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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. I am looking for some advice...

    I fellow employe of the company I work at had a Heart Attack/Stroke and has been in ICU for the past 5 months. His family came to Thailand and wrote a letter stating that they gave our boss full control to make medical decisions and would not be finacially responsible for anything.

    They then signed and notorized this letter and gave to the hospital and they haven't been heard from since.

    Our boss did not ask for this responsibility and feels that in terms of his medical care and decisions should be controlled by his family (I completely agree)

    He has been in the ICU for 5 months and only has another month until his 180 days are up on Social security and the doctors feel that he should be released from the hospital.

    The question is where does he go??? His family in the US pretty much just signed him off and he doesn't have any family here in Thailand. I met with the doctor today and the Doc was not sure what should be done.

    The first choice would be to have him repatriated back to the US, but he doesn't have any insurance, also since his family won't take care of him he will need to be made a ward of the State upon arrival.

    If he stays here no one to take care of him and he will be put into a Thai nursing home...

    In my opinion neither is a good solution but it looks like either Award of the US government or a ward of the Thai government.

    I will be going to the US Embasy to ask about what can be done but I am not sure what they will be able to do to help.

    I do not know this person very well, but I am concerned about him and I would like to find a way to get him back to the US if possible.

    Any ideas out there????

  2. There is also another school Across from Pan Tip Plaza, I believe it is in either Phetburi Rd soi 11 or 13. The name of the school is 'Grace Siam'.

    I am not sure about all of the costs but I am fairly certain that for a basic Hair Dressing course it would be less than 50,000.

    I talked with my wife and she said that thhey offer many different class for differnt levels of students and also teach Make up as well. They will also issue a certificate/diploma after finishing the course.

  3. We're exporting to Europe and have been trying to have a Certificate of Origin (CO) issued since Monday. Normally it's a very simple procedure, but apparently the government has switched to an online system which isn't working, so no CO's are being issued. Rather than having a test run or soft opening, they scrapped the old system and went straight to the online one.

    I'm told very few companies have been able to get a CO. Has anybody else had problems or know anything more about the situation?

    The problem is not with the online system, it is simply that they are now enforcing the rules a bit more... Previously you could ask for a C/O without having to prove that your product was actually made in Thailand, they would pretty much just rubber stamp anything put in front of them.

    Now they are requiring people to prove that at least 30% local before allowing a C/O. As an example, one of our customers imports shirts from China and the buttons are put on the shirts here in Thailand... This is enough to get a C/O.

    Once you go through the appoval process you will be issued a card that will allow you to receive a C/O quickly and without any problems. The process of applyng for and receiving the card usually only takes about 5 days.

  4. I would suggest that you get another teaching gig in Thailand so that you have time to look around without using your savings. If you get work in an area where you want to start a business this will give you a chance to slowly investigate the available opportunities. Teaching will also provide a second income until your business becomes profitable.

    'I second the motion'

    Come and teach for a year, during that time learn the language start making some contacts and get a feel for the business environment here in Thailand.

    It will give you some income while you get your 'Sea Legs' and develop a viable business plan. If you are looking to set up a long lasting and profitable business, this is the best thing to do.

    It would be very easy for you to rush into things, my recomendation to anyone, would be to live here for 6mo to a year before even considering opening a business.

  5. For our first car, we borrowed from a bank. I had no verifiable income and my wife was a student, also no income. They asked for our income and just wrote it down... no verification needed.

    We needed someone to co-sign, her father did this for us. Her father did not have any verifiable income but owned land, house and around 30 head of cattle. They sent someone out to inspect the house and farm/ranch.

    We also had to put down 20%

    ----No late or missed payments----

    Second car, we went with the same Bank again because their rate was the same as other banks and we had a previous relationship with them.

    Before going to the dealership we called our bank to ask what documentation was needed to get another loan. They looked up our credit history and they told us there shouldnt be any problem getting a loan, just bring my wife's ID and Tabien Baan and my passport and our bank book. No co-signer required, no proof of income required. They just asked and wrote it down. We didn't have a whole lot in the Bank at the time but they said the balance didn't matter, even if we only had a couple of thousand, it wouldn't be an issue.

    The only thing they asked was... How much do you want? How much do you want to put down? We put down 15% on the second car but I got the impression we could have put down a lot less if we wanted.


    This may have strayed a bit from your original question, so the short answer is it should not be a problem but you will probably need to be prepared to put down around 20%. If your GF has a credit history, it may be closer to my experience with our second car.

  6. And how safe is the homepage ?

    I´m just asking as it is sooo slow and the buttons won´t open. Actually I´m a little annoyed as I´m trying it for months now but it won´t improve?

    Where can I find a list of wholesalers from Thailand for several different goods ?

    Thank you for help

    What gods are you looking for? It may help to get better responses if we knew what products..

  7. The document I had is Kor Ror 2 (extract from the Amphur register). The fancy certificate I believe is Kor Ror 3.

    They will only give the "fancy" one out once, if anything happens to that certificate they will not issue it again. In my case it was in my car when it was stolen, so I needed to go back to the amphur and get the other form. It is not as pretty but it is the same thing...

  8. I am looking for a two story Townhouse to rent in the Ramkamhaeng Area can be anywhere from Sukhumvit 71 to the Mall Bangkapi. I am looking for something under 10,000 per month with space availble to park a car. Depending on the rent it is not mandetory that it has A/C.

    Example: I have found a two story townhouse in a Mooban just past the Bangkapi Mall for 7000/mo. with AC but it is just a little bit farther than I am hoping for.

    If you know of anything in this price range in the area please contact me.

  9. I am looking for a two story Townhouse to rent in the Ramkamhaeng Area can be anywhere from Sukhumvit 71 to the Mall Bangkapi. I am looking for something under 10,000 per month with space availble to park a car. Depending on the rent it is not mandetory that it has A/C.

    Example: I have found a two story townhouse in a Mooban just past the Bangkapi Mall for 7000/mo. with AC but it is just a little bit farther than I am hoping for.

    If you know of anything in this price range in the area please contact me.

  10. 1584 is another one, 20 baht on top of the 35 baht flag call.

    Never used them myself, as outside my aparment building, there are always some drivers , otherwise I ask one the day before, they will be there.

    I used to live in a town house quite far down the soi so I used to drive my motorcycle to the main road and get off the bike and flag down a taxi.

    I would then explain to him that my bags are at the house and ask him to follow me back. Then park the motorcycle, grab the luggage and hop in the taxi.

  11. From reading the website I would say, Expats can not use this exemption.

    I would be very happy if someone knows of anything that proves me wrong, I would like to apply for this if i could.


    Qualifying Children for EITC NOT all children are considered qualifying children. Any qualifying child you use to claim the EITC must have a valid social security number.

    Your child is your qualifying child if the child meets three tests. The three tests are:

    1. Relationship,
    2. Age, and
    3. Residency.

    You can use up to two qualifying children to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit.

    Residency Test

    Did your child live with you in the United States for more than half of 2007? (This means the 50 states and the District of Columbia. It does not include U.S. possessions, such as Guam and the Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico.) Yes No

    Main Home in the United States

    Your main home (and your spouse's, if filing a joint return) must have been in the United States for more than half the year.

    United States. This term includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia. It does not include U.S. possessions, such as Guam and the Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico.

    Homeless shelter. If you lived in one or more homeless shelters in the United States for more than half the year, you meet this rule.

    Military personnel stationed outside the United States. U.S. military personnel stationed outside the United States on extended active duty are considered to live in the United States during that duty period for purposes of the EITC.

  12. After working for a Thai company in a senior position for the last six years, my contract is up for renewal in July. I have had it hinted that the company wish to renew my contract again for another year.

    However, I have decided not to renew. but the company does know this yet.

    In my contract it states that either party can terminate at any time without reason as long as a three month warning is given.

    Taking into account that by law ( :o ) I would be entitled to one months salary for every year worked, which of course would be a nice little farewell present, which I dont want to jeopardise. So the questions are,

    If I have no intention of renewing my contract, should I give a three months notice warning ?? OR when the time to resign comes can I just inform them that I do not wish to renew and thank you for a memorable six years ??

    I feel that due to circumstances I must approach this properly and legally and dont want to give the company any excuses to walk away from their legal responsibilities.

    You may want to double check the 1 month per year worked severence package.

    I may be wrong but I believe that only comes into effect if you are fired or your contract is not renewed by the company.

    If you chose to resign or not renew your contract I don't believe you will qualify for any severence pay.

  13. I think it goes like this.

    Tax Rates:

    100000 and under = exempt

    101000 - 500000 = 10%

    501000 - 1000000 = 20%

    So, at an annual taxable income of (55,000x12, minus a 30,000 exemption) 630,000, you should pay 50,000 on the first 500,000 and 26,000 on the remaining 130,000 for a total of 76,000 baht

    There may be other exemptions like the 750 baht you will likely pay for social security each month, but I think the figure I've given you is a good ballpark estimate.

    Actually, that isn't entirely true

    the first 100,000 is tax exempt and if you are single then you can make a deduction for 30,000 if you are married then 60,000

    So 55,000 x 12 = 660,000

    (single) -130,000=530,000 taxable income

    the first 400,000 x 10% = 40,000

    the additional 130,000 x 20% = 26,000

    For a total tax due of 66,000

    or 5,500 per month

    ***The only difference from the previous explination given is that for the first 100,000 it is not necessary to pay taxes***

    Also there are other deductions possible,

    for each school age child 2,000 per child

    For charity - actual, but if it is over 10,000 baht it may raise flags in the system so you may need receipts if audited

    Also premiums for certain life insurance premiums are deductable

    There are other deductions possible but I cant remember them all off the top of my head

  14. Hi all, can somebody please give some advise on where to find products that I would like to export from Thailand to South Africa. Or if you have successfully been able to export something to other destinations. I would really appreciate your assistance as I am not being able of getting to get into direction. :o

    What products do you want to export to South Africa? If you tell us what you are looking for I am sure many of us would be willing to help you find places to buy them.

  15. how do I get a second passport? would be pretty useful for me...

    Ask the government authority of your country that is in charge of issuing passports. They will probably want to know why you need it.



    What are the possible reasons for needing more than one passport? I can't think of any situations where it would be needed but I am interesting in hearing reason from others who have done this.

    I can think of times when it may be useful but not of reasons why it would be needed...

  16. It is totally legal to own land even when marired to a farang. When buying new land, a farang husband must acknowldge that he did not pay nor hold any claim against the property and that the wife is doing so on her own valition. I see no problem and would suggest your wife proceed as normal. If she does run into a all too knowledgeable person at the property office and she does use her married farang name the problem could surface. For this reason I would suggest that you are nearby in case that they ask you to sign, but, I doubt they will do this. Good luck to you!

    As for profiding this info in Thai...sorry!.... no can do!

    I am certain that she will use her farang name as it is the only one she has at this point. It is on her ID card, Passport as well as in her tabien baan.

    One of the pieces of land was purchased since we have been married, the other right before we were married and the third has been in the family for years. But there has never been any chanotes for any of these pieces of land and So the whole last name thing may come up.

    Then again it may not because they will being doing everyone's land in the whole area so it may get lost in the mix.

    Or they may say they can't do it because they are doing so many they don't want to bother doing anything out of the ordinary because they are going to be swamped. (this is the possiblity that I am afraid of) so if we don't have the regulations with us they may just say--- sorry you can't do it, put it in your parents name (problem solved)...next.

  17. Please could anyone advise if there are tax breaks on rent. i.e. housing allowance is currently paid by myself to the landlord, however if the company pays directly to landlord can this save me money through any tax saving?

    Thanks in advance on any advice.

    As far as the Thai government is concerned housing allowances are considered as income.

  18. We have just been notified that in my wife's hometown they are finally processing chinotes for everyone and her family owns a couple of plots of land and they want to put everything in my wife's name.

    I have read in previous posts that Thai's with foreign husbands will have to have their husbands fill out a form that will be registered with the land department basically saying that in case of divorce I would not try to lay claim to this land. I don't have problem with doing this as it is her family's land.

    I have also heard that sometimes the governemnt officals may not know how to do this or may not want to spend the time to this. They may just say that you can't do it, I want to know if someone can provide the relevant regulations in Thai that I can give to my wife when she goes back this friday 18 Jan to take care of this. It may not be necessary but I as I am not going to be there I want her to have the regulations in hand in Thai so that we can ensure that this is all done correctly.

    One of the big reasons why we need to ensure that everything is in her name is that in about a year or so we plan on buying a home and we will be taking the mortgage out in her name. She owns her own business and has very good credit and we we think our chances of approval of the loan would be even better if she also had a couple of chanotes in her name.

    So if anyone can provide this information in Thai I would greatly appreciate it, thanks in advance for your help.

  19. I know that alot of members of this forum have websites for their businesses; is there any interest in setting up a forum to discuss reciprical link exchanges?

    It may not make sense for many of us to exchange links but it may be helpful for others and a good way for some of us to work together to promote our businesses. Especially if we have businesses that do not compete but may share a similar customer base.

    Let me know what you think.

  20. When western political parties promise tax cuts to the middle class or lowering capital gains taxes for the wealthy, they do so in full recognition that people vote in their own best interest. Why should it be different here?

    People vote for what they perceive as their own best interests. One of the problems is that the uneducated poor accept a bribe for their vote rather than vote for education, health care and a decent infrastructure. Jam now, not steak and lobster in the future - maybe. Perhaps they are right; I wouldn't trust many politicians, and certainly not a Thai one.

    What good are steak and lobster in the future if you don't even have enough jam to eat today?

    Most of the rural poor in this country live hand to mouth, day to day. Until their survival needs are satisfied they will not consider the other things. This isn't a question of not being educated it is simply a matter of being human... (mazlo's hierarchy of needs and all of that)

  21. AHRCHK - as I said, rather naive. Believe me, the military didn't just sit around wondering what father Thaksin wanted them to do next.

    Hitler was clearly in control of his troops, as apparently is George Bush. Thaksin clearly was not in control of the military and in no position to punish them. The Tak Bai situation was carried out by the Thai military. No, I don't think that Thaksin or Bhutto or Ang Sang Su Khi (sp) should be responsible for what the military juntas do to their countries.

    I have to agree, if Taksin was able to command or control the military then there never would have been a military coup.

    as i said, and many thai people are aware of, that thaksin was planning his own coup but the military went against him first. the military was divided into 2, loyal to thaksin and other that went against him. there's no point discussing this topic here but if you ask some of your thai colleagues and friends on what happened the day before the coup i think you will have a really good idea what went by.

    I was here at that time as well and I remember all of the rumors that were swirling around the weeks leading up to the coup and the weeks after the coup. I was not a fan of Thaksin at the time and believed him very capable of doing exactly as you mentioned above.

    But then the coup happened and I never saw any proof or arests or anything that backed up those rumors. So as time continues to pass and nothing happens, as per human nature we tend to believe less and less the rumors of the past.

    That is not to say that everything you said isn't true, it just hasn't been proved. Which just makes things a bit more complicated...

    You are correct though. we have gotten quite a bit off topic and I apologize for that.

  22. quote name='thai_narak'

    i'm sorry, but what is your point? do you really think that thaksin has nothing to do with all the killings and human rights abuses in thailand during his tenure? sorry man, i cannot stomach this discussion so let's go back to the main topic.

    happy new year to you...

    I agree there are plenty of people in the wrong on this issue, Thaksin included. I was just showing that he is not alone but simply a member of a much larger group.

    Happy New Year to you as well...

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