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Posts posted by walterego

  1. Awe, poor Mr. Ashley, you're going to find out what it is like to be abused! I hope you back is healthy enough for all the bending over you're going to have to endure. I'm pretty sure they don't hand out vasoline/petroleum jelly in prison. It's inevitable, I suggest you just enjoy it.

    I dont know why people always try to imply that these type of deplorable offenders are going to get shagged or raped.

    ---Dont kid yourselves.---

    The reality is far from this. Most (in fact allmost all) will go into protective custody after being sentenced although they may be exposed temporarily for short times like on their way through remand before sentencing or before prisoner clasification etc or on a work relase detail etc. (if they have been stupid enough to tell anyone what they are in for.. if teh case has a lot of media coverage the accused is normally placed directly into protection regardless.

    In protective custody they will be placed with other such offenders of a simmilar type and often with better (less populated facilitys) and facilitys better geared to rehabilitation *this is the real injustice that they will often get more opportunitys for rehabilitation than say a drug addicted armed robber or a late teen car theif. This in itself is terrible as it allows them to develop criminal networks of sex offenders. I am sure that rape and torture does hapen randomly to these types of felons however it can happen randomly to anyone in a prison and certainly happens a lot less in a dog yard or under protective custody than it does in general population.

    So if you gain any sense of sadistic satisfaction in thinking that these henous offenders are going to get raped, vioalted, maimed or murdered, true there is a slight chance it might happen but it probably wont. In fact paradoxically they will be able to chat online in chat rooms network with other offenders extend their criminal web. They will be able to meet 17 and 18 year old male sex workers (sex offenders also) and exploit them inside prison for mutual benfits, able to tell that serial offender knicker sniffer/snow dropper/pooner that he is really normal and both of them will become a lot more comfortable with who they are.... sadly the horror picture that many of us imagine happens to these sex offenders (and police informers and corrupt convicted judges, screws, cops) never (rarely) happens and usually happens instead to young john the shoplifter in general population. The prisons need a shake up.

  2. Awe, poor Mr. Ashley, you're going to find out what it is like to be abused! I hope you back is healthy enough for all the bending over you're going to have to endure. I'm pretty sure they don't hand out vasoline/petroleum jelly in prison. It's inevitable, I suggest you just enjoy it.

    I dont know why people always try to imply that these type of deplorable offenders are going to get shagged or raped.

    ---Dont kid yourselves.---

    The reality is far from this. Most (in fact allmost all) will go into protective custody after being sentenced although they may be exposed temporarily for short times like on their way through remand before sentencing or before prisoner clasification etc or on a work relase detail etc. (if they have been stupid enough to tell anyone what they are in for.. if teh case has a lot of media coverage the accused is normally placed directly into protection regardless.

    In protective custody they will be placed with other such offenders of a simmilar type and often with better (less populated facilitys) and facilitys better geared to rehabilitation *this is the real injustice that they will often get more opportunitys for rehabilitation than say a drug addicted armed robber or a late teen car theif. This in itself is terrible as it allows them to develop criminal networks of sex offenders. I am sure that rape and torture does hapen randomly to these types of felons however it can happen randomly to anyone in a prison and certainly happens a lot less in a dog yard or under protective custody than it does in general population.

  3. If drugs were decriminalised and treated as the health issue that they are, then the possibility of this crime not happening may have existed.

    Right, and just where would this chap have received his health care and who would have paid for it in Thailand? It seems he had no means of support other than theft. Therefore, even if not a druggie, he still would most likely have been a thief. Do you propose we decriminalize theft as well?

    If drugs were decriminalised and treated as the health issue that they are, then the possibility of this crime not happening may have existed.

    sry but thats bull...t, in China they just shoot drugabusers and dealers, Phuket was thx to Thaksin near free of drugs a couple of years ago, now one can buy Jaba, Meth and Crystal on every corner....there are some ppl living in LoS because there were not so many drugs like cocain here....now, no

    party without them.... Drugs and Crime always come together, I personally dont need both here... If someone do, GO BACK to your homecountry and fight for Free Drugs there.

    @ BookMan, how many Russians you know with ThaiLadys?? forget that, they just dont like Thais, they are here for the sun and cheap living but not for the girls

    Well your opinion is fine however as decriminalisation here (or in the former Soviet Union as far as I am aware) has not yet been undertaken we can never know if it MAY have stopped this crime. Therefore it is impossible for you to tell with any authority that this crime MAY have been avoided by decriminalisation.

    As for the other comment about Thaksin... yeah shooting people without trial is always a good idea huh?

    A friend of mine was personally shot dead by Police (David Kirk Williams RIP) in Phuket during those years. his guilt was never established. Outright slaughter of citizens or tourists without trial... mmmm what a good idea. Pure genius. I hope they dont extend that penalty to people who refuse to pay a 'traffic bribe hustle'.

  4. 55 yes they do, however it is not in my interest to give those names out. I dont want them to have more customers, those two are my choice stays. that said there are numerous places availabel at that price '500' you just need to look around.

    Another I know that is ok for 500thb is called Wonderland 2 (not to be confused with Wonderland 1 where I have never stayed). it is also very close to Siam bank and the small square with the french restaurants (sorry I dont know the names of the streets in VT). WL2 also has 500 baht rooms (they first ask for 600 or but will also drop to 400 if they are low on customers but always drop to 500) air con, cable tv, hot water, but no fridge. The only problem with the place is that many of the rooms have windows that are bricked up close by an adjoining building so try to get a room with a real window if they have one empty. (mind you the air con is good and keeps it well ventilated) the rooms are clean the beds are comfortable.

    I have had no problem bringing a guest back late at night but have tipped the night man (50 0r 100 baht) for letting me and her in at 2 in the morning. He sleeps in the foyer and will come unchain the door if you are later than 12. They accept Lao Kip, Thai Baht and USD. They will also exchange money. i have stayed there more than 6 times. I have openly kept small money in my room, notebook, camera etc and the staff 'seem' trustworthy. (but you never ever know do you).

    edit to previous post: newer Aus embassy should read 'newer Thai Consulate/embassy'.

  5. The prices you guys are quoting seem far off!

    I stay at 1 of two places one near the newer Aus embassy and the other near the main river area (teh square with all the french tourist restaurants not far from the river and Siam bank.

    both places for 400-500 thb air con cable tv fridge. (500 but 400 for me now because I always stay there and they will drop it for you if you haggle and they are empty).

  6. I have often wondered how this influences the rate of infection amoungst tourists traveling to to Phuket from abroad. I saw on an Australian TV show (today tonight or some other equally unreliable broadcast) about a year ago that Australian males traveling to South east asia ( they mentioned Thailand and Cambodia in particular) as the highest group of new infections in Australia. I after trying to find support of this was unable to find anything.  Thus it was in all likelyhood b.s.<br>However such stats would be interesting. I wonder if infection rates in foreign tourist have simmilar patterns to that of Thais or perhaps that of Thai Lbs such as those mentioned here. Does anybody know of statistics for foreigners infected IN Thailand and where to find them?

  7. This comment is just another opinion like so many cast here on TV and many will consider it naive or perhaps not in their own agendas interest. None the less I want to express it.

    The way he (Aphisit) rose to power was terrible, wrong and undemocratic, robbing the people of their vote... That said I honestly believe he is potentially the greatest modern leader Thailand may have ever had as yet. I believe he offers us foreigners the greatest hope of more welcome business and family opportunitys that will mutually benefit his country and us Farangs. I pray sincerely that he is given the opportunity to rule without sabotage and wholeheartedly believe that he will at some point bring the nation to an election. An election that for the benefit of Thailand he needs to win. He offers Thailand, its people and us foreigners the greatest chance it has ever had in a long time if he is given the chance without interference. The political tightrope he walks is a long and very dangerous one. His challenges massive. I wish this man (Ahpisit) the very, very best. I look forward to the election that I honestly believe he will one day initiate and I think the greatest day for Thailand will be if he wins it.

    Good luck Prime Minister. You most certainly need it.

  8. I am always amazed by the levels of denial a keyboard, a bottle of Chang and no hope of living elsewhere brings...

    To all those saying "stop whingeing about Thailand" and "why do farang here not accept Thailand" well why the h*ll should we?

    I pay more tax here than most Thais, I have a Thai family here and yet you expect me to bend over and just accept the racism and poor attitude towards of foreigners - why should I?

    Anywhere else in the world allows not just it's citizens but ALL of its residents, whether indigenous or on a visa, to have an opinion except China, Burma and a few other places.

    Your censure of our real opinions just serves to add to the way the people are put down here.

    And you might also like to look a little more deeply at the situation. Behind every action is a cause. I did not come to Thailand feeling such disgust for the country and I doubt did the other posters here. This feeling was created by the behavior of the local people towards us.

    Go figure!

    As someone said yesterday on Twitter, "how can you respect a people that have no respect for their own people?" Wise words...

    Although my feelings have not yet dropped to the level of disgust they certainly move that way a little more each day. I otherwise most sincerely share your belief.

  9. Proactive steps in getting this story into the media of export countrys would not go amiss.

    After all this makes for great TV.

    What can we do?

    contact media programs (radio/current affairs/TV) in your country and encourage them to do a story on this slave pineapple brand.

    Anybody know what other labels they sell under?

    Stop buying it and tell your friends to stop buying it also.

    A company like this is easily damaged with this kind of media exposure.

  10. Mark did not loose face. The Saudi loose face and this press release is just the start of the face salvage of the camel riding Saudi.

    Do you even know who you are talking about? The diplomat in question is not some uneducated boob "riding a camel". He is an experienced gentleman that has been posted around the world. He certainly has an education and work experience that qualifies him for the job and he doesn't have to wear a uniform with a lot of bogus medals and ribbons to have that credibility. Please read his biography; http://www.mofa.gov.sa/Detail.asp?

    Only a fool would ingnore this man or insult him. He's got a plan and he's following it. The PM Abhisit has mishandled this file and he cannot run away from the mess. Here are some important facts to keep in mind;

    -Thailand imports approximately 70% of its total energy supply.

    - The Middle East provides approximately 80% of Thailand's oil imports.

    - In 2006, the transportation sector consumed 72% of the nations oil from all sources.

    Now, read this very closely; Anything that disrupts the supply of oil to Thailand or that increases the cost of petroleum to Thailand will knock Thailand flat on its arse. Thailand's economy could be seriously damaged if the Saudis get nasty and restrict trade with Thailand. Simply put, the country would see large rolling production shutdowns and the resulting labour and social unrest as key industrial sectors laid off personnel. Thailand's big money earner of rice exports would sit in storage since there would be no fuel available to power the trucks to transport the shipments. If the disruption came at harvest time, the rice could rot in the paddies if there was no fuel for the harvest equipment.

    Are you even aware of Thailand's strategic reserves in the event of an emergency? The MOE has been struggling for years to cconvince everyone of the importance of a strategic reserve. No one listens. All ti will take is 1 month of turning off or reducing the oil supply to Thailand and the economy will be close to collapse. I don't think people appreciate how precarious Thailand's position is. The last thing Thailand needs are riots and panic caused by an energy supply crisis.

    In case anyone needs some visual evidence. Here is one of many presentations made available by the MOE.The PM and cabinet must listen to the MOE planners.


    Spot on!

    And I am very glad that someone has the balls and the clout to stand up and say &lt;deleted&gt;! This kind of pressure can only (in the long term not the short) help mould this country into a more free less corrupt state.

    Now can we get a Saudi to get rid of those bent traffic cops on the rail tracks under the bridge on Sukhumvit rd! (someone get a camera on them it will make for great youtube.

    What has happened to them (Saudis) is an injustice that happens in varying degrees across this country every day. I wish their kingdom the best of luck in their effort to help this kingdom.

    Saudi Sioux sioux!

  11. ok it's neato for someone to have the immunity to say what he wants in Thailand....

    And he sure says a lot of truth...

    BUT can the Arab also to speak honestly of his own Kingdom???

    same http://www.hrw.org/en/node/79258 same Thailand!!!

    hey Pot the Kettle is black!

    Edit; oh and saudis have their elite class who are above the law, TOO it's called 'wasta'

    Saudi Arabia

    Events of 2008

    Human rights conditions remain poor in Saudi Arabia. International and domestic pressure to improve human rights practices remained feeble, and the government undertook no major reforms in 2008.

    The government continues to treat women as legal minors, denying them a host of fundamental human rights.

    Arbitrary Detention and Unfair Trials

    Detainees, including children, are commonly the victims of systematic and multiple violations of due process and fair trial rights, including arbitrary arrest and torture and ill-treatment in detention. Saudi judges routinely sentence defendants to thousands of lashes, often carried out in public. In 2008 the kingdom carried out 88 executions as of mid-November (compared to 150 over the equivalent period in 2007), including for drug offenses.

    Saudi Arabia has no law setting an age below which a child should not be tried as an adult,

    Freedom of Expression

    Freedom of expression in Saudi Arabia deteriorated in 2008. The government did not respond publicly when chief judge Salih al-Luhaidan in September endorsed the idea that owners of TV stations that broadcast allegedly lewd shows during Ramadan deserved to be killed. Nor did the government sanction prominent cleric Abd al-Rahman al-Barrak in March after he called for the killing of journalists Abdullah Bajad Utaibi and Yusif Aba al-Khair for articles criticizing extremist interpretations of Islam.

    Freedom of Religion and Religious Discrimination

    Saudi Arabia systematically discriminates against its religious minorities

    The saudis are not the ones on trial here. Feel free to open another thread about the problems of Sharia law. The issue is about the trial of a rather undeserving policeman (though to call him such does any cop with a shred of decency a great diservice). Anybody who was even slightly concerned about the integrity of his station would stand down immediately (with pay given retrospectively when the 'inevitable' not guilty arrives) and await trial.

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