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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. Jordan,

    Its great that your father would still like to volunteer in his free time after retirement. I would recomend contacting "Sheryl", she is one of the Moderators. You can send her a personal message or if you post in the "Health, Body and Medicine" forum, she is sure to see it.

    She works for an organization that helps Cambodians travel to Thailand to receive the medical attention that they can not get in Cambodia.

    She is really nice and may be able to help your dad.

  2. For any members who are interested in similar information, I received a response from another internet forum about an International Daycare:

    Fullakids International Day Care

    The person said that their daughter goes to one of their 4 locations and its around 7,500 a month for full-time (Mon- Fri open 7.30-5.30) around 5,500 for part-time.

    This looks interesting and would work out to around 22,500 THB per term (3 mo), which is about half the cost of the lower tear international school pre-K programs.

    This is the type of info I am hoping to find. If anyone knows of any other similar schools I would greatly appreciate any info you could provide, thanks.

  3. Thanks, is that an offer? I can have the bills sent to you if you like....

    But seriously, I would prefer if this thread doesn't get hijacked into a discussion about what everyone thinks is the best way to educate their child.

    I would request that we keep this thread informational only.

    So thank you for your advice, but...

  4. I have looked at other posts and have opened a Topic asking about international schools and EP in Thailand.

    I have found a fair amount of information on International schools, but only a very small amount of information about Bi-lingual and EP schools.

    I would still like to send my Daughter to International school at some point, to ensure that she gets a westernized education and can easily study overseas if she chooses, but she is still very young and I think it may not really be needed at this stage.

    I know many others may have different ideas about this, but I believe that under 5 years old "school" isn't really needed. I believe we should let children be children. My only real concern is I would like to increase her exposure to English...

    So does anyone know of any Pre-schools, nurseries, daycare, play groups (full day)... call it what ever you want just would like to have her spend her days playing in an atmosphere where English is the only language spoken.

    I know that international schools can provide this for hundreds of thousands of Baht per year, but are there any other options???

    I am sure that many others are in a similar situation and would be interested in this as well.

    For any folks out there with child care experience out there, this may be a niche market that could be worth looking into...

  5. So taking thius into account, does that mean that a US Citizen applying for a job at the US embassy in BKK would only need to prove that they are allowed to stay in Thailand?

    One addition...

    ...only need to prove that they are allowed to stay in Thailand independ of the job at the embassy and not prohibitted from working?

  6. U.S. Embassy personnel, and those AmCits assigned to various sub sections of Embassy affiliated USG organizations do NOT need work permits, even if they are in Thailand in a non-diplomatic status, eg, not on the RTG's "dip list."


    So taking thius into account, does that mean that a US Citizen applying for a job at the US embassy in BKK would only need to prove that they are allowed to stay in Thailand?

    If so, would a Non -O extension (based upon 400,000 thb in the bank - listed this option becuase this would not require income or sponsorship of a company for visa) be sufficient toprove the right to stay in Thailand. Also, this type of visa does not prohibit working..


    A US Citizen with PR (proven residency and not prohibted from working in Thailand)

    For both of the above if no work permit is needed then no need for the US Embassy to sponsor. Also the visa status is completely independant of employment with Embasy

    Any State Department Career folks out ther who could advise?

    I have thought about taking the FSOT here in Bangkok....

    I know the local hires are a very different thing than becoming an FSO, but I am courious non the less.

  7. Permanant Residency or Thai nations???

    Don't Permanent Residents still require work permits? If so, doesn't this also exclude PRs?


    If The embassy is not able to secure work permits for employees then how do all of the embassy officers from the home country get work permits?


    If all work is conducted on "US Soil" inside the embassy, does a work permit even need to be done? Why would an American need a work permit to work "in America".


    Would a valid 1 year extension and work permit "demonstrate they have the right to live and work in the country where the recruiting post is located." (even if a new work permit would be needed?)

    I think this reg may be written in general for all embassies, but unlike in many other countries where a foreign national can get a "green card" to work. In Thailand one must apply for work permit for every indivual position.



    Taking all of these things into consideration it seems that the defacto position is no local hires of anything but Thai Nationals

  8. Just some things to think about...

    There are also some government projects that allow you to get a work permit and teach legally in Thailand without a degree.

    Check with Chula I had a friend who did this, I think it was called "The Nontaburi Project" or some such thing....

    If I remeber corrctly, he said the pay and benefits sucked (under market value and 10 or 11 month contract) and they expected him to go to various meetings/training and seminars out side of normal teaching, but if you are just looking to work legally and don't care about the pay go for it.

    You could also use some of those big dollars made in Saudi to finish your degree. I have been told that Ramkhamhaeng University offers some credit for teaching experience and have heard that they have flexible class schedules.

    Same friend as above told me he checked with RAM and they told him he could transfer credits earned in the UK about 15 years ago and would also give him credit for teaching experience. Said he would need to go back for about 1 1/2 years to get his Degree.

  9. Just curious, but is it even necessary to go to Thailand at all?

    As another poster mentioned you can get divorced in either Thailand or Canada it shouldn't make a difference.

    If the child has never left Canada can't you just wait for a bit longer and then file for divorce based upon abandonment.

    Why jump through all the red tape and hoops and additional expense of flying to Thailand.

    Given you present situation it is very likely that if you divorced in Canada you would get full custody and also a judgment for child support (even if you are unlikley to actually see this).

  10. It is possible to change in Thailand. If you have a non im ed you will need to be released by counter no1 and then immediately apply for extension based upon work.

    In order to be released from window 1 you will need a letter from your school stating that you are still a current student.

    In order to qualify for extension for reason of wrok, you will need all of the documents needed for this extention.

    You may want to go to the room for work extension and have them check all your docs before canceling at counter 1, just in case your docs are not complete.

    1. Go to extension for work

    2. Once you get the green light that all docs are in order to to counter 1 and show them your letter from the school and have them release you from counter 1

    word to the warning...

    It looks like they are not willing to help with any docs needed to get non im B or work permit. It states that they are looking someone who already has a work permit to Teach. Even though technically even if you had a work permit for another job it still wouldn;t cover you for any other position.

    3. Go back to other room and apply for extension based upon employment.

  11. The most convenient thing to do is to contact a forwarder here in Thailand and get them to clear and deliver to your home.

    Given that this is only 1 chair, it is going to be coming LCL (less than a container).

    That means that the co-loader at the origin will have to have an agent here in Thailand to release the goods once they arrive.

    If you do not have your own forwarder, you could ask the seller to advise his freight forwarder's agent in Thailand or you could look for an agent in Thailand your self.

    Have you already checked about the import duty that will be owed on the chair when it arrives?

    The closest Ocean Port to Bangkok is in fact Bangkok Port, the next closest would be down in Laem Chabang.

  12. I have a very (simple) small little thing I have been trying to find :

    - 75 - 90 cm black shoe strings.

    Impossible to find ( so far I checked : 7xBATA Stores, Emporium and 3 Robbie's)

    I second this.... I can not find shoe strings anywhere.... I have looked in every shoe store and no one has shoe strings.... how odd is that.

    I have given up and unless someone can advise where to buy them, I plan on buying some while I am in the states next month.

  13. Understand.

    Seen too many poor souls in Asia when it comes to betting/gambling.


    20 a hand matters if there are 10000 hands in an evening.


    I agree with you that Gambling especially an all nighter can be problem; even if it would be nearly impossbile to play that many hands in one night...

    There is also the issue of why the wife picks the day that the nieces are visiting to go out Gambling. If it is just a fun game (which is what it sounds like) and she doesn't have any kind of gambling problem one would think that that she could skip a week while the neices are in town...

    Just tell her you are not comfortable staying with the girls alone.

  14. This kind of "attack" from foreigners on the most beloved insitution

    I don't think they attacked the monarchy in any way. I believe they're opposed to a law (a very different matter).

    On that subject, His Majesty The King's 2005 birthday speech is a must read.


    "I am not afraid if the criticism concerns what I do wrong, because then I know. Because if you say the King cannot be criticised, it means that the King is not human."

    " However, after going to jail, if they violate the King, the King is troubled, troubled in many ways. First, foreign countries see Thailand as a country where people cannot criticise the King, otherwise [they] go to jail. The King is in trouble [for this]. I have to say that after going to jail, I have to pardon them for seriously insulting me. Foreigners say β€˜In Thailand you go to jail if the King is insulted.’ Actually, shall go to jail, but because foreigners said so, do not send [them] to jail. No one dares to send people who insult the King to jail because the King will be troubled because they will accuse that the King is not a good person, [or] at least is sensitive. Whoever insults a little, send them to jail. Actually, the King has never told [anyone] to send them to jail.

    [under] previous kings, even rebels were not sent to jail, were not punished. King Rama the VI did not punish rebels. During [the time of] King Rama IX, who were the rebels? Actually, there had never been. I also followed the same way: Do not send them to jail, but release [them]. If they are in jail, release them. If they are not in jail, I will not sue because I am in trouble. A person who is insulted is in troubled. People who violate the King, and are punished are not in trouble but the King is in trouble. This is strange. Lawyers like to launch suits and send them to jail."

    It appears that the King made a plee to the politicians to revise these laws over 3 years ago, but it appears that for their own reasons they chose to ignore the King's request.

    Perphaps the present government will take the King's wishes into account during their planned discussion of this topic.

    LM laws are not needed to protect Good Kings, they are only needed to protect Bad ones. I do not believe that these laws are genuinely needed, everyone loves the present King and will continue to do so even without these Laws.

    Long Live the King

    Respect given freely is far more meaningful than respect demanded...

    reason for edit:

    My post is based upon the above post, if this is not an acurate translation of the King's speach then please disregard

  15. i have been accused of being an elitist, so instead of just making broad based accusations I am coming to ask for opinions and try to put myself in other people's shoes to better understand them instead of just assuming everyone is simply below me in terms of intelligence/class.

    i was in the lower Sukhumwit area recently and i had not been there since perhaps the first week i was in Thailand several years ago. It did not do much for me then, so I guess its not a big surprise that it did not do anything for me again this time.

    What I observe:

    All of the girls in these bars are unattractive.

    The bars are dumpy and low class.

    There are obnoxious touts trying to grab you.

    There are people everywhere trying to sell you stuff.

    The customers give off a sense of hopeless desperation.

    All of the Thai vendors, touts, and employees give off a sense of hopeless desperation.

    What I don't get is,

    1. What do the millions of farang tourists coming here for this get out of it?

    2. Why is the whole industry devoid of any sense of class or customer respect?

    I generally agree with all of your comments minus one...

    I believe that there are in fact a lot of attractive girls that work down there and that would most likely be the answer to your later question about why people go there. Some are just looking for fun, others looking for love (although they are likely to only find the illusion of love, but for some even that is enough).

    I personally think that for the the rest of the reasons mentioned and more importantly, the fact that I am married means that I have no desire to go to that part of town.

    That being said, I make no judgements about those who do. As long as both parties are consenting adults, I don't see any problem with it. Different strokes for different folks...

    Every once in a while when a customer comes in from out of town and he is into that scene I take him down there, but most of our customers aren't, so I don't.

  16. ...we need to form a pressure group (an Association of Expats in Thailand or something similar) to represent our interests ...

    You mean like the Association of Foreigners in Thailand? :o

    I took a look at the website and couldn't find anything talking about this being an off-line group that meets and does things in the real world.

    Unless I am missing something, it is just an internet forum???

    If this does happen I think it could be interesting. I like the idea of a non-profit group focused on assisting foreigners and helping the local community. If this does actually gets off the internet and out into the real world I would be interested.

  17. Easiest way is to check with another freight forwarder...

    First thing I would do is ask them if they are using the same description of goods and HS Code as previous import entries or if they have changed.

    Then advise me the HS Code (or both HS Codes) and I'll check with out tariff department and let you know.

    Edited to say:

    Please PM me if you want me to check

  18. TH TG nonstop is ouut of LAX. Anywhere else and you have to connect to make that night flight.

    If you are east coast, have you considered KLM? It might be a stop over, but KLM has one of the best reps for animal transport. More importantly, a little stop over might do the cats some good. They would be kenneled , watered and exercised if the layover is long enough at AMS/ Have a look at the KLM website before you book anything.

    I confirm that KLM has the best reputation for sending Pets as Cargo.

    http://' target="_blank">Pet's Hotel in AmsterdamCats and dogs travelling on a KLM or partner flight via ams and having a transfer time of 2 hours or more will be transferred to KLM animal hotel to receive the proper care. However, transfer to animal hotel can only take place when copies of health certificates are attached to the animal carrier.

    At the animal hotel dogs will be walked, sky kennels will be cleaned and provided with new absorption material and pets will get water and if required food. During an overnight stay a pet will be put in cage with more room to move around.

  19. TH TG nonstop is ouut of LAX. Anywhere else and you have to connect to make that night flight.

    If you are east coast, have you considered KLM? It might be a stop over, but KLM has one of the best reps for animal transport. More importantly, a little stop over might do the cats some good. They would be kenneled , watered and exercised if the layover is long enough at AMS/ Have a look at the KLM website before you book anything.

    I agree with Geriatric Kid, KLM has one of the best reputations for pet transport. If they are checked as cargo, KLM will provide all of the services mentioned above during the layover.

    http://' target="_blank">Pet's Hotel in AmsterdamCats and dogs travelling on a KLM or partner flight via ams and having a transfer time of 2 hours or more will be transferred to KLM animal hotel to receive the proper care. However, transfer to animal hotel can only take place when copies of health certificates are attached to the animal carrier.

    At the animal hotel dogs will be walked, sky kennels will be cleaned and provided with new absorption material and pets will get water and if required food. During an overnight stay a pet will be put in cage with more room to move around.

  20. Is Standard Chartered safe to deposit money into? They currently provide 2.5% interest on savings from 5,001 to 75,000 baht. Above that, the interest rate is 1.5%. They also offer free ATM use throughout Thailand and free iBanking (internet banking). Sounds too good :o


    So the more money you keep in your account the lower the interest rate??? Are you sure that it isn't the other way arround?

    Its not that I doubt you, it just strikes me as odd, its usually the other way around... the higher your balance the higher the interest rate.

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