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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. Are you sure this isn't your bank's policy rather than a Thai Bank Policy? I only ask because from my experience there was never a 20,000 thb limit per day. I have one bank that has a daily withdrawal limit of 400 usd and another that has a 2,500 usd daily limit.

    The only limit I am aware of is a 20,000 thb per transaction limits on all banks other than Bangkok Bank which allows 25,000 thb. These limits are based on the number of Bills, not money.

    If you need more than this, you just put the card back in and make another withdrawal.

    So are you sure that your ATM was not just out of 1000 thb notes and could only allow 10,000 thb (20 x 500 thb notes???)

  2. One or two companies I have had professional quotes back within the hour, most others have such an attitude problem, I effectively have given up trying to get pricing information out of them.

    One company wanted me to place a deposit on an order before giving me the specifications of the product. :o

    BTW - What does B2B website stand for?

    "Busines to Business" B2B

  3. Here is a PAD leader making SURE he gets to vote at the risk of getting arrested.

    Even making sure he can vote after taken into custody.

    Sounds democratic to me.

    I don't believe that the PAD think that they shouldn't have a vote... I think they are saying that the uneducated rural folks shouldn't have a vote :o

    I remember reading an article that quoted on of the PAD members saying that, "The one person/one vote system does not work".

    Maybe they believe it should be, PAD person = 1 vote, uneducated rural folks 3/5 of a vote. Of course if they still loose the election, I am sure that they reserve the right to reduce that to 2/5 or 1/5 and hold a new election.

  4. However I have searched a bit on the internet, and cannot really find any other school which offers a degree in Hospitality management like Silpakorn.

    Mahidol University International College offers degree in Travel Industry Management (TIM). The college maintains a fully functional 4-star hotel for the Hospitality Management Program on Campus.


    They also have an external internship program and partner with many international hotel chains.

  5. I know that it is only anecdotal information, but I spend a fair amount of time in one of the local Malls that has a Haagen Das in it. I have never seen more than one table occupied and most days (at least the times I am there) it is completely empty.

    I realize that it is a premium brand, but it is at least 3-4 times the price of most of its competitors.

    So make sure you are in an upscale location or you may have difficulties competing with the Swensons and Dairy Queens that are much cheaper and seem to always be full.

  6. I went to Mahidol University International College, I though the program was very good. Its a bit outside the city, but not that far (about 30 min bus ride from victory monument). They also accept transfer credit, I was told by both Chulalongkorn and Thammasat that they wouldn't accept any transfer credits.


    Everyone was very nice; they have a fairly large number of foreign students and everyone was extremely welcoming. Let me know if you have any questions about this university.

  7. After reading the above posts, I feel a lot better about my job...

    I have a Thai boss whom I respect, she is very squared away and it appears that she respects me and my opinions as well.

    She is tough, but fair and is more than willing to admit that she doesn't know everything and expects her staff to know more than her (which isn't easy).

    Yes, most of the Thai staff are afraid of her because she is very straightforward and expects everyone to take responsibility for their actions (no face saving allowed).

    As for me, I like her leadership style (I have fairly thick skin) and I learn something new everytime she calls me into her office.

    Just want to add this:

    Its not always perfect, there are times when I think I am right and she overrules me, but its her company and she has that right. The good thing is even if she over rules me or any other employee it is always for a reason and she explains why...

  8. It looks like you have made your decision...

    All I can say is by going the route you are suggesting you are going to be in the realm of "should be, probably, most likely and it stands to reason that..."

    If you follow scifi's advice you will be in the realm of "certainty and according to police order xxx I am authorized to..."

    But it is completely up to you which path you prefer.

    Just wanted to add one more piece of info...

    If you have a family here and it would really screw up your life if you got kicked out of the country, you would prefer to ensure your position is certain. If you view is, if I get kicked out of Thailand, I'll just buy a plane ticket to another country and work there. Then you may not feel that you need that level of certainty.

  9. I hate to disagree with you on this one Raro, but I spoke with our customs manager and was told the following:

    1. For used motorcycles it requires a permit and you are only allowed one used motorcycle per person

    2. For new motorcyles, no import permit is needed

    3. For both Duty = 60% (CIF value) and VAT = 7% (CIF + Duty)

    Can you advise if this would be a temporary import or a normal import entry.

  10. I have been advised by a friend to contact Thailand's leading organization for women, the Paweena Foundation, but I have not been able to find any contact details online and it is not on the pinned list.

    This foundation is run by a former MP and I have found a lot of articles during my websearch, but nothing with any contact information????

  11. I'd say your estimates are about right. My wife's parents had a small store like this for quite some time.

    The only items with a better profit margin were beer, whisky and cigs...

    Unless you have a high turn over its never going to make you much money and even less if you have to hire some one to run it.

    If it is meant as something for the folks to do to get by it can be ok, just make sure that everyone knows that if you help with the initial set up cost and inventory thats it, the store must then support itself.

    You may even want to setup something where by they pay you back a certain amount every month until your initial investment is paid back.

  12. Without going into to many details, a friend of my wife was beaten by her husband and has spent 3 days in the hospital.

    My wife went to visit her friend in the hospital and found out that this wasn't the first time something like this has happened, but it was the worst so far...

    She checked out of the hospital today and told her husband that she was going to her mom's, but has rented a small apartment and plans on leaving the guy.

    Does anyone know of any woman's support groups that are available to women here in Thailand?

  13. I agree that she has to be with you, but like everything else in Thailand the immigration officer has a very large amount of discretion.

    If you were going to give it a try I would try and get a letter from your wife's sister's doctor and another from your wife explaining the situation.

    Be very polite and give your best puppy dog eyes and ask if there is anything that can be done.

    May work may not, I guessing it would be upto the immigration officer interviewing you.

  14. My wife is from Pakchong and she speaks with her parents daily, if true it seems odd that this never came up...

    I do know that there were alot of people (shop owners in the local market) against the opening of the Tesco Lotus six months ago and there were bomb threats, but nothing ever actually hapened other than 1 month delay in the grand opening.

  15. If looking for a regular/routine way to ship door-to-door from Bangkok to Pattaya.

    I found a company that will deliver if I take the stuff to Hua Lampong but that uses almost the same resources as driving the stuff to Pattaya with company truck.

    I would advise contacting a freight forwarding/trucking company. There are many such companies here in BKK that can truck goods to Pattaya.

    What are the size of the shipments? For door to door, as long as you are not talking about very small shipments the best option may be getting a rate for 4 wheel truck.

    If you do not have a freight forwarder that you already work with feel free to PM either Raro or myself, we both work for freight forwarders here in Thailand.

  16. So it is now up to the court and that could take some time.

    If it ever gets to the court for decision all the PPP will do is change there name, they have already covered this by setting up a new party

    This is why individuals should be responsible for thier actions... not the entire party.

    Let those guilty of crimes see real jail time... none of this you are found guilty and will have to spend 3 years jail --> then let them walk out of the court room, keep their passports and leave the country to go on vacation.

    If found guilty they should be put into custody and they can appeal from there.

    Until powerful people in Thailand on both sides see jail time and have to take responsibility for their actions this will continue on both sides.

    P.S. - If parties are dissolved it just keep adding to the problem. Constantly dissolving and reforming new political parties is hardly a stable political atmoshpere and does nothing to solve the root problem.

  17. They voted for the PPP because they were promised more "village


    Sounds like Congress in the good 'ol US of A. Deliver pork to the home state to get re-elected and then work with lobbyists to fund their next re-election campaign......and other things

    This is the primary arguement of the PAD, I believe. The western style democracy of one person-one vote means the power is held by the rural and uneducated poor, who are susceptible to bribery and pork come election time.

    It seems that the PAD's choice would be Educated middle class Bangkokian business elitists control the govenment and the uneduacated poor should just sit back and be ruled by those who know better...

    many of the rural folks that I have had the opprotunity to talk with have told me that they believe the elites in BKK do everything they can to keep the rural poor poweless and uneducated. Maybe that's why they keep electing the PPP...

  18. There is a large difference between developed and developing countries.

    European countries are allowing anyone to invest or start a business because it will benefit their economies. There is no risk that these investment will hurt the local industry, as their economies are already advanced.

    But Europe (and America) is protecting themselves everywhere it will hurt them, and are not less nationalistic than Thailand. For instance, developing countries can sell oranges to Europe without any problems. But can they sell processed oranges like jam and juice? No, import quotas are set to make it impossible to export it and still make a profit. Hence the European food processing companies are protected.

    It should also be remembered that the current international trade system is heavily tilted in favor of developed countries. It is estimated that for every dollar given in foreign aid, the developing world is loosing 3 dollars due to European and American subsidies in agriculture.

    Following advice from organizations such as IMF has already done so much damage to a lot of countries.Thailand is still a relatively poor country and should look after their self-interest and their own people.

    I agree with you that even the US and European countries are only interested in Free Trade so long as it benefits them...

    But I think the point that others are making is that while they may be set up in a way to protect local companies, it has nothing to do with the nationality of the person owning the company, it has to do with where the company is registered.

    So as a Thai person you could go to that country and open a European/US company and then receive all of the benefits or protections that any other European/US company received.

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