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Posts posted by walterego

  1. The third group who exhibited no evidence of cheating, all fail as despite the fact they cheated with utmost expertise and were never caught, the fact they did not share the answers with their fellow piglets highlights

    their inability to function as part of the team. Hopefully next time they will learn from this experience and share their answers like a good team player should!

  2. While I have no reason to doubt the veracity of the OP's story, posting pictures identifying the culprit seems pretty close to defamation.

    And the fact that the OP has 2 posts, both on this thread, would make Thai Visa look pretty negligent if it came to a defamation suit.

    Good point, couldnt agree more.

    As for bkk taxis.... I must wear rose coloured glasses or something but generally I have found bkk taxis to be some of the best in the world. In particular compared to aus who must have some of the shi$$t.

    Why not have the meter off? I almost always do if in the first place the driver has it turned on and I am heading out to the boonies. (Unlike the ops sad tale). Offer how much you wish to pay he can accept and turn the metre off if he so chooses or not.

    I feel for these guys.... Low pay, long hours, bent traffic cops, drunks, a lot of rude foreigners (not all od course ... But many who insist on speaking English/russian/german/japanese too them even though in many cases they only understand enough English to negotiate directions and terms of service). I support the pay raise.

    Sorry OP sounds like a terrible experience. Better luck next time.

    Could just be a troll post simply to damage the guy's reputation.

    or an uber shill.
  3. Sorry about double post.

    Due to this now becoming a legal issue, I shall be unable to discuss details further. However open discussion on how to deal with unfair termination or pay issues (What the thread is about (wether I alone am correct or not is secondary, the process is the threads focus) is most welcome.

    Thanks so much for the imput. Without some of the clues I might not have pursued it.

  4. Actually the contract had been terminated prior to April. It had been severed and work permits collected. Therefore severance is the issue as I am advised. I was advised by the institute that I was no longer required. Despite the contract ensuring employment to the end of April. So TehBen in answer to your in bold question, it is not relevant as severance is the obvious issue. However I still attended the institution (went to work) during the month of april and attended the schools that the Uni had contracted me (who already have provided written reference of the satisfaction of my work). As told on many occasions that there were no tasks to be done and all my work was completed to satisfaction.

    Sirchai: Sorry mate, I didnt realise who Sirchai is... but I do now :) will pop back soon to see my family (pursue this matter with a now apointed solicitor) & hopefully you also. Hope your good.

  5. Yes, ok thanks for the feedback so far. I have met a lot of people that this has happened to in varuous places and it seems all to common. I am all up for having a crack at it even if it both of us lose a small shirt (though not a shirt a small skimpy boob tube is about all my budget can bear) because I feel cheated. I will however pursue it with the Dean and Admin first.

    Does anyone know if there is a time frame in which action must be mentioned, lodged of listed? Like can a complaint be made after 28 days for example? How lond does one have to prepare?

    Can a relative act on my behalf if i am absent or overseas?

    Thanks for all info so far.

  6. Hello dearest readers, thanks in advance for your cheek, your slander, your humour, your ingnorance, your wisdom and most of all and particularly for any and all useful advice in the matter outlined below. I eagerly seek your help.

    I have been working for 1.5 years for an unnamed University in Chachoengsao.

    My contract has finally ended or will end at the end of this month. Until now there have been no complaints, only praise for my work to date.

    With one month to go in April I have no school to teach at (the school is closed for holidays) my contract does require me to teach 20 hours a week at a local school for the university.

    I have not been requested to do any other tasks in this time.

    My contract clearly states that I should be paid salary until the end of April 2013 and at no time prior has my employment been terminated.

    The boss of my faculty/language centre ( a small part of the university, I am employed by the central body that is the Univeristy as a whole on my work permit and work for a small faculty) is refusing to pay me my last months salary. I have tried negotiating with her but the discussion becomes more and more heated, with her in the last email starting to slander my previous years work (though througout the year they were very happy). In her email to me she has already admitted that it is in the contract though as I did not perform 20 hours teaching in April (the school is closed) she does not have to pay.

    I must pursue the matter. I am not wealthy and my family needs to eat.

    My next step will be going to the Dean and head of the University.

    Can someone advise what are the steps involved after this?

    I have been advised that I can deal with the Labor office and pursue the matter,

    How does this work?

    What steps can I take to pursue the matter? How do I go about taking those steps?

    How does one take legal action and what options are available?

    Do I need a solicitor and do many work pro bono?

    (the matter is quite cut and dry as it is clear I should be paid until the end of April in the contract).

    I believe there are many people who face situations like this every year and a step by step, laymans guide to not getting paid from someone who is 'in the no' and has succesful experience in this matter would be greatly apreciated by myslef and perhaps also by a great number of readers to come.

    dear forum contributer: I eagerly await your advice, thanks in advance. :)

  7. I cant understand the concern with this matter. I am more than happy to comply with reasonable requests required by the law of the land.

    I recently renewed my WP (this is the second year I have been required to provide a blood test for Syph, I am employed by the Thai Govt.). 150 baht reimbursed by my employer.

    Though I was fairly confident I didnt have it I can now be sure. If I did have it then I would be grateful to know anyhow so as I may accept life saving treatment, then re-test. I fail to see how this test can cause a problem for anyone. I accept that it is a dangerous disease on the rise in neighbouring countries and quick research will confirm this. Any effort to stop it must surely be welcomed. So far the arguments purported by those against the test on this forum fail to convince me. Perhaps it is an attack on my privacy then again I have the choice if I wish to work here or not.

  8. I just went to a late night pharmicist in my town and they charged an extra 5 baht total cost 25 baht for Madol 50mg Tramadol HCL

    normal green and yellow capsule. I have never seen the Tramadol SR tablet or the ampule. I have never inquired about the ampule injectible and only inquired on one occasion about the SR with no success.

  9. MERCK- 20baht for a tray of Tramadol Thai Generic. That is 12 or 10 pills 50mg each depending on the size of the tray.

    I use it occasionally when I am in need of a pain killer. Available at any pharmacy. It may be even cheaper that is just what I pay... every time. (I think a tray is 12 tabs but cant really remember so just saying 10 in case... pretty sure a tray is 12 tabs).

    (edit was changing a Typo from 500mg back to 50mg as it should be).

  10. After working in government schools for the last 5 years (4 years with an agency that moved me from school to school allowing me to see a variety of govt schools, 1 yr here 6 months there etc) and having my own children in Thai schools. (soon to fly home for a better education).

    I have to agree 100% with the title story of the thread. It is so sad to see that in ALL schools I have worked in that only parents of students that can afford to pay for EXTRA services have access to a more thorough educational experience that maximises the given institutions potential. The rest of the students, despite ability are destined to spend their time in cramped, overcrowded, and often in the company of staff that have no intention of providing them with the education so needed. That said on my own front teaching the 'gifted' or paid up kids is always a pleasure however my classes to other students are often cut or without the needed institutional support. - just my personal experience others I am sure have experiences that are somewhat different.

  11. This is laughable. I am a farang... I think many forget that.

    How many of you have the power to vote in Thailand?... perhaps... perhaps a handful at best.

    How many of us are in such a position of power that may influence Thai politics?... Given there are some... but they are very few indeed.

    I also have my opinion but causing a biased (and often but not always uninformed) raucus is just a waste of every ones time.

    Does anyone know the 'Serenity Prayer' ?

    Lord grant me the things to accept the things I cannot change,

    The power to change the things I can,

    and the wisdom to know the difference.

    Im not suggesting you sit on your hands to acheive whatever ends your beliefs lead you... however for the most of us ... just wear the outcomes ... this is not the west.

    • Like 1
  12. Not to mention that anyone who comes foward is in many peoples book a hero.... not a snitch. The amount on offer is a life changing figure (500k) to most Thai familys (pls dont forget that these guys are working their back sides off for 300baht a day). I dont think the figure on offer has been set to snitch another who is involved in any type of syndicate or organisation. I doubt it is set to make someone turn in someone who they feel allied to by religion or cause, caste or gang. It is set to make average Somchai open his eyes, think for a moment, and make a phone call.

    I certainly hope they do.

    • Like 1
  13. Is that 'dead or alive' or doesn't it matter? Bounty hunters in Thailand equals trouble.

    Peanuts!, if they REALLY want to nail them ,at least Baht 5million should be on offer , that sort of sum would guarantee these murdering cowards quite a few sleepless nights!!.

    500k baht is not peanuts. (consider it can buy an exisiting business, a new car, a town house and land) It is surely enough to losen the average Somchai's tongue.

    If the choice is 500k or a bullet in the head for snitching, I would suggest it isn't much of a deal.

    That may be true however that bullet is a constant regardless of the price. If 5 baht is a lot to someone then so is 1000 baht the bullet hurts the same. 500k is enough for a start.

  14. Is that 'dead or alive' or doesn't it matter? Bounty hunters in Thailand equals trouble.

    Peanuts!, if they REALLY want to nail them ,at least Baht 5million should be on offer , that sort of sum would guarantee these murdering cowards quite a few sleepless nights!!.

    500k baht is not peanuts. (consider it can buy an exisiting business, a new car, a town house and land) It is surely enough to losen the average Somchai's tongue.

  15. Ok perhaps it is just me but please correct me if Im wrong. (as I am sure you guys will smile.png ) There seems to be a distinct lack of evidence supporting the prosecutions case. There is simply some pimp lady whose details we know little of saying that he did it, he did 2x12 year olds.

    It is terrible to defend a pedophile however I see nothing wrong with defending the otherwise innocent. The police coin this phrase a lot "Innocent UNTIL proven guilty" as it has the unconcious sugestion that ultimately there will be guilt found. However the real phrase from the bar is actually "Innocent UNLESS proven guilty". This man at this point in time, I have to say I feel for as there is nothing but some already caught child sex traffiker who is throwing around accusations. Unfortunately this matter has not been handled properly and if he is guilty a sting opperation would have been the right way to go. They mention they raided his house, took a camera. No mention of anything found. It would suggest by its abscence that there is no evidence , naughty pics etc.. They must have his cell phone conveying messages to the pimp. Howevere that is not mentioned so they probably do not have that either.

    The real criminal here is the Pimp as they are making admissions of being a child sex traffiker. Yet the focus is on an american to whom there is no evidence to support the fact. I hope that person gets a full wack. However the American??? there is zero evidence to support the accusation. (at least as it is reported to us here).

    Innocent UNLESS proven guilty.

  16. I cant believe that someone found his passport and then used it in a cop hustle.

    Get a hair cut, maybe some bleach or dark dye use foundation on your skin, eat loads of fat food or dont eat anything at all so your gaunt. All Farangs look the same.

    Go to the embassy tell them your passport is missing. As it is missing. This cop is unable to take any action anyway. He will have to explain why he didnt take the tourist impersonating you into custody and now he has got away. Your passport is stolen. (it has been stolen by the pig In all truth anyway). Video everything, sound record everything with everybody including the embassy and anybody else.

    Wait for the embassy to advise you of the blackmail or charges and apply for a new passport chances are they wont advise you of anything as the cop wont have said anything. Download an app that records all your phone calls for your smartphone. Have the money ready (more than 20 in case of inflation) so you can give it to the corrupt policeman.

    If you have to pay the cop video it and when you get home release it into the media but not until you are in your home country.... pay backs are a bitch. deny everything all the time everytime... because that is the truth anyway. There are now to many problems in the cops pursuit of the alledged offender for him to not look like a fool in the first place. He is illegally in possession of a passport and needs to present it to your embassy. I hope they get the guy that was impersonating your friend and buying Pot. A new passport is cheaper than 20k smile.png

    Corruption can only be stopped if everyday people do their best to expose it at every chance and every opportunity. It must not be tollerated. Do whatever you can to get that corrupt orificer and the bar on video if you choose to go the easy route and pay it out. Release it when your home and safe.

    I myself would 100% go the embassy route.

    Goodluck and an update as to the outcome would be great.

  17. "A friend of mine spent the last few days of his recent visit to Thailand trying to get his Thai girlfriend pregnant. About a week after he returned to his home country, she sent him an email from Thailand telling him she's pregnant. He's happy, but since she works in a bar, he wants to be sure the child is his before starting monthly support, etc.

    I suggested a paternity test. I hear that it's possible to do one as soon as 10 weeks after conception. She is in Pattaya, he's in the US. Can anyone suggest where/how to get this done? Also, is there any way to ensure that the result isn't faked? Can she get her part of test done before he does his, or something like that?" _ Quote LeoSmith.

    5555555555 This is the best joke I have heard for 2012

    Serriously you have got to be winding us up.

  18. I had a somewhat similar situation. My gf became pregnant shortly after I arrived in Thailand. I questioned the fatherhood of the child but did not do so verbally. None of the biological numbers were pointing toward me. But, proximity made me the father. I did help pay for some of the expenses involved. It was a remarkable 7 month gestation that ended in a full term baby that was so big it had to be delivered by c section. (about 12000. bt).

    I returned to Thailand about 5 months after the birth. Checked on dna tests in Thailand and they were too expensive (10,000. bt) and I wouldn't have control. So, I opted for the diy kit. Following is my experience.

    Went to Google and found you can get a do it yourself buccal swab dna test kit for $89. US. Directions are pretty simple. You will get 4 swabs. 2 for the father and 2 for the child. They look like little brushes. You rub one for 15 seconds on inside of each cheek of mouth and then let dry for 30 minutes. Fill in the info and put them in the envelope and mail it. Results can be gotten on internet. Company says you can mail it from Thailand. I tried and was refused after filling out all the papers and paying bt1300. I got a call from the store telling me they couldn't send dna. I went back and got my money back with no problem. However, the package had been opened. I resealed it and took it back to the US and mailed it for $1.39 US. The lab address is in Canada and it took 2 weeks before it showed as received on the internet. I am waiting for results. It appears that once lab gets it, it takes about 5 days for results.

    On the chance that the dna was contaminated by the postal store employee, I backed up the sample with two more samples on cotton swabs and some hair cuttings. Samples are good for a few months. Not that I am paranoid but, this is an adventure in Thailand where things are not always what they seem. Good Luck, oc

    The momentum of your tale was certainly building but you kept the ending a secret! So was it yours?

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