look on the bright side this situation may after all benefit us all in the longer term some way or other.

    Arr that good ole carbon footprint.

    I dont think there is any bright side to this, those with families or in need of medicine will surely agree.

    Need to Get it open and quickly

  15. It is starting to feel like government in exile. I do wonder if the PPP war room where really big decisons are taken has relocated up north too?

    Thaksin was just talking of his government-in-exile in Dubai. Now we have a government-in-hiding in Chiang Mai.

    No word yet if they're still proclaiming to be "in full control" of the situation.

    Maybe they are going to hire this guy for propaganda


    His first press release: "There are no PAD protesters at Suvarnabhumi Airport!"

    :D:o:D:D:D made my day with that one

  16. Unless you happen to be a Thai that is!

    Oh wait, nobody told the PAD that a sinking Thai Baht is bad for the Thai people.


    As a matter of fact, the sinking Thai Baht is a BOON for Thai people.

    The government has been supporting the baht for some time now, to the detriment of exporters, job creation, and the tourism industry. When the USD strengthened as a result of the world financial crisis (as a safe haven currency, many investors in developing nations bought dollars), it made the baht phenomenally expensive against the Euro.

    The reason for the support? A previous government was hellbent on paying off the IMF loan. What if it issued USD denominated bonds, available overseas, 30 years 10% interest only? The interest is paid in USD. If the baht weakens against the dollar, those 10% payments can quickly look like 15%, and it's not a small amount of money either. It's cheaper for the central bank to buy Baht to prop up the value rather than to have the outflow in USD interest payments (the volume is rather staggering compared to the normal foreign exchange flow if you remember the size of the IMF loans)

    However, as the economy takes the export hit, the policy becomes unsustainable.

    Once the political brouhaha has settled (and it will someday), Thailand will be much better positioned to resume its normal export activities if the baht is normalized against other Asian currrencies.

    So, both we foreigners with overseas incomes and the average Thai person (who doesn't consume a lot of imported goods, but does rely on the export and tourism trades for income) have a lot to gain here. Thanks PAD.

    I agree with that fully, it cannot stay as it much longer. They must be spending a fortune. Was kinda hoping for 39 Baht by the end of the year, i think it is possible. What tourism is left will be hit by non favourable exchange rates for europeans now anyhow so it needs to change.

  17. no one can say when it till open.

    and it wont until after PAD Leaves.

    it will take a day or 2 top clean and check the whole airport. No foreign airlines will land or take off till the secruity of the airport is confirmed.

    Agree with that 1000% cannot be that the airport opens just 2 hours after they vacate (if they do). The longer they stay the longer to open I would guess. They cannot leave possibilty of a bomb in there ( or could they). Only takes one crazy guy from deep south to mascarade as a supporter and plant something terrible.

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