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Posts posted by 0zz1

  1. here is another young expat living in CM.

    lets see... I would start with the Nimmanhaemin area. Try Warm-up, Monkey Club... Berlin is great for early evening. Then when time is getting closer to 3am its time to move to Spicy.... is V-Club still open till early hours?

    I think there are plenty of things to do... if you speak Thai go to check out CMU and make friends with the Thai students they will take you out for some places we don't know =)

  2. but now seriously Gator.... do you think the the Payap girls are more short skirted and tight shirted that the ones in CMU? I live nearby CMU on Suthep rd and like to go to the campus when ever I have half change to go to post office or eat on one of those Huaw Kaew road restaurants which are crowded with CMU students and I haven't really pointed out and remarkable difference in the length of the skirts are tightness of the shirts between CMU and Payap girls.

    Gator do you have any evidence to back your claim? Videos and photos would be greatly appreciated. If you want to help me to study this fact I would be very interested to do some research on this field. Im doubt it would be accepted as a Thesis in Payap, but would surely be appreciated and read by many TV readers. But as we know for any good research work we should be non biased and think really carefully the measurements to use. Perhaps the Payap girls have longer legs? This should also be part of the studies. How do you measure the tightness of the shirt? Whether you can slide in 1,2 or 3 fingers or even the full hand??

    Without proper study and evidence I would not buy it as a fact that Payap girls have shorter skirts and tighter shirts, but Im willing to help and I think I even might find some sponsors for this study. First thing we need to determine the sample size and for that we need confidence level and the size of the population (number of students in each schools). Lets assume that the sample size would be 300 with 95% confidence level. How do we reach this sample. It should be random. We could either choose from the list of students every 20th or so on... or just go to campus and every 10th female student would be measured. Here comes the dilemma. Not sure if I want to measure every 10th, but if someone wants to take this study seriously Im more than happy to help to analyze the results and see the sampling and measuring project.

  3. When it comes to those short skirted tight shirted Payap girls I have to say that Bangkok University did better. I think the ratio was even better in BU than it is in Payap. Also I might be a little bios here as in BU I where single guy in my early 20's where as in Payap Im married guy in my early 30's, but Gator I still know what you talking about.

    Anyone looking to enroll to Payap's IMBA programme should realize that the classes are on weekends and you will not see those short skirted tight shirted Payap girls at campus. We do have some really fine girls in the programme though, but most of them are not Thais if that is what you are looking for. So if you after the short skirted girls I think its better not to roll in to the IMBA programme, but rather try the undergraduate Thai programme, perhaps the nursing school which is also part of Payap??

  4. I just read almost the whole thread and I feel like writing few words as a Payap student.

    First of all Im a little confused the question in this thread was about MBA programme in CM in ENGLISH, right? Please correct me if Im wrong, but there are not really any other options than Payap? CMU don't really have any international MBA programme in ENGLISH? So let's leave that there. If there is only one school offering such a programme there is not really anything to compare it with.

    I studied almost decade ago 2 semesters in Bangkok University which was my first touch into education in Thailand. I think BUIC (international college) was pretty much beautiful girls, rich kids and nice building. The level of teaching wasn't great in my opinion at least not compared to what I was used to back in home (Finland).

    About 3 years back I was living in Bangkok, but decided to move up north to CM I started to search for different MBA programmes in English. My main source was google but I also asked from some Thai friends and CMU was the first choice, but I also found Payap. I emailed both... several times and never received reply from either of them so I decided to do a trip to CM and see why it is so hard to answer my inquiries. I started with CMU. I visited couple of times and I with my limited Thai language skills I found it extremely difficult and frustrating. I could not find students, faculty members or even professors who could speak English. I decided to get a translator and come back again. Now I found the office of international studies. Again they could not really speak more than yes and no, but they did give me some brochures and talked with my translator and I found out that they really don't want any foreign students as even the programme is called international all the students are Thais and they don't understand foreign languages so the classes would be in Thai. So that was it... Im off to Payap.

    Arriving to Payap I see some short skirted nice looking student girls and ask them about where I can apple for the MBA programme and I get few nice smiles and finger pointing towards the direction of the graduate building. I get there, meet the head of the programme, change few words with him and fill in the forms. After that I start the hard work of translating my Finnish BA certificate, recommendations etc in to English and finally get the papers ready, take the TOEFL test and interviews and pass both, Im ready to start studying.

    When I start my programme Im not too impressed with the school. The building dont have elevator, the toilets dont have paper and the computers are something that would be considered hazardous waste back home. Also I find all these forms a bit hilarious and so 90s as we have computer systems and it would be much easier to go online and fill in the forms with your favorite browser. The first few courses are also relatively easy to pass (not with good grade though).

    Now 2 years have gone and Im almost finished with my studies. 2 more weeks to go and Im starting my last course and thesis. I think I see Payap very differently now. Like said before the MBA classes are on weekends so there are no short skirted young students in their uniforms around =( In my classes we only have on female (Thai-Canadian). All the guys are from different parts of the world, but we do have one Thai as well. For me one of the problems has been the language. As you can probably tell English is not my first language.. not even second. So we non-native English speakers who count over half of the students in IMBA have to give some extra effort to pass the courses.

    More to the point Payap got some great professors (and btw. I think some have got this point wrong, all the teachers teaching IMBA programme has to have PhD, except for English teachers). I could honestly say that the best 3 teachers/professors I have had in my life are all from Payap and that is the key factor why I would recommend Payap IMBA programme. Having said that I think the main factor what they could improve is the administration and bureaucracy. I can't believe that year 2009 I can't log in to Payap's website and to see all the courses that will be available this year and to choose which ever I feel that are the most suitable for me. Hopefully this will be fixed. Before I was asked about the administration problems I would say that if you wish to drop and ad course after they started and you need to go over the campus to get 5 signatures on a piece of paper is not really this century and I see that as Payap's weakest point.

    But as well as some other students and teachers above Im also more than happy to tell you about the Payap's IMBA programme if you wish, I bet almost any of our students would be. Most of us are farangs and would not mind to visit the uni at weekdays to show you around and see some of those famous short skirted students.

    Ozzi Jarvinen, 31, Finnish

    IMBA Student, Payap University

    ps. I about what the IMBA is actually worth is better to ask the graduate students, I believe Im one of the few that don't get 10 great work offers after graduation, but I don't need one as I got work already, but at least Payap was good enough for the authorities in Finland to grant me student grant and allow me to continue for PhD in Finland if I decide to (there are other requirements to fill in as well). But I would be very surprised if students graduated from Paya's IMBA programme would do very well in salary comparison to other programmes in any other Uni in Northern Thailand. Having said that I don't believe that money is the right way to measure and compare the degrees, but even getting the education from Pay-Up I couldn't figure anything better =)

  5. hello there,

    Im one of the IMBA students in Payap. I have done now almost all the course work and start with my Thesis.

    First of all I would like to say that there are great professors at Payap which all got their PhD in west. We got professors with degrees from Harward, Yale, Wharton etc...

    I have studied in several Universities in couple of countries and I would rank Payap teachers very high. The actually administration and facilities are pretty poor though, but I think I have received pretty good value for my money so far.

    Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the IMBA program at Payap.

    oh and its truly international... I just had class with 14 students from 12 different countries. We have more American and European students than Thais in the programme.

  6. anything new on this? I saw a short clip just on TV3 where they interview the funny hairstyle lady who seems to be the most famous autopsy doctor as she is seen every time on Thai telly when something like this happens... can anyone know who im talking about and who she works for? Her name is something like: Khunding Pornthip or something... dont know surname..

  7. This is my first posting ever. I am in business here in Thailand for over 7 years and live in the north with my wife and soon 3 children. The first thing I would do if I was in charge is to revoke the passport of Taksin, and notify all embassies to not honor his passport to bring him home to face criminal charges. I would also confiscate all frozen assets known to belong to Taksin or controlled by him in relatives names, and reimbuse Thailand for the damages he has inflicted by inciting civil unrest, and the remaining to the Thai citizens who have lost their jobs and businesses caused by Taksin damaging the economy. There is only one way to kill a snake, and that is to cut its head off, and you can read into that as you wish. There is a rule of law in Thailand, and a process to make changes, and that process must be respected and restored and not manipulated by a billionaire employing thugs which many were also the same ones wearing yellow shirts I suspect. These factions are killing Thailand financially speaking, and they do not care if a few innocent people die in the process, so why should the police and military care if a few of these animals also die to make a point.

    Welcome, troll :o

    Dear Thaiorchidsource1,

    Please don't mind Rainman, he watches ALOT of movies........ :D

    I think your post is interesting and has insight.... this may be how some may feel, too.

    Rainman feels the need to defend. He finds it difficult with his passionate heart, but growing sense of worldliness to understand that our world problems aren't black and white, but all shades of grey in between. Rainman is a supporter of those reds you speak about. He has every right, just as we have every right to be a supporter of Thailand, not Reds or Yellows. Rainman may also be a supporter of Thailand, but he mistakes the Red movement as a cause for Thailand.

    He was just called an 'arse' 5 posts ago, and now he's calling you a troll.... for exactly the same reason he believes he was called an arse.... because he didn't agree with the previous poster.

    He isn't an arse, you aren't a troll, and I'm not whatever he will call me after I post this :D , however, he just cares for Thailand as we all do.

    Rainman, work along with those who care.... we don't need to all walk the same path, but we do [ultimately] for the same cause.

    or... could it be that Rainman is getting paid that same 500 b a day for his postings in the forums?? His edjumacation looks like to be in the same level with most of the reds =)
  8. Who here thinks the red shirts have a legitimate grievance? I ask because I'm still trying to understand if they have a right to be mad or if they are simply being manipulated.

    My factory-owning uncle says that his workers took a day off when they were paid 1000 baht a day to protest. 2 days ago I was trying to play Badminton at a local court, only to find the manager complaining that his workers were all paid. So I reckon about 60% of the protestors are paid (and they're the ones who stand further back, shout less and do nothing besides mill about) and the other 40% have real grieviences.

    Yeah , I would have a grievance too if I was'nt being paid .. :o

    I have spoken with quite a few, and none of them admit to receiving any payment whatsoever. Yes, I know, "Of course they'd say that, wouldn't they?" Anyway, paid or not, they all seem very committed to their cause, and they don't all fit into the stereotype of poor Isaan farmer. I have met several well-educated protesters who are quite capable of discussing politics at length in English.

    they do get paid. My wife was called and asked if she wants to join. 500b / day and free food. Also free transportation to BKK. She also talked with some police officer here in CM, who was thinking about taking few days off from work and join in as he dont make the 500 a day as police. There are dozen of my wife's friends there making the 500b a day

  9. One step out of line by the red-shirts ( Thaksin) and the army will shoot on the red shirts or whatever for they have absolutely nothing to lose now - THEY'RE IN TOTAL CONTROL -

    And notice how the police said that they will deal with the protesters? Why did they not deal with the PAD when they caused billions of damages to Thailand? The military didn't step in when the PAD went to the streets, but they're quite willing now.

    The way I see it, it's the following:

    On one side:

    - Thaksin.

    - 55-60%+ of Thais (farmers, taxi drivers, aka the poor)

    On the other side:

    - Abhisit (aka puppet)

    - Army

    - Police

    - 40-45% of Thais (probably 70%+ chinese, aka high class/elite)

    Feel free to say that Thaksin got only around 40% in the last election. Of course, because the majority of people voted for the smaller parties, like Newin, that were allied with Thaksin. Once Newin and the others switched to Abhisit, they will lose many votes in the next elections. That's why Abhisit isn't calling for new elections.

    Another problem is that the high class/elite is concentrated in Bangkok, while all the poorer Thais are countryside. This creates something like a North Thailand vs. South Thailand.

    The elite will not lose power at any cost. The poor will not shut up under any circumstance.

    Watch and see what happens, that's all we can do.

    ok you must be living in Essan, right?

    First of all I totally disagree with your % above. I would say both sides have most likely around 10-15% support and rest just dont give f#€k. Most Thais whether farmer of university student in BKK could not care less about politics and dont support either side.

    Secondly I believe its more like Essan and other Thailand than North and South. Im living in Chiang Mai myself and people here I have been talking to again most dont give a f#€k and those who do are mainly on the side of Abhisit and his cronies.

    So let Essan have Thanksin and have their own country, they have their own language already =) , hmm perhaps not gonna happen.

    But again what I dont understand is people here on the forum as well as many Thais only talking about Thaksin corruption, I dont care how much money he stole from Thais, but I do care about those 3.000 + people who died in his war on drugs, so on one side you have former PM who is mass murderer on the other side young hansom guy who dont know what f#€k is going on in this country. My vote goes for less harm (Abhisit).

  10. Now this might get me banned or arrested, but where can we go from here?

    There's two sides who have no sign of reconciling their differences, a military unwilling to govern, the owners of big business who will support whoever ends up winning, and a divide between Bangkok and the provinces that gets clearer and clearer every day.

    There's a government that has shown no real effort to quell civil unrest, a party that's been banned time and time again, a global economic downturn, and no true clarity of the situation in the international media.

    All I can see is civil war or the return of absolute monarchy.

    I disagree.

    Yellow + Red = a tiny minority.

    Thai population wants peace and sanook.

    Indeed, they are a tiny minority, but really think they are a majority.

    My DAAD-fan friend honestly believe that some 90+% of the country really is pro-red, with some 'fooled people' being the rest...

    last election only 40 % vote for TRT 2nd Edition, so 90+ can't be true

    hmm 40% vote TRT? This starts to make sense now... as much as the elections in former USSR and Saddams Irak where you can get over 100% votes...

    I believe that less than 40% of Thais voted in the last election (someone could give real figure here). So lets say 30% of Thais voted and 40% of Those voted TRT that would mean 12% of Thais. That is something I could agree already...

  11. Asean members know very well what the deal is, who reds are and what they rally for, and it ain't democracy.

    So yes, it is a worrying image if so many people keep trying to bring a convicted criminal back to power, a man Asean members don't want in their own countries.

    For sure Asean members understand Abhi's problems. In Burma, they have Aung San Su Kyi , in Malaysia they have Anwar, Hun Sen has problem on his own too ... even in Singapore , they talk about an opposition party ! Definitely Abhi will find a lot of support during the next Asean meeting

    Equating Thaksin with Aung San Su Kyi? Should I laugh, choke or just sit back in stunned silence? I rarely agree with what you say, but you are normally one of the more level headed red supporters. I didn't think you would stoop so low Pierrot.

    equating Thaksin with Aung San Su Kyi... makes me want to vomit. There you have extreme opposites. Sad..

  12. May I suggest Pha Daeng National Park.

    The headquarters is located in Ban Na Wai, Muang Na district, Amphur Chiang Dao, far from the asphalt road at Km. 24.5 road no. 1178 Muang Ngai-Ban Na Wai section about 150 meters and far from Amphur Chiang Dao about 35 kilometers.

    Take bus to Chiang Dao and then a songthaew to Ban NaWai.

    Contact them about renting tents.

    My wife's family comes from there. :o

    Pha Daeng National Park

    Edit: The info on website is little out of date.

    There is now asphalt on road no. 1178 Muang Ngai-Ban Na Wai.

    thank you PoorSucker!

    looks very interesting indeed... any idea about the scale? I got the map, but there is no scale at all... any idea where I can get better map so I can see the size of the area. Also do you know about the routes there... do they have some marked hicking tracks between the different places of interest.

  13. My parents are coming over for March and we want to do 3-4 days & nights hiking.

    - I live in Chiang Mai so if the place of start would be within reasonable (4-5 hrs drive) from CM that would be great.

    - Most likely we would stay overnights in tents if this is possible, if not then... hmm.. hotels =)

    - beautiful views, mountains, waterfalls, jungle etc...

    - It can be pretty demanding, even my parents are closer to 60s they are pretty fit. (except if my wife comes with us then for sure she would be the "weakest link".... )

    any ideas?

    Kaph Khun Maak Kraph =)

  14. We are playing ball hockey every Saturday at Payap University 4.30pm to 6.30pm (or when its dark... or we run out of juice).

    We got around 10 players, but could use more legs. We got some sticks and will order more. Goalie gears are also coming.

    You don't have to be fit, fast or experienced to play in this team =) if you interested please contact me or just come to play...

    ozzi (a) dgzoo.com

    Payap is just outside of Super Highway behind Carrefour and Index.

    google map link to Payap: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source...006952&z=17


  15. They were not giving out food to the poor. They were STEALING - and on a regular basis - from people that have a lot less than they do. I am not saying I do not feel sorry for them. I am saying that they do deserve to be punished.

    Where did you get the info that they were stealing on a regular basis? I think you made that up, maybe you deserve to be punished for it?


    The couple from Ulricehamn stole 250 T-shirts.

    On Tuesday www.ut.se 250 T-shirts during a burglary.

    You don't steal 250 shirts at one time. Maybe you need to learn how to read. :o

    hold on I cant follow anymore... so it was not shoplifting to t-shirts but BURGLARY and 250 shirts?

  16. Coming from neighboring Finland and having lived in Sweden I have to ask first does anyone now the first names of these people? I believe it is pretty significant.

    Whether they are: Lars & Anna or Muhammed & Abdullah?

    I read people writing here that Swedes don't do crimes like that. There are people with many different cultural backgrounds in Sweden, not just those blue eyed & blond hair caucasians.

    Just for example in my own country Somalians are found guilty of different crimes far more often than Finns. (robbery 115,44 rape 34.5 more often than Finns etc.) And I try not be racist so I dont blame only the Somalians, but mainly our own government with ineffective immigrant programmes & weak punishments.

    Ok, I believe that if they are named Lars & Anna this thing will be solved in the highest level of diplomacy and surely the Swedish embassy and even Karl (King of Sweden) might need to get involved to get the kids home. If they are called Muhammed & Abdullah Im not sure if Karl and average blue eyed & blonde haired Swede cares too much :o

    But when Im reading the article it just does not sound right. First they were accused of stealing t-shirts worth of 40.000 baht. So lets say this is 600 shirts. How many of you can carry 600 shirts? Or even 300? So did they have pick-up truck? Story does not tell... Sounds more like the police & shop owner had a plan to get 40.000 baht extra money from these kids and they refused to pay it. Court realized how impossible it is for these kids carry 600 shirts so they came down to 2. These kids must have been so scared and stupid to confess and agree not to appeal to higher court.

    For me it hard to believe they actually stole anything. Just because they where accused first for stealing t-shirts worth of 40.000 baht makes the whole stories very hard to believe.

  17. For several years I traveled by Nakhorn Chai Air between Khon Kaen and Bangkok (I understand they also have routes to Chiang Mai and Ubon Ratchathani). They seem like a well-run outfit, and relatively safe. I've got their "Go Card" which offers a 5% discount and the ability to make reservations by phone.

    Unfortunately, they've discontinued their English website. I tried to call for reservations and information, but no one speaks English at the other end, and my Thai is too fledgling enough to get past first base.

    A couple questions:

    1) Are they intentionally throwing away the business that could come to them from the expat community and/or tourism?

    2) Does anyone know of another way to get around the existing Thai-only system for information and reservations?

    Anyone have any information or ideas?

    I have also used them and the answer to 1 ) has to be yes ! I have sent them several emails

    in English and they just ignore them all.

    well... just looking at their thai website... it does not work either.. you cant search any of the time tables there :o

  18. I'm aware of the CK/HX crossing but was wondering if anyone had more recent information on the Botan/Mohan one.

    What do you need to know. The border's open & if you have a Chinese visa you can enter China.

    I was out there in Feb this year. Take a look at The Luang Prabang Loop on the GT Rider forum, for photos of the road & border crossing in 94/95 & 2008.

    would you have a working link for this story would very much like to read it. The whole http://www.gt-rider.com/ site seems to be done.
  19. Hi do anyone know how is it is to ride with a bike from here to China? Do I need something else except my green book (the Thai book) and EU driving license ? do I need some special insurance? International driving license?

    Would like to take that ride in the near future so please anyone

  20. Just a thought: if you can join this: http://www.barcampchiangmai.org/ Its next weekend at Chiang Mai.

    Half of the registrants are Thais and you get to see what they have done in the past or are currently working with. You might not find anyone there, but most surely you find someone who knows someone.... and it might even be fun - so you cant loose (and its free).

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