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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. I received a package from Family back in the US and needed to go pick it up at the local post office. I had never been there before and did not know where it was and no phone number on the slip received in the Mail.

    I asked a round a bit and was given directions by a neighber (which eneded up being wrong) and drove out to the area advised, but could not find it anywhere...

    I stopped at a gas station coffee shop to ask directions and there was a police officer also in the coffee shop.

    He was very helpful and offerred directions (which were correct) and even went one step further by giving me his mobile number and told me to call him if I got lost on the way and he would help.

    There were a few twists and turns, but followed the Police officers directions and found the post office without a problem. Once finding it, I called the Police officer to let himn know that I found it and to thank him again for his help.

    He told me to keep his number and to call him any time if I ever needed his help with anything or even if I just had a question about anything in Thailand.

    All in all, a very helpful Police officer and there was never any feeling that he had any motive other than to help.

    • Like 1
  2. I have invested with LT fund with Bangkok Bank and can't complain... the process to set it up was quick and easy and I have justr received the paperwork needed to submit with this years taxes for refund.

    As far as returns go, I am happy... SET has been up and down over the year, but as of now, in addition to the 30% tax refund on the principole invested, I have also seen an increase in value of 7% on the mutal fund share prices.

    I also like Bangkok bank, as the webiswte is in English and it is very easy to monitor update values online.

  3. 100 k for Government high school fees? That don't sound right?

    I understand that excluding books and uniforms Thai governent schools are free?

    Is it a very completative gov. high school? I have heard that if a particular good school (yes there are a few), they have huge waiting lists of students trying to get in.... could this be tea money for a spot at the school?

  4. Voted for lopburi...

    He has the patience to answer the same questions again and again and again and...

    If you look in the visa forum, normally within 24 hours he will be by to give the full, complete and accurate information that the poster is requesting.

    Even if he just answered the same exact question 20 min ago...

  5. I am quite surprised that the numbers were this high...

    Government's honesty = 58.7 %

    Dedication to the people at 70.8.

    Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's job approval rating: 64.9%

    Cabinet's dedication: 64.4 %

    Government's sincerity to work for the people: 63.3 %

    Cabinet's job approval rating: 62.1%

    Whether or not the current government is deserving of these nunbers, I will leave to thers, but most politicians in the West would kill for those kind of numbers...

  6. The only thing I can think of is that they may not be operating above board and in accordance with Thai revenue department regulations...

    - One possibility is that they may not be registered with vat...

    - Another may be that they are doing something else to "mis-declare" their revenue or profit with revenue department

    In either of the above cases, they are afraid that Big Brother may find out and are trying to remain below the radar...

    There are many many above board textile manufactures in Thailand, I would recommend finding a new supplier

  7. Haven't had a chance to check on PC, but is not very convenient to read on my Blackberry.

    The old format would automatically format for mobile devices to fit the screen, so you only needed to scroll down.

    The new format does not do this, so if trying to read on BB, you have to also scroll left and right as the sentences run of the screen.

    This makes it very inconvenient to try and read.

  8. Thank you for your reply and to be honest I am not sure if any will be interested.

    As to the lower salary,it is likely that the applicant will not have had any previous experience in freight forwarding, so they will be starting from ground zero.

    That being said, the company also does have yearly bonus/profit sharing program which is based upon performance over the year. Also as the company is quite large (aprox 1,000 people in the group), so there is room for advancement.

    I have seen many people make posts on this forum and others over the years saying that there are little or no opportunities for many but teaching and there are many working as teachers at government schools making 30k a month (same salary as W10 yrs ago) who may have good business backgrounds and do not view themselves as teachers, but just have not had an opportunity to work in any other field.

    Given this I think some may be interested...

    I realize that this is not the correct forum for job posting, so I will not go into any more details in this forum about the job or company, but just wanted to respond to some of your points above. I will make a post in the jobs section later this weekend with more details.

  9. I understand that that immigration sets min salary requirements for visa extensions based upon nationality, but are there also min salary requirements for issuing WP as well?

    For example, if someone is married to a Thai national they only need 40k per month for yearly visa extension. Would the labor dep issue a WP for this salary?

    I am asking , as our company may be opening up an entry level position where applicants can be either Thai or Foreign nationals and want to understand the regulations involved.

    Issuing a WP should not be any issue, as the company meets requirements to issue many more WP than we would ever need, but salary would not be that high, as it is just entry level position. That being said, the employee would be dealing with overseas partners all the time, so this is why foreign Nationals are being considered for the position.

  10. I would recommend buying new... Go take a look at any store... Tesco, big c or Power Buy...

    After looking at prices for new, you are likely to find them in your budget and then also do not need to worry about paying for delivery.

    Also it will be under warranty, so if any problems they will send a technician out to your house to fix it

  11. The biggest hurdle that you are going to have is getting all of the required import permits from the Thai FDA.

    Take some time to go through the information on the below website and then if still interested, call the FDA and begin the import permit process. Just be aware that every single product will require a different import permit...,

    Thai FDA

    Also as per your other question.... have the importer be your wife does not reduce the import duty or taxes in any way. Just think about it... if Thai's could import all goods duty free, then that would kind of defeat the purpose, as most of the folks living in Thailand are Thais...

    The only benefit in terms of Duty your wife would enjoy, is a one time import of Household goods if she was living overseas for more than one year... and even then it is not a blanket tax exemption, but only those items that Thai customs believes are "reasonably needed to set up a household"

    That being said... it is not impossible, I have met some enterprising folks that have set up companies and do import foods from various places... Although, it may work best if you find a niche market/product that the big boys are not importing, as given their economies of scale they can usually do it for less.

  12. Penny beat me too it....

    09:00am in Fri in the US is 21:00 Fri in Thailand... so no big mystery as to why the bank does not credit the account until the next business day.

    I do not think anyone is trying to cheat you or intentionally delaying in crediting your account. It is just a matter of the transfer being made outside of normal business hours.

    If this is not something that you can accept, I would recommend switching your direct deposit back to your US account. You may pay a bit more in ATM fees, but you will then be able to access your funds as soon as they hit your US account.

  13. It could be that Coke has many factories/bottling facilities in Thailabd, but given that Coke zero is a niche product they may only be running production of this product at 1 facility.

    From a production prospective, it would make more sense to have one product line set up for Coke Zero, rather than switches back and forth like the OP suggests.

    Maybe this factory has been affected bt floods?

  14. Don't do it... as other have advised, if you bring in more than the duty free limit it is not just a matter of paying the import duty. Wine and all other alcoholic beverages require the importer to hold an import permit ....

    So like others have mentioned, if you try to bring in a couple of cases, they will be confiscated by customs

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