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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. If you have a work permit for at least two years, you should not have any problem in getting a credit card (depending upon your salary).

    The types of cards that you may qualify for will be based upon your salary amount. For example, KTC min requirement was THB 40,000 per month and Citi-bank 80,000 for standard card, so the range can vary significantly.

    It seems that nearly all credit card companies in Thailand charges 20% APR, so the decision on what card you should apply for is more based upon the "perks" that you can qualify for.

    For example, with the citi-m platinum select, you can get free valet parking at the Mall Bangkapi, they have special reserved parking areas at other Mall stores. They have a special lounge in the Mall for card members, you can get 2 passes a year for fast track customs, 2 passes a yr for lounge at BKK airport, free limo ride to airport if you buy ticket with your card, tons of promotions on hotels and restaurants, free road side assistance if your car breaks down, 3% discount on Gas purchases at Shell, 10% discount on all purchases at the Mall ... etc...

  2. If married, then I do not think there is any doubt that the widow (wife's mother) would be responsible as all property and debt are jointly owned in a marriage..

    If her father was not married to her mother (or anyone else), then the debt should be paid by the deceased father's estate prior to any assets being released to any of the beneficiaries of the will.

    If for example your wife inherited anything of value from her father's estate, it could easily be argued that either your wife would be on the hook for the debt or the assets she received from her fathers estate would need to be sold to pay the debt.

  3. Legitimate? If the judiciary were neutral, which they are not (yet), how could they defend dissolving the party with such a mandate from the people? Parliament is the law, and the people have chosen a new parliament haven't they?

    Parliament is not the law.

    Parliament MAKES laws,

    I thought that the law allowing for the dissolution of the entire party for the actions of one person was made by the Army after the coup rather than the parliament?

    Wasn't this law put in place by the Army to allow them the power to disband any government they didn't like under the guise of "Rule of Law".... As stated earlier, the Democrat party could have also been disbanded for the infractions they made, but the fair and impartial judiciary chose not to...

    If some one broke the law, doesn't it make more sense to charge the person who broke the law rather than destabilizing the entire government?

    If they do this it is just going to make things even worse.... just more fuel to the fire... more claims of double standard... I sometimes wonder if it their goal to keep pushing and pushing and pushing until things really explode... Are they are trying to cause a violent revolution?

  4. Yes, I know of two friends of mine who have opened Amity companies, one about 1 yr ago and the other about 1 1/2 yrs ago...

    One through a Lawyer in Chaing Mai and another through a lawyer in Bangkok

    On another note.... I have heard many Thai Lawyers do not like and do not want to help set up Amity companies... not sure if it is because they don't know about it or if they just don't like the idea of it...

    My friend in Chaing Mai advised that he had to talk to a few lawyers before he found one one willing (or able?) to set it up for him.

  5. 3. If you were an American citizen you could be the majority shareholder under the Amity Treaty.

    Is this still being applied? Since this violates the WTO regulations, I have heard that the Amity Treaty will not be applied any more, as otherwise citizens of all other nationalities can claim the same right.

    Even though it does appear to violate terms of WTO agreement, it is not such a simple matter...

    The Treaty of Amity is is effect unless either Thailand or USA choose to officially cancel it...

    As tot he WTO issue, it would need to be handled just like any other "WTO Violation"... (anti-dumping claims , unfair tariffs, gov subsidies etc..)

    ie. the agrevied state ort party would have to file a complaint with WTO and then go through the entire WTO adjudication process. (which could take years and lots of money).

    Then if a finding by WTO is that it is in fact a violation of WTO agreement, then and only then they would advise possible solutions, a timeline to follow and possible penalties if WTO ruling is not followed.

    In all honesty, I doubt this will ever be challenged in WTO due to the fact that it is not worth the time and money for many gov. or companies to bother with...

    My guess is the reason why MNC of other nationalities don't seem to be making that big a deal about it, is because they form BOI companies or have other ways of getting around this issue, so it is not worth it to them to make a big stink and foot the bill to try and fight it in WTO.

  6. minimum wage increase are inevitable and happen in all countries...

    Another alternative could be a larger min wage hike coupled with a tax cut or other possible tax incentives that businesses could qualify for in order to offset the additional labor costs.

    There are many ways that a wage hike could be implemented without 'crushing' businesses, but it is just matter of how it is done.... I guess we will all just have to wait and see

    " scheduled min wage hikes over the next 10 yrs..."

    More like 10 months.

    Even the Democrats promised to lift the minimum wage by 25 percent over two years had they won.


    It looks like they went for the second option.... immediate increase of 30% of Min Wage coupled with a significant corporate tax deduction...

    Looks like they will reduce from 30% to 23% next year

  7. minimum wage increase are inevitable and happen in all countries...

    I m sure there will be min wage hikes, but it is not likely to be a 30% immediate hike...

    What is more likely is maybe around 5-10% immediate hike and then a planned phasing in of scheduled min wage hikes over the next 10 yrs...

    This way they can give a little something immediately and give businesses time to plan and accommodate for the future hikes into their business.

    If done in this way, they could arguably say that they kept their campaign promise but still instituted wage hikes in a way that most businesses will be able to handle.

    Another alternative could be a larger min wage hike coupled with a tax cut or other possible tax incentives that businesses could qualify for in order to offset the additional labor costs.

    There are many ways that a wage hike could be implemented without 'crushing' businesses, but it is just matter of how it is done.... I guess we will all just have to wait and see

  8. There is a Bakery shop down the Soi a bit on Thong Lor Soi 2 on the right hand side....

    I havent been in their in a while, but I remember the last time I was in there reading a book and the owner advised that she collects English Language books that she donates to one of the charities...

    It was more than a year ago, so the details are a bit fuzzy, but if you are ever driving by the Thong Lor area, it may be worth checking out.

  9. Mario, just curious....

    I understand that the child can get an extension based upon studying and one of the parents can get an extension based upon support of the child, but...

    Would it be possible for the last parent to then piggyback onto the parent "providing support's" visa to get a one year extension?


    Could the remaining get a 1 yr Multiple entry visa from KL or other for reason of visiting their family in Thailand?

  10. You give a good example of a way in which volunteering could lead to disasterous consequences - many NGOs and schools are well enough connected to ensure that you could walk away from such an incident, but perhaps not all.

    I would only change this slightly...

    ... many NGOs and schools are well enough connected to ensure that they could walk away from such an incident without any problems, but perhaps not all NGOs or schools would be willing to step in to ensure that you are also protected from any prosecution.

  11. Seeing as there's a certain person, with a lot of $US, who will shortly need to pay for a lot of favours recently rendered, I'd say the baht will drop.

    Amsterdam must be delivered his pound of flesh. Yes, I can say that, being Jewish ... 55555

    I was thinking more of those here in Thailand who need to be paid. He'd get a lot more blood money for his $ were the baht to drop.

    It actually works the other way around.... if someone was to move a large sum of money from USD to THB, that would be an increase in demand for THB, which would lead to an appreciation, not weakening of the THB (if the sum was large enough).

  12. I agree with Expat J to some extent... I don't think anyone internationally really cares what party wins... they just wanted a clear victor and the election results honored by all.

    If that happens, then foreign investors will have confidence that things have 'stabilized' in Thailand and there would then be a significant influx of funds back into the SET by foreign investors.

    If this happened, it would actually cause the THB to appreciate as foreign money flows in.

    Of course if election results are not honored and there are protests or legal battles or a coup, then it is likely that money will flow out of the country and that could cause the THB to depreciate.

  13. just as an fyi...

    I would not recommend importing an electric wheel chair into Thailand for your own use, as you would need to apply for import permit for medical equipment... and this can take a lot of time and effort.

    I would recommend going to the store advised by Mrjlh above

  14. Thailand does have pawn shops ...

    The Bangkok city gov. also has their own government run pawn shops, they have many locations throughout the city and English language Website

    If you can not get the emergency loan from Embassy or if the process will take to long to complete and you would miss your flight. It would be best to pawn some items.

    Thank you for this!

    Glad I could help and wish you the best...

  15. Thailand does have pawn shops ...


    The Bangkok city gov. also has their own government run pawn shops, they have many locations throughout the city and English language Website

    Pawn Shops

    If you can not get the emergency loan from Embassy or if the process will take to long to complete and you would miss your flight. It would be best to pawn some items.

  16. My wife will be voting...

    I always wonder about the issue of vote buying... as it never made any sense to me.

    Voting is confidential, so what is to stop anyone from just taking what ever money offered and voting how ever you want? I would guess you can really only buy votes from people are already willing to vote for you anyway.... otherwise you are just giving away free money to folks who give you a smile, take your money and then vote for the other party...

  17. My mom will be retiring in around 7-8 years and hoping that she may come out to stay with my wife and I. It would be really great to have her here and her grand kids would love it as well.

    I just have to fight with my sister... as she is trying to convince my mom to come liver with her in Texas

    I am sure your son and his wife feel the same way and would love to have you hear with them.

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