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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. Also advise to send it back....

    The way the system works here is customs has a list of approved brands and models of phones that can be imported... if this one is not yet on the list, they wont let you (or anyone else) import.

    You can then wait for them to approve it and send it back or have some one hand carry it in.

  2. Agree with others, as this is a non starter... there is zero chance they could run into trouble for asking you this question in an interview.

    Even if they did not deny it, they could just as easily say that it was an interview question designed to test applicant's ethics, in order to weed out any less than ethical applicants...

    As others have said, it is illegal to hire someone without going through the WP process, but it looks like they never got to that point.

  3. OP,

    It is good to hear that you will plan a trip down to Bangkok at some point to discuss with the Special Branch directly. I haven't been to see them as of yet, (will be going after this years tax season), but from what others on this forum have advised they seem to be a fairly nice bunch that is willing to help advise if any way for you to qualify.

    As you are a teacher, I would guess the best time may be once your school closes for term break, but during normal work week. Even if your wife believes it may be a waste of time, tell her that you are going to spring for a vacation in the big city, only catch is you have to set aside a few hours one of the days to go down and talk to the special branch officers while you are down in BKK.

    If you just make it a small part of a larger trip / vacation, the wife should be ok with it. Especially if you put a bit aside for some shopping for the wife and then maybe take the kids to Ocean World or Safari world or Dream World....

  4. Under this, the minimum salary is 40,000 Baht a month (@Samran - this means I need to be a slave for 3 more years and not 1). And the big bang is that tax needs to be paid at a minimum of 50,000 Baht for the last 3 years (excludes social 750 Baht/month contributions).

    Under Thai tax law, such does not compute as a person who is married (has an extra allowance) and tax returns will not equal 50,000.

    Just a though and have no idea if correct or not...

    I wonder if the salary requirements and the way in which you have to apply for citizenship may be affected by your type of extension?

    Maybe they are advising that you need 40,000 thb in slary becauyse you are asking about applying under Marraige to Thai wife...

    ...so do they assume that you must be on an extension of your non-Im for Thai wife as well and since this is the salary requirement for this type of visa extension, that is why they are saying 40k ?

    Does any one know if there is a requirement to be on a extension for Thai wife if you want to apply fo rcitizenship for having a Thai wife?

    OP.... Have you actually gone to the special branch and sat down and spoken with someone. I would recomend going and speaking them and advising them all of your specific details and ask (politely) if anything you can do ...

    This is a post that I have wanted to reply to for some time! It is very logical and legalistic. An excellent train of thought and mind! It was logical how you linked 40,000 to marriage visa and thus citizenship based on marriage (the problem is mentioned below).

    Yes, the concept of multiple routes to apply is grounded in law, residence, marriage, humanitiarian etc. Much more roots in the West, but still acknowledged in Thailand to a limited extent.

    The problem is that the citizenship requirments do not really give different categories for which one can apply (unlike PR).

    Citizenship seems to have an intial line for minimal qualification and then after qualification one needs to get the points and then....

    In the case that the 40k per month is a hard and fast rule, If I was in your shoes and no other desire or option to do anything other than teaching, I would probably suck it up for a few years and teach at a provate school for 40k per month.

    It certainly does not sound like something you want to do, but if the long term goal is to apply for Thai Citizenship, it may be worth it to be unhappy at your job for a few years to meet the requirements and then go back to working for your current school.

  5. Several comments leads me to point out that Thailand nowadays has signed the Convention on International Child Abduction, this is ony about the civil aspects but in many countries also will have criminal aspects as kidnapping charges can be laid.


    Yes, but I think many have missed the point... the father is not packing up the kid and fleeing Thailand (arguably kidnapping). What is being advised is letting the mother leave and then advising Immigration that the relationship has ended and he is no longer sponsoring her.

    If this happens, he can also claim in court that the relationship had ended and she decided to go back to Thailand abandoning the child to his care (not kidnapping by father, but abandoning the child by the mother)

    It is likely that she will be able to get a visa back in to Australia to pursue the divorce if she really tries, but I do not see how the mother going to Thailand while the father stays at home caring for the child will look bad in court.

    In fact if he collects evidence of her cheating along the way and then files for divorce in Australia the second she sets foot on the plane to Thailand, he could claim that that had a falling out over her cheating ways and he told her he was going to file for divorce. She decided to flee to Thailand abandoning their child to his care.

    I would guess if the OPs claims of cheating are true and he collects evidence to that effect and if the timing is done correctly, he can have a fairly convincing argument.

    Maybe he will win and maybe he will lose, but I think it would position him better that he seems to be now.

  6. Under this, the minimum salary is 40,000 Baht a month (@Samran - this means I need to be a slave for 3 more years and not 1). And the big bang is that tax needs to be paid at a minimum of 50,000 Baht for the last 3 years (excludes social 750 Baht/month contributions).

    Under Thai tax law, such does not compute as a person who is married (has an extra allowance) and tax returns will not equal 50,000.

    Just a though and have no idea if correct or not...

    I wonder if the salary requirements and the way in which you have to apply for citizenship may be affected by your type of extension?

    Maybe they are advising that you need 40,000 thb in slary becauyse you are asking about applying under Marraige to Thai wife...

    ...so do they assume that you must be on an extension of your non-Im for Thai wife as well and since this is the salary requirement for this type of visa extension, that is why they are saying 40k ?

    Does any one know if there is a requirement to be on a extension for Thai wife if you want to apply fo rcitizenship for having a Thai wife?

    OP.... Have you actually gone to the special branch and sat down and spoken with someone. I would recomend going and speaking them and advising them all of your specific details and ask (politely) if anything you can do ...

  7. From the above article, it states that Thaksin's name is not on the list, but that the language remains unchanged from the earlier draft...

    I would guess that they confirmed Thaksin's name is not on the list to settle things down, but want to keep the same languagein the pardon request.

    That way if it gets signed this year, then there will be precedant for pardoning people convicted of coruption. If so, then it will be a shorter step to include Thaksin into the pardon request next year...

    If the only issue is the" fugutive on the run" problem, he could then come back and turn him self in a couple of days before the pardon approval to ensure that he qualifies to be on the list...

    Baby steps ....

  8. Agree with others.. no chance in getting your card back. You needto call yourbank report the card as lost. They will then cancel and send you another card.

    If sending to the registered address with the bank, they can normally process and send out immediately.

    Most will use standard post, but many ba\nks can also offer a faster FedEx rate and will deduct the charges from your account, if needed urgently.

  9. Its simply amazing that a crook on the run from jail time could be considered for a Pardon in the first place . Simply amazing .....

    I completely agree with you that no fugitive on the run should ever be considered for a pardon. I also belive any pardon for Thaksin would likley be the absolute worst things that could happen to Thailand, as it would likely lead to so much civil unrest from both supporters and those against.

    That being said... it would not be the first time that a government abused this power


    While most presidents grant pardons on several days throughout their terms, Clinton chose to make most of them on January 20, 2001. Collectively, the controversy surrounding these actions has sometimes been called Pardongate in the press

    Marc Rich, a fugitive who had fled the U.S. during his prosecution, was residing in Switzerland. Rich owed $48 million in taxes and was charged with 51 counts of tax fraud, was pardoned of tax evasion. He was required to pay a 100 million dollar fine and waive any use of the pardon as a defense against any future civil charges that were filed against him in the same case. Critics complained that Denise Rich, his former wife, had made substantial donations to both the Clinton library and to Mrs. Clinton's senate campaign. According to Paul Volcker's independent investigation of Iraqi Oil-for-Food kickback schemes, Marc Rich was a middleman for several suspect Iraqi oil deals involving over 4 million barrels (640,000 m3) of oil.[21] Longtime Clinton supporters and Democratic leaders such as former President Jimmy Carter, James Carville and Terry McAuliffe, were all critical of the Clinton pardon. Carter said the pardons were "disgraceful."[22]

    Maybe this is why Clinton helped Yingluck sidestep some of the questions during the joint press conference.... as she may simpathize with a leader abusing their power to push through unjust pardons??? :whistling:

  10. Would like to hear the tourism minister again.

    The floods will not have an influence on tourism.

    Yeah right.


    As if it is not bad enough... just wait till the new yellow shirt protests start back up again after the news came out about PT trying to push through pardon for Thaksin...

    I heard that the first protest has already been scheduled for Lumpini park shortly...

    Once this hits the international press, it is likely to result in even more cancelations

  11. Or.... Go ahead and import from China, but make sure that the supplier issues FORM E and then you can clear duty free and VAT of 7% CIF value

    Would need to know the exact type of clothes to check for sure but, most qualify for 0% under the ASEA/China FTA

  12. I'd have made one change to your routing:

    -- 319 up to Prachin Buri, fine, then

    -- 320 through town up to the junction with 33 at the roundabout, then

    -- 3077 north right up through the Khao Yai Park, and down the north side into Pak Chong.

    I split from our place east of Rangsit on 305 at Klong 10 on 22 October, was getting foot troubles what with all the water. Headed east on 305 to Nakhon Nayok, picked up 33 there, east to the roundabout north of Prachin Buri, then north over the Park.

    Only modification was that I was headed to 30 km north of Muak Lek, so took 1016 after exiting the Park's north gate, down to Muak Lek, then 30 km north on 2273 to our bungalow. Got two of our kids here, been back home a couple of times, wife is watching the water, not real bad, just not a lot of fun.


    I tried this today, the distance is less, but the total driving time was about 20 min longer than going through Saraburi.

    I believe this may because 3077 is a one lane road all the way and once you enter Khao Yai there are lot of twists and turns, so difficult to travel quickly or pass those moving slowly. While the 33 to route 1 is two or three lanes the whole way, so 120 the whole way...

    That being said, it has been a while since I drove through the park, so it was a very nice drive and worth the extra 20 min each way.


    When entering the south entrance of Khao Yai, all cars were waived through no charge or checking, but at the north entrance on the way back the were stopping cars at the gate. Thais and Thai resident foreigners did not need to pay any admission. I showed my Thai drivers license and they waived us through.

  13. my brother in Law said that he saw on the news that Route 1 heading north from express way exit in Bang Pa-in is now passable.... only about 10cm of water on the road and small vehicles can now pass.

    Can anyone confirm the same?

  14. Its definitely not a Muslim thing.... our outbound sales manager (also a Muslim) has got to be one of the hardest working and most dedicated individuals I have ever worked with anywhere.

    He puts in major hours and it is not uncommon for him to still be in the office at 8pm or sometimes even 9pm. He is also also always the first one to volunteer to organize any and all activities...

    I just think you have a few bad employees and that doesn't have anything to do with their religion.

  15. Also important to note that all of the normal road signs are well displayed along the route with English language..

    There have also been new signs added sowing "Detour" signs for destinations of Nakorn Ratchisima and for Saraburi, but these signs are all in Thai language.

    That being said, if you are heading that way, the detour signs are not really needed as the normal signs with route numbers are very visible. I left at 3am, so was still very dark out and did not have any trouble seeing them.

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