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Posts posted by walterego

  1. If this system helps get rid of the foreign trash in Thailand then I am all for it. My gf was stalked/harassed by a Norwegian ex boyfriend who even got violent at one stage. he grabbed her violently and then when she screamed he smacked her in the face. Thankfully a heap of Thais came running over so like the dog that he is, he ran away. She called the cops and had witnesses but they did nothing. She went to the immigration dept and they went to see him to tell him to leave her alone but did not deport him??? Apparently he needs to hit her again or get caught with drugs to be deported.

    He has a history of dealing in drugs but until he gets caught he is free to stay. If this system starts up then maybe there will be a chance that it will pick him up and the other low lives that pray on Thailand

    The pending changes would not do anything to help your girlfriend have him deported faster - unless he had arrest warrants in Norway.

    Thai's don't take domestic violence as seriously as we do in the west. I would go so far as to say it is nearly acceptable for a man to hit his girlfriend or wife. It is not surprising the police didn't do anything. To them that is like you turning somebody in for spitting on the sidewalk or littering.

    Why would they deport him on heresay? (not trying to diminish what he did. Domestic Violence is not considered a big no no here. Look at how some parents beat the absoloute S*it out of their kids and not unusual for husbands to do the same... (makes us look good anyhow if not unfairly a bit weak in the eyes of some Thais) Having him Charged with anything will likely just cause him to have to hang around for court appearances etc etc also for an indefinite period of time.

    Wonder if he is reading this thread?

  2. I think people who say this is hard to do, really under estimate the ease as to how this type of thing can be set up, it is old and easy technology. People also under estimate other countrys eagerness to participate. As to getting deported for things like fines or what is called in Australia -summary offences and the like, one has to consider the cost effectiveness of such actions. With that in mind small infringements will not be worth their time being put on their radar.

    Thailand is never going to care if you have 3000$ in speeding fines back home and you would rather spend that money in Pattaya. (unless of course you are under suspicion from the AFP or FBI etc for some other major crime and they can use it to get you back.)

    It will however help to curb the reuptation of some of these places (Phuket/Pattaya etc) as a safe and neutral meeting place for organised crime/money laundering etc)It will help them to disperse international 'consorting' etc. Unless you are a wanted criminal for something significant I cannot see how it could possibly worry you at all. It just means that there will be less foreign 'gangsters' in Thailand and more room for home bred ones.

  3. Of course, minors are in no danger at any *other* time of the year.


    This has got to be one of the strangest-yet versions of the annual government Valentine's 'Sex Is Dangerous, Beware, Beware' messages.

    Yes, the morality police come out every year. Really bazaar. Last year they were warning teens to not get to familiar in public or risk being arrested. What a silly country this is sometimes.

    "Really bazaar" Going shopping are we :D

    How about "bizarre"

    Or maybe how about investing in a dictionary :D

    Perhaps proper punctuation such as some comma's and question marks after asking questions. Despite the fact that they may be rhetorical ones. Some full stops after your sentences perhaps?

    I think everyone understood what he meant.

    (edited for spelling era's)....errors.

  4. Does any one know how exactly the credit cards get copied and how to avoid it?

    I mean when you use the card in a shop/store, it is scanned by the cashier, if it is copied there it must be in some background system "behind the scene" that is connected to the scanning system. You would expect the communication between the bank and the scanner would be encrypted?

    Maybe it is when you visit one of those low end shops on the street it gets scanned by the staff behind the counter?

    There are a variety of ways. Whenever you pay a bill on teh telephone eg:gas make a donation, purchase online your details are stored. From the telemarketer to the cleaner has access to the number in some shape or form. Others go through the rubbish bins of business and homes. stealing your mail and trying to have new cards issued and intercepting them. Despite the fact that most companys such as telcos or gas/power have teh best intentions. There is always a record kept of your details. Even if it is deleted.

    Often purchasing second hand computers from business or servers and scanning the reformatted drive will reveal an abundance of personal details about the clients of the former computer/servers owners.

    Phishing websites, hacking databases... the list is endless.

    Others just skim your card and observe you while you withdraw cash at an ATM gaining your card details and pin number (this is very bad because it is extremely difficult for you to prove it wasnt you that withdrew the money. Laws on the onice of guilt in these matters are obviously different in country to country.)

    Identity theft is way way way out of control and very difficult to catch. All of us who have a bankaccount are paying for it in increased fees/charges etc.

    So basically dont give your details to anyone. It probably wont happen to you.... but then again it just might.

    It is very very difficult to catch. I am often reluctant to congratulate them... but well done Mr Plod.

  5. I dont understand why it would worry anyone that a club has expat members living here. (as if they never had anyway.. ) Surely we are all just as entitled as each other to come and reside in Thailand.

    Crazy thread- these guys have been comming here and living here on and off for decades. Big deal get over it.

  6. I always found Phuket Immigration office helpful and friendly....never ever had any kind of hassle in over 10 years...just get your papers in order when u go there and show some respect and have never ever offered tea money and none was ever solicited...never fails to amaze when I see expats in their lovely stinking singlets and dirty beach shorts with a can of beer in their hands at 10am in the morning with real attitude expecting to be treated as though they were someone important...only in their own minds are they important...one would never go into their own embassy in such dress and attitude....wouldn't get past the security for starters


  7. Conclusion: 18 is the age for sex in Thailand by the law. My personal tastes like 23 as the most perfect age for a persons beauty.

    (I have used many many other sources besides the one I posted previously to reach this conclusion.)

  8. Age of Consent is normally a term used in conection with sexual consent. This age in most countrys (especially Asia) usually precedes the age for drinking alcohol.

    resorces: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Asia

    Cambodia: 16

    Taiwan: 16

    India 16 (14 if married)

    Israel 16

    Japan 13 with articles in the code extending it to perhaps 18. (read the code in japanese... I dont quite get it myself.)

    Korea South 13

    Laos 15

    Singapore 16

    Vietname 16

    Thailand The age of consent in Thailand is 15 (with the below caveat) as specified by article 279 of the Thai Criminal Code. The current legislation applies to all regardless of gender and/or sexual orientation, although it is a common misconception that it applies only to women.[citation needed]

    However parts of the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act which disallow any sexual contact with prostitutes under the age of 18, are widely interpreted by some local authorities to cover sexual acts classed as "obscenity for personal gratification". Also from the Penal Code Amendment Act of 1997 Section 283bis, having sex with a child under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the child may file charges against the other side if he or she later regrets his or her own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18.

    A high profile example of this application of the law was a statutory rape charge filed against the lead singer of the Thai band Big Ass for allegedly having had sex with a (then) 16 year old girl. The charge was filed by the girl after the singer refused to take responsibility for her baby. The singer has since been cleared of being the baby's father due to the results of a paternity test and he received 2 years suspended sentence.[34][35]


    Let it be known to anyone who is reading this for all 'the wrong' reasons, that you can be prosecuted in your home country for what you do abroad. Just so you know many people (myself included) will help em get you.

    Ask for an ID card... dont just check the AGE! ..... check the SEX as well..... what was may not now be.

  9. I hope these products are of considerably higher quality than their range of other peripherals.

    I have had numerous (more than 6.) HDs of theirs crash for no reason and lost vast ammounts of data.

    Their support for such products has been terrible.

    I will never ever buy another WD product again in life.

    Caviat Emptor.

  10. Oh please dont call them mafia.. a group of blokes hanging out on a modified motor scooter conspiring for days on end on how to rip someone off $15/- hardly constitutes a mafia.. nor does the obvious lack of discretion and intelect used in their endeavours.

    Smash em back! so deport me I have no qualms in smashing malnutritioned layabouts who cannot breath properly because of the nicotine plastered to their lungs. The reluctance and fear I see amoungst foreigners towards a minority of (who would otherwise be very essential members of a necessary labour force.) is embaressing. Tell these guys to F*%K em selves and let what happens happen. They over charged the guy. Good on YOU MR CANADIAN I hoep you kicked him as hard as you could.

  11. QUOTE (jackspratt @ 2009-11-28 18:59:47) post_snapback.gifI find it interesting that posters (several of them very new to TV) choose this forum, and subject, to launch what looks very like a personal vendetta against Mr Drummond.

    It wasn't so very long ago that he was being considered for sainthood by many of TV's finest, for his open, frank, true and unbiased reporting of the King Power "scams", and the unfortunate travails of the shoplifting couple, Mr Ingram and Ms Li.

    As for you A_Traveller, intelligent analysis and cogent posting is generally not welcomed in threads such as this. Please desist. :)

    Quote (Lennois): "Yes, I get that feeling too. I found it interesting that when galaxywatcher quoted my post he specifically deleted the link to Drummond's blog. "

    Couldn't agree more!

  12. Can we get an expert opinion or a link?

    What are your rights in regards to this matter. (ie: being searched on the street?) Do they need due cause? must it be at acheck point?

    This is fairly important stuff and someone insiting on adherence to rights they may/or maynot have is important. Is a frisk or body cavity search allowed... under what circumstances? Is there any rights at all?

    I think asserting these rights may be problematic also... if indeed we actually have them.

    Links from authorized agencys would be apreciated or perhaps some of our experienced T.Pol. members could shine some light.

  13. There is a rapid increase in the standards of Medical facultys countrywide in Thailand.

    I know at least in New Zealand only certain universitys are eligible from Thailand and Philippines (and these are listed on the NZ immigration website) By the way New Zealand has some of teh more relaxed immigration laws compared to some like Aus, USA etc and both Aus and NZ have Doctors on teh desired migration lists. After working succesfully in new Zealand, moving to the EU, Australia, USA etc becomes significantly easier.

    In Australia he would also need to have an IELTS of 7.0 to practice medicine.

    He would need to sit a rigorous examination to be able to practice medicine in country.

    That said there are an abundance of less qualified jobs that pay very well that would look favourably towards him in Aus.

    If he chooses to go ahead with it please check out Khon Kaen Universitys medical facility. It is ranked very highly in Thailand and significantly cheaper than some of the universitys in BKK.

    In the case of many nations in particular Australia who has extremely active NGO activity in Cambodia and Laos (possibly also due to our significant mining interests in these countrys). NGOs and Australian Mining companys would SNAP him up to work as a doctor alongside a western medical team or onsite in Cambodia or Laos and he could be paid the equivalent of an Australian wage.

    For the information you seek you really should check the immigration websites from the particular countrys they have all the ACCURATE details rather than listening to self proclaimed experts like myself. www.immi.gov.au these sites have all your answers.

    Where does he want to work?

    He must have some cash up his sleave if he can even afford to go to BKK and study medicine.

    Has he considered studying in Australia or perhaps doing a post grad at an Aussie or NZ university thus giving him passage to work in country and then eventually (if he wanted to, personally I would stay in Aus as the conditions are awesome). go anywhere.

    Study medicine in Thailand, get a degree, do a post grad (1 year) in some medical related field specialist or whatever, allows him to work in country while he studys also (you dont need nearly as high IELTS for this either), Finnish his study apply and recieve a work visa for 1 or 2 years, then he can go any western country in the world, or work back in Cambodia or Laos ofr an Aus mining company or an NGO. http://studyinaustralia.gov.au/Sia/Splash.aspx has English Vietnamese and Thai on site.

    (sorry for rambling on a bit much... Cheers!)

  14. Well thanks guys for the tip, guess I must be one of those 'Amateur Travelers' then. I had never heard of Brunei Air. I normally go Airasia. Used to go Jetstar but after a huge F Up on their part I will never go with them again Sadly They are Quantas in disguise So i boycot them also (imho: plus Q is way to expensive for what they deliver.. who cares if they never had a fatal accident... theres a first time for everything) Thai air and some of the other ones like Cathay Pacific are awesome, But for me saving money is often easier and less stressfull than earning it sometimes.

    So depsite sounding ignorant, I thank you very much for telling me about Bruneiair It is cheap and worth at least for me a look into or perhaps a trial run.


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