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Posts posted by robsamui

  1. "Manager" - "Manager" - "Manager"  . . . every few words it's "told" Manager" this" or "he said to "Manager".
    Is this article written for some kind of secret society? Who on earth is "Manager", and what's he got to do with anything? Are we supposed to know?
    A very irritatingly-penned piece, very smug - evidently written by a young, trainee spy for a secret organisation.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    While this can be interpreted as a sign of progress, amongst the laggards, why was this not done last year? Or months ago? Why only now, and why such late delivery? Are they scared of the cost?

    Gotta find a way to pay for the subs and the moon shot  somehow- this whole fiasco is a great little earner for a few top Thai people - to h**l with the unwashed peasants and dirty foreigners.


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  3. 23 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

    This is a matter of prestige/face for China, they just want as many countries as possible to order and use their vaccine. So my bet is that they’re throwing around quite a bit of money as an ‘incentive’ to persuade the powers that be to order the vaccine. And we all know the one and only true god that the Thai generals and their cronies pray to.

    Erm . . . remind me again . . . where exactly did this mysterious supervirus suddenly appear . . . ?? What country did it 'escape' from?
    (nod, nudge, wink)

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 7 hours ago, mancub said:

    Phew ....that's an awful lot on one lung-full !????

    umm what to say...eu uk usa are all weeks away from opening up and clearing their economies.not so here obviously and from what ive read and im hearing the china vacc gives low cover less than 50% ,people i know in hk wont use it,theyre scared of it.the drs here also state they think vaccs may not work on mutations ,i think that seems to indicate a lack of confidence in china vacc i could be mistaken but most people ive spoken with dont want it.the az pfizer and moderna PARAGRAPHS ARE A USEFUL AID TO READABILITY shots seem to offer a lot more cover on new  and old strains.most importantly theres not enough vaccs and for us its complicated to get it.its a muddle of epic proportions.id like to get out shortly  but even thats not straightforward as the info on that changes so fast.i wanna go to southern europe,but what do we need to get there.dancng with the devil here,its all done on apps and phone computers,the stuff works sometimes but i m not very good at it and i dont like being trakked a la 1984.i just wanna walk in a place get a shot,pay for it,i was signed up with a private hospital but the govt stopped that way out,why thats insane?people can get cover ,that helps the overall situation and the individual,makes no sense what so ever,i just want the paper or cert so i can fly and have some type of normality in my life.

    • Confused 1
  5. On 6/18/2021 at 2:54 PM, WineOh said:

    I think I can.


    As Thailand is a Buddhist country and has a solid conservative core, many older Thais view drinking as a sin.


    Hence why, since the ultra right-wing conservative army stole power in 2014, there has been a war waged on the alcohol industry via heavy taxation and regulation.


    Ultimately the junta would love to do away with drinking all together, though they know that it is practically impossible so they opt for the next best thing - milk as much money from the sale of booze as they can whilst simultaneously being actively seen trying to discourage the promotion of alcohol to appease their right wing core constituents.


    QUOTE /snip
    "Hence why, since the ultra right-wing conservative army stole power in 2014, there has been a war waged on the alcohol industry via heavy taxation and regulation."/snip


    I'm not sure about that. The same was true on the evenings before elections and on the voting day, back before this military junta took over. My old restaurant lady explained it by saying that Thai men were like children and if you put them in a group with alcohol they would drink until they fell down drunk. It's not just the present government which seems to think this . . . . I've been here 24 years and they have always banned alcohol on election days and religious holidays.

    Anyway, other Buddhist countries don't have this fear of alcohol . . . 

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

    Anything that keeps those rude, dirty, selfish Chinese away from Phuket is fine by me.

    Racist? Maybe.

    From long observation? Definitely.

    Depressing to say, but totally agreed. The only time I've ever seen anyone use a bucket and mop on a  restaurant table was after such a family had finished. What couldn't be chewed and swallowed was simply spat onto the table or the floor.



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  7. 3 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

    How's  the lunar landing going don't here much about it anymore ????

    The Thai government are still shooting wildly at the moon, but they're doing it with lunatic plans and plots and schemes regarding tourists instead.


    With this kind of track record, the actual moon-shot (when it happens) is certain to sail right past and crash into mars - particularly if the same kids who programmed the govt. websites have anything to do with it.

    • Haha 1
  8. You've all got this totally wrong.


    While everyone's busy criticising the Gov for screwing up the apps and websites, they're giggling up their sleeves.

    The Mor Prom app was a disaster and made appointments in 5-minute time slots 24-hours around the clock and crashed. Subsequent appointments made in person at regional hospitals were all cancelled after another 2 or 3 weeks because of a wonderful new website to use - but (after another few weeks) the thailandintervac site now just tells you that there's no appointments - and then, suddenly, well fancy that, it's had to be taken down a week or so later because of data (in)security.


    See . . . they don't actually have any vaccine - well nothing like enough to go around. But they can't tell you that because it's more than losing face - they'd be losing their whole head.


    So they've created a whole bunch of infuriating and misleading distractions - one after another - to try to divert everyone's attention and thus gain the time they desperately need.


    After all, it takes a while to find a buyer for a couple of lightly-used 2nd-hand submarines, not to mention all the gear and equipment for a moon-shot that's no longer needed . . . 




    • Thanks 1
  9. On 6/7/2021 at 3:10 PM, deej said:

    So far ,this Visa yr .my extension retirement and two 90 day reports drive through at the Cmai Immgr Dept have taken approx 4 hrs in total as a DIY

    BTW all the above 3 ,have been posted here????????  as for your sarcastic remark of  not having money ???????? i cuddle my money and spend wisely, With the Zoo day,s presently over  and Cmai Immgr dept  being very quite in numbers ,for any visa the Visa Agents are a busted flush  as DIY IS presently a easy task.

    Summing up, over the last 6 months my previous Visa Agents who i have  engaged during the Zoo Days have pleasantly canvassed for my Visa business etc etc to return

    Smell the coffee ,again they are a Busted Flush

    "Busted Flush"  . . . .  "Busted Flush"  . . . .  "Busted Flush"  . . . .  "Busted Flush"  . . . .  

    Is that the same kind of thing as "awesome"? Or is it more like "uncool"?
    What language is it?
    Anything to do with broken toilets?
    The only "Busted Flush"  I ever knew was when the chain snapped on my bog.
    What connection does it have to 30 day reporting?

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