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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. 90-day notification of staying longer than 90 days

    Like many others have mentioned. I would be interested in if any chance for either eliminating or providing an on-line submission of 90 day report.

    Marriage extension

    I would also like to know if any chance of having a longer extensions available at some point. Perhaps this option could be made available to long terms expats after a certain number of years.

    For example: after 3 consecutive 1yr extensions, the applicant could then qualify for a longer 5 yr extension with 1 yr reporting... or something similar.

  2. In most cases in order to make any decent amount of money, you would need to get in early and the focus is on selling memberships (getting more sellers signed up).

    Each member generally needs to buy a min amount per month to qualify for the cash incentives. Generally products can be a bit more pricey or equal in price to other high end (brand name) comparative products.

    That being said, many of the most successful MLM companies have products that people will use on a daily basis.

    We actually work with some companies in this market and some of the products they offer really do seem to be good high end products. The prices are high, but not any higher than some of high end name brand names.

    Given this, I do not see the harm, as even if the customers do not get rich, the products seem to offer good quality for the money paid.

  3. The land idea is an interesting one, as I understand, it would not be possible to sell the land without a court order until the child reaches 20 yrs old.

    I also assume that your friend has made some sort of arrangements to take of daily expenses as well, correct?

    If not, the land or real estate option may also be a good alternative. As the wife/mother can use the rental income for daily living expenses, but the property will be in the name of his daughter...

  4. There is a very easy solution to find the money to pay for the wage increase....

    When a government official is caught breaking the law rather than sending them to an "inactive post" and then continue to pay them for the rest of their life for not doing any work.... fire them...

    You could even go a step further and eliminate the entire idea of "inactive posts"... if people are not able to do the job or are not needed, then you lay them off.

    if this was done and all "inactive posts" were eliminated, there would be plenty of money to pay for significant raises for all remaining government officials.

  5. The Government are not better than the loan sharks.

    Load em up with debt, own their souls.

    Before planting, Thai farmers have no money to buy fertilizers, seeds, or labor. These are elements for farming.

    Normally they have to get loans from private sectors for 20% interest and that make them sunk in debt.

    No one wants to borrow, the expenses are just there. Please understand.

    I think the above post hits the nail on the head... with or without credit cards, Farmers need to barrow money to buy the supplies needed to plan and raise their crops. They can then pay off these loans only when the crops are harvested and sold.

    Under the current system, this means they borrow money from local loan sharks at super high interest rates.. so this is a viable alternative.

    I also think it is good to have the safe guard to only be able to be used to buy Farm products, but of course close attention will need to be made at how a store becomes allowed to enter into the system as their is certainly possibilities for back handers and price gouging if it is not closely monitored.

    This being said, it is better than the previous policy that allowed farmers to take out cash loans from Gov Bank atthe beginning of the year and pay back the loan at the end of the year. Under this previous policy, money was spent on many things that did not have anything at all to do with farming and that is were the problem comes in... as if you give the farmers 50k in cash, some will send the money on motorcycles or consumer goods or schools tuition for kids go or on a drinking binge or other things and they would then have problems paying back the money as these activities will not generate any money for them.

    If it is controlled and only supplies needed for farming can be bought, then it stands to reason that the cards are more likely to be used for what they were meant for and that Framers will be able to pay back the debt from their crops.

  6. I think you should re-read the rules a little more closely, there is no requirement to renounce, though for some reason there is a silly rule that you must make a statement that you have the 'intention to renounce' your original citizenship. Entirely seperate things. You can still keep your original passport as there is no penalty for not following through with that intention to renounce.

    What the Thai side is doing is looking more closely at those who use their former nationality while in Thailand. There appears to be the expectation under the Thai Nationality Act that those who naturalise as Thai's should use their Thai citizenship.

    This can only really be enforced by the Thai side while the naturalised citizen is in Thailand. The practicality of this is that you use your Thai passport to enter and exit Thailand. Beyond that, Thailand has no juristiction.

    Looks like I need to make a trip to the Special Branch...

  7. How many of the Thai banks (or any large Thai companies) bother to maintain a visible & ongoing watching brief over relevant discussions in this forum - and respond to those comments? apart from BKK Bank? None, as far as I am aware

    They have admitted training issues and indicated that they are addressing them. They have indicated a willingness to hear from and work with individuals who have had a bad experience ...

    Sounds pretty fair and reasonable to me

    I agree, the fact that it appears that of two BB managers monitor this forum and are ready and willing to follow up and assist anyone with problems is honestly quite remarkable and speaks very highly for this organization.

  8. one of the guys on here works there, he might read your post and help you

    And an FYI, if you want to setup Internet Banking you can do so from any Bangkok Bank ATM. We have more than 7,000 of them.



    Thank you for this... I did not realize it was this easy, I will sign up the next time I hit the ATM.

    I see a lot of complaints from a bunch of folks about BB, but I have to say that I have never had any bad experiences with their service. All of the BB tellers and staff that I have interacted with over the last 4 yrs have been polite and helpful.

  9. If you want your bike or car to run smoother and start straight away in the mornings or after it has cooled down run Benzine 91.

    Benzine 91 has more octane. Gasahol 91 has less and can make your bike or car run roughly, you use more fuel to to do the same speed. Thus doing so in the long run it "Gasahol 91" will cost you more.

    But he wants to compare Gasohol 95 and Benzine 91.

    Yes I agree that Benzine 91 is clearly "better than" Gasohol 91 & Benzine 95 would be "better than" Gasohol 95

    .... but how about Benzine 91 and Gasohol 95

    I am guessing they are about the same? But I have absolutely no real idea on this :unsure:

    Since they are now exactly the same price at the pump, I figured I would ask if anyone knew the answer .

  10. Go to your local Bank branch.... I bought Bangkok Bank LTF earlier this year it was pretty simple.

    Go in with Passport and Work Permit and fill out the paperwork and turn over the funds... they will then issue you with what looks like a Bank book with number of shares inside.

    They can only issue book on Mon-Fri, but if you (like me) work during the week and do not have time to go to the bank, you can go during the weekend. They will allow you to fill out all of the paperwork and turn over the funds and they will issue the book on Mon. You can then go back the following Sat to pick up the account book.

  11. Not sure what you mean by "unqualified people", but there are many who are qualified and hired locally by companies within that income range as well.

    If some one is on an overseas hire... Expat package... there are going to be making much more than 70-100k per month.

    If you are qualified for work in another field, you may want to hit the streets and network in order to find a job outside of teaching as a local hire.

  12. The main question is do you have a WP or not? If so, how many years?

    For credit card, most will require a work permit or a sizable amount of fund locked away.

    If you are looking for something to link to TG, you should look at Thai Royal Orchid Plus cards... many banks have them... the easiest one to get is likely to be KTC card. They have booths and offices in most of the shopping malls.

  13. Importing to Thailand and then exporting to another country with new paperwork stating origin Thailand?

    Sounds dodgy to me.

    What is the originating country and the destination country that the shipment needs to be laundered in this way?

    It would not change the origin of goods to be Thailand, just the origin port would be Thailand.... which means that it would not be possible to issue a certificate or origin for "goods made in Thailand", but that does not mean that nothing useful can be done...

    We do have some customers using this type of set up... import goods by the container load into Thailand, hold in FZ warehouse and then re-export in smaller quantities to customers around the world.

    Others will use the FZ warehouse in order to swap out docs, in order to ensure that their final customer does not know the identity of their manufacturer... nothing dodgy about doing this and even can be done if customer does not have a company in Thailand ( so long as import permit is not required).

    The manufacturer at the origin port will usually need the shipping docs for export customs (vat refund) and the consignee at the destination will need shipping docs to clear customs, so this way both shipper and consignee get the docs needed without either learning of the others identity.

    So the middle man (our customer) is protected

  14. first 150k free

    150-500k = 10%

    500K - 1 MIL = 20%

    +1 MIL = 30%

    * No need to go to the next tax bracket...

    if single... 60k deduction + 30 Allowance

    Teaching: 50k*12 = 600,000

    taxable: 510k

    tax: 35k+2k = 37k

    IT: 100k*12 = 1,200,000

    taxable: 1,110,000

    tax: 35k+100k+33k = 168k

    f course if you take the IT job, you would likely be able to have a provident fund offered by your employer which is not taxable. You could also have enough income to invest up to 15% of your income in long term equity funds tax free or up to 100k in insurance premiums tax free...

  15. I will just need to compare the pump prices... if Gasoline prices are the same or only slightly higher than Gasohol prices I will be switching to Gasoline...

    I assume that many others will do the same. So all this really does is remove the incentive for people to use alternative fuels...

  16. In practice this only apply for certain people which the government rather do not like to see. The explanation letter is the key here. No hotel reservation, okay, so you state in one line, I stay with frineds or I want to discover the country and do not know where I will stay. No ticket can easily be explained too. We all know new government new rules, and rules are meant to be broken. Within a few weeks no embassy employee gives a shit about the rules anymore.I bet they apply though for those people getting a visa in one of the countries around Thailand where you get a funny sticker instead of a stamp. It is a way to keep the fake teachers out.

    I think that this hits the nail on the head...

    It will depend upon the enforcement, but it looks like any tourist can write a letter explaining about why tickets or hotel reservations are not available, but will make it more difficult for the "eternal tourists".

    I am not saying whether that is a good or a bad thing, but looks like they want to have a bit more oversight on issuing tourist visas.

    To be honest, I don't believe that it will have much of an effect on actual tourist numbers. I have had many friends and family come to Thailand for vacations and none have ever applied for a tourist visa...

    The main reason why is that all of them have jobs... so no way they can get more than a couple weeks vacations. There may be some that are genuine longer terms tourists, but the vast majority are here for less than 30 days...

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