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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. Just seems odd to me that anyone could be thrown out of a political party for not voting lock step with their party. 

    if so, what is the point of electing each person... should just vote in 1 person from each party and give them a number of votes... 


    each member should be free to vote how ever they want and if party leaders don’t like it... too bad... 


    in the next election the most any party leader should then be able to do is not endorse the person or endorse a different person for the position, but at the end of the day the voters choose to re-elect the candidate for their position, then is just too bad for the party leaders


    Also believe no party leader should be able to kick out any one from a political party... if a candidate chooses to declare themselves as a certain party then that is that... if the voters don’t think they really are a member of that party, then the voters will not vote for them. 


    As I believe Political Parties belong to the voters who vote for them, not to any Politician that can worm their way to the spot as the leader of the Party at any given time.

  2. 5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    And what will happen to the vehicles that are en route already and began their journey before this ban was announced? Such a piece of legislation should really have had a much more lengthy warning before coming into effect. Don't know what caused it, but as is so often the case, seems to be an ill thought through knee jerk reaction, with protection for the domestic industry probably figuring more highly than emissions..

    Notice was already given of this 6 months in advance 


    So plenty of advance notice for this issue


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. Export volumes are definitely down.


    It is still possible that even with additional growth and investment and new companies setting up that over all number can be lower.


    As can see everyday at work, customers shipments are much lower tonnage than previously


    Although this is still a good sign for the future. As without this growth, numbers would be even lower.


    As will take some time for the new BOI manufacturers to set up factories and start producing and exporting 


    any good oof news is good news...



  4. Just did renewal of visa extension and before they would give us a number, the immigration officer advised need to show them a copy of the receipt of notification from the home owner where I live to prove they notified immigration as per the regulation.


    am lucky, as my wife is the home owner, so was able to get into another line for other section and my wife did the report. The officer was very nice and advised that this has been the regulation for a long time but that just started to enforce.

    He advised to be certain to keep a copy for ourselves, as before immigration will allow any extension, the applicant will also need to show this to the immigration officer.

    Although he was very nice and didn’t charge any fine this time, but advise my wife need to be sure she does the report in the future if I leave the country and come back in. 

    Once had this and showed to the officer they then issued a number for extending.

    as my wife is the only, All pretty simple for me, but wonder if May be a whole lot more difficult for others that may be renting. As that means they would need to go back to their landlord and ask for a copy of the notice before they can extend?

  5. What do you guys think about below ? Do you think is ok for gaming for kids?


    currently just have low end ACER laptop which is going.. so looking for a new computer but don’t really want to spend much more than 20,000-25,000


    can be desktop though, as believe can get better for lower cost if desktop as opposed to a lap top, correct?


    would be interested in any thoughts from gamers out there ..


    kids moslty play ROBLOX, or Minecraft/Crazycraft or various games bought and downloaded on STEAM




    • Brand :  Intel
    • SKU :  IN509ELABM45V0ANTH-130599745
    • Warranty Type :  Local Manufacturer Warranty
    • Hard Drive Capacity :  1TB
    • Graphics Memory :  2GB
    • Processor Type :  NVIDIA,Quad-core
    • Model :  i7 2600
    • Warranty Period :  3 Years
    • Graphics Card :  nvdia
    • System Memory :  4GB

    price 17,900 THB



    Or this one




    • Brand :  Intel
    • SKU :  IN509ELABKF79CANTH-126687031
    • Warranty Type :  Local Manufacturer Warranty
    • Hard Drive Capacity :  1TB
    • Model :  i7 2600
    • Warranty Period :  3 Years
    • Graphics Card :  nvdia
    • System Memory :  8GB

    price 22,800 THB



  6. 17 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    For those that say they are doing everything 


    Let me ask  If this was a couple of African American kids or white Americans kids how long would it take to get them out.


    Let's face it mom and Dad are not in the US and have no power so they are piss @ssing around.  


    The military can and could get in and get them and the rescue people could get them out if they were alive.

    The key point of your post is "if they were alive"


    in the US they highly value life and would not risk the lives of rescuers on a mission of recovery of dead bodies and a wrecked car


    if there is a way to do it with high chance of success without death or injury to rescuers, they will do it... if not, they won't 


    it has absolutely nothing to do with the bodies not being those of US citizens, as would be the same situation no matter who they were


    here are just a couple of similar cases that involve US Citizen bodies 


    Utah student's body can not be recovered as too dangerous, authorities close the cave




    too dangerous to recover the bodies of 6 climbers on Mount Rainier




    Not it safe to recover the bodies of 6 people trapped in Mine




    This is also not a uniquely US thing either..


    From the U.K. 


    5 year olds body not recovered , as too dangerous




    Or how about from New Zealand


    Authorities in New Zealand say it is still too dangerous to try to recover the body of an Australian buried under tonnes of ice at a South Island glacier where his brother also died.






  7. I wouldn't compare Iflix to Netflix, as they have mostly differing content

    Given this, I have both

    I don't have any problem with the quality for Iflix.. only thing that sucks is that no Apple TV app

    So need to run it off my phone and then use AirPlay to get it to the TV

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  8. Would advise to get the extension...

    As the new regulations for blacklisting those who overstay...

    Not worth it at all... Why risk it... would pay the 1,900 Thb for extension

    In case of aliens surrendering to the authorities:
    Overstay more than 90 days – forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 1 year
    Overstay more than 1 year – forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 3 years
    Overstay more than 3 years – forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 5 years
    Overstay more than 5 years – forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 10 years

    In case of aliens being arrested and prosecuted:
    Overstay up to 1 year – forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 5 years
    Overstay for more than 1 year – forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 10 years



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    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Scott said:

    And this is a very basic problem of education in Thailand.   The purpose of going to school is not have a comprehensive knowledge of a subject, it is to pass the test.   


    I only hope that all students will remember from Health Education that if you feel sexually aroused, you should go play football.

     And don't talk to your parents about... that is the wrong answer


    Also guess if disabled, you should just roll around on the ground pretending to play football


    Also if you don't like football and prefer other sports.. too bad.. you must play football

  10. There is no difference between the current immigration policy in Thailand (Mexico, Central America, South American) then that which is being proposed in the US. And as someone who obeys the immigration laws in my host country, I am completely unsympathetic to those who wish to board the US immigration gravy train.  Nobody every talks about the programs that a currently in place to accommodate those wishing to immigrate to the US or to find seasonal work in agriculture.  Those programs exist, and many foreigns do the right thing and use them.  Kudos to all the seasonal migrates who obtain a visa prior to working in the US.  My hat is off to you all.  But America has the right to limit the flow of immigrant into her country.  And it has the right to vet who it wishes to allow in and who it rejects, especially when certain subsets of migrants are perceived to pose a threat to national security of a country.  More people should study history.

    But feel free to protest world citizens for what good it will do over the next 4 to 8 years. 

    I think you are missing part of the point...

    The people affected are not illegal aliens..

    As you proudly declare 'as someone who obeys the immigration laws in my host country'.. these too were all people following the immigration laws of the USA

    They had legal visas that were retroactively cancelled with no notice

    So let's say you 'as someone who obeys the immigration laws in my host country' jumped over the border in Poipet to gamble for a few hours, then on the way back into Thailand..

    They said sorry , you can't come back in...

    But you have a 1 year retirement visa? And are-entry permit?

    Everything you own is in your condo that you bought in your name?

    All you have is the clothes on your back and your wallet... as you plan on going back home to your condo in Thailand that night

    So now you can't come back into Thailand even though you have a valid visa..

    Your cool with that?

    You don't care about all your stuff in your condo?

    I am guessing from your above comments , this is totally ok with you.. just shrug your shoulders and say... oh well... guess its up to Thailand

    And walk a way with a smile on your face.. right?

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  11. Great idea to cancel trump's state visit to the U.K. It will help with the efforts to impeach him. This Muslim ban has already created a constitutional crisis. Amazing "work" for being president for a few days. 

    Having an executive order overturned is not an impeachable offense

    Otherwise Obama would have also been impeached

    That being said, totally disagree with Trump on this and hope he either sees sense or courts continue to over turn this one

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  12. I agree that there have been a bunch of sore losers after this election and a lot of over the top fear mongering.. which I would call out and don't agree with

    But this is not that and is based on a specific executive order that i don't believe is good for the country

    Its not just the sore losers in this case...

    It seems there are a large number of those that presumably also voted for Trump against this one...

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  13. "...a straight ban on everyone with valid visas and green cards..." 


    Where did you read that? 


    Re-vet people people at the airport? How?


    My understand is that the bigger problem is a total lack of effective means of vetting. Vetting at the airport would be like washing your pecker after unprotect sex, it might make you feel better, and the odds you're going to die from having unprotected sex once is quite small, but at then end of the day, it's pointless.



    Have put a link for below on fox news, so you will know it is not some 'liberal lie'

    The ban is not just on refugees but all those with valid visas as well


    --- quote---

    The executive order also suspends visa entry into the U.S. from seven countries that have predominately Muslim populations. They include: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Sudan and Yemen.


    As for re-vetting at airport, it is certainly possible in some cases...

    In fact that is what is currently done .. if some one has a valid visa, airlines will let them board

    Then if the immigration officer at the airport believes their is some reason the person should not be let in or if the person is flagged in the system .. they are taken to a room to follow up and determine if person can be let in or not

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  14. Some more conservatives...

    Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), wasn’t alone in its outrage. Awad was also flanked by Muslim, Jewish, and Christian leaders, including Rev. Steve Martin, communications director for the National Council of Christians—one of the largest coalitions of Christian churches in the country.
    “I’ve been away of the rising tide of Islamophobia for a number of years,” he said, his voice rising. “I can’t even believe that things are getting as bad as they are—that state sponsored persecution of a class of people is happening.”
    “We explicitly condemn any religious test for refugees,” he added.

    People of faith, this is the moment we are called to,” Sister Simone Campbell, head of Catholic social justice lobby NETWORK, told the crowd. “This is our time to stand up for those who are struggling.”

    Below is a list of faith groups and leaders condemning the order.

    Alliance of Baptists
    American Jewish World Service
    Auburn Seminary
    Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
    Bend the Arc
    Catholic Relief Services
    Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
    Church of the Brethren
    Church World Service

    + 29 more religious organizations and tons of religious leaders..

    Need to put a link, as to many to copy and paste


    Wrong is wrong .. this is not a left/ right issue

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